Learn Basic to Advance Bhrigu Nandi Nadi in Hindi
Predicting Through Bhrigu Nandi Nadi (BNN Basic to Advance Complete Course) – Decoding Rishis Predictions – Kashyap Hora – Nadi Prashna System
Speaker: Sunil John & Vinayak Bhatt
Live Classes: March 2, 2023
Language: Hindi
Course Duration: 8 Months

Additional Benefits of this Course:
# 1 Year Recording Access of This Course (No Need to worry if You Miss any Classes)
# It’s a complete Basic to Advance Course.
# You will get the certificate after the completion of this course.
# Free access to Bhrigu Nandi Nadi for Ultra Beginners [Foundation Course For Ultra Beginners – Bhrighu Nandi Nadi (BNN)]
Introduction of Nadi Astrology (History of Nadi Astrology):
Nadi astrology is a type of Hindu astrology. It is said to have been invented by sage Maharishi Parashara, who learned it from Lord Brahma. Nadi Astrology is based on the positions of stars and planets at the time of birth, as well as the influence of various constellations.
Nadi astrologers are skilled in interpreting planetary positions, which they use to make predictions about people’s lives. Nadi astrology predicts future events and helps in solving problems related to marriage, education, career, and health.
What is Bhrigu Nandi Nadi (BNN)?
1. Bhrigu Nandi Nadi is an ancient and authentic Nadi Grantha very popular in South India.
2. Clear indications can be obtained about the prospects in an educational and professional career, foreign travels, financial positions at various stages of life, and longevity.
3. Whatever the Ascendant, with the help of this method, all about parents, brothers, sisters, wife, and children, about past, present, and future in precise terms can be ascertained.
4. The precise timing of events. The general happenings in life have been predicted on the basis of the dispositions of the planets at the time of birth.
5. All that has to be done is to pick out from more than 500 birth charts, the one in which the disposition of the planets tally with those contained in one’s own horoscope.
6. The utility of this method is enhanced by the specific remedial measures prescribed for protection from the malevolent planetary influences responsible for tragedies in life.
7. The grammar of this astrology is completely different from traditional astrology, in BNN, events occur when one planet interacts with another.
8. The combination rule is different here as well.
9. The timing of the event is done by transit and progression. No Dasha system is used here.
10. After completing this basic course, students will be able to make amazing predictions from the birth charts without using Vimshotori Dasha.
Bonus Course: Kashyap Hora - Nadi Prashna System
Module 1: Bhrigu Nandi Nadi
1. Introduction to Bhrigu Nadi
2. Significance of 12 houses
3. Significance of 12 zodiac signs
4. Significance of Planets
5. Friends & Enmity of planets
6. Yoga formed by Planets
7. Education
8. Career /Finance
9. Bhagyodaya
10. Marriage
11. Progeny/ChildBirth
12. Travel
13. Property/Vehicle
14. Other events of life
After completion of Module 1:
1. A student will be able to understand the concept of Bhrigu Nandi Nadi.
2. A student will be able to understand Karkatwas of Planets, zodiac signs & houses.
3. He/she will be able to tell how will be the education/Career, the break in education/Career, and a good time for education/Career and change in education/Career.
4. He/she will be able to Predict Marriage related queries.
5. He/she will be able to predict Progeny/Childbirth, Travel, Property & Vehicles.
6. Will be able to know about Bhagyodaya.
Module 2: HORARY ASTROLOGY (PRASHNA) – Kashyap Hora – Nadi Prashna System
1. There are some questions that cannot be answered using an Individual chart, for example, Going to a particular place will be beneficial for me or not? So these types of questions can be only answered through Prashna.
2. Learn to answer users’ specific questions related to Education, Finance, Career, Marriage, Health, Lost things, Desires fulfillment, children, missing person, etc. using Numbers.
After completion of Module 2:
1. A student will be able to answer individual-specific questions.
2. He/she can also answer questions without knowing the individual’s date of birth.
Note: This New Batch “Basic to Advance Bhrigu Nandi Nadi in Hindi” Will Start on March 2, 2023!
Q – When the New Batch is Going to Start?
Ans – Kindly mail us at admin@saptarishisastrology.com or WhatsApp & Call us @ +91-9819957779 for Quick Enquiry.