Article by D.K. Sen
Chart 1

Reckoning Point:
Sun = 302° 14’
Moon = 275° 23’
Add = 22° 30’ Total = 600°.07’ Expunging 360° we get 240° 07’ which is Sg.
Male chart. Hence reckoning from the point Sg, which is Odd, Dwisvabhava. Hence counting regular order and it will be in 1-5-9, 2-6-10, 3-7-11 & 4-8-12
Dasa | Reason | Years | ||||||
1. Sg | Ju in even | 3 | Corrections | |||||
2. Ar | Ma in 7th | 10 | Ke in trine from 8th from Asc. | -1 | ||||
3. Le | Su in 7th | 10 | Ke is also in trine from 8th of Moon | -0.5 | ||||
4. Cp | Sa in even | 10 | (Doubtful about inclusion of this) | |||||
5. Ta | Ve in even | 10 | Count every 8th | |||||
6. Vi | Me in odd | 7 | Sg | 3 | ||||
7. Aq | Sa in even | 9 | Ge | 4 | ||||
8. Ge | Me in odd | 4 | Le | 10 | ||||
9. Li | Ve in even | 5 | Pi | 12 | ||||
10. Pi | Ju in own | 12 | Ta | 10 | ||||
11. Cn | Mo in 7th | 10 | Sc | 1 | ||||
12. Sc | Ma in odd | 1 | Aq | 9 | ||||
Ar | 10 | |||||||
Li | 5 |
Nakshatra Years = (62 x 324) ÷ 365.25 = 54.99795 = 55
Year of birth = 1809 + 55 = 1864 will be year of death. But death was on 15-04-1865
Month: (62 x 365.25)/27.32 = 828.89824 and Log(828.89824) = 2.9185012 or 3 and adding 6 months the month comes to September (9).
12th Lord from Asc is Ju and is in 12/1
12th lord from Mo is Ju and is in 12/1
So possible month is only 2. Event was in April (4)
12th lord from Asc. Is Ju and is in star Pbhadrapada – 25/3
12th lord from Mo is Ju and is in star Pbhadrapada – 25/3
Hence possible dates are 28, 6
Event was on 15th
Here we cannot take the difference between the longitudes of the 12th lords from Asc & Mo as both are same.
The date of death was a Saturday. Sa is Lagna lord and is aspecting Lagna as well as 8th house. 8th lord is placed in the house of Saturn. But the 3rd Lord is in own house.
Clarifications required for this chart:
What is the basis of fixing the years? Here 8th lord is placed in the 2nd and 3rd lod is placed in 3rd.But I have taken the dasa upto Li – because upto that period the approximate age of death comes.
Whether any specific Ayanamsa is to be selected? I have taken Lahiri(Chitrapaksha). Even if we take other Ayanamsas the difference is not much as we take into account only the longitudes of Sun and Moon.
Chart 2

Reckoning Point | ||||||||
Sun | 265° 15′ 37″ | 265.2603 | Male | From Asc | 265° 15′ 37 | Fixed | ||
Moon | 212° 58′ 25″ | 212.9736 | Regular | Every 6th | ||||
22° 30′ 00″ | 22.5 | |||||||
Total | 500° 44′ 2″ | 500.7339 | ||||||
140° 44′ 2″ | 140.7339 | |||||||
Sign | Le | 5 | Corrections | |||||
Ke in trine from Asc | -0.5 | |||||||
Le | Su in odd | 8 | Ju in trine from Asc | 1 | ||||
Cp | Sa in even | 10 | Ke in 8th from Mo | -0.5 | -1 | |||
Ge | Me in 7th | 10 | Ju in trine from 8th Mo | 0.5 | -0.5 | |||
Sc | Ma in even | 8 | 0.5 | -1.5 | ||||
Ar | Ma in even | 3 | Count every 8th | 25-09-1959 | ||||
Vi | Me in odd | 9 | Le | 8 | 08-01-1899 | |||
Aq | Sa in even | 9 | Cn | 4 | 60 y 8 m | |||
Cn | Mo in even | 4 | Ge | 10 | ||||
Sg | Ju in odd | 2 | Ta | 10 | ||||
Ta | Ve in 7th | 10 | Ar | 3 | ||||
Li | Ve in odd | 11 | Pi | 5 | ||||
Pi | Ju in odd | 5 | Aq | 9 | ||||
Cp | 10 | |||||||
Sg | 2 | 61 | 61.5 | 54.11088 | ||||
Nakshatra Years | 61.20739 | Sc | 8 | 69 | 69.5 | 61.20739 | ||
Rounded | 61 | Years | ||||||
Yr of birth | 1899 | |||||||
Yr of death | 1960 | Actual | 1959 | |||||
Month | 922.48353 | |||||||
Log | 2.9649586 | |||||||
3 | ||||||||
Add 6 | 9 | Actual month is Sep | ||||||
12th lord from Asc-Sa is in | 8 | 5 | ||||||
12th lord from Mo, Ve is in | 8 | 5 | ||||||
Possible month is | 10 | |||||||
Event was in 9th month | ||||||||
Date | ||||||||
12th lord from Asc. Sa – is in star Jyeshta | 18 | 10 | ||||||
12th lord from Mo, Ve in Anuradha | 17 | 11 | ||||||
Possible dates are | 29, 27,21 | |||||||
Event was on 25th |