Assassination or Murder

Assassination or Murder by D.K. Sen

Article by D.K. Sen

Assassination or Murder of prominent political persons like Presidents, Prime Ministers or similar important figures on the countries political scene is a matter of great concern not only to the political persons and their family members, but to us all in general and the astrological students in particular. Sometimes, such assassination or murder appears to be sort of a calamity or upheaval. Various peoples’ lives and properties are affected as a result of “aftermath”. If such happenings could be foreseen astrologically and a very close range time-periods could be calculated, then possibly preventive measures could be taken and security arrangements could be tightened. It may not be impossible to prevent the possibility of occurrence of such mishap.

Often the correct “time of birth” of the political persons could not be known. From published information, more than one “time of birth” are found, leading to variations in the placement of Lagna which is the most vital point for judgment, as the house-positions are counted from Lagna. This increases confusion. More so where various Astrologers publish their differing conclusions (as they use different Lagnas).

In this respect, my suggestion is: not to trust any data as accurate. Rather, to arrive at the “correct” time of birth by birth-time rectification. At least 3-4 major past events could be gathered, and by using Jaimini chara Dasa, it is to be checked whether all those past events perfectly fit in. Jaimini Chara Dasa offers the unique advantage that with different Lagnas, the sequence and order of the Dasas become different. Thus, with different Lagnas, the same events could be found to fit in, only in case of a single Lagna which is the actual one.

Here, I shall not follow any Dasa-Bhukti system. Although I shall use the Jaimini Chara Dasa figures, I shall maintain no further relationship with Jaimini Astrology. I shall use the figures for simple addition for the purpose of arriving at the age-period (year), using corrections(s) to it if applicable. From the same age-period, by using Logarithm (Log or Ln), the month could be obtained. There is another simple method for finding the month-by simple addition. By using difference of two longitudes and taking Logarithm of it (Log or Ln), the date (or close to it) could be arrived at. There is another simple method for finding the date (or close to it) by simple addition.

We are not at all concerned with any divisional chart. We shall use the Rasi-chart only. Out of all sorts of charts and “Chakras”, it is the Rasi-chart or Rasi-chakra which is of utmost importance.

In Bengal, the Nakshatra-positions are invariably mentioned with the planets in the Rasi-chart itself. Of course, when the planetary longitudes are given, the nakshatra-positions can be obtained by mental calculation. But, sometimes the longitudes are not furnished. I strongly recommend the mentioning of Nakshatra (by numbers from 1 to 27) with the planets in the Rasi-chart. The date of event (in some cases the year of event) can be obtained by simple counting of nakshatras which can be done at a glance; Vara or Weekday is an important predictive tool. So is Tithi. The coincidence helps us to narrow down the time range to a single date. Here I did not go for Tithi. But, I have shown that the Weekday of event (assassination or murder) can be obtained from the Rasi-chart at a glance. Planet(s) in 8th or planet(s) aspecting 8th will give the weekday (the one that is ruled by the planet). It is applicable in other cases also; as the 7th taken instead will give the weekday or marriage.

Normally, people give more importance to the sign lord or dispositor of a planet for considering the “transfer of influences”. The sign-exchange (if any) in a chart is noted. In this respect, I mention that the star lords are more important for considering the transfer of influences. Star- exchange between two planets or “Sooksha-Parivartana” yoga is more import­ant than sign-exchange or Parivartana yoga.

For longevity determination, the use of “Nakshatra” year(=324 days) has been mentioned in various classics. I shall use the same here. I do not wish to enter into any argument whether Jaimini or any commentator or any other learned scholar recommended the methods or not. I said earlier that excepting the using of the figures of Jaimini chara Dasa, in this article, there is no other connection with Jaimini Astrology.

Some people are now-a-days taking “exact” figures for lunar year (instead of 354 days, they are taking 29.5306 X 12d = 354.3672 days) and for Nakshatra year (27.3217 X 12d = 327.8604 days). I have tried these and found that the traditionally recommended values give more dependable results.

Actually, going for too precise figures (like seconds and fractions of seconds etc.) are desirable only but not essential. Slight inaccuracies do not lead to much of error. In Astrology, there are methods for arriving at precise “resuts.” The methods accommodate the slight inaccuracies.

In India, people are invariably found to follow some Dasa-system or other, Vimsottari Dasa being the most commonly used. Although it is very essential to obtain the conclusion from the Dasa-Bhukti and also from Gochara, I must mention here that over dependence on the Dasa-Bhukti has done us some harm too. We have become somewhat “blind” and started losing our capacity to look forward. There are various other methods and many more could be developed by competent researchers in the field. In the west, in the past_, there had been some great Astrologers who had made many great predictions in succession which later proved to be amazingly accurate. A contemporary of Nostradamus , senor Luc Gaurious was one such. It will be quite surprising, to note that those astrologers had given “accurate”” prediction well in advance by using “inaccurate” horoscope(s). In one case, the Moon was “out” by 4 degrees”. Of course, they did not use any Dasa-system. Anyway, I do not- wish to do any mix-up of Western Astrology here; and, I do not need that at all.

Now, I am giving the method I have developed or “discovered”. No mention about it will be available anywhere else – be it in classics or in modern writings.

For reckoning of Jaimini Chara Dasa, I recommend the reckoning as per Raghavabhatta and Nrisimha Suri; the Dasas commence from Ascdt in case of male and from 4th or 10th in case of female (4th if the Ascdt is odd, 10th if Ascdt is even). The “dual” lordships for signs Scorpio and Aquarius I do not take. For duration of Dasas, the reckoning is the same for male and female horoscopes; in zodiacal order if the lord is in odd sign, in reversed order if the lord is in even sign. The reckoning is from the lord to the sign and the duration is “count minus one” years. Addition or subtraction of 1 year is not done for exaltation or debilitation respect­ively. If the lord is in 7th from sign, then the duration becomes 10 years. If the lord is in own-sign in the same sign, the duration is 12 years.

At times, I make some departures. Here, I shall make two major departures.

  • The reckoning point will not be the Lagna, it will be a different point that has been “discovered”.

Reckoning point = Suryasiddhanta Yoga point plus 1/16 part of zodiac)= (Sun+Moon+-22° 30’).

  • The duration of “year” will be Nakshatra(=324 days).

Astrologically, it is possible to find the Latitude and Longitude of the place (for assassination/murder, for marriage, for onset of profession, etc) of event. This is done by using Logarithm and Trigonometry. I shall discuss it in a later paper.

It is not essential to use logarithm and Trigonometry. Like all modern sciences. Mathematics is also in its preliminary developmental stage.

Only 16 simple “Sutras” culled out from Parisishta of Atharva Veda covers the whole of Mathematics (“Vedic Mathematics” by Jagadguru  Sankaracharya). But some of the modern “educated” people may not be conversant with the “unconventional” methods.

There are methods of determining Longevity in our various classics. At least 32 different methods are there and out of these, there are some methods which are fairly dependable. Jaimini method of judging longevity is considered very dependable. There are some other method(s) too, but I have not experimented with them. “Longevity” is to be judged first from the charts; first to determine to which category the chart belongs (Alpayu-Madhyayu-Purnayu) and they find the longevity in terms of no. of years.

(Month and date cannot be found in this way).

This precaution is needed to prevent the possibility of going wrong. Without intuition and without experience in using developmental methods, one may arrive at wrong conclusions by using mathematical system.

Then it is to be judged whether there is possibility of “violent death” like assassination/murder. The readers are well conversant with it. There had been discussions in the pages of this magazine also. The malefics and the 12th house have connection with (political) assassinations. The malefics and the 8th house have connection with violent death: tragic accidental mishaps, murder, etc.

While I had been experimenting with the method, an elderly religious-minded person (a Maharastrian Brahmin) used to call on me often. He was a devotee of “Sai Baba”. Often he used to say “EK Anna shri Sai” : urging that one- sixteenth part of mind should (at least be devoted to Sai Baba. I am grateful to him and consider myself blessed by Sai Baba himself as, by dint of intuition, the idea flashed in my mind that “Shri Sai” could be “S.S.Y.” (Suryasiddhanta Yoga = Sun’s Longitude + Moon’s Longitude, on Narayana basis) and one-sixteenth part of zodiac (1/16 x 360″= 22°30′) could be “EK Anna”. I hope that readers will consider that the saying ” EK Anna Shri Sai” will facilitate the memorization

Reckoning point = (Sun + Moon + 22° 30′).

The mysterious faculty which is called “Intuition” is of great assistance in Astrological research. Being half science and half-art, only accumulated informations are not of much help in the predictive field .

Wherever be the Lagna, for the purpose of timing of event (for assassination or murder), the reckoning point for J–C-D will be this “EK Anna Shri Sai”. In later paper, I shall suggest different reckoning points for judging timing of marriage and still another different point for judging onset of profession. Needless to mention that we shall come to exact year, exact month and exact date (as per English Calendar).

Even having some fair estimate about the “hour” of event appears entirely possible. Take the Nirayana Longitude of the Vimsottari Dasa-lord and the strongest of significators (for the event). Severally, divide the longi­tudes by 15. That gives 0° to 24° (as 360° max ÷ 15 comes to 24°). Taking one of these as the Sidereal Time, you may find the corresponding “hour” or its trines (+8 hours or + 16 hours) will closely agree to this calculated sidereal Time. This is however a rough and ready method.

Some other learned contributors like Mr. Shiv Kumar Chadha (article in November 1994 Т.О.A.  ASSASSINATION An Astrological Probe) have discussed the “theory” part and had given good many examples. However, they had laid stress on the nature of event and the astrological indications. They did not go for precise timing of event.

I picked up all the horoscopes from the same article (Nov.1994 TOA) and also added a few more horoscopes to the list. If we take the chart of Indira Gandhi, why should we leave those of Rajiv Gandhi and Sanjay Gandhi? We must not be choosy or selective in picking up horoscopes for illustration.

I began from where my predecessors left: normally, the contributors go for broad-range timing up to a Bhukti in a Vimsottari Dasa-period. I am concentrating on the methods for arriving at the possible time-range up to “a maximum duration of one day”, not more. I hope that some other competent researchers will pick up from where I leave. I shall be glad to learn some­thing new from many of them in near future.

Before we proceed with the illustrations. We give here the general guideline for determining the durations for “corrections”. Assassination/Murder is an inauspicious event. So, the influence of Saturn and Ketu will be hastening. Corrections for them will apply on the minus side. Understandably the influence of Jupiter and Venus will be delaying, i.e., prolonging longevity. For these, the corrections will apply on the plus side. No other malefics and no other benefics will be considered for corrections. Of course, they have their influences in determining the nature of event. Mars is the most important in this respect, next in importance is Rahu.

The Lagna (Ascdt itself, not the reckoning point which is different from Lagna) and the 8th are significant houses.

If Jupiter or Venus is in Ascdt or in 8th or in trine from Lagna or 8th, the delay will be by 1 year for each. If both Jupiter and Venus are in trines, then if no hastening factor is present then the delay will be by 3 years. However, if hastening factor is present too, then delay will be as usual 1+1 = 2 years.

If Saturn or Ketu is in Ascdt or in 8th or in trine from Lagna or 8th, the hastening will be by 1 year for each. If both Saturn and Ketu are in trines, then if no delaying factors are present then the hastening will be by 3 years. However, if delaying factor is present too, then the hastening will be as usual 1+1=2 years.

Similarly, we check from Moon-sign and the 8th from it. The same conditions for hastening and delay, with only difference that the “unit” will be ½ year or 6 Months (instead of 1 year unit as used above, from lagna).

Thus, from lagna or 8th, maximum hastening possible is by 3 years. It may be 2 years if delaying conditions are present. It may be 1 year. It may be zero. The same thing applies for delaying too.

Similarly, from Moon or 8th from it, max hastening possible is 1½ year. It may be 1 year if delaying conditions are present. It may be ½ year or 6 month, it may be zero. The same applies for delaying too.

So, we see the corrections are dependent on conditional placements of two benefics (Jupiter or Venus) and two malefics (Saturn and Ketu) in lagna or 8th or in trine from lagna or 8th from it. From lagna/8th, the unit is 1 year. The same condition if found from moon/8th, the unit is ½ year or 6 months.

If the corrected figure for age-period contains the “fraction”(½), then we add the age-period to the year of birth, leaving this ½. The month arrived at is taken as it’s “Opposite” by adding 6 months, to accommodate the ½.

For the individual charts. We first determine the reckoning point (=Sun+ Moon+22° 30’). Then, taking it as to be the “effective Ascdt.” we calculate the Jaimini chara dasa figures.

For male people, the Dasas being from the sign of this Reckoning point. For females, the Dasas being from the 4th or 10th from it—as applicable.

J-C-D full-cycle is a “time-cycle” only and is not a measure of longevity. The full-cycle varies from chart to chart. If longevity is high, then one full-cycle may be completed and the second cycle may begin all over again.

We write the full-cycle or J-C-D for 12 signs. The sequence of Dasas will be dependent on whether the reckoning point will fall in chara(regular), sthira(every 6th) or Dwi-Swabhava sign (1st-5th-9th, 2nd-6th-10th,etc) The order of. The Dasa-signs will be in Zodiacal order if the reckoning point falls in odd sign, reversed if it falls in even sign.

When the list of 12 Dasas have been listed, then beginning from the first, count every 8th and go on adding up.

Initially, it will be difficult to ascertain where to stop with some idea of longevity from dependable methods (like Jaimini), you may have two options.

Corrections are to be considered. (As already explained).

Then the corrected figure is to be converted into year from Nakshatra year (=324 days);

= corrected figure X (324 ÷ 365.25) = calendar years.

The figure thus arrived is to be rounded off, and the resultant figure is to be added to year of birth.

If “rounding off” leads to “fraction” like .5, then, leave the .5 and do the correction to the month by taking the “opposite” by adding 6 months. This added figure if goes beyond the year, then the “year” arrived before will obviously be changed to the next.

Thus, if the calculated year is 1947 and to accommodate the fraction ½, if the calculated month is 7 or July, then it comes to 1948 & the month of January naturally.

Chart-1 is of Mahatma Gandhi (Nov 94 TOA, article by Mr.Shiv Kumar Chadha).

Born : 02-10-1869; Assassinated: 30-01-1948. Reckoning point= (SUN+ Moon +22°30′): falls in Aquarius. Male native, odd sign. Sthira Rasi. The JCD runs from Aquarius, the sequence is every 6th. The order is Zodiacal.

Chart as per ADB

Assassination or Murder 1
List of J.C.D. (Full cycle = 87 years)
Aquarius=9Age-period = (taking every 8th )
SagittariusSagittarius(5)+ Scorpio (1)+
Leo=1Pisces(2) = 87
Gemini=8Corrections: Venus in Ascdt. in
Scorpio=1own-sign(+2y),Jupiter in 8th
Aries=10(+1y), Ketu in trine from 8th
Virgo=11from Ascdt (-1y), Saturn in trine from Moon(-6m)
: Total correction = + 1½ y

Corrected figure = 87 + 1½ = 88½ Nakshatra years.

88 X 324 ÷ 365¼ = 78.061602 = 78 years.

(½ will be accommodated later, by adding 6 months.)

Year of birth 1869 + 78 = 1947*

78 years = (78×365¼d) = (78X365¼ ÷ 27.32) turus of Moon

= 1042.8075.

Ln(turus) = Ln 1042.8075 = 6.9496718 = 7*

For accommodating ½, we add 6 months to it. So, 7 or July 1947 plus 6 months comes to: January, 1948. *

12th-lord from Lagna is Mercury (in Libra). The 12th lord from Moon is Moon himself (in Leo). The longitudes of planets or their star positions have not been furnished.

Take the star nos. of these two planets; side by side. Write the converse (28-X). Then, add the two: “Urdha-tiryak”. The sum will give the date close to it. Moon in Leo can have stars 10 to 12 (converse will be 18 to 16). Mercury is Libra can have stars 14 to 16 (The converse will be 14 to 12).

Obviously, the sum will fall in the last quarter of the month.

Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on 30-01-1948. The weekday was Friday. Please mark that the lord of 8th (for Libra Lagna) is Venus, of course, Jupiter is placed in 8th and Mars aspects it. But, out of the three planets, Venus is the strongest (in own-sign). So, the Lord of weekday was Venus. It was Friday.

Jupiter in 8th prolonged longevity. The aspect of Mars indicated the nature of death (Gun-Shot).

CHART-2 is of John F.Kennedy (Nov 94 TOA, article by Mr. Shiv Kumar Chadha)   

Assassination or Murder 2

Born: 29-05-1917: Assassinated: 22-09-1963. Reckoning point is Libra. Full-Cycle of J-C-D: 89 years.

Legna-l0rd Mercury is placed in 8th with 8th lord (and 3rd-lord) Mars. Lagna is Virgo.

Male, Reckoning point Libra is odd sign, chara Rasi. So, the J-C-D sequence and order will be regular and zodiacal: from Libra to Virgo. The durations are: respectively, 7, 7, 5, 10, 5, 2, 12, 12, 2, 11, 9, & 7(Total=89),

From Libra, counting every 8th uptil Aries, and taking half duration for Aries, we obtain the age-period: Libra (7) + Taurus (12) + Sagittarius (3) + Cancer (11) +Aquarius (5) + Virgo (7) + Aries* (6/instead of 12) = 51.

Corrections: Jupiter & Venus in trine from Ascdt (+2 years), Saturn in trine from 8th from Moon-sign (- 6M) = + 1 y.6M.

Corrected figure = 51y + ly.6m. = 52½ y. (Nakshatra).

We put aside ½(we shall accommodate it in months, by adding 6 months or taking the opposite). We convert the 52 Nakshatra-years =52×324 ÷ 365¼ = 46.12731 = 46.

Year of birth 1917 + 46 = 1963 (year of death).


46 years = (46 X 365¼ ÷ 27.32) turus of Moon = 614.98902 turns of Moon.

Log(turns) = Log 614.98902 = 2.7888674 = 3*

Now, to accommodate the ½ we left, we take the opposite: 3+6 = 9. Month becomes September (Month of death).


The 12th-lord from Lagna is Sun. The 12th-lord from Moon is Moon itself. The difference of these two-lords (obtained by deducting the smaller from the larger) is about 90°. 5. Ln difference = 22.499048=22 or 23.

Assassinated on 23rd (September, 1963).

12th lord from Lagna, Sun is in star 4 / converse 24

12th lord from Moon, Moon is in star 11 / converse 17

(4+11 = 15), (4+17 = 21) close to this; (11+24) or (24+17) are not possible).

Possible dates are 15 or 21. (The date is 22nd)*


Weekday: Mars and Mercury both are in 8th, in star of Sun (the 12th-lord). The weekday was Sunday.

12th lord from Lagna, Sun is in sign 2 / converse 11

12th lord from Moon, Moon is in sign 5 / converse 8

Months: (2+5) or (2+8); (5+11) or (8+11) are not possible. So, months are 7 or 10 or close to these. It was 9: Sept.

CHART—3 is of Smt. Indira Gandhi (Nov. 94 Т.О.A., article by Mr. Shiv Kumar Chadha).

Born: 19.11.1917; Assassinated; 31.10.1984.

Reckoning point falls in Virgo. Female native. Even sign. Dwiswabhava Rasi. Dasas start with 10th from Virgo, i.e., from Gemini. Sequence: 1-5-9, etc from Gemini order: reversed.

Jaimini Chara Dasas: (Full-cycle = 68 years).

Sagittarius =5

Longevity exceeds the full-cycle.

Counting every 8th and adding up,

Gemini (5) + Sagittarius (5) + Libra (10)+ Pisces (2) + Capricorn (10) + Cancer (10) + Aries (8) +Aquarius (5) + Leo (3) + Taurus (5) + Scorpio (3) + Virgo (2) + Gemini (5) + Sagittarius (5) = 78.

Corrections: Saturn in Ascdt (-2y),

Ketu in trine from 8th (-1y), Jupiter in trine from Moon (+6m), Venus in trine from 8th from Moon (+ 6m): Total = (-) 2y.

Corrected Figure = 78-2 = 76 Nakshatra years.

» (76×324 ÷ 365.25) years.

= 67.416838 years = 67.5 years.

Leaving the fraction (.5), we take the full figure 67. The fraction we shall accommodate later in months (+6m).

Year of Birth: 1917 + 67 = 1984: year of death,

67 years = (67 X 365¼ ÷27.32) = 895.74488 turus.

Log (turus) » Log 895.74488 = 2.9521843 = 3*.

Now, to accommodate the fraction (.5), we take the opposite by adding 6 months. 3+6 = 9. It gives September.

Actual event was however in October. Using the alternate method. The month October is found:

12th lord from Ascdt, Mercury is in sign 8/conv. 5

12th-lord from Moon, Jupiter is in sign no. 2 / conv.11

Adding, Month = (8+2), (5+2) = 10 or 7.                                                                              .

(8+11 = 19 or 5+11 = 16 are not possible).

We can find the date also, in the same way:

12th lord from Ascdt, Mercury is in star 17 / conv.11

12th lord from Moon, Jupiter is in star 4 / conv.24

Jupiter has exchanged sign with Venus. If we take Venus instead of Jupiter, Venus is in star 20 ¼ conv.8.

Adding, Date = (11+20), (17+8) = 31 or 25 (11+8 = 19 is another possible date;

Although 17+20 is obviously not possible).

NOTE: In case of chart-1 of Mahatma Gandhi, for Venus is in Lagna, we added 2 years instead of 1 year. This is since Venus is a natural benefic and a functional benefic too. Venus is Lagna-lord. It is 8th lord also; but, Venus in Lagna in own-sign behaves like a functional benefic as Lagna-lord.

Incase of Chart-3 of Indira Gandhi, Saturn is in Lagna: a natural malefic and a functional malefic (as 8th-lord). So, the reduction had been 2 years Instead of 1 year.

In case of Chart-2 of John F. Kennedy, although Venus is also in own-sign (Taurus), the addition had been 1 year only. This is since Venus is not a functional benefic as Lagna-lord (as had been in case of Mahatma _Gandhi).

WEEKDAY: 31.10.1984 was Wednesday.

In Indira Gandhi’s chart, the 8th-lord from Lagna is Saturn. Saturn is in star of Mercury. The 8th-lord from Moon is Sun. Sun is also in the star of Mercury. So, Mercury gets the power from the two 8th-lords through transfer of influences (through constellations).

It is a sad thing that some of the contributors do not give the planetary longitudes. The Longitudes have useful applications. Most of them only make use of the longitude of Moon for finding Dasa-Balance. Although through the Dasa-Bhukti, arriving at very close-range timing is difficult.

CHART-4 is of Mr Deen Dayal Upadhyaya (Nov 94 issue, article by Mr. Shiv Kumar Chadha)

Born: 25-09-1916; Death: Not furnished. Information has been furnished that, at the time of death (he was murdered) transit Saturn was in Pisces, transit Jupiter was in Leo, transit Mars was in Capricorn. This combination gives the timing between the period from 22-11-1967 to 30-12-1967; probably he was murdered in December, 1967.

Mr.S.K.Chadha and the readers are requested to furnish the exact date if that is known to them. This I am seeking for the purpose of verification.

The reckoning point falls in Aquarius, Mae native, odd sign, sthira rasi. So J.C.D. will be from Aquarius, every 6th in zodiacal order.

The J.C.D Cycle: (Full-Cycle = 83 years)

Aquarius=5Counting every 8th and adding up,
Sagittarius=8Aquarius 5 + Capricorn 10+ Sagittarius 8+
Taurus=2Scorpio 1+ Leo 1+
Leo=1Virgo 12+ Leo 9+ cancer 11+ Gemini
Pisces=113 = Total 60.
Gemini=3Jupiter in trine from Lagna = +1
Scorpio=1Saturn in 8th from Lagna = -1
Aries=10Ketu in 8th from Lagna = -1
Virgo=12Jupiter in trine from Moon = +½Saturn in trine from 8th Moon = -½Ketu in trine from 8th Moon = -½Total correction = (-) 1½ years.

Corrected Figure = 60 – 1½= 58½ Nakshatra years.

58 Nakshatra years = (58X324 ÷ 365¼) years

= 51.449692 years = 51.5 years

(½ is put aside. This will be accommodated in month, by adding 6 months. Although we come to .5 again in the corrected figure after conversion, 6 months will be added once only. This “rule” had been seen to apply in many other similar cases. That’s why I have earlier advised to put aside ½ or .5 where it appears.).

Year of Birth 1916 +51 = 1967: year of death.

51 years = (51X365¼ ÷ 27.32) turns of Moon.

– 681.83565


Ln. (turns) = Ln 681.83565 = 6.5247886 = 6.5*

We leave .5, as it indicates that the date will be the opposite (by adding 15 days, this .5 will be accommodated). So, it becomes 6*. For accommodating the ½ of “year”, we add 6 months. 6+6 = 12. The month is December.*

12th-lord from Ascdt, Mars is in sign 7 /conv.6

12th-lord from Moon, Moon is in sign 5 /conv. 8

Month = (7+5) or (6+5). (7+8 or 6+8 is not possible)

So, the month is 12 or 11: November or December.

12th-lord from Ascdt, Mars is in star 15/conv.13

12th-lord from Moon, Moon is in star 11/conv. 17

So, the date is (13+11), (15+11), (13+17).

= 24 or 26 or 30 or close to these.

(15+17 is not possible obviously).


The difference of longitudes of the two 12th-lords Moon and Mars = 62°. 5. Log 62° = 5X1.7923917 = 8.9619584 = 9*

For accommodating the .5 of month (as we obtained above) we add 15 days to it. 9+15= 24 which may be the date. Weekday could be Saturday (3rd lord Saturn is in 8th). 23.12.1967 was a Saturday; the date is close to it.

Venus is also in 8th. So, Friday is also possible. Besides, I could not check the transfer of influences through stars (if any) as the chart furnished do not indicate the star positions or Navamsa or planetary longitudes.

As I am mentioning about converse of signs and converse of stars, I mean by it the reckoning in reversed order: from sign Pisces or from star-27 (Revati) respectively. This can be instantly obtained by mental calculator.

: Converse of sign = (12+1) -sign no. = 13-sign no.

: Converse of star = (27+1) .star no. =28 -star no.

Sign-position and its converse I am using for obtaining month as per English Calendar. Star-position and its converse I am using for obtain­ing date as per English calendar.

By addition, the figures obtained if found above 12 should be rejected while we find the month. Similarly, the figures obtained if found above 30/31 should be rejected while we find the date, quite understandably.

CHART-5 is of Mr.C.P.N.Singh who was a minister in the cabinet of Smt.Indira Gandhi (Nov-1994 issue of Т.О.A. article by Mr.Shiv Kumar Chadha.)

Born: 28-03-1935. “Murdered”: 23-11-1989.

Although the words assassination and murder mean just about the same thing, there lies slight and delicate differences also. An assassin may not be a personal enemy; rather he might be someone who had been “motivated to do the “Job” by the personal enemies. Whereas general murders are normally done by personal enemies.

Malefic Mars In 8th, another dire malefic, retrograde in 6th (Ketu) where the 7th house thus comes under ” Papakartari” yoga is indicative of the thing that the person might had been very cruel to his own enemies, and might had done them immense harm. The Ascdt. is also under “Papa-Kartari” yoga which had resulted in his own murder by his personal enemies. So, rather than the 12th-lords (from Ascdt & from the Moon), the 8th-lords (from Ascdt & from the Moon) agree to the timings: month and date. This also supports the “Suspicion” that is foreseen from the chart, astrologically.

With similar combination is the chart: a dire malefic (Mars) in 8th, a dire malefic retrograde in 6th; the 7th house under “Papa-Kartari” yoga I have found in the charts of some murderers who had been anxious about their own longevity (with the fear of getting murdered). Below I give one chart (chart no-7) which is of a well-educated boy (M.A, M.Lltt, LL.B) a good athlete, a Boxing champion, etc. The most important thing about him is that he had committed many murders but had never been in jail, excepting occasional 2-4 days’ detention at the police-station. No proof or evidence could be gathered against him and he always “escaped” from being punished (although always he had been suspected).

The boy has Makara Lagna, Lagna-lord Saturn in 2nd in own-sign/Moolatrikona Kumbha. Mars is in 8th having exchanged sign with 8th-lord Sun/placed in 11th. The 3rd lord Jupiter is retrograde, situated close to cusp of 4th; Venus is in 10th (Kendra) in own-sign. Venus and Jupiter are involved in star-exchange. Ketu is in 12th. Mars in 8th and 8th-lord Sun afflicted by combined aspect of Mars and Saturn, with retrograde 3rd-lord(Jupiter) close to 4th cusp indicates his possible future “unnatural death” in a violent way. Murder appears quite possible.

Leaving aside the last chart (chart no-7) which is of an alive person, we come back to our chart under reference: of Mr.C.P.N.Singh.

Reckoning point falls in sign Aquarius. Male person. Odd sign. Sthira Rasi J-C-D starts from sign Aquarius, sequence every 6th, the order is zodiacal.

J-C-D cycle s (Full-cycle is of 81 years).


Counting every 8th, and adding up:

Aquarius 12 + Capricorn 11 + Sagittarius 2 + Scorpio 10+Libra 10+ Virgo 7 + Leo 7 = Total 59.


Jupiter in trine from Ascdt = + 1

Saturn in Ascdt (Ascdt-lord = + 2 in Ascdt, in own-sign/mooltrikona)

Venus in trine from Moon = + ½

Ketu in 8th from Moon = – ½

Saturn in 8th from 8th from Moon = – ½

Total correction = + 2 ½.

corrected figure = 59 + 2-½ = 61½

We put aside ½ which we shall accommodate in month, by adding 6 months.

61 Nakshatra years = (61 X 324 ÷ 365¼) = 54.110883 = 54.

Year of Birth: 1935 + 54 = 1989: year of “death”

54 years = (54X365¼ ÷ 27.32) turus of Moon = 721.94363

Ln (turus) = Ln 721.94363 = 6.5819471 = 6.5 *

We put aside, 5(this will be accommodated later in date, by adding 15 days). 6.5 thus becomes 6. And, as we have left ½ while we picked up the “year”, we add 6 months:

6 + 6 = 12 (December); Actual: November.

(Note: This direct method of finding the month by Logarithm at times gives an error of 1 month on either side. In case of Chart-3: of Smt. Indira Gandhi also we had the same error by 1 month. But, we can always compare the result with the alternate method which gives the few options for the month of which one is found to “coincide”. This had been seen in case of Chart-3: of Smt. Indira Gandhi).

I said earlier that this is a case of “murder” by personal enemies. So I shall make use of the 8th-lords (from Ascdt & from Moon) in this case, instead of taking the 12th-lords.

8th-lord from Ascdt, Mercury is in sign 11/converse 2

8th-lord from Moon, Moon is in sign 9 /Converse 4.

Month: (2+4) or (2+9). (11+4 is not possible).

So, the month is: 6(June) or 11 (November)

Actual event; ln November.

8th-lord from Ascdt, Mercury is in star 25/conv. 3

8th-lord from Moon, Moon is in star 20/conv.8

Date: (3+8) or (3+20) (25+8 is not possible).

So, the date is 11 or 2 3 Actual event: on 23nd.

It must be noted that the “finding the opposite” (in case of month, by adding 6 m and in case of date, by adding 15 days) for accommodating the ½ if arises we would do only in cases where the figures for month and date are arrived at by “Logarithm” whereas we are not taking the “Opposite” in cases where the month and date are arrived at by using sign no/converse & star no/converse. I hope that I am not leaving any confusion for the students.

The difference between the two 8th lords (subtracting the smaller from the larger) is about 64°.5 Log(difference) = 5. Log 64° = 9.0354982 = 9*

Now, we accommodate the .5 we left earlier (by adding 15 days to it): 9 + 15 = 24; Actual event: 23.

Here, we are having 1 day error. By comparing with the alternate method, we can get the correct figure 2 3.

It must be noted that logarithm also has usefulness. At least it takes us close to the month and date. It does not give 2 or 3 options like the alternate method does. So, Logarithm method helps us to isolate the options obtained from the other method. I hope that the students will see the point.

Weekday: Mr.C.P.N.Singh was murdered on 23-11-1989. The week day was Thursday. Please mark that Mars is in 8th from Ascdt where Jupiter is situated in the star of Mars. Ketu is situated in 8th from Moon. Ketu is in star of Jupiter. So, through stars, the transfer of influences occur. Jupiter becomes the lord of the weekday.

Chart-6 is of Gen.zla.Ul-Haq, the late premier of Pakistan.

(Nov 94 issue of Т.О.A article by Mr.Shiv Kumar Chadha)

Born: 12-08-1924; Assassinated on: 17-08-1988. Gen.Zia-Ul Haq died in a tragic accidental mishap, apparently (in an Air-crash). The chart gives rise to enough of suspicion that the “Air-crash” was designed or engineered.

The 7th-lord in 6th indicates possibility of the future successor’s hand behind it. The 8th lord Mercury in 7th indicates someone whose Ascdt is this 8th sign: Virgo.*

Whatever it is, in this article, I am concentrating on the closest possible range of timing (max. range = 1 day only). So, we proceed. The reckoning point is Taurus.

Male native. Even sign. Sthira Rasi. Dasa starts from Taurus. Sequence every 6th. The order is reversed.


J-C-D cycle s (Full-Cycle = 73 years).

Counting every 8th, and adding up.

Taurus 11+Aries 2+ Pisces 8 + Aquarius. 4 + Capricorn 3+ Sagittarius 11+Scorpio 1 +Libra 4 + Virgo 1+Leo 11 + cancer 7 + Gemini 10; Total = 73.


Saturn in trine from Ascdt: -1

Ketu in Ascdt                              : -1

Venus in trine from Lagna: +1

Jupiter in trine from 8th from Moon: +½


Corrected figure = 73 – ½= 72½ Nakshatra years.

As usual, we put aside ½. We shall accommodate in month (by adding 6 months). We convert 72:

(72 X 324 ÷ 365¼) = 63.868583 = 64.

Year of birth: 1924 + 64: 1988: Year of death.

(64 X 365¼ ÷ 27.32) = 855.6369 turus of Moon. Log (turus) = Log 855.6369= 2.9322895 = 3* Now, we accommodate that ½ of a year we left:

3 + 6 = 9 (Error of 1 month). Actual is August.

I said earlier that by using Logarithm, an error of 1 month is possible (on either side) the alternate method will give a few options out of which one will be the actual. The actual one is which is very close to the Logarithm figure or identical.

12th-lord from Lagna, Saturn is in sign 7/converse 6.

12th lord from Lagna, Mars is in sign 11/converse 2.

Month: (6+2), (7+2). (6+11 not possible).

So, we get the months: 8(August) or September (9).


12th-lord from Lagna, Saturn is in star 14/conv. 14.

12th-lord from Moon, Mars is in star 24/conv. 4

Date: (14+4). (24+14 is not possible).

We get a single date here: (18) (Actual event: 17th).

The General (Zia-ul-Hag) was thus “vulnerable” on two days: 18.8.1988* and 18.09.1988 or too close to these. He died on the very first day out of these two options, although 1 day earlier. If this “mishap” could have been “avoided”, then, his vulnerability would have appeared 11 (Nakshatra) years later (in 1997). As you see in the list that 8th from the last figure (of Gemini) added is Taurus = 11 years.

11 Nakshatra years = (11X324 ÷ 365¼) = 9.7577002. Corrected figure for Longevity would have been 83½ years. It is of academic interest what the exact date could have been then.

Weekday: The date of assassination (17.08.1988) was a Wednesday, Please mark that Mercury is the 8th-lord.

With the same set-up of J-C-D, another method of “timing” is possible:

That puts the timing to the duration of a sub-Dasa which varies from 1 day (minimum) to 12 days (maximum). If the sub-Dasa duration is 8 to 12 days, then normally the event will be found in the central region (one third) of the Dasa-duration, within a span of 3-4 days.

The Dasas will run as per the cycle (obtained by using the same reckoning point which is however valid for these purpose only. Not for other events like marriage or joining in profession, etc). The duration of the “year” will be Nakshatra (=324 days). In every Nakshatra-year, the same J-C-D cycle will run in terms of “days”. Thus, unless the 4 full-cycle becomes an exact (like 81; 324 ÷ 4 = 81) “factor”, the last cycle will always be incomplete. On completion of every slab of 324 days which is the “year”, the J-C-D cycle will begin from the beginning, in terms of days.

The “cycle” in which the event will happen will depend on the “Latitude” of Moon, which can be obtained from (Moon-Rahu) distance. The chart will indicate in which sub (of sign) the event will occur.

So, first to find the onset of Nakshatra year. This can be done by adding Age.period (leaving aside ½, if appears) converted to Nakshatra years:

Age-period in “Yn” x 324 ÷365.25 = Age in “years”.

Then, to add the no. of cycles elapsed. It is to be done by actual counting or by converting the duration to “Savana” (@ 360 days) if added simple arithmetically.

Thus with the onset of Nakshatra-year, say on 24.11.1994, if we add one full-cycle, by actual counting (24+85 -30 days in Nov.-31 days in Dec.-31 days in Jan.) We arrive at (24+85) – (30+31+31) = 17th Feb, 1995.

Otherwise, if we simply add 85d as 2m 25d with 24.11.1994, error of 2 days will arise with 19.02.1995 as the result. This can be rectified by taking the Savana “Conversion”. 85d X 360 ÷ 365¼ = 84d or 2m.24d; which also gives 1 day’s error in this case. But in most cases it gives almost no error.

The “sub” will be of the sign which will be the most afflicted, out of: (a) 8th house from Ascdt, (b) 8th house from Moon, (c) 8th lords’ placements, etc.

For event-timings, it will be the best thing to have the same event from “more than one methods Judged “parallely”. This prevents the possibility of going wrong.


This year also our learned edition Mr. R. Santhanam had asked me to send article(s) for January-96 special issue of Т.О.A. and also for future issues. I earnestly hope that, like my all other earlier writings, this one will also earn his approval for favour of being published in the present-days’ esteemed magazine, “The times of Astrology”, possibly in the January-96 special Annual Number.

In spite of my deteriorated health-conditions, I have written this article (rather, “re-written” it by making the modifications for the sake of clarity). Т.О.A. is noted and respected as a “research-magazine” specially. I earnestly hope that the outcome of my own researches will always find place in this magazine.

The inquisitive readers may apply the same method which is explained here to the charts of the so many U.S. Presidents and various political heads on the international scene who had been assassinated in the past. It works.

The first 6 charts have been picked up from the article by Mr. Shiv Kumar Chadha in Nov.1994 issue of Т.О.A., “Assassination – An Astrological Probe” This article of mine may be considered as a “Continuation” of the learned author’s article in a way: here, I had laid stress on finding the narrowest-range timings.

All the 6 charts used for illustration by the said author I have picked up and worked on in details by following the same set of “rules” I have “developed myself. I have tried to explain as lucidly as I could.

The 7th chart is of a “living” person who is “disturbed”. The curious readers may have a piece of “home-work” on the chart as to how such a Well-educated & cultured person had become someone such by freak of fortune.

Chart-7 s BOY. Date of Birth: 05.12.1964;

Time of Birth: 10:10 a.m. (IST);

Place of Birth: Benares, U.P

Events/”Activities”: (5 times)

22.10.1991; 18.03.1992; 30.03.1992; 30.05.1992; 01.06.1992 (Mr. Editor may please discuss in TOA) Niryana Longitudes.

Sun231° 09’ 35.09”Ven200° 35’ 01.26”
Moon243° 31’ 40.76”Sat307° 24’ 11.09”
Mars142° 03’ 55.92”Rahu61° 29’ 40.26”
Merc251° 33’ 43.26”Ketu241° 29’ 40.26”
Jup (RX)26° 22’ 10.76”Uran141° 57’ 14.87”
 ***Jup (RX) -2****Rahu
Ascdt. Mars
Moon-19  Merc  KetuSunVen-16****

Vimsottari Balance of Dasa at birth: 5Y. 1m. 23d

Conv. (Y=365¼d)

Savana (Year = 360d)

Ketu: 5Y. 0m. 27d.

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