Autistic Disorder: Astrological indicators

Autistic Disorder: Astrological indicators by GH. Visweswara

Article by GH. Visweswara

The medical factors P2 to P5 given below are taken from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM IV): DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR 299.00 AUTISTIC DISORDER. This is a universally accepted set of criteria by medical community.

Parameter 1 (P1)

Medical factor: Some kind of brain damage is considered to be the cause of Autism. It is typically diagnosed before the age of three.

Astrological indicators: This would imply serious/multiple afflictions to Lagna, Lagna Lord & Karaka Sun. Similarly dasha at birth or soon after birth would be of one of the major afflicters/afflicted entities. The extent of afflictions could suggest the extent of damage.

Parameter 2 (P2)

Medical factors: Qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of the following:

  1. Marked impairments in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body posture, and gestures to regulate social interaction.
  2. Failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level.
  3. Lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people (e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people).
  4. Lack of social or emotional reciprocity (note: in the description, it gives the following as examples: not actively participating in simple social play or games, preferring solitary activities or involving others in activities only as tools or “mechanical” aids).

Astrological indicators: These would imply afflictions to 3H/L, 5H/L, 7H/L; Mer as karaka for relevant characteristics of 3H may also be afflicted or weak. Influence of malefic Sat on Moon may also have to be considered. Influence of 8H/L may also have relevance.

Parameter 3 (P3)

Medical factors: Qualitative impairments in communication as manifested by at least one of the following:

  1. Delay in or total lack of, the development of spoken language (not accompanied by an attempt to compensate through alternative modes of communication such as gesture or mime).
  2. In individuals with adequate speech, marked impairment in the ability to initiate or sustain a conversation with others.
  3. Stereotyped and repetitive use of language or idiosyncratic
  4. Lack of varied, spontaneous make-believe play or social imitative play appropriate to developmental level.

Astrological indicators: This would imply afflictions (lack of) or weakness (delay) of 2H/L and/or karaka Mercury, and 3H/L. Influence of Saturn on the relevant entity may cause delay. The factors that would signify ( c) above is not clear to the author; perhaps Sat has a role.

Parameter 4 (P4)

Medical factors: Restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests and activities, as manifested by at least two of the following:

  1. Encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus.
  2. Apparently inflexible adherence to specific, non-functional routines or rituals.
  3. Stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole body movements).
  4. Persistent preoccupation with parts of objects.

Astrological indicators: The astrological factors that would signify the above is not clear to the author. Perhaps the influence of Rahu & Ketu which are generally considered responsible for most of the undiagnosable & strange problems and Sat which causes idiosyncrasies may cause these. Hopefully these are covered by afflictions discussed for other parameters. It is hoped that other researchers would throw some light on it.

Parameter 5 (P5)

Medical factors: Delays or abnormal functioning in at least one of the following areas, with onset prior to age 3 years:

  • Social interaction.
  • Language as used in social communication.
  • Symbolic or imaginative play.

Astrological indicators: This would imply afflictions or weakness of 2H/L, 3H/L, 5H/L and 7H/L. Influence of Sat may cause delay.

Note: In case studies given below, only 2H/L is analysed as other factors would have already been considered earlier.

Summary of astrological indicators:

  1. Serious/multiple afflictions to Lagna, Lagna Lord & Karaka Sun. Dasha at birth or soon after birth would be of one of the major afflicters/afflicted entities. The extent of afflictions would indicate the extent of damage. The pattern appears to repeats in     D-1, D-9 & D-3.
  2. Afflictions to 2H/L, 3H/L, 5H/L, 7H/L; Mer as karaka may also be afflicted or weak. At least two would be more seriously afflicted.
  3. 2H/L and/or Karaka for speech may be weak instead of being seriously afflicted &/or may be influenced by Sat causing delay.
  4. Influence of malefic Sat on Moon may also have to be considered. Influence of 8H/L may also have relevance.

Special Note: Generally persons with Autistic disorder lead a ‘sub-normal’ life throughout. However, it should be noted that there are milder forms of autism too. Many who are generally considered Autistic have shown some genius like abilities & have become the ‘who is who’ of the world. Of late, psychiatrists have made a distinction and call this Asperger’s Disorder.  Ms. Temple Grandin (a case analysed below) is one such case. She is classified under Autism (in Astro data bank also) and had many characteristics of autistic disorder. Similarly, Chmura (a case analysed below) showed genius like abilities in music at young age.

Therefore, the degree of afflictions & its moderation should be carefully assessed taking into account the PAC factors, shadbala etc. One should remember that houses & planets have multiple significations. Hence while identifying Autism & its impact, care should be exercised.

Explanatory Notes:

The author is not well versed with the interpretation of ‘outer planets’ & hence they have not been reckoned in the case studies. Their placement has, however, been mentioned. (Caution: Examine the year of births of cases chosen). More knowledgeable persons may like to throw light on this & attempt a logical explanation.

The relevant significations of houses & planets chosen are given here to convey the appropriateness of choice. Read them in the light of medical description of symptoms given above.

Lagna: Body in general, body language—how one carries oneself & mannerisms, intellect, childhood or start in life, head.

2H: Facial attributes, expression, speech, conversational ability, ability to study—interest & inclination, integration with immediate family.

3H: Communications, sustaining conversation (2nd to 2H), sports, creative hobbies, expression of any type, mental inclinations, self-improvement, confusion of mind, cleverness, talents (artistic), how one carries & conducts oneself, mental aptitude/ability (towards performing an act) in three ways (a) mental capacity or attitude towards the act (b) how it is performed physically (c) sustaining power or prolongation or elasticity of the act i.e. whether it can be completed successfully or not; arms, hands, right leg, nervous system.

5H: Creative faculty, learning, emotions, feelings, spinal cord.

7H: Talent, cooperation, working with peers.

8H: Delay, chronic illness, misery, misfortune. 8L damages the significations of houses & Lords it connects to. Main karaka is Sat: it never loses the characteristics of 8H, not even when Kona lord.

Sun: Psychic development, intelligence, sense of identity, brain, diseases in the head.

Mer: Psychological development, intelligence, learning, retentive power, dexterity, simultaneous interest in many varied subjects, power of understanding, speech disorders, friends, childhood, communications, mental inclination, mental instability, nervous breakdown, solar plexus, central nervous system.

Sat: Delay, sickness, idiosyncrasies, plodding, persevering, stability, concentration, stubbornness, impetuosity, despondency; detachment perhaps manifesting as desire for loneliness; governs our tongue (language & speech); stupidity, dullness, incurable diseases, injuries, all chronic ailments and ear trouble.

Moon: Mind in general, indecision, lack of mental balance, weak concentration power, human fancies and infant stage of a person.

Case Studies

Autism Boy 001:

Autistic Disorder Astrological indicators 1
Autistic Disorder Astrological indicators 2

Outer Planets: Uranus (R): Aqu; Neptune (R ): Cap; Pluto: Sco;


  • Lagna: In D-1, Rahu aspected by Sat is in Lag; nakshatra Lord of Lag is afflicted by Sat; no unafflicted benefic’s aspect on Lag/LL or Sun; In D-9, Lag has deb Ven who is aspected by Sat afflicted by Rahu;
  • LL: In D-1, LL Mars who is also 8L is combust & aspected by Rahu aspected by Sat; LL conj Mer, L (3,6); In D-9, LL is aspected by Mars, L (3,8) & its dispositor is deb; In D-3, LL Sun is aspected by Rahu & Sat and is conjunct Mars.
  • Sun: In D-1, Mars is also 8L & afflicts Sun & is in close conjunction; Rahu aspected by Sat, aspects Sun; In D-9, Sun is in sign of Deb; its dispositor is also deb; In D-3, though in exaltation sign, it is is conjunct Mars & aspected by Rahu, Sat & 12L malefic Moon.
  • Dasha of afflicted Rahu upto age of seven.


  • 3H: In D-1, malefic Moon is in 3H; Moon is in nakshatra of Rahu; 3L Mer is conjunct enemy Mars, L (1, 8) & is in nakshatra of Ketu; in D-9, Mars as L (3,8) is in 3H & is aspected by afflicted Rahu;
  • 5H: In D-1, 5H has own lord Sun conjunct with Mars, L (1,8) & Mer, L (3,6) and is aspected by Rahu; in D-9, 5H & 5L (Sat ) are in R-K axis with deb Jup in 5H.
  • 7H: In D-1, Ketu is in 7H & 7L is conjunct Sat in inimical sign. In D-9, 7H is aspected by afflicted Rahu and 7L is in sign of deb in R-K axis.
  • Mer: In D-1, Mer is conjunct enemy Mars, L (1, 8) & is in nakshatra of Ketu; In D-9, Mer is aspected by malefic Mars.
  • Sat & Moon: In D-1, Moon is dispositor of Sat. In D-9, there is exchange between Sat & Moon and they are in 6-8.


  • In D-1, 2H has no affliction, but 2L is conjunct & in nakshatra of Sat; In D-9, 2H has deb 12L Sun & 2L is deb in Lag & aspected by afflicted Sat.

Autism Boy 002:

Autistic Disorder Astrological indicators 3
Autistic Disorder Astrological indicators 4

Outer Planets: Uranus (R): Aqu; Neptune (R): Cap; Pluto (R): Sco;


  • Lag: In D-1, Lag is in R-K axis; no unafflicted benefic’s aspect on Lag/LL or Sun; In D-9, Lag is aspected by Rahu & Mars and by L (3,6); In D-3, Both Sun & Sat are in Lagna and are aspected by Mars & deb Rahu.
  • LL: In D-1, is in R-K axis in inimical sign; aspected by Sat who is afflicted by 6L & enemy Sun as well as by Mars; In D-9, LL is in 8H & is aspected by Deb Moon; In D-3 in inimical sign in 8H;
  • Sun: In D-1, Sun is in exact conjunction with Sat & aspected by Rahu; In D-9, Sun is conjunct Sat in 12H; its dispositor is conjunct Rahu; In D-3, Sun is conjunct Sat and is aspected by Mars & deb Rahu.
  • Dasha of Rahu started barely two months of birth.


  • 3H: In D-1, 3H has no afflictions; 3L (who is also 8L) is in inimical 6H, in nakshatra of Ketu & in paap-kartari between Sat+Sun & Ketu. In D-9, 3H has no afflictions, but 3L is aspected by Rahu & afflicted Sat;
  • 5H: In D-1, 5H has malefic Sat with 6L Sun in exact conjunction & are aspected by Rahu & Mars; 5L is in 12H aspected by Ven, L (3,8); In D-9, 5H has Rahu & retro Mer & 5L is in 12H conjunct Sun.
  • 7H: In D-1, 7H is in R-K axis aspected by afflicted Sat; 7L is conjunct afflicted Sat & is aspected by Rahu & Mars. In D-9, 7H has 7L Mars, who is dispositor of Deb Moon, but there is no other affliction.
  • Mer: In D-1, Mer is retro, conjunct Sat & Sun & aspected by Rahu & Mars. In D-9, Mer is conjunct Rahu.
  • Sat & Moon: In D-1, Sat & Moon are in 6-8 & in exchange of signs; In D-9, afflicted Sat aspects Moon in its sign of deb; Moon is also aspected by Ven, L (1,8) from 8H.

P3/P5: In D-1, 2H has own Lord Mars, aspected by afflicted Sat. In D-9, 2H has deb Moon aspected by afflicted Sat and by L (1,8) from 8H; 2L Mars is vargottama & aspects own 2H.

Autism Boy 003:

Autistic Disorder Astrological indicators 5
Autistic Disorder Astrological indicators 6

Outer Planets: Uranus (R): Cap; Neptune (R): Cap; Pluto: Sco;


  • Lag: In D-1, Lag is in nakshatra of Sat, and has deb Mars who is dispositor of retro Sat, L (7, 8) in sign of deb; no unafflicted benefic’s aspect on Lag/LL or Sun; In D-9, Lag is aspected by Mars, L (3,8) & Sun, L (12) & by Rahu; In D-3, no afflictions.
  • LL: In D-1, LL is deb & its dispositor is also deb; is in nakshatra of Sat who is aspected by Rahu. In D-9, LL is in sign of deb with malefic Mars, L (3,8) & Sun, L (12); LL of D-9 is combust in D-1; In D-3, LL is deb.
  • Sun: In D-1, Sun aspected by retro Sat; In D-9, Sun is conjunct Mars, L (3,8), deb Mer & is aspected by Sat; In D-3, aspected by Mars & retro Sat.
  • Dasha of Sat, L (7,8) upto 7 years.


  • 3H: In D-1, 3H/L have aspect of retro Sat, L (7,8); 3L Mer is combust. In D-9, 3H is in R-K axis & 3L Mars is conjunct 12L Sun & deb Mer. It is aspected by Sat.
  • 5H: In D-1, 5H has deb Moon; 5L is in deep deb & in exchange with deb Moon; in D-9, 5H is aspected by Rahu; 5L Sat is aspected by afflicted Mars, L (3,8).
  • 7H: In D-1, 7H has aspect of deb Mars and 7L retro Sat in sign of deb; 7L Sat is aspected by Rahu; Sat is in nakshatra of Ketu who is placed in 8H. In D-9, 7H has 12L Sun conjunct Mars, L (3,8) & aspected by Sat; 7L Jup is in inimical sign, conjunct Sat & aspected by afflicted Mars.
  • Mer: In D-1, Mer is combust. In D-9, is in sign of deb & afflicted by malefic Mars.
  • Sat & Moon: In D-1, deb Moon is in nakshatra of Sat; In D-9, Moon is aspected by Sat.


  • In D-1, 2H has Rahu & 2L is in 3H aspected by retro Sat; In D-9, 2H is aspected by afflicted Mars, L (3,8) & 2L Ven is aspected by Sat. Ven is afflicted by Rahu in D-1.

Autism 004:

Autistic Disorder Astrological indicators 7
Autistic Disorder Astrological indicators 8

Outer Planets: Uranus: Cap; Neptune: Cap; Pluto (R) : Sco;


  • Lag: In D-1, Lag aspected by Rahu & afflicted Sat; 8L Moon is in Lagna; no unafflicted benefic’s aspect on Lag/LL or Sun. In D-9, Lag is conjunct 12L Sun & is aspected by Sat; In D-3, Lag is aspected by Rahu.
  • LL: In D-1, LL in R-K axis, is in nakshatra of Rahu in Aqu (co-owned by Rahu). In D-9, LL is in 6H & in R-K Axis; is hemmed between Mars & Sat; In D-3, LL is in own but 8H; it is afflicted by Sat & malefic Mer, L (3,6); In D-1,Mer & Sat are in degree conjunction.
  • Sun: In D-1, Sun is in nakshatra of Sat, is dispositor of Rahu and afflicted by Sat & Mars; In D-9, Sun is 12L, dispositor of Rahu & aspected by Sat; In D-3, Sun in 12H aspected by Ven in deb.
  • Dasha at birth of Sun upto 5 years.


  • 3H: In D-1, 3H is in R-K axis; 3L Sat is conjunct Mars, Sun & deb Mer and is in nakshatra of such Mer. In D-9, 3H has no afflictions & 3L Mars is exalted without any afflictions. Mars is however afflicted in D-1.
  • 5H: In D-1, 5H is aspected by Rahu & 5L is conjunct Sat, Sun & deb, inimical Mer. In D-9, 5H has exalted Mars, L (3,8); 5L Sat has no afflictions. Sat is afflicted in D-1.
  • 7H: In D-1, 7H is aspected by afflicted Mars & 8L, Moon; 7L Mer is afflicted by malefics & is deb. In D-9, 7H has 7L conjunct with Sat & aspected by 12L Sun.
  • Mer: In D-1, Mer is in sign of deb conjunct with Mars, Sat & Sun; in D-9 Mer is in 6H in R-K axis & is hemmed between Mars & Sat.
  • Sat & Moon: In D-1 & D-9, but afflicted (vargottama) Sat aspects (vargottama) Moon;


  • In D-1, 2H has Ven, L (6,11), in the nakshatra of 8L Moon. 2L Sat is conjunct Mars, Sun & deb Mer; In D-9, 2H has no affliction but 2L is aspected by exalted Mars, L (3,8) & by Jup conjunct Sat.

Autism Girl 005:

Autistic Disorder Astrological indicators 9
Autistic Disorder Astrological indicators 10

Outer Planets: Uranus (R ): Cap; Neptune (R ): Cap; Pluto (R) : Sco;


  • Lag: In D-1, Lag has no afflictions. In D-9, Sat, conjunct Ven, L (3,8) aspects Lag; In D-3,Ketu is in Lag & is hemmed between Sat & Mars.
  • LL: In D-1, LL is aspected by Sat in sign of deb, placed in nakshatra of Rahu and is hemmed between Sun & Rahu. In D-9, LL is aspected by Mars from 8H; In D-3, LL has no afflictions.
  • Sun: In D-1, Sun is aspected by Mars, L (3,8); Sun, Rahu & Ketu are at identical degree; In D-9, Sun is in R-K axis; In D-3, Sun is aspected by Mars, L (3,8).
  • Dasha at birth of upto 10 years is of Jup, who is placed in 8H, conjunct Sat in sign of deb (aspects LL), aspected by Mars, L (3,8) & is placed in nakshatra of Ketu.


  • 3H: In D-1, 3H is aspected by 12L Sun & Rahu. 3L is in inimical 2H (12th to 3H), in own nakshatra. In D-9, 3H is aspected by Mars & Rahu. 3L is in sign of deb, conjunct Sat, aspected by Rahu.
  • 5H: In D-1, 5H is in R-K axis, aspected by its Lord Sat in sign of deb & aspected by malefic Mars (both Sat & 5H); In D-9, 5H has 6L Sun conjunct Ketu; 5L is aspected by Rahu & Mars.
  • 7H: In D-1, 7H is aspected by Rahu and 7L is in 8H conjunct Sat (in its sign of deb) & malefic Mars. In D-9, 7H has, Sat conjunct Ven in its sign of deb & is aspected by Rahu; 7L has no afflictions, except for being in inimical sign.
  • Mer: In D-1, Mer is in own sign, in nakshatra of Rahu & is aspected by Sat in its sign of deb; it is hemmed between Sun & Rahu. In D-9 Mer has no afflictions but is in inimical sign.
  • Sat & Moon: In D-1, Moon is in MT sign of Sat. In D-9, Moon’s dispositor is conjunct Sat;


  • In D-1, 2H has malefic Mars aspected by Sat and 2L is conjunct Rahu in inimical sign. In D-9, 2H has no afflictions, except that Mars as 2L aspects its own house from 8H.

Autism 006:

Autistic Disorder Astrological indicators 11
Autistic Disorder Astrological indicators 12

Outer Planets: Uranus (R): Cap; Neptune (R): Cap; Pluto (R): Sco;


  • Lag: In D-1, Rahu is in Lag & Lag is in nakshatra of Rahu; no unafflicted benefic’s aspect on Lag/LL or Sun. In D-9, Lag is aspected by afflicted Mars; In D-3, 6L is in Lag & is aspected by afflicted Rahu & Mars.
  • LL: In D-1, LL is in R-K axis and is aspected by Sat who is aspected by Mars; Sat (though Yogakaraka) is in last degree of rashi & is aspected by Rahu & Mars. In D-9, LL is in R-K axis & conjunct Mars & Sun, both enemies; In D-3, LL is exalted but conjunct Rahu.
  • Sun: In D-1, Sun is in 8H in inimical sign & its dispositor Ven is in R-K axis. In D-9, Sun is in 6H & conjunct Sat, Mars & Ketu; In D-3, Sun is in 8H in paap-kartari between Mars & Sat+Rahu.
  • Dasha for first six years of Jup, L (3, 6), who is afflicted by Sun, Mars & Sat. Jup connects to Lag in retro & aspects LL.


  • 3H: In D-1, 3H has no afflictions; 3L is retro in 2H (12th to 3H), aspected by Sat & Mars as well as by Sun & Mer from 8H. In D-9, 3H is aspected by afflicted Sat and 3L is conjunct Rahu & aspected by afflicted Sat, Mars & Sun combination.
  • 5H: In D-1, 5H has own lord Sat who is aspected by Rahu & Mars; In D-9, 5H/L have no afflictions.
  • 7H: In D-1, 7H is in R-K axis; Ven L (1,8) is placed there. It is aspected by Sat; In D-9, 7H has no afflictions; 7L is aspected by Rahu who is aspected by multiple malefics.
  • Mer: In D-1, Mer is in 8H & combust.
  • Sat & Moon: There is no direct influence of Sat on Moon in both charts. They both share the same nakshatra Lord viz Jup, L (3,6).


  • In D-1, 2H & 2L are aspected by Sat and Jup, L (3,6) is placed there; it is also aspected by own Lord Mars who is in mutual aspect with Sat; In D-9, 2H has no affliction & 2L Sat is afflicted by Sun, Mars & Rahu-Ketu & placed in 6H.

Autism 007:

Autistic Disorder Astrological indicators 13
Autistic Disorder Astrological indicators 14

Outer Planets: Uranus: Aqu; Neptune: Cap; Pluto: Sco;


  • Lag: In D-1, no apparent affliction. In D-9, Lag is aspected by Sun who is aspected by afflicted Sat; In D-3, Mars, L (1,8) is in Lag; Lag is aspected by Sun (in sign of deb) & aspected by Sat.
  • LL: In D-1, LL is aspected by Sat conjunct Rahu; In D-9, LL is in 12H conjunct deb Moon, L (8) who is aspected by Sat & Rahu; In D-3, Sun (in sign of deb) aspected by Sat aspects LL.
  • Sun: In D-1, Sun is aspected by Sat who is conjunct Rahu. In D-9, Sun is aspected by afflicted Sat; In D-3, Sun is deb & aspected by Sat & Mars; Sun’s dispositor Ven is afflicted by Rahu.
  • Dasha of Rahu started within one year of birth.


  • 3H: In D-1, 3H has no affliction but 3L is in 6H, aspected by afflicted Rahu and in paap-kartari between Mars & Sun; In D-9, 3H is aspected by Mars in deb & 3L is in R-K axis.
  • 5H: In D-1, 5H has Mars (Yogakaraka) aspected by 12L Moon. 5L is retro in 12H in sign of exaltation, in nakshatra of Sat & is aspected by afflicted Sat. Such Jup aspects its 5H in retro. In D-9, 5H has no affliction, but 5L & its dispositor (aspected by afflicted Sat) both are in their signs of deb.
  • 7H: In D-1, 7H has LL Sun but 7L is afflicted by Rahu. In D-9, 7H has aspect of afflicted Sat & 7L is afflicted by Rahu & is in sign of deb.
  • Mer: In D-1, Mer is in nakshatra of Rahu & aspected by Sat and strictly speaking, combust; In D-9, Mer is conjunct Rahu in sign of deb & aspected by afflicted Sat.
  • Sat & Moon: In D-9, afflicted Sat aspects Moon who is in sign of deb.


  • In D-1, 2H has no affliction but 2L is within combustion range & is aspected by afflicted Sat. In D-9, 2H is aspected by deb Mars & 2L Sat is in R-K axis, aspected by afflicted & deb Mer.

Savage Mathew

Autistic Disorder Astrological indicators 15
Autistic Disorder Astrological indicators 16

Outer Planets: Uranus (R): Sag; Neptune (R): Sag; Pluto (R) : Sco;


  • Lag: In D-1, Lag aspected by Sat & Mars; Mars is in nakshatra of Sat; it is also aspected by Ven, L (1,8); Lag is in nakshatra of Jup, L (3,6) who is aspected by Rahu; In D-9, Lag is aspected by Mars & Sat; In D-3, Lag is in R-K axis, asp by Sat, L (8,9).
  • LL: In D-1, LL is aspected by Rahu & conjunct Sun (combust). In D-9, LL is in 6H conjuct Mars & aspected by Sat & Rahu; In D-3, LL is asp by Rahu.
  • Sun: In D-1, Sun, though exalted, is aspected by Rahu and conjunct Ven, L (1,8); In D-9 & D-3 Sun is in R-K axis.
  • Dasha of Moon until 8 years; Moon is aspected by Mars who in turn is aspected by Sat in D-1 and by Sat & Rahu in D-9.


  • 3H: In D-1, Rahu is in 3H. 3L Jup is aspected by Rahu & is in nakshatra of Ketu; In D-9, 3H has exalted Jup, L (8,11), who is hemmed between Rahu & Sat; 3L Moon is in 12H aspected by 12L Mars from 6H.
  • 5H: In D-1, 5H is hemmed between Sat & Mars; 5L is in nakshatra of Mars placed in 6H; In D-9, 5H is again hemmed between Sat & Mars; 5L Mer is conjunct Rahu;
  • 7H: In D-1, 7H has 8L Ven & is aspected by Rahu; 7L Mars is in 6H aspected by Sat (Yogakaraka); in D-9, 7H is hemmed between Mars conjunct 6L Ven & Sun conjunct Ketu; 7L is in 6H with 6L & is aspected by Sat (Yogakaraka) & Rahu.
  • Mer: In D-1, Mer is conjunct Ven, L (1,8) & aspected by Rahu. In D-9, Mer is in R-K axis in own sign. In D-9, Mer is conjunct Rahu.
  • Sat & Moon: There is no influence of Sat on Moon.


  • In D-1, 2H has no affliction but 2L is aspected by Sat; In D-9, 2H has its Lord Mer conjunct Rahu and aspected by afflicted Sun from 8H.


Autistic Disorder Astrological indicators 17
Autistic Disorder Astrological indicators 18

Outer Planets: Uranus: Cap; Neptune: Cap; Pluto: Sco;


  • Lag: In D-1, Lag in nakshatra of afflicted Sat & asp by Sat in retro and by similarly aspected Mars. In D-9, Lag has Sat; in D-3, asp by Sat in retro & Mars.
  • LL: In D-1, LL is in nakshatra of Ketu & its dispositor is deb & conjunct L (8, 11); asp by afflicted Sat in retro. In D-9, LL is in 3H aspected by Mars, L (3,8) & Sat; it is in paap-kartari between Ketu & Sun; In D-3, asp by retro Sat & its dispositor is in deb.
  • Sun: In D-1, Sun is deb; its dispositor Ven is deb, in nakshatra of Sun & is conjunct Rahu; in D-9, it is aspected by Mars, L (3,8) & by Rahu from 8H; In D-3, it is deb & conjunct L (8, 11); its dispositor is also deb.
  • Dasha of Ketu for about 2 years & then of Ven; LL is in nakshatra of Ketu who is in nakshatra of Sat & conjunct Sat; Ven is deb & conjunct Rahu & asp by Sat; it is in nakshatra of deb Sun.


  • 3H: In D-1, 3H has aspect of afflicted Rahu; 3L Sat is aspected by Rahu & Mars; In D-9, 3H is aspected by Sat and own Lord Mars, L (3,8);
  • 5H: In D-1, 5H is in R-K axis & Sat conjunct Ketu is posited; it is aspected by deb Ven conjunct Rahu & also has 8th aspect of Mars; 5L is in own 2H, in nakshatra of afflicted, deb Ven and aspected by Sat; In D-9, 5H/L has no afflictions.
  • 7H: In D-1, 7H is aspected by afflicted Sat; 7L is in deb conjunct Rahu & aspected by afflicted Sat; In D-9, 7H is aspected by Sat & 7L is conjunct Sat.
  • Mer: In D-1, Mer is in 12H conjunct deb Sun & is combust; in D-9, Mer is in 3H aspected by Mars, L (3,8); it is placed between Ketu & Sun.
  • Sat & Moon: In D-1, Sat in retro aspects Moon; in D-9 also Sat aspects Moon.


  • In D-1, 2H has own lord in nakshatra of deb & afflicted Ven and is aspected by afflicted Sat; In D-9, 2H has Ketu aspected by Sat in retro but 2L has no affliction. But 2L Ven is deb & afflicted in D-1.

Temple Grandin

Autistic Disorder Astrological indicators 19
Autistic Disorder Astrological indicators 20

Outer Planets: Uranus: Gem; Neptune: Vir; Pluto: Can;


  • Lag: In D-1, Lag is in R-K axis. In D-9, Lag has no afflictions; In D-3, Sat is in Lag.
  • LL: In D-1, LL is in 8H, in paap kartari between Rahu & Sat and is in nakshatra of Rahu. In D-9, LL is in inimical sign aspected by Rahu & Mars; in D-3, LL is aspected by L (3, 8) & Sun, L (6).
  • Sun: in D-1, Sun is conjunct L (8,11) & is in nakshatra of Ketu. In D-9, Sun is in 8H conjunct 8L, and inimical Ven, L (6,11); In D-3, is conjunct L (3,8) & aspected by Sat.
  • Dasha upto less than 2 years of Moon afflicted by Sat, Mars & Rahu, then of LL Mars in 8H in paap-kartari.


  • 3H: In D-1, 3H is aspected by Mars from 8H; 3L Sat is in inimical sign between enemies Mars & Sun. In D-9, 3H has Rahu & 3L is aspected by 8L Moon.
  • 5H: In D-1, 5H has no afflictions, 5L is in inimical 12H; in D-9, 5H has no afflictions but 5L is aspected by Sat.
  • 7H: In D-1, 7H has Rahu placed in it and 7L is conjunct Mer, L (8,11) & inimical Sun. 7L Ven is combust. In D-9, 7H is aspected by Rahu and 7L is combust & conjunct 8L Moon and Ven, L (6,11).
  • Mer: In D-1, Mer is so close to Sun, that it is combust in all charts.
  • Sat & Moon: Sat & Moon are mutually aspecting in both charts. Sat is hemmed by malefics.


  • In D-1, 2H is aspected by Mars (in nakshatra of Rahu) from 8H; 2L Jup is in 12H. In D-9, 2H has own Lord Sat aspected from 8H by Sun, Moon, L(8), Ven the L (6,11) & afflicted Mer.

Additional analysis:

Just to draw attention to the point made under ‘Special Note’ earlier, a few such achievements & positive qualities of Ms. Temple Grandin are analysed below:

  • Obtained her master’s degree in animal sciencefrom Arizona State University in 1975, and her doctoral degree in animal science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1989.
  • Doctoral could have started in Jup-Mars & completed in Jup-Rahu; Mars as LL is in 8H of research, Jup as 5L is aspecting 8H of research; Rahu, in its sign of exaltation, is also the inventor & unorthodox thinker, aspects 9L.
  • It should be noted that Mars & Sun are significators of quadrupeds; Sun is the strongest planet (shadbala: 194%) in 10H of profession; Sun is also significator of intelligence & brilliance.
  • She has described her hypersensitivityto noise and other sensory stimuli. She was primarily a visual thinker and has said that words are her second language.
  • Sat is the karaka for sound; Sat is aspecting 3H & 11H representing right & left ears. Sat, the 3L, though aspecting own 3H is in paap-kartari between enemies Mars & Sun and placed in inimical sign making it weak. Mars as 6L is also aspecting the same houses from 8H. 11L is combust. This could perhaps be the reason for discomfort with noise.
  • Placement of Jup the 5L (thinking, memory) in the MT of Venus, the planet of visual medium, could have given the visual thinking abilities.  9th aspect of exalted Rahu on Moon the karaka of Mind and 9L (5th to 5H) placed in 3H could have strengthened the visual thinking-communication/photographic memory.
  • A pioneering humane livestock facility designer, particularly w r t slaughtering of cows.
  • Mars the LL, significator of quadrupeds & cruel killing is in 8H of mode of death & research; Jup, the significator of cow, humane nature etc. is having its 9th aspect on 8H & Mars; Sun the significator of quadrupeds is powerfully placed in 10H (shadbala: 194%) influencing many facets of the personality & profession.
  • In D-10, the 10L Ven is conjunct 11L & significator of quadruped & cruelty Mars and is aspected by exalted Jup.
  • Placement of Jup in 12H could have sharpened the karakatwas of Jup viz thinking, intelligence, humane qualities etc. while reducing other significations of 5H like emotional bonding etc.
  • She no longer uses a squeeze-box (hug machine) that she invented at the age of 18 as a form of stress relief therapy.
  • She had very good ability to build machines herself. The aspect of Mars & Sat on 3H & 9L Moon and very strong Sun in shadbala could have given these ‘mechanical engineering’ skills of building machines with own hands.

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