Article by AK. Gour
The Author
Col. A K Gour is a senior faculty member in the Institute of Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (school founded by the great astrologer & guru of many Sri. K N Rao) teaching astrology to a large number of students & researchers since long. Col. A K Gour considers Sri. K N Rao as his guru.
Sri. M S Mehta introducing him has said that, “He has derived his abilities not only from deep study, knowledge & sound judgement but also from his great faith in religion and higher values of life…..there very few like him who are totally dedicated to the higher values that astrology represents.”
Sri K N Rao, in his preface, says “Col Gour’s attempt in this book is the first major composite attempt by an astrologer to cover these aspects, the path from education to career with a link between the two….Col. Gour being aware of such complexities has neatly opened some lines of analysis which must lead a keen student on to further research….this book gives you the lines along which future research should be done and should progress.”
Sri. K N Rao’s Preface is short but powerful and as usual thought-provoking. He makes three important points: (i) that astrology can be better than educational psychology in helping determine the choice of educational & professional patterns (ii) the association/influence of malefics & benefics for technical & non-technical areas respectively and (iii) four key career patterns that emerge linking education & career. This less than two page preface can be said to be a tiny but potent ‘description & prescription’ for analysing the education & career area astrologically.
The important contents are divided into 17 chapters, which are reviewed below.
Chapter: Professions—A General Approach
In this chapter a detailed overview of the significance of planets, rashis, tattwas & houses relating to professions has been presented from classic Brihat Jataka, a few pioneering researchers and from Saravali. The table of planets Vs professions as per the classic Brihat Jataka lists many professions for each planet, which are not exactly in the original text, but appear to be extensions made by author based on the generic indications in the original (Sri. B Suryanarain Rao’s book on BJ was referred by the reviewer which gives both Sanskrit shloka & English translation & explanations). Perhaps it would be better to list the professions as it is first & suggest the extensions as done by the author. Suggested reference(s) to a (few) good book(s) on BJ can be added for those who wish to study it independently.
Sri. K N Rao’s table of planets & profession is very useful & insightful information for astrologers in current times and works very well in the experience of the reviewer. Sri. Hardeo Sharma Trivedi’s planets Vs professions is somewhat general.
The next section on ‘Planets & professions’ gives a detailed list of Professions Vs Planets. However, taking into consideration the material provided so far, it appears to miss some possibilities; for example, for Jupiter ‘management experts’ & ‘psychologists’. Next a list of professions against each of the nakshatra is listed. But it is not stated as to which ‘entity’ this should be applied such as for Moon or 10th lord or lagna etc., though by default one would assume Moon. Following this is a neatly compiled list of rashis (signs) Vs professions extracted from the works of Dr. B V Raman. The list is quite extensive. Following this are listed (i) broad characteristics of nature of profession based on signs (moveable, fixed & dual) (ii) characteristics based on the four tattwas (iii) profession as indicated in Saravali based on the sign of 10th house in D-1 & D-9. However, there is no suggestion on how to resolve or synthesise the results if the indications from these different approaches are conflicting (iv) effects of placement of 10L in different houses as per Dr. B V Raman (essentially from his How to Judge a Horoscope) and (v) two planet yogas for profession, but appropriate caution has been advised for using the same.
Thus the chapter is quite comprehensive in terms of the background information.
The Chapter on Educational counselling explains the houses, planets, divisional charts, yogas and dashas for assessing the potential for education. The distinction between the 2nd House, 4th house & 5th house has been cleanly brought out. There is no mention of 9H though it is considered relevant for certain levels/types of education which may have a role in determining profession & nature of job. The use of the divisional chart for assessing education has been described very neatly. The role & importance of dasha is briefly stated. Important yogas for good education are listed.
This is followed by two examples and they are a beauty to read. It subtly weaves in so many other techniques of interpretation. It is comprehensive. So much can be learnt from just these two examples by a careful reader. In case of 1st example, there is no synthesised judgement of a few conflicting readings that resulted from analysing the three charts (D-1, D-9 & D-24). Also it appears as if dasha planet alone finally decided the nature of results.
Chapter on Self-employment or Service: The importance of knowing this in advance by astrology is well stated thus: “This information will be a guiding factor for the parents in proper organisation of schooling and higher education of the child …” The distinction has been neatly elucidated in seven (or strictly speaking six) principles, because principle 7 is essentially an alternative approach to principle 5. The conditions under which a transition may occur from self-employment to service are also stated. The importance of dasha sequence coupled to these principles is stated briefly. This is followed by 15 illustrations, clearly explaining the application of the principles.
After the first 2 illustrations, more care could have been exercised on some parameters in other illustrations, particularly w r t the way the principles were stated. Hence, there are some errors/possibility of confusion in the illustrations, which can be corrected or clarified in later editions; a few such cases are given here. The definition of gocharastha & Agocharastha (pg 47) can be made clearer as it causes confusion in the illustrations such as in Illustration2. Similarly the results of Indu lagna can be stated more clearly (pg 49).
Illustration No. | Nature of error |
1st | Indu lagna is given as Capricorn, but it is Aquarius (JHora) |
2nd | Sat would be agocharastha, because it is 6L, is in 3H which is not own house or sign of exaltation & is aspected by 8L. There is no exalted malefic in Indu lagna. In fact both malefics are in their inimical signs. |
3rd | LL is with three Poorna Paramatmamsa planets & these aspect the 10H, but it is stated that the PP planets have no influence on Lagna/LL or 10H/L. Indu Lagna (Gem) not indicated. |
5th | 2L & 5L are together in 9H, but it has been ignored. 9L Sat aspects 3H & 10H and disposits 3L linking these houses, but has been ignored. Indu lagna Aquarius has 2 unblemished benefics (& the ILL is in Lagna, a friendly house aspected by LL, but this has been ignored. |
7th | The PP planet assessment method is suddenly different from other examples; in D-9, Sat is 8L aspected by 6L but considered gocharastha. |
10th | In South Indian chart, Mer & Sun should be in Libra; |
12th | Count of planets is considered in Navamsa, not done so far; Sat is 8L; there is no 3,9,10 relation but has been taken to exist; |
Chapter: The First Salary
Five principles, based on charakarakas, which help determine the timing of first salary are elucidated. The influences & dashas are also based on Jaimini system. Six illustrations explain the application of the principles.
Some confusion & errors in the illustrations are given below: This would indicate there is scope for further improvement in this chapter to make the statements of principles more accurate and the illustrations can also be corrected.
Illustration No. | Remarks |
1 | Indu lagna being in 10th to Indu lagnesh is not the stated rule. The rule would appear to state that IL/ILL should be 10th or 11th to MD/AD. In ppl4, Sun entered Virgo on 17th Sept 1995, a rather odd date to get first salary, though month may be OK; in ppl 5, all of Sept 1995, Sat was in Aqu, but is treated as being in Pis; similarly Jup was in Sco but has been treated as being in Sag; these are serious errors. |
2 | According to Jhora Indu Lagna falls in Pis, but has been taken as Aqu; ppl 1 has been applied to date of joining as it does not work for salary; explanation given is lame; in transit AmK Ven was in Gem, but has been treated as being in Lib; hence actually ppl 4 does not apply. |
3 | The word Mars transiting is wrong in ppl 2; it refers to natal placements; the date given in 9-1-80 but in ppl 4, it says, in March; if January, Ven was in Cap & if March, it was in Ari & thus would not have Jaimini aspect on MD Lib & hence ppl 4 is not satisfied; ppl 5, Sat was in Vir & not Leo as stated, but ppl is satisfied; |
5 | In ppl 5 Parasari aspect of Sat considered & not Jaimini; |
Chapter: Periods of Rise in Profession
Five parameters that influence the strength of profession & its favourable timing are described. These are the 3 divisional charts, the pada lagna, important dashas, role of AmK and favourable transits. Their role is stated rather generally. Three illustrations explain the principles & their application in much detail. The illustrations are very helpful. There are 2 printing errors in Illustration 1 & 2.
Chapter: Professional Distress
Dashas & transits which are capable of causing distress in professional life are described. This primarily involves interaction of profession related houses/planets with Trik houses/lords, 5H/L and certain states of relevant planets. Periods, which cause distress and valid suggestions on how to attend to them & reduce or avoid, have also been given in the illustrations. The illustrations also point out many other related interesting rules of prediction making it that much more useful. The chapter is very well written. However, there are some errors which can be corrected–Pg 101: Mercury located in should be 7H; pg 102, D-10: Mars does not aspects Sun in the chart.
Chapter: Profession-Focussed Analysis
An introduction to the entities that play a major role in determining the profession are described. These are the three charts (D-1, D-9 & D-10), the Ascendant, the yogas & the dashas. The lagnas to be focussed on, viz the birth lagna, karakansh lagna & the AK are described. This is followed by a detailed illustration, which is a beauty to read & must also be read ‘between the lines’ as it presents many other techniques of analysis along the way. A particular feature of D-10 has been brought out very effectively. However, there is no discussion w r t Pada lagna or karakansh, though these two are mentioned in the early part of the chapter. While one can infer that analysis would be on similar lines for these also, a mention on the relative weightage or differential significances could be useful.
Chapter: Doctors
The houses & planets which are responsible for medical education are delineated. It is shown that for this profession the houses/lords of education & profession should be linked. Six principles are stated to establish this profession. The explanations are very lucid. This is followed by six illustrations demonstrating and clarifying the application of these principles. A few hints on determining the specialisation area within this profession or reference to a book which discusses this would be welcome in next edition.
However some confusions/corrections can be attended to:
Illustration 1 | Ppl 2 is not applied as stated w r t Jup & Moon; it may be useful to remember that all planets have 75% aspect on 4th & 8th positions; this could resolve some confusions; Ppl 5 is not shown in D-10; Ppl 6 (dasha) is not met in D-1, but only in D-9; |
Illustration 2 | Ppl 5 which applies in D-9 has not been shown as stated though it exists; |
Illustration 3 | Printing error in D-9 w r t planets in Libra; D-10 has differences w r t R-K as seen in JHora; dasha Ppl is not satisfied in D-1, but in D-9 & D-10; |
Chapter: Lawyers
The houses, planets, charakarakas & dashas that determine the profession of lawyers in a horoscope are described. A few hints on determining the specialisation area are given. Five illustrations demonstrate & clarify the applicability of the principles. The first illustration is a pleasure to read. There are a few printing errors in illustration 3.
Chapter: The Engineers
The principles determining Engineering profession have been stated followed by five illustrations. However, the Sat-Ketu linkage is not very convincing in 3 out of 5 cases. A few hints on determining the specialisation area within this profession or reference to a book which discusses this would be welcome in next edition.
The next chapters deal with The Steel Frame (Bureaucrats), Chartered Accountants, Journalists, Television Persons, The Fashion Technologies, Hotel Management and Computer Professionals. In all these cases, the houses that influence, the planets, the AmK & the dashas are used in formulating the principles. There are at least three illustrations for each case. The illustrations are very well presented & have many subtle aspects of interpretation which a reader will do well to note. Some of them are a pleasure to read & learn. The Role of AmK is influencing the specialisation has been indicated in case of CAs, Journalism, Fashion Technologies and Hotel management. The ‘derivation’ of the applicable principles is a wonderful example of applying fundamentals of astrology to new areas. It is particularly beautiful in case of Fashion Technologies.
Computer professionals
The unique feature of this profession in terms of the situation, particularly in our country, where even those who have not studied computers formally in graduation level but get into this field is very well explained. There are seven illustrations amply and ably demonstrating the basic principles as defined to these categories of people.
Overall the book is worth purchasing & studying carefully and will be an asset in any astrologer’s library.
Test cases: Discussed below are two examples to show the principles elucidated in the book. The discussion has been kept to the minimum here.
- Lawyer

The native completed BA, LLB in 2010.
Principle 1: close relation between houses 2, 6 & 9 and their Lords. Additionally 3H/L helps in the documentation needed by lawyers.
Mars, the 2L aspects 2H & 6H. Mer, the 9L, aspects 6H & is aspected by retro Jup, the 6L. Jup aspects 2L Mars & 2H in retro. Jup is also the 3L.
Principle 2: Interaction between Sat & Jup indicates a lawyer.
Jup in retro aspects Sat. Jup aspects Sat in D-9 also.
Principle 3: The Amatyakaraka planet would show interaction with houses 2, 6 & 9 and their lords. AmK & its nakshatra lord determine the specilaisation.
Sat is the AmK planet. It is posited in 2H & aspects the 2L. It is in nakshatra of Mer the 9L. Jup the 6L aspects Sat in retro. Sat being in the nakshatra of Mer, both jobs that the native got so far are related to corporate matters.
Principle 4: The right dasha would promote the career.
The native started the profession in Oct 2010. This was the dasha of Rahu-Venus. Rahu is in 6H aspected by 9L Mer. Ven is the LL placed in 12H with Mer, the 9L and aspecting 6H. Jup the 6L influences both these from its retro position. Ven is also the dispositor of Moon, the 10L.
- Doctor

Principle 1: PAC of 5/10 H/L with 6H/L and 12H/L
No obvious linkage in D-1 but in D-9, 5L & 12L Ven is conjunct 10L Jup & 6L Mars.
Principle 2: Jup influences Lagna, 5H/L, 10H/L and 10H from Moon. Moon has malefic influences.
Jup aspects lagna, 5L & 5H. Moon is aspected by Mars. Jup aspects 10L Sat of D-1 in D-9.
Principle 3: Luminaries show a link with malefics or trik houses/lords.
Moon is aspected by Mars & Sun is aspected by Jup, the 12L.
Principle 4: Technical medical education
Not applicable in this case
Principle 5: In D-9 & D-10 there would be PAC connection of 6H/L with 10H/L. It may also influence 3/9 axis.
In D-9, 6L & 10L are conjunct in 3H aspecting 9H. 6L aspects 10H. In D-10, 6L Mars aspects 10H & 10L.
Principle 6: The MD/AD of planets having PAC with 5H/L at the right age for medical education.
The native had the MD of Moon between the ages of 15 & 25. Moon is placed in 5H in both D-1 & D-9.