Wednesday , February 19 2025

Astrology Manuscripts

This section was intended to be launched during the C.S.Patel issue of Aug 2008 as we had bought some nadis from him. This section is launched with obeisance to Sun God on the auspicious occasion of Makar Sankranti.

Only 20-30 pages per manuscript will be kept for download at a time with the intention that Sanskrit scholars take the effort to translate it and send it back for publishing in the magazine. If the full manuscript is given out people feel it’s a hefty task of translating it, but if we do it in small portions at a time it won’t appear as a daunting task.

This is what has been experienced in the last 3 years when we went from scholar to scholar throughout India requesting them to translate including some well-established institutions. Many took the complete manuscripts but never translated a single page.

We must also be compassionate in understanding that scholars can be busy natives & doing anything for free is not possible by everyone as most scholars live in relatively poor conditions whereas we do nothing to help them.

How You Can Help?

If you as a student of astrology know any Sanskrit scholar of whatever capability, then you could write to them and send them this manuscript, after his translation it would be passed for verification to another scholar, and this way within several months we would have a good translation, thereby helping the whole community.

If you have any manuscript or know of anyone who has any manuscript you can procure it and upload it here. It would come in under the heading ‘Contribution By So & So’.

You can download the manuscripts for free, take it to any Sanskrit Scholar in your locality or to a University in your city having Sanskrit Professors, sit with them personally and get them translated. This would be your personal service for Jyotish, something that others before you have failed to do so.

  1. Ashtottaro Dashakram – 4 pages of 21
  2. Kaalchakra Jaatak – 4 pages of 15
  3. Dvadashvargi – 4 pages of 13
  4. Raahu Dariphal – All 7 pages
  5. Ketu Dayavicharah – All 7 pages
  6. Bhrigu Samhita – 1 – 4 pages of 53
  7. Bhrigu Samhita – 2 – 4 pages of 37
  8. Vasishtha (Navagraha Shanti) – 4 pages of 37
  9. Parashar Hora Sutra Karika – 4 pages of 16
  10. Ashtottari – 5 pages of 21
  11. Ratnadeep – 5 pages of 75
  12. Antardasha – 5 pages of 21

Manuscript Sampurna:

  1. 37- 362 Yogineedashaa योगिनीदशा   12 C (22X13)
  2. 16- 156 Jyotiṣakaumudee – Prashnaprakaraṇa Ar./Com. Neelakaṇaṭh ज्योतिषकौमुदी – प्रश्नप्रकरणम् ले./टी. नीलकण्ठ: 86 I.C. (20X10) SK 1694
  3. 18- 178 Taajikabhoosana Ar./Com. Ganaesh ताजिकभूषणम् ले./टी. गणेश:   92 C (28X11) SK 1688
  4. 25- 242 Prashnajyotiṣ प्रश्नज्योतिषम्  98 C (25X13) SK 1765
  5. 25- 243 Prashnajyotiṣ Naaraadi प्रश्नज्योतिषम् नारादि 14 C (21X10)
  6. Prashnajyotiṣ Bhairav प्रश्नज्योतिषम् भैरव: 38 I.C. (18X11) SK 1686
  7. 37- 361 Yogavivaraṇa योगविवरणम्   P. 92 I.C. (21X11)


  1. Guru Nadi – 25 pages of 561
  2. Amsa Nadi – not yet scanned
  3. Bhrighu Samhita – 2 pages – not yet scanned
  4. Vasishta Samhita – As previously given by ‘Anuj Behl’
  5. Arun Samhita (Lord Surya’s) /Vradha Surya Arun KarmaVipaka – As previously given by ‘Anuj Behl’
  6. Maharaja Ranvir Mahanibandh – not yet scanned
  7. Jyotish Ratnamala of Sripathi – not yet scanned

Jaimini Astrology:

Today the need of the hour is a deeper study into various commentaries of Jaimini Astrology & today we do not have a single ancient commentary of Jaimini Astrology nor are aware of even the total number of commentaries written in the past centuries. Here effort is being made by lovers of Jaimini to present for the first time the following manuscripts to the community to translate them for the benefit of jyotish community.

  1. Jyotish Phala Ratna Mala – Page 1 to 20 – As previously given by Ravindra Bhagavat & current version is a clear & neat scan by Shanmukha
  2. Kalpalata – As given by Madhura Krishnamurthi Sastri.
  3. Jaimini Sutras Telegu Commentary By Lakshmanacharya.
  4. Jaimini Padyamritam – in our library but not yet found.
  5. Jataka Sara Sanghra by RaghavBhatta. – (in Telugu, as provided by Shanmukha)
  6. Sutrartha Prakasika By Akumalla Nrisimha Suri – last chapters only.
  7. Jaimini Sutras – Venkatesh Vyakhya – as provided by Ravindra Bhagavat.
  8. Jaimini Sutras – Balakrishnanda Saraswati – as provided by Ravindra Bhagavat.
  9. Jaiminiyasutra-Nagiri Script (first time in Manuscript Form) – donated by Ravindra Bhagavat.
  10. Jaimini Sutra-Neelakantha Commentary (Manuscript Form) (Full) – donated by Ravindra Bhagavat.
  11. Jyotish Phalaratnamala- (Manuscript Form) Grantha Lipi – donated by Ravindra Bhagavat.
  12. Jaimini SutradaPrakashika (Manuscript Form) by NarasimhaSuri (script not known) – donated by Ravindra Bhagavat.
  13. Jaiminiya SutraVritti (Manuscript Form) by Balkrishnanand Saraswati – donated by Ravindra Bhagavat.
  14. Jaimini Padyamritam (few pages uploaded only) – donated by Rajendra Shah
  15. Jaimini Jatakachandrika (20 pages) – donated by Mrs Satyamma Bharadwaja
  16. Jaimini Sakun (06 pages) – donated by Mrs Satyamma Bharadwaja
  17. Jaimini Subhodini (74 pages)- – donated by Mrs Satyamma Bharadwaja
  18. Jaimini Sutram tika sahit (Venkatesh Commentary) (161 pages) – donated by Mrs Satyamma Bharadwaja

Miscellaneous Manuscripts

  1. JatakaKalpavalli of Aleshvar-Dated 1543 Samvat
  2. Lomesh Samhita – Bhavaadhaya
  3. Sighrabodha of Kashinath-Dated Samvat 1738
  4. Stree Purush Janma Kundali
  5. SukaJatakam-Jatakaldkarkram
  6. Vidya Madhaviyam – 40 pages
  7. Vivaha Chandrodaya Prarambh of NarHari Saptarsi
  8. Vivahapatala
  9. Lomash Samhita of Rishi Lomesha-(full manuscript contains 60,000 shlokas)-only 10 chapters recd the person donating requests anonymity
  10. Brighu Samhita (140 pages) donated by Mrs Satyamma Bharadwaja
  11. Dasa Phalani (Vriddha Parasari) (18 pages) donated by Mrs Satyamma Bharadwaja
  12. Jataka Chandrika (34 pages) donated by Mrs Satyamma Bharadwaja
  13. Dasa Chintamani (12 pages) donated by Mrs Satyamma Bharadwaja
  14. Purva Parasharyam/Vriddha Parasari (26 pages)-donated by a 60 year old Unknown Devotee of Jyotish
  15. One Hand Written Work Containing ‘Nakshatra Chudamani, Jataka Chandrika, Jataka Shiroma, DwadakshBhava, Nadi Vi Nadi’ (50 Of 115 pages)- – Gotten from the Late C S Patel
  16. a) Jataka Chakramu b) Jatakalankaramu c) Jyotisha Vishayamu (all 3 in Telegu)- – Donated By Shri Raghavendra Rao
  17. Daivajna Bhushanam- – Donated By Shri Raghavendra Rao
  18. Bhrighu Yogavali 13 of 122- – Donated By Shri Ashutosh Bharadwaj
  19. Gautam Samhita (Telegu) 56 of 100- – Donated By Shri S.V.L.N.Sarma
  20. Ashottari Dasa Manuscript-14 of 20- – Released on Buddha Purnima 14th May 2014
  21. Kalachakra Dasa Jataka 13 of 13- – Released on Buddha Purnima 14th May 2014
  22. Dvadashavargi 11 of 11- – Released on Buddha Purnima 14th May 2014
  23. Rahu Dasa Phalam 6 of 6- – Released on Buddha Purnima 14th May 2014
  24. Ketu daya vichar 6 of 6- – Released on Buddha Purnima 14th May 2014
  25. Bhrighu Samhita One Version – 34 of 52 Pages- – Released on Buddha Purnima 14th May 2014
  26. Bhrighu Samhita Two Version – 23 of 36 Pages- – Released on Buddha Purnima 14th May 2014
  27. Vasishta Navgraha Shanti 14 of 27 Pages- – Released on Buddha Purnima 14th May 2014
  28. Parasara Hora Sutra karika 14 of 15 Pages- – Released on Buddha Purnima 14th May 2014
  29. 9360 Antardasha15 Of 20 Pages- – Released on Buddha Purnima 14th May 2014
  30. Ratnadeep 51 of 74 Pages- – Released on Buddha Purnima 14th May 2014
  31. Another Ashottari Manuscript 18 Of 26 Pages- – Released on Buddha Purnima 14th May 2014

Notes On Miscellaneous Manuscripts Click Here.

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