Article By Saptarishis Astrology
Many before have written this story; the authenticity of it might now be debated as it was long long ago
Legend has it that in the 6″ century, an astrologer gave a prediction that no astrologer of today will give, nor is capable of. Today’s astrologer will say that one is not supposed to predict death, it is wrong and unethical to predict death, and it is against the shastras. However, in the city of Ujjain, west of India was an astrologer who predicted the death of the kings son, his prediction was precise indicating the day & probahly the time. It was precise as precise can be.
The kings son will die due to a Boar (Varaha):
The king asked him to change the prediction but he didn’t, he was imprisoned but still he didn’t change his prediction, he was about to be hanged still even at these lost Moments of his hie he did11 ‘t change it. The king’s son was kept in the fort and not allowed to play in the forests so that no boar will come near him. On the appointed day, the king’s son was playing the game of’ passing the ball’ with his playmate in of the rooms of the palace. The playmate threw the ball; it went past the king’s son and hit the wall.
The son went to collect the ball and as the ball had hit the wall hard, a boar’s head, which was resting as a trophy on the wall fell down due to the impact of the hitting ball, 1nalJbe it was not properly hanged on the wall. It !ell on the Icing’s son who was trying to collect the . ball and killed him instantly. The prediction was as pure as prediction can be; the king though disheartened at his so ns loss instantly) sent his troops down to stop the execution of this doyen among astrologers. The astrologer was rescued and given the highest position in the Kings Cabinet. As the boar (Varaha) was the basis of his prediction, Mihira Acharya) was named as Varahamihira’.
We remember the SdlJin6 from The Last Book of Astrology· -1f ‘l)Ou know your Shastra (astrology in this context) then be like Varahamihira &’ bet your entire life, your entire fortune, everything you got on each of your predictions. if you cannot then you do not know your Shastra & openly admit it to those who seek predictions from you’ – Old Sage in above book. It is the greatest book on astrology this scribe has ever read.
For years, every astrologer has tried to decode his works knowing very well that the verses written in Varahamihiras books were all coded.ln821AD(or 979 AD, if Saka refers to Saliva Hana), Bhattotpala decoded only few chapters of Varahamihiras Brihat Jataka & most authors have taken that as the basis for further commentaries.
Let us now come to the main part of this article wherein we try to analyze a particular line from Verse No 19, Chapter 1. Brihat Jataka & see how to apply it in predictive astrology. Scribe feels this can be used effectively maybe in western astrology also.
होरास्वामिगुरुज्ञवीक्षितयुत। नन्यैश्च वीर्योत्कटा केन्द्रग्स्था द्विपदादयोऽहि निशि च प्राप्ते च प्राप्ते च सन्ध्याद्वये। पूर्वार्द्ध विषयादयः कृतगुण। मानं प्रतीपं च त- द्युश्चिक्यं सहजं तषश्च नवमंत्र्पाद्यं त्रिकोणं च तत् ॥ १९ ॥
horāsvāmigurujňavīkṣitayutā nanyaiśca viryotkață kendragsthā dvipadādayo’hri niśi ca prāpte ca prāpte ca sandhyādvaye |
parvārddhi viṣayādayaḥ kṛtagunā mānam pratiparm ca ta dyuścikyariı sahajari taşaśca navamıiı trpādyariı trikoņarn ca tat ||19||
Our interest is only one stanza out of 4above. poorvardhe vishalJadayah krut gunaa maanam prateepamchta-3rdline of verse
The English translation of which by few known authors & authoritative figures are produced in Appendix 1, scholars are requested to read it before proceeding. In brief, two of them are repeated below:-
1. Hridyapadha commentary by 19” Century Kerela Scholar Shri Kaikulangara Rama Warier, whose work is said to be ‘Best’ work on Brihat Jataka.
Kaikulangara Rama Warier’s Translation & Commentary: Vishayadaya means 5, krta means 4. so the measurement of signs is 5,6,7,8,9,10 multiplied by) 4. the measurement of first six signs from Aries are 20, 24, 28, 32,36, 40 respectively and from Libra the next six signs are 40,36,32, 28, 24,20 Based on this the length of body parts can be seen.
2. Late V. Subramanya Sastri, 1929, Mysore, Printed at Govt. Branch Press.
Translation: Same as previous authors Commentary & Usage: He mentions that it is used for measuring lengths of various parts of body & then he says take Aries Ascendant, earning began between 24 &28 and children will be begotten at 36.1
This is caught scribe’ sattention ;asit means
a) Where all commentators including the ancient ones say it is to be used for measuring one’s body parts or locating distance of thief or duration of a sign. Mr Sastri also mentions at the end of the whole page that those numbers are to be used as ‘Age’,
b) If he is suggesting Age then why is he writing a blanket statement, which would in a way mean that for eve11:1 Aries Ascendant there is a fixed age of earning & fixed age of getting children? Obvioush.1 all Aries Ascendant do not get children at age 36, Years back scribe would have rejected such a statement and moved reading the next page somehow one could not proceed to the next page.
We then remembered our previous exploration on the jyotish forums where we had asked ‘if planets have been given specific ages how come signs have not been given or if given why is nobody using it in a11alysis , upon which we had not received answers. Upon some experimentation there seems to be some truth if we ‘Modif1:1’ it in our reading model. On the words ‘Began Between’ in Late Subramanya Sastri’s sentence, we would deal later as it is most useful in reality.
Methodology Derived:
a) first, see which house of the chart the Sign is falling, that it self will give dues.
b) Take each sign as that particular year of one’s life represented in table above.
c) Test it on those charts who remember their life exactly

d) When a child is born until his l” birthday is the 1st year of his/her life & not Zero, other wise this becomes the most significant ,mistaken astrologer & his client also commits whereby feedback & predictions become erroneous.
e) Use not only blank signs to determine event, ‘Synchronize’ planets in it, lordships, house it represents, aspects from Natal Ase & other reference points like Chandra lagna, .Arudha lagna. the start keep it simple.
f) Initially in analysis take one sign and not its mirror sign e.g. when one takes Aries for observation in a chart to see how the ’20″‘ year went on in a natives life, do not take Pisces. Only alter more practice, take both signs, analyze together and then predict. Even if one is an experienced astrologer a lot of practice is needed for this method.
Chart 1
Aries & Pisces = 20′” year – May 1992 to May 1993

Observe Aries sign it is in the UH of the chart, see the planets posited there, the lordships it represents and the aspects on it. Sun & Mer are posited. in Aries, the sign signifying the 20th year of the native’s life, which means from May 1992 to May 1993. Sun is the 3 “‘ lord of travel & Change’ & Meris is the 4L of education, additionally Mer is the Putrakaraka (indicator of education if one considers 5H as education). Both are aspected by Dragons Head (Rahu) showing some disappointments & illusions will take place. The native wanted to become a doct or scored less marks in his l2th’standard exams and had to go 2 steps back (rahus influence) to do a Diploma in Textile Engineering. Sun is the dispositor of Moon who is in Purvaphalguni asterism, which shows textile engineering among other things. Sun is exalted, this typically in a natal chart shows big living room in the house, the native joined VJTL which is a 110 yr old engineering institute considered a premium institute in Mumbai and has a very huge campus & the main lobby in the textile department is 6 times the size of a badminton court (Sun exalted). The native had to travel everyday for an hour to get to this college and this was for the first time in his life showing us that .3L Sun has acted upon in the 20th year of his life.
One can note that 20th year is ruled by Pisces whose lord Jupiter (education) is debilitated in the 8H of disappointments, the native was depressed that he could not score marks to get admission in Medical Colleges. If one digs deeper one would think that Rahus aspect on Sun and degreecal aspect on Moon and Mercury must have had some significant influence and it is true, the natives mother (moon) and father (Sun) told him few months before the HSC (12th standard) exams that they would not be able to play the capitation fees in medical colleges so he ,must forget becoming a doctor, the native got depressed and stopped studying 3 months before the exam which lead to him not getting good ,narks. Rahu (Dragons head)smoked the boys mind.
Taurus & Aquarius = 24th year-May 1996 to may 1997
Taurus is placed in the 12H of bed pleasures containing Venus (also DK – woman) & Saturn (Amk -career) , apart from Venus being 5L of love affairs & 8L of scandals & as some call it sex also. So all these things should be shown in the 24th year The native had a torrid affair <Mars affair) with a very beautiful woman (Ven is in own house) and she was a year older to him (Saturn) plus a divorcee (Saturn) plus in relation to a work (Saturn is Aink) associate (his music directors ex-wife) plus it created a scandal in the work environment as she was divorcee (Saturn is Arnk) plus it was very karmic (saturn is 8L aspected by Jup from 8H). Aquarius also denotes 24th year and one can see that Saturn its lord is involved in this with aspect. of Mars, the effect was long lasting and Mars being 6’1, lord of disputes and separation, the separation had harsh tones of Mars & created further scandal One will find the same results from Aquarius, which represents his 24th year.
Gemini & Capricorn = 28th year – May 2000 to May 2001
Gemini is the 1H in this chart & it has Dragons Tail (Ketu) in it showing new beginning, foreign (lH is foreign vide sage satyacharya’s satyachariyan), obstacles, spiritual. Its lord mercury is also the 4L of education with 3L (exalted Sun) aspected by Rahu. So all these things should be shown in the 28th year.
The native had started a business venture in partnership with reputed business house, which did not take off eventually (Rahus aspect) in the said year. He then joined NM college, Mumbai again a reputed organization to do his MBA which again he stopped in 6 n10nths due to a love affair. Regarding MBA & not able to continue in it, one can see that 28th year is Cp which has Jupiter debilitated being 10 L of career & 7th lord of relationships.
Without knowing astrology the native on his own bought a very expensive Jupiter’s stone (in his 28th year) and within 2 months he got a good job in a TV channel that was to do Spiritual (Gemini s ketu) programs for the US & Europe (Rahu is foreigner and it aspects the combos, at the same time Ketu in lH of abroad),Jupiter of Cp being debilitated gave this job alter struggle but instantly (8H effect) and it gave him high salary and big post (Sun Mer the dispositor of 28th year Gemini is exalted) and was a new beginning (Gemini in 1H with ketu), he got heavily) involved in networking with spiritualists and astrologers from all over the world (Sun and Mer dispositor of Ge in 11H of networks) & see exalted Sun’s effects of networking with high profile spiritualists. He got deeply it1terested in very advanced spiritual topics (Sun is at makarka in his chart i.e. soul significator) and at the same time Jupiter (Cp -28yrs is placed in 8H of occult so his interest in occult studies went further deep. Aspect of Rahu ensured that he also met lot of foreigners and also charlatans in the field.
Cancer & Sagittarius = 32 yrs-May 2004 to May 2005
Cancer is placed in the 2H of wealth & status & family. Its lord Moon is placed in 3H of travels & change, along with hora lagna (wealth indicator).Aspect of Mars ensures high post (Mars is UL of posts), high income (llL) & disputes (6L). Mars Moon combo is generally) considered a materialistic combination. He got a top posting with high salary in a foreign country West Africa) and he travelled (Moon in 3).
To achieve this he had to fight with his family (Cn is 2H of family) and especially Mother (Moon is involved here) & father as well as his boss (Mars is in 9Hof father & boss) as Marsis 6 Lof disputes. He travelled to a country) surrounded by foreigners (Rahus aspect on Moon and its dispositor also) additionally the 32nd year comes as Sag (refer table)where Rahu is placed indicating top posting (7H of pada prapati/high posts) among foreigners, its lord Jup goes in the 8H of karmic debts, the year following that is exactly what happened. Dragons head (rahu) denotes southwest direction, during April 2005 in the 32″’11:1ear he had what one calls The Mother of Affairs’, wherein he came dose to marriage (7H), the woman was a foreigner (rahu) and was from south Africa (south west direction from his location) exactly as Rahu wanted. Everything & every house is kannic they) say but 8H has a flavor of intense deep-rooted karma. One would find many good love story) movies but there is only one ‘Casabla11ca’ that ca11 be made and that is what happened when his 8H of karma got involved the seed of an exact replica of Casablanca scene to scene, frame to frame and dialogue to dialogue happened in his hie. Ironically, it was also Africa as in the film.
Chart 2: Chart belongs to one of the members of Saptarishis Astrology

Aries= 20th year-Sept l987 to Sept 1988
Events: Death of Maternal Grandfather Dispute over property
a) It ls the 6th house of disputes where Saturn Retro’ (intensely karmic) being 4′ lord of property is disposited in the 6H of relatives. Saturn is male & Aq is also male sign so it’s a male relative of father & that clearly is lather’s brother when seen from Hash tum. This Saturn is 3L of brothers & native’s brother bought half a hectare of land on insistence of father’s brother who later wished that the property be given to father’ s brother for free. This got drawn ill court (Saturn is ill 6H) and the trial lasted for 22 l)ears (Saturn is retro)with expenses of nearly Rs 25 lakhs ($62,500) causing ruin of families of both ends for a piece of land that was bought for Rs 2 lakhs ($5000) and for years the whole family suffered. The land bought was inauspicious and all this court & disputes started in the 20′ year as Saturn is in Aries which as per Varahamihira shows the 20th year of life. 4th lord in 6Hcanalsomean fortune(4H)goes down the drain (6H) via legal disputes (6H). Saturn is with A4 (property), A2 (involvement of family) & A3 {Death & brother) in 6H of disputes.
b) Another event in the 20th year was the death of maternal grandfather which is seen by the 8H, whose lord is Mer with Ketu (stoppage) & Ven – both excellent ,inaraca
2 for Sc Ase & Aries Ase, especially Aries, as our reference point is Aries the 20th year. for brevity, detailed explanation is avoided & as those reading the magazine are scholars it is understood that they would understand the points not included in analysis.
Taurus & Aquarius = 24th year – Sept 199l to Sept 1992
a) Saturn lord of Aq is 4L in 6H showing migration from home for a competitive cause, additionally Saturn is 4L of education. From Taurus, the lord Ven goes into 5H of higher education aud this Ven is also 6L of competition – native migrated to Delhi from Patna lor civil services exam. 4th lord in 6H of sickuess also shows severe disease. He was bedridden with severe Tuberculosis (chest region) in Apr-May 1992 (4L of chest in 6H of sickness). The question that can be asked is why did event happen 4-5 months before his 24th year began. at this instance one needs to be reminded of what Subran1anya Sastri wrote, he used the words Began between’ to describe the distance between 2 signs, which means ii Aries is 20 and Ta is 24 then the events one deciphers from Taurus will happen between 20 to 24 years of one’s life. lnfact, this point should not be ignored ii one has to successfully utilize this method.
b) One can assume that as the same combination has come into picture of 4L in 6H. the same property dispute intensified between his 20th to 24th year with a new court case that started in the 20th year.
Gemini & Capricorn = 28th year – Sept 1995 to Sept l996
a) Event was major disappointment of life due to once again failure to qualify in the civil services exams. His life was devastated. See Ge1nini (8H of disappointments) the 28th year its lord Mer is exalted (something big) with debilitated Ven (disappointments) also being 12L and with Ketu (shows break of something that you are doing/ obstacles) alone with Uranus & A8 (eight arudha). What more needs to be said, though for confirmation one can see that Cp the 28th year has its lord Saturn (4L of education) in 6H of competition being retro. It was very karmic that he could not have passed this exam plus going back to Gemini the lord Mer is Neer Nadi, neer means £lowing water like and the result of his hard work lor his exams flowed out of his hand as one cannot grasp the water in one Shand.
Cancer & Sagittarius = 32nd year -Sept 1999 to Sept 2000
a) Cancer is 9H of dharmic & religious ceremony- & Sagi is 2H of family life. So we can expect an event concerning both, the native got married in the 32nd year on 16th April, 2000 and thus went on family way. Mars is dispositor of Darakara & its lord Moon is placed in 2H of being in family life.
b) However, Moon (GK) is with Gulika in 2H of family & Mars is 6L being dispositor of a retro Saturn this shows a negative event in family too. He lost his brother in law who was very close to him. You can see that Cancer sign signifying 32nd year is the 3rd from 7H of wife, signifying brother in law. Take 7H as Ase and from 7H of wife, Sagittarius (32nd year) ist he 8th (death) having the classic combination of death of 3L (Moon) in 8H, no doubt brother in law was no more in the 32nd year once again proving Varahamihiras 19th verse.
Leo & Scorpio = 36th year – Sept 2003 to Sept 2004
a) Leo is the l0H (profession & fortune of wife), it has UL (wife) and l0L of profession Sun with Jup who is auspicious for Sc Ase but is combust (initially immense struggles). Therefore, we can expect some events in these areas of job & wife. Scorpio the 36th year, its lord goes in 9H of fortune though debilitated (initially there would be struggles) and with Al (fortune) and A6 (job & struggles). The native was suffering immensely in his job and suddenly the situation improved in his 36th year (Jup combust/l0H/l0L Sun/Mars debilitated – all showing struggles and a event in profession).
b) from wife’s 7H. we can see this combo of Leo & Sc. Leo is the 4H of fortune having
4L Sun in own sign and ll L Jupiter in it which is a yoga. This Jupiter along with with A7 of wife (taking 7H as lagna). Now, Scorpio is the 7H of business from her ascendant and goes in the 3H of initiatives. She took initiative and with her own efforts (3H),she started business.
Scribe has tested the 19th Verse on many charts and even on few blind charts begetting successful results. Like and method it is as good as the astrologer, without strong basics one cannot use it for predictive purposes. Scribe does not know if this is the correct interpretation of the verse, this is a humble attempt where more hard work is required. The interpretation of what has been gathered from the legendry Late Subramanya Sastri can be wrong and open to be corrected. Scribe could have tested it on 100 charts and called it his own research but if we all get together then it will be astrology’s victory than an individual astrologer’s. Therefore, we request members to kindly test it on charts and share their experience. Feed back can be given by amateur& professional/ celebrity astrologers as sharing one experience does not make one small but leads to correction & there by advancement of the method. Only when community gets together we can find some real progress in astrology, otherwise it becomes progress for ones name/ group and not of astrology, which is incidentally the status of astrology today.
Astrologer is not above astrology & hence the astrologer should not come before astrology in order to avoid the wrath of the Jyotish Purusha.
We conclude with humble obeisance to Late Subramanya Sastri, Sage Varabamihira & to Sun God as Varahamihira was considered an incamation of Sun God as per Bhavishya Purana.
Appendix 1
1. Sitaram Jha’s4 , Varanasi Edition translated in English for Saptarishis Astrology by Jyotirvid Brijendra Shrivastava, Gwalior, India Sita ram Jha’s Translation: “five digits [ 5-6-7-8-9- 10 ], multiplied by 4 [20-24-28-32-36-40] are udayprrunaan or Total span of rising in degrees, of Mesha (aries) etc six Rashis in their (zodiacal) serial order. These span values are also span values or uday maan of (remaining six zodiacal signs starting front ) tula etc in reverse order (of 40-36-32-28- 24-20)
Sitaram Jha’s Commentary: “Vishesh Arth or Specific Meaning – The Acharya has explained here general method (of working out duration of each zodiacal sign) for very general or rough use, for place which is very close to (aasann) a place having palabha of 7 /30. This (value of sign rising given here, therefore,) cannot be utilized for each and every desha or locality. Take example of (place with) palabha 7 /30. It will give accessional difference called chara khanda values of 75-60- 25 for that place. These accessional difference values when (first) subtracted from and thereafter added to – in serial and reverse order (the fixed values of Rashi Praman or) Span of Rashis rising at equator or Lanka, the rising values or maanas for own locality (Swa=own, Uday =rising or rising values for own locality-swodaya )in Palas are derived. These palas when divided by l0 proves the values in degrees and minute of arc (for the particular locality with, Palabha 7 /30.) & cannot be used for whole earth.
2. B. Suryanarain Rao, written in 1919 later reprinted in 1986 Motilal Banarsidas Publications
SurtJanarain Rao’s Translation: The measure of the rosis from Aries to Virgo inclusive is 5-6-7 -8-9 & l0 multiplied by 4, respectively the other half from Libra to Pisces in the reverse order.
Suryanarain Rao’s Commentary (in brief: Mr Rao talks about these numbers given by Varahamihira to show Udaya Maan of rasis in ghatikas &’ should be used in proportions of the limbs of the persons with different signs and of to find the distances to which stolen articles have been removed from their proper places. He sticks to Bhattotpalas commentary here. He specifically mentions that this should not be employed for measuring the extent of the zodiacal signs.
3. Chidambaram Aiyar, N written in 1885, referred 2nd edition 1905, Printed by Thompson &-co. Madras
Translation &’ Commentary: Same as above &’ no commentary.
4. Pandit Shrimadchyutaanand Jha, 2002, Varanasi, Choukhamba Amar Bharati Prakashan with Vimala Hindi Tikka
Translation &’ Commentary: Describes the same Rasi Maan &-no specific commentary.
5. Pandit Kedarnath Joshi, Varanasi, 1985, Motilal Banarsi Das Publications.
Translation &’ Commentary: Here he goes on the same line as above authors excepts gives instructions for Rasis Udaya Maan value to be multiplied by) additionally l0e.g. Aries = 5x 4×10 =200. In terms of usage, he sticks with previous authors.
6. Dr. Ramchandra Pathak, Varanasi, 2006, Choukhamba Prakashan, Varanasi
Translation &’ Commentary No comments on above Shloka.
7. Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishra, 2005, Ranjan Publications, New Delhi.
Translation &’ Commentary: Takes the same calculation as Pandit Kedarnath Joshi i.e. at multiply additionally by 10 &’ ,mentions that the usage is to determine the exact length of each body part which is supported by ancient commentator Rudra Bhat of Rudrabhatiyam fame.
8. Hridyapadha commentary by 19th Century Kerela Scholar Shri Kaikulangara Rama Warier, whose work is said to be ‘Best’ work on Brihat Jataka.
Kaikulangara Rama Warier’s Translation &’ Commentary: Vishayadaya means 5 krta means 4. so The measurement of signs is 5,6,7,8,9,10 multiplied by 4. The measurement of first six signs from Aries are 20, 24, 28, 32,36, 40 respectively and from Libra the next six signs are 40, 36, 32, 28, 24,20 Based on this the length of body parts can be seen.
9. Late V. Subramanya Sastri, 1929, Mysore, Printedat Govt. Branch Press.
Translation: Same as previous authors 6 Commentary & Usage : He mentions that if is used for measuring lengths of various parts of body &’ then he says take Aries Ascendant, earning began between 24 &- 28 and children will be begotten at 36. This is caught scribe sattention 7 ;asit means.
a) Where all commentators including the ancient ones say it is to be used for measuring one’s body parts or, locating distance of thief or duration of a sign, M, Sastri also mentions at the end of the whole page that those numbers are to be used as ‘Age’
b) If he is suggesting Age then why is he writing a blanket statement, which would in a way mean that for every Aries Ascendant fixed age of earning &’ fixed age of getting children? Obviously all Aries Ascendant do not get children at age 36, years back scribe would have rejected such statement and moved reading the next page some how one could not proceed to the next page.