Article by GH. Visweswara
Alzheimer’s: Introduction
- Medline Plus describes this disease briefly as follows: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form ofdementia among older people. Dementia is a brain disorder that seriously affects a person’s ability to carry out daily activities.
AD begins slowly. It first involves the parts of the brain that control thought, memory and language. People with AD may have trouble remembering things that happened recently or names of people they know. A related problem, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), causes more memory problems than normal for people of the same age. Many, but not all, people with MCI will develop AD.
In AD, over time, symptoms get worse. People may not recognize family members or have trouble speaking, reading or writing. They may forget how to brush their teeth or comb their hair. Later on, they may become anxious or aggressive, or wander away from home. Eventually, they need total care. This can cause great stress for family members who must care for them.
AD usually begins after age 60. The risk goes up as you get older. Your risk is also higher if a family member has had the disease. No treatment can stop the disease. However, some drugs may help keep symptoms from getting worse for a limited time.
- According to latest figures of World Health Organisation, nearly 3.7 million people in India suffer from the disease—a number that is set to double over the next 20 years. Globally a whopping 35.6 million are afflicted by this debilitating condition.
- Recent developments in medicine claim that a vaccine for preventing Alzheimer’s may become available in the next five to ten years.
- Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. in an article on March 8, 2007 has noted the following: ‘Recently I spoke with an ayurvedic physician who told me that Alzheimer’s disease is the result of the constriction of blood flow to the brain, causing memory loss, and disorientation. He also said that the constriction of blood is due to an inflammation of the arteries leading to the brain. In ayurvedic terminology, inflammations are apitta disorder or an excess of the fire element. In Vedic astrology, inflammations are associated with Mars.’
- Mercury’s well known significations include diseases of brain, disorders of nervous system, nervous breakdown, imperfections of tongue, speech disorders and defects of memory/intelligence.
- Saturn signifies old age and long drawn out/slowly deteriorating health problems.
- Gulika & Maandi are considered to be generally harmful. Lords of Maandi rasi or Grahas associated with Maandi are considered to be malefic. Mercury under the influence of Gulika is said to cause diseases of brain & nerves. It is also said to result in Mathi bhramana yoga meaning the intelligence can become very confused.
- Fifth house significations include good or bad memory, analytical skills and discrimination.
- The Mahadasha would normally be around or after the age of sixty. The relevant Mahadasha lord and Antardasha lord will ‘trigger’ Mercury in some way.
Finding the parameters that may indicate Alzheimer’s has been done with this background in this article with 14 cases for which reasonable data was available.
Common Pattern:
P1: Mercury is afflicted by Mars and in most of the cases additionally by Saturn. Affliction to sign Gemini can be considered a secondary condition. In some cases there may be affliction by the 6th lord or 8th lord. Generally, there is no influence of unblemished/unafflicted benefic on Mercury or Mars.
P2: Gulika &/or Maandi influence Mercury in ‘some way’.
P3: Fifth house (5H) and/or Fifth lord (5L) have some form of affliction.
P4: The Lagna or Lagna lord are influenced by Mercury and/or Mars in ‘some way’.
P5: Dasha lords around the relevant time of beginning of symptoms ‘trigger’ Mercury.
Abbreviations: MD is Mahadasha & AD is Antar dasha.
Case 1: Campbell Glen

P1: Mer afflicted by close conjunction of Mars in the sign of Mars & degreewise close aspect of Saturn. Mer is also aspected by malefic Jup who is in gandantha, first degree. There is no influence of unblemished/unafflicted benefic on Mer or Mars. Mer is afflicted by Sat in D-9 also & placed in inimical sign of Mars in 6H;
P2: Sat who aspects Mer is conjunct Gk & Md.
P3: Maandi & Gulika are in 5H & are conjunct 5L Sat.
P4: Mars & Mer are aspecting Lagna.
P5: Diagnosed in Jan 2010; Dasha was of Mer-Mer-Mer; Mer‘s MD from started Dec 2009; prior to this it would have been Sat’s MD & Sat aspects Mer.
Case 2: Elizabeth Care

P1: Mer is afflicted by aspect of Mars, L (6,11) who is in close degrees to Mer. Mer is conjunct Sat, L (8,9) who also aspects Mars; It is also in the nakshatra of Sat. There is no influence of unblemished/unafflicted benefic on Mer or Mars. In D-9, Mer is in 6H in the sign of Mars.
P2: Gulika is with Mer & Sat and Mars is the dispositor of Maandi.
P3: 5H has Rahu; 5L Ven is in nakshatra of Rahu & aspected by it.
P4: Mer is LL & Mars also aspects Lagna.
P5: Confirmed in Nov 1998; dasha was Mars-Ven-Sun/Moon; MD started in Sept 1993 & AD of Ven, the 5L, started in Aug 1998. Sun is conjunct Mer & aspected by Mars;
Case 3: Heston Charlton

P1: Mer is conjunct Sun who is dispositor of afflicted Mars; Sat is conjunct Mer. There is no influence of unblemished/unafflicted benefic on Mer or Mars. In D-9, Mer is in R-K axis, and aspected by Sat & Mars.
P2: Ven, the LL, as dispositor of Gulika & Maandi is conjunct Mer.
P3: 5H has Ketu, is aspected by afflicted Mars and 5L is afflicted by Sun in 12H. Sat, the 5L, is in the nakshatra of afflicted Mars. Malefic Jup is in Lagna & aspects 5H.
P4: LL Ven is conjunct Mer.
P5: News announced in Early Aug 2002; dasha was of Moon-Sun-Sat; Moon MD started from Nov 1992; Sun from May 2002; Moon is in nakshatra of malefic Jup placed in Lagna & aspecting 5H; Sun is conjunct Mer & disposits afflicted Mars; Sun also afflicts 5L Sat; Sun as 11L is malefic.
Case 3: Huebner Robert

P1: Mer disposits Mars; it is afflicted by Rahu, 6L Sun & Ven, L (3,8); it is aspected by Sat. There is no influence of unblemished/unafflicted benefic on Mer or Mars. In D-9 also it is conjunct Sat.
P2: Gulika is conjunct Mars.
P3: 5H has Maandi, is aspected by Sat who is dispositor of several malefics and 5L Moon is with debilitated Jup and is aspected by Mars.
P4: LL Jup is aspected by Mars from the sign of Mer.
P5: Diagnosed in 1982; dasha was of Mer-Mars/Rahu; Mer from 1972, Mars from May 1981 & Rahu from May 1982;
Case 4: Mercer Marian

P1: Mer is in the sign of afflicted Mars and is aspected by Sat. It disposits Ketu. There is no influence of unblemished/unafflicted benefic on Mer or Mars. In D-9 also it is aspected by Mars & Sat.
P2: Mer is the dispositor of Guika & Maandi.
P3: 5H has afflicted Mars and 5L Jup is totally combust. Sat aspects 5H.
P4: LL Sun is with Mer.
P5: Suffering from the disease, she died on 27 Apr 2011; dasha was of Rahu-Rahu-Ketu; The MD started in Aug 2009; prior to that it would have been the MD of Mars. Rahu conjunct Mars is in 5H & aspects Gem; Mars disposits Mer & 5L Jup.
Case 5: Mildred Caroon

P1: Rahu aspects Mer who is in its sign of Deb; Rahu is with 6L Moon, both in their sign of Deb; Combust Mars aspects Rahu; Sat aspects Mer in retro. There is mutual aspect between Mars & Sat. There is no influence of unblemished/unafflicted benefic on Mer or Mars. In D-9 also Mer is aspected by Mars & Sat.
P2: Sat disposits Gulika & Maandi & aspects Mer.
P3: 5L Mer is quite afflicted. There is exchange between Jup in 5H & Mer.
P4: Mer in retro influences Lagna & LL Sat is in 6H. Lagna is aspected by Jup who disposits Mer. Mars aspects lagna lord Sat.
P5: She died on July 18, 2009; dasha was Rah-Mer-Jup; Rah MD from Aug 1999, Mer AD from July 2007.
Case 6: Spoldi Aldo

P1: Mer is L (5,8) in 11H aspected by Mars who is dispositor of afflicted Sat. There is no influence of unblemished/unafflicted benefic on Mer or Mars. In D-9 also Mer is aspected by Mars.
P2: Mars is conjunct Gulika & Maandi.
P3: 5H is aspected by afflicted Sat from its sign of Deb. 5L Mer is afflicted as given above.
P4: LL Sat is afflicted & is in the sign of Mars.
P5: Toward his later years, Spoldi had Alzheimer’s before he died on 11/19/1997; dasha was of Moon-Jup; Moon MD started from Aug 1994 & Jup AD from July 1997. Moon is disposited by Sat and Jup is aspected by Mars in the sign of Mars. Jup disposits Mer. Considering the earlier MD of Sun as another possible dasha of start, Sun is disposited by Sat who afflicts 5H & Gem sign; Sat is disposited by Mars who afflicts Mer.
Case 7: Stautner Ernie

P1: There is exchange between Mars & Mer; Mars is malefic as L (6,11); Sat as L (7,8) aspects Mer. Jup aspected by Mars & Sat aspects Mer as 6L from 6H. There is no influence of unblemished/unafflicted benefic on Mer or Mars. In D-9, Mer is not influenced by Mars or Sat. But it is aspected by Rahu in the sign of Mars and by retro Jup who disposits Sat.
P2: Moon as dispositor of Gulika is is close conjunction with Mer.
P3: Rahu aspects 5H; Sat, L (7,8) aspects 5L Mars in retro; Jup as 6L aspects 5L from 6H. Mars is in nakshatra of Rahu.
P4: LL Moon is conjunct Mer in the sign of Mars & aspected by Sat.
P5: He died of Alzheimer’s disease on February 16, 2006; dasha was of Sat-Sat, starting from May 2004.
Case 8: Barry Goldwater

P1: Mer with Ketu, which behaves like Mars; Jup, L (3,6) aspects it from 11H; Sat aspects Mer. Mer is in the nakshatra of Ven who is conjunct Mars. There is no influence of unblemished/unafflicted benefic on Mer or Mars. In D-9, Mer is in the sign of Mars, who is in mutual aspect with Sat.
P2: Mer disposits Gulika & Maandi.
P3: 5L Sat is in 6H, 5H is aspected by Mars, Rahu and Jup, L (3,6).
P4: LL Ven is aspected by dispositor of Mer viz Jup in retro. Mer is in the nakshatra of LL Ven. Mars is conjunct Ven.
P5: Suffered from Alzheimer’s disease toward the end and died on 5/29/1989. The MD of Mer started in Nov 1983.
Case 9: Case from an article of Mr. Vaughn Paul Manley

P1: Mer aspected by Mars & Sat. There is no influence of unblemished/unafflicted benefic on Mer or Mars. In D-9, Mer is aspected by Mars & Sat in retro influences sign Gemini.
P2: Sat with Maandi & Gulika.
P3: 5L & 5H are aspected by Mars, L (3, 8). Rahu also aspects Sat, the 5L.
P4: Mer is the LL in lagna & is aspected by Mars.
P5: Showed signs of disease around 2002; dasha was of Jup-Mars; Mer disposits both & is aspected by Mars.
Case 10: Iris Murdoch

P1: Mars in the sign of Gemini. Mer is with 6L Jup. There is no influence of unblemished/unafflicted benefic on Mer or Mars. In D-9, Mer is aspected by Sat.
P2: Gulika is in the sign of Mer.
P3: 5H has Rahu in its sign of debilitation.
P4: LL Moon is aspected by Mer & Mars, and disposits Mer.
P5: At the age of 77, she was suffering from Alzheimer’s and was “forgetful, but still able to look after herself.” That would be around 1996. Mer Mahadasha was from July 1979 to July 1996.
Case 11: Ravel Maurice

P1: Mer aspected by Mars & Jup, L (3,6). It is in the nakshatra of Rahu who is in the sign of Jup. There is no influence of unblemished/unafflicted benefic on Mer or Mars. In D-9 also it is conjunct Mars in the sign of Sat and disposits Sat.
P2: Mer is aspected by Jup who is with Maandi & Gulika.
P3: Mars and Jup, L (3,6) aspect 5H. 5L Sat is aspected by such Jup in retro.
P4: Ven is LL as described above.
P5: Showed signs of senility at the age of 57, which would be around 1932. The MD of Ven started in 1927 and Ven-Moon in July 1931; Ven is Lagna Lord and Moon is conjunct Mer. Ven is in the nakshatra of Sun who is conjunct Mer.
Case 12: Rudolf Bing

P1: Mer is with Sat who disposits Mars; 8L Moon is also with Mer. Mer is also combust. Mars is conjunct with dispositor of Mer. There is no influence of unblemished/unafflicted benefic on Mer or Mars. In D-9, there is no influence of Mars or Sat on Mer, except in an indirect way. Sat aspected by Mars aspects dispositor of Mer i.e. Jup in its sign of debilitation.
P2: Sat disposits Gulika & Maandi.
P3: 5H has Ketu, but 5L is in its sign of exaltation with deb Jup.
P4: Mer is in lagna & Mars is with Lagna lord.
P5: The symptoms began after 1983. Sat-Mars dasha was from March 1983 to May 1984.
Case 13: Salvador Dali

P1: Mer is in close conjunction with Mars; Mer disposits Rahu & Rahu aspects Mer. Sat is in the nakshatra of Mars. There is no influence of unblemished/unafflicted benefic on Mer or Mars. In D-9, Mer is with Mars and disposits Sat.
P2: No direct influence of Gulika or Maandi; Maandi is in the nakshatra of Mer & Gulika in that of Sat. Moon who disposits these two is in the nakshatra of Sat.
P3: 5H is aspected by Sat.
P4: LL is Mer itself & is conjunct Mars.
P5: For the last eight years of his life, suffered the mental deterioration that is symptomatic of Alzheimer’s disease. Dali died on January 23, 1989. That would imply around 1981. The dasha would be of Rahu-Rahu which commenced in Dec 1980. Rahu is placed alone in the sign of Mer and aspects it. Before that it would have been the Mahadasha of Mars who is conjunct Mer.
Case 14: Hayworth Rita

Note: This birth data is rated DD in Astro databank, but since it appeared to meet most of the criteria, it has been used.
P1: Mer is in the nakshatra of Mars, the 8L & Mars is afflicted by Rahu & aspects the sign of Gemini; Sat aspects Mer. Mer is combust. There is no influence of unblemished/unafflicted benefic on Mer or Mars (Jup is aspected by afflicted Mars from 8H as 8L). In D-9 also Sat aspects Mer & Mars aspects the sign Gemini.
P2: Sat is with Maandi & Gulika.
P3: 5H Has Sat, Maandi & Gulika. 5L Sun is in his sign of debilitation with Mer, the Lord (3,6).
P4: Lagna is aspected by Mer & Mer is in the nakshatra of Lagna Lord Mars.
P5: She suffered from Alzheimer in her later years and died on 14th May 1987. Her Sun mahadasha was from June 1981 to June 1987 and Mer is conjunct Sun.