Wednesday , February 19 2025

About Us

Saptarishis Astrology is an annual multi-lingual Astrological E-Magazine. We are a free global platform for astrologers worldwide: Vedic astrologers as well as Western astrologers. In a short period, Saptarishis Astrology has become the premiere astrology magazine in the world due to the hard work of the global volunteer astrologers.

Saptarishis Astrology is the first magazine to allow authors to retain the copyright of their articles. This free astrology magazine is contributed by astrologers worldwide who wish to carry the torch of accurate astrology to the next generation of astrologers.

Our YouTube channel Saptarishis Astrology Magazine contains free astrology (Jyotish) videos of various categories like Indian astrology, Western astrology, Bhrigu Saral Paddhati, Bhrigu Chakra Paddhati, Nadi astrology, etc.

You may freely download the full astrology magazine from the download magazine section. You may also download individual astrology articles from the articles section. You may browse through the astrology manuscripts and download them free of charge. You can buy the best astrology reports and the best and rarest collection of astrology books in our online Saptarishis Astrology

Special Thanks
(In Alphabetical Order)
Anand Patil
Bal Krishna Patel
Bhaskar Rao
Juliana Swanson
Prabhakar Shukla
Rahul Mishra
Raja Rao
Rajesh Khambekar
Upendra Singh Bhadoriya
Vinay Patwardhan
Lorin Cerina

Saptarishi’s Volunteer Team
(In Alphabetical Order)
Bhushan. K
DiNorah Kitchener
Rushikesh Deshpande

(In Alphabetical Order)
Ajit Saini
Anand Koth
Anis Ansari
Keshav Menon

(In Alphabetical Order)
Yenbeeyes, India – English Section
Rakesh Soni, India – Hindi Section

Copy Editors
(In Alphabetical Order)
Andree Leclerc, Canada
Arjun Pai, India Carole McMechan, Canada
Chandrashekhar Sharma, India
Juliana Swanson, Hawaii
DiNorah Nasturas, Canada
Rahul Vedi, Australia
Rushikesh Deshpande, U.K
Hemant Bhatt, Canada
Souvik Dutta, USA
Shanmukha, India
Venkat Ramana, India

Translations & Proofing
(In Alphabetical Order)
Andrée Leclerc, Canada
Boiko Natali, Russia
Chandrashekhar Sharma, India
Jitendra Trivedi, India
Jagannadha Rao Eluri, India
N.Suryanarayan, India
Ritu Bhattacharya, Australia
Venkataraman, India

Grace & Inspiration
(In Alphabetical Order)
Alan Leo
Bepin Behari
B V Raman
C. G. Rajan
C. J. Krishnaswamy
C. S. Patel
C.E.O Carter
H.R. Shankar
Helena Blavatsky
J. N. Bhasin
Lois Rodden
M. Khareghat
N. Sundara Rajan
Narendra Desai
P.S. Iyer
P.S. Sastri
R. Lakshmanan
R. Santhanam
Richard Houck
S. Kannan
Seshadiri Iyer
Srikant Mehta
St. Germaine
V. Subramanium Shastry
Y. K. Pradhan


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