Welcome to Saptarishis Astrology

Saptarishis Astrology is an annual multi-lingual Astrological E-Magazine. We are a free global platform for astrologers worldwide: Vedic astrologers as well as Western astrologers. In a short span of time Saptarishis Astrology has become the most premiere astrology magazine in the world due to the hard work of the global volunteer astrologers.

Saptarishis Astrology is the first magazine to allow the authors to retain the copyright of their articles. This free astrology magazine is contributed by astrologers worldwide who wish to carry the torch of true astrology to the next generation of astrologers.

This website contains astrology (Jyotish) articles of various categories like Indian astrology, Western astrology, Bhrigu Saral Paddhati, Bhrigu Chakra Paddhati, Nadi astrology, etc.

  • You can freely download the full astrology magazine from the download magazine section.
  • You can also download individual astrology articles from the articles section.
  • You can browse through the astrology manuscripts and download them free of charge.
  • You can buy the best astrology reports here and also the best cum rarest collection of astrology books in our online astrology book shop.

Our Upcoming Courses:

Saptarishis Astrology has been providing astrology courses for 16 years with the mission to carry ancient divine science and its true dignity to the next generation.

Here, we present our most on-demand courses in 2024. Get started on your astrological journey with the most trusted platform Saptarishis Astrology.


The Saptarishis Astrology Magazine’s Core Team consists of volunteer students & astrologers, astrology research scholars, designers, and managers who, together with a dedicated work group have taken the dream of launching digital magazine. Saptarishis Astrology represents the new era of astrology publishing as books & magazines go out of print but on a digital platform, your work is preserved for centuries. Even a 1 monthly old student of this science can become a volunteer, for Volunteer Guideline details see below:-

Volunteer Guidelines:

  1. Proof Reading articles before it goes online.
  2. Writing articles if one is well versed in science.
  3. Editing the articles submitted to us if you are well-versed in astrology.
  4. Translating a few pages of Astro material from a regional language known to you into English.
  5. Invite depts. Of Universities to submit articles on astrology, astronomy, Vastu, etc.
  6. Forwarding announcement mailers to forums like MSN, Orkut, etc.
  7. Contact local astrologers in your state inviting them to write articles for the magazine.
  8. Contacting local study groups and exhibiting the magazine to them for review.
  9. Kindly mail us your Astro journey so far so that one can be fruitfully assigned.
  10. If you belong to a city that has a university or a Sanskrit scholar, we can supply you with many old manuscripts, and least to least you can get one page translated by that Sanskrit scholar. It is a far greater service to astrology than aspiring to be a famous astrologer.
  11. Collecting data from forums for further research by our authors. It takes only one hour to collect data from forums & this effort of yours can help current scholars who yearn for authentic data.
  12. Gathering data into specific categories and submitting it on the Database Links of this site to help astrologers to do statistical research. Most speak about research & statistical studies but very few share their data or help others with databases. Let us unite on this front & create a change for once.

To become a volunteer contact saptarishis@saptarishisastrology.com

Saptarishis Astrology Magazine Vol – 1 Part A Jan 2023

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