Bhrighu Yogavali – Part 3 by Maharshi Bhrighu

Bhrighu Yogavali – Part 3 by Maharshi Bhrighu

‘A Mission Saptarishis Initiative’

Translated by

Sri. Agnihotram Venkata Narayacharyulu and Smt. Shakuntala Gowrishankar

Sanskrit Editor: Sri Chandrashehkhar Sharma

Special Thanks To: Upendra Angnihotram

Sanskrit Additional Comments: Guru Rajesh

Preface to 3rd Part

What must be re-iterated is the base of any horoscope is yogas which determine the real power of a horoscope. The base of any yoga is the action committed in past life, this is mere lip service and so far astrologers have done nothing to understanding the basis of how each yoga is formed. Bhrighu Yogavali is one of those first manuscripts to give the past life karma behind each yoga, something our seniors could never get hold of. The most important part here is to understand the basis each yoga and this can be attempted by understanding the past life karma given by the Maharishi, this valuable part has been missing in yogas for thousands of years and hence we are unable to say the reason/karma behind a Mahabhagya yoga or a Gajakeshari yoga. Readers are requested to read the Damini Yoga results in the following pages. – SA

॥ अथ पिंगल योग फलम्॥

|| atha piṁgala yoga phalam ||

Result of Pingala yoga.

सौम्या लग्ने धने कर्मे क्रूराद्यूने सुतेयदा॥

नीचोज्जेवाधनेलग्ने योगोयं पिंगलोभवेत्॥ १२२॥

saumyā lagne dhane karme krūrādyūne suteyadā ||

nīcojjevādhanelagne yogoyaṁ piṁgalobhavet || 122||

Pingala yoga is formed when benefics occupy Lagna, 2nd, or 10th houses and when malefics occupy 7th house or 5th house, or are in their debilitation or exaltation rasis which happen to be either Lagna or 2nd house.

तपस्वी निंदितःपूर्वे साध्वीस्त्री च कलंकिता॥

पात्रेदानंतुकृत्वावैपश्चात्तापः कृतः पुरा॥ १२३॥

tapasvī niṁditaḥpūrve sādhvīstrī ca kalaṁkitā ||

pātredānaṁtukṛtvāvaipaścāttāpaḥ kṛtaḥ purā || 123 ||

The native (of this yoga) had abused an ascetic and defamed a virtuous married lady (by seducing her) in his past life. However, later, repenting his actions, he made donations to worthy (capable) people in the sanctuary of a temple.

प्राप्यते च धनंधान्यंक्षणेवृद्धिः क्षणेक्षयः॥

बाल्येचलभतेदुःखंपित्ताधिक्यं च जायते॥ १२४॥

prāpyate ca dhanaṁdhānyaṁkṣaṇevṛddhiḥ kṣaṇekṣayaḥ ||

bālyecalabhateduḥkhaṁpittādhikyaṁ ca jāyate || 124 ||

(on account of the above) the native in his present life will sometimes experience gain of wealth, grains and sometimes loss of the same. He will be born with bilious nature (pitta) and will be sad in his childhood.

तस्यदुःखंसुतात्स्त्रीतः प्रभवेन्नसुखंक्वचित्॥

tasyaduḥkhaṁsutātstrītaḥ prabhavennasukhaṁkvacit ||

Because of this yoga, the native will not be happy and will face sorrows on account of children and wife.

शुक्र उवाच॥

śukra uvāca ||

Sukra asked,

किं जाप्यं कस्य पूजा च किं दानं च किमौषधम्॥ १२५॥

kiṁ jāpyaṁ kasya pūjā ca kiṁ dānaṁ ca kimauṣadham || 125 ||

“What Japas, Pujas and danas (donations) (as remedial measures) should be performed and what medicines should be taken?”


bhṛguruvāca ||

Bhrigu said,

शनेस्त्रीणिशिखेःपंचसहस्रं जपमाचरेत्॥

रीतिपात्रंपलंत्रिंशच्चंदनैर्नवमंडलम्॥ १२६॥

śanestrīṇiśikheḥpaṁcasahasraṁ japamācaret ||

Bpātraṁpalaṁtriṁśaccaṁdanairnavamaṁḍalam || 126 ||

(The native should) perform japa to Saturn 3000 times and Ketu 5000 times each.

Take a brass vessel weighing 30 palas (a particular weight equal to 4 Karsas) and draw nine circles (nava mandala) in the center with sandalwood paste,

ऊर्णापट्टंहरिद्वर्णे चतुर्विंशत्पुटीकृतम्॥

तस्योपरिसमासीनःपूर्वोक्तंजपमाचरेत्॥ १२७॥

ūrṇāpaṭṭaṁharidvarṇe caturviṁśatpuṭīkṛtam ||

tasyoparisamāsīnaḥpūrvoktaṁjapamācaret || 127 ||

fold a yellow coloured woollen cloth 24 times sit on it and perform the above said japa (in front of that mandala).


रजतंद्विगुणंदेयंशय्याभव्याविचित्रिता॥ १२८॥

japāṁtecakṛtaṁpuṇyaṁṣaṭkadvādaśahāṭakam ||

rajataṁdviguṇaṁdeyaṁśayyābhavyāvicitritā || 128 ||

After completion of the japas, donate 72 (12 x 6) gold coins and double quantity of silver coins along with a magnificently variegated cot (bed).

सप्तान्नंप्रस्थप्रस्थं च वस्त्रंहस्तांश्चतुर्दश॥

पंचरत्नसमायुक्तंदद्याच्चैवनसंशयः॥ १२९॥

saptānnaṁprasthaprasthaṁ ca vastraṁhastāṁścaturdaśa ||

paṁcaratnasamāyuktaṁdadyāccaivanasaṁśayaḥ || 129 ||

Also donate 7 cereals measuring a prastha (capacity equal to 32 palas), cloth measuring 14 hasthas (1 hastha equals 24 angulas – about 18 inches) and 5 gems without doubt.


एतद्दानप्रभावेणसर्वसिद्धिर्नसंशयः॥ १३०॥

etaddānaṁprakarttavyaṁyadarhaḥśrūyatedhruvam ||

etaddānaprabhāveṇasarvasiddhirnasaṁśayaḥ || 130 ||

The above donations should be given to a worthy (deserving) recipient after listening about them. By doing so, the native’s desires will certainly be fulfilled.


जपाभावेमहत्कष्टंप्राणैरपिधनैरपि॥ १३१॥

trijanmanimahāduḥkhaṁdānābhāvepunaḥpunaḥ ||

japābhāvemahatkaṣṭaṁprāṇairapidhanairapi || 131 ||

The native in the next 3 births, will face great sorrows by not performing the (above said) danas again and again. By not performing the (above said) japas, he will face worries on account of health and finances.

कविना च कृतः प्रश्नो भृगुणा परिभाषितः॥ १३२॥

kavinā ca kṛtaḥ praśno bhṛguṇā paribhāṣitaḥ || 132 ||

Thus answered Bhrigu to Sukra’s question.


itipiṁgalayogaphalam ||

End of Pingala yoga phalam.

॥ अथ विफल योग फलम्॥

|| atha viphala yoga phalam ||

Result of Viphala yoga.

सुतपेशत्रुक्षेत्रे च दुष्टेक्रूरेऽथवापिच॥

शत्रुक्षेत्रेयदाजीवःसंततिर्म्रियतेध्रुवम्॥ १३३॥

sutapeśatrukṣetre ca duṣṭekrūre’thavāpica ||

śatrukṣetreyadājīvaḥsaṁtatirmriyatedhruvam || 133 ||

If 5th lord is a malefic or is placed in a rasi owned by a malefic or in a malefic house, and Jupiter is placed in rasis owned by malefics, the children of that native will definitely die. 


स्थाप्याहरणयोगेनब्राह्मणस्य च पूर्वतः॥ १३४॥

ityevaṁviphaloyogobhavatyevanasaṁśayaḥ ||

sthāpyāharaṇayogenabrāhmaṇasya ca pūrvataḥ || 134 ||

this (the above said) happens to be called Viphala yoga. It is formed because the native in his past life, stole a deposit made by a Brahmin.


tenapāpenavaiputrasaṁtānopahatobhavet ||

On account of this yoga, the native (in the present life) will not have children and even if he has children, they will be slain.

शुक्र उवाच॥

śukra uvāca ||

Sukra asked,

किं जाप्यं कस्य पूजा च किं दानं च किमौषधम्॥ १३५॥

kiṁ jāpyaṁ kasya pūjā ca kiṁ dānaṁ ca kimauṣadham || 135 ||

“What Japas, Pujas and danas (donations) (as remedial measures) should be performed and what medicines should be taken?”


bhṛguruvāca ||

Bhrigu said,


विप्रमूर्तिचतन्मध्येकारयेच्चंदनेनच॥ १३६॥

rītipātrenaputrakārayennavamaṁḍalam ||

vipramūrticatanmadhyekārayeccaṁdanenaca || 136 ||

My son, take a brass vessel and draw a nava (new) mandala in the center. In the middle of the mandala, draw a figure of a Brahmin with sandalwood paste.


पद्मनाभत्रिबीजेनजपंकुर्यान्नसंशयः॥ १३७॥

raktāṁbaraṁparīdhāyadvisahasraṁjapaṁcaret ||

padmanābhatribījenajapaṁkuryānnasaṁśayaḥ || 137 ||

Wear a red garment, and perform Padmanabha ‘tribeeja’ mantra japa for 2000 times (in front of that figure) without doubt.

ततःस्थापनिकादेयानवषट् पंचहाटकम्॥

रजतंद्विगुणं देयंमुक्ताफलंचतुर्दश॥ १३८॥

tataḥsthāpanikādeyānavaṣaṭ paṁcahāṭakam ||

rajataṁdviguṇaṁ deyaṁmuktāphalaṁcaturdaśa || 138 ||

Later deposit 569 gold coins and double quantity of silver coins to be donated along with 14 pearls.

Sanskrit Editor’s Comment: I think there is misprint in the first line, maybe it should be ततःस्थापनिकादेयानषट् पंचहाटकम्॥” meaning 6 x 5 = 30 gold coins instead of 569 gold coins.

सप्तान्नंप्रस्थप्रस्थं च गुडेनैवघृतेनच॥

स्त्रीपुंसयोर्वस्त्रयुग्मंदद्याद्ब्राह्मण एवच॥ १३९॥

saptānnaṁprasthaprasthaṁ ca guḍenaivaghṛutenaca ||

strīpuṁsayorvastrayugmaṁdadyādbrāhmaṇa evaca || 139 ||

Also donate 7 cereals measuring a prastha (capacity equal to 32 palas) along with jaggery and ghee. Later, donate pair of garments (clothes) to a Brahmin couple.

ततस्तुश्रीफलं भव्यंमायामंत्रेणमंत्रयेत्॥

ऋत्वंतेस्त्रीषुदातव्यंभौमेनक्तं च कारयेत्॥ १४०॥

tatastuśrīphalaṁ bhavyaṁmāyāmaṁtreṇamaṁtrayet ||

ṛtvaṁtestrīṣudātavyaṁbhaumenaktaṁ ca kārayet || 140 ||

Next purify a coconut with ‘maya’ mantra and give donations to 6 women. Also eat only in the nights (i.e., fast in the morning) after seeing the stars on Tuesdays.


एतद्दानोपचारेणध्रुवंजीवतिसंततिः॥ १४१॥

tatogodānakaṁyatnātpūrvoktavidhinācaret ||

etaddānopacāreṇadhruvaṁjīvatisaṁtatiḥ || 141 ||

Also make efforts to donate a cow as stated in the procedure earlier. By performing the remedial measures and danas, the native’s children will definitely live.


पुत्रीसौख्यंतथाचैवजायतेनचकस्यचित्॥ १४२॥

etaddānaṁvinākṛutvāputrasaukhyaṁnajāyate ||

putrīsaukhyaṁtathācaivajāyatenacakasyacit || 142 ||

By not performing the above said danas, the native will definitely not get happiness from either sons or daughters.


यदानकुरुतेदानंतदंतेनिर्द्धनोभवेत्॥ १४३॥

śubhayogānisarvāṇyadānetuviphalaṁbhavet ||

yadānakurutedānaṁtadaṁtenirddhanobhavet || 143 ||

All the subha (good) yogas will become futile if danas are not performed and the native will become poor at the end of his life.

कविना च कृतः प्रश्नो भृगुणा परिभाषितः॥ १४४॥

kavinā ca kṛtaḥ praśno bhṛguṇā paribhāṣitaḥ || 144 ||

Thus answered Bhrigu to Sukra’s question

इति  विफल योग फलम्॥

iti viphala yoga phalam ||

End of Viphala yoga phalam.

॥ अथ महोदधि योग फलम्॥

|| atha mahodadhi yoga phalam ||

Result of Mahodadhi yoga.


सौम्यास्त्रिकोणेयदिजन्मकालेमहोदधिश्चक्रधरोनरिपःस्यात्॥ १४५॥

mūrtausitenīcadhane’rkajīvasaumyārkiśukrārivyayecapāpāḥ ||

saumyāstrikoṇeyadijanmakālemahodadhiścakradharonaripaḥsyāt || 145 ||

Mahodadhi yoga is formed when Venus is debilitated (Virgo rasi) in Lagna or when Sun, Jupiter, Mercury occupy 2nd house or Saturn and Venus are functional malefics placed in 6th or 12th houses and benefics occupy trikonas during birth (of the native). Mahodadhi yoga makes the native an emperor.

इति महोदधि योग फलम्॥

iti mahodadhi yoga phalam ||

End of Mahodadhi yoga phalam.

॥ अथ पिशाचयोग फलम्॥

|| atha piśācayoga phalam ||

Result of Pishacha yoga.


पंचमेराहुचंद्रौद्वावदृष्टौगुरुणायदा॥ १४६॥

ravikṣetragatejīvejīvakṣetreravirbudhaḥ ||

paṁcamerāhucaṁdraudvāvadṛṣṭauguruṇāyadā || 146 ||

Pishaacha yoga is formed when Jupiter is in Leo (Sun’s rasi), Sun and Mercury are in Sagittarius or Pisces (Jupiter’s rasis) and Rahu and Moon are placed in 5th house without any aspect from Jupiter.


पूर्वंतुभगिनीपुत्रोघातितस्तेनपापिना॥ १४७॥

tadāpaiśācikoyogobhaviṣyatinasaṁśayaḥ ||

pūrvaṁtubhaginīputroghātitastenapāpinā || 147 ||

On account of killing sister’s son (nephew) in the past life, the native in the present life is born with pishaacha yoga.


tenayogaprabhāveṇasaṁtāno’syanavidyate ||

As the result of this yoga, the native will not have issues in the present life.

शुक्र उवाच॥

śukra uvāca ||

Sukra asked,

किं जाप्यं कस्य पूजा च किं दानं च किमौषधम्॥ १४८॥

kiṁ jāpyaṁ kasya pūjā ca kiṁ dānaṁ ca kimauṣadham || 148 ||

“What Japas, Pujas and danas (donations) (as remedial measures) should be performed and what medicines should be taken?”


bhṛguruvaca ||

Bhrigu said,


बीजमंत्रविशेषेणमंत्रंपंचशतंजपेत्॥ १४९॥

rāhvarkajīvaketūnāṁsaptapaṁcanavatrikam ||

bījamaṁtraviśeṣeṇamaṁtraṁpaṁcaśataṁjapet || 149 ||

Perform individual beeja mantra japas for Rahu 3500 (7 x 500) times, Sun 2500 (5 x 500) times, Jupiter 4500 (9 x 500) times and Ketu 1500 (3 x 500) times each.


सप्तान्नंप्रस्थप्रस्थं च रथंवृषभसंयुतम्॥ १५०॥

paścaddānaṁcakartvyaṁṣaṭkaṣoḍaśahāṭakam ||

saptānnaṁprasthaprasthaṁ ca rathaṁvṛṣabhasaṁyutam || 150 ||

After performing the japas, donate 96 (16 x 6) gold coins. Also, donate 7 cereals measuring a prastha (capacity equal to 32 palas) and a carriage along with a bull (bullock cart).


ताम्रपात्रपलांस्त्रिंशद् घृतेनपरिपूरयेत्॥ १५१॥

rajataṁdviguṇaṁvastraṁkaramaṣṭottaraṁśatam ||

tāmrapātrapalāṁstriṁśad ghṛutenaparipūrayet || 151 ||

Also donate double the quantity of silver coins, 108 karas (a particular measure of length equal to 24 thumbs) of cloth and a copper vessel filled with 30 palas of ghee.



bhavyāśvaṁvāvṛṣabhaṁbhavyaṁjāpakāyapradāpayet ||

dattvādānaṁdvijebhyastubhāgineyaṁprapūjayet ||152 ||

Donate a good horse and a good bull to venerable Brahmins by saying prayers and later honour (worship) the nephew (sister’s son),


तत्करादक्षतंग्राह्यंपादप्रक्षालनंपिबेत्॥ १५३॥

pādyārghyedāpayennityaṁmāsamekaṁnasaṁśayaḥ ||

tatkarādakṣataṁgrāhyaṁpādaprakṣālanaṁpibet || 153 ||

by offering him arghya (offering water to the hands) and paadya (offering water to the feet) daily for a month. The native should then (after the puja) drink that water and receive the akshatas (holy rice), that the nephew held in his hand.


ततश्चैवद्विजस्त्रीभ्योदत्त्वाप्रसवसाहितीम्॥ १५४॥

purvametatprakartavyaṁpaścādauṣadhamācaret ||

tataścaivadvijastrībhyodattvāprasavasāhitīm || 154 ||

After performing the above procedures, offer danas to Brahmins and their wives (as a couple). The native should then take medicine until delivery (birth of the child).


एतद्दानोपचरेणसंततिःप्राप्यतेध्रुवम्॥ १५५॥

ṛtvaṁtestrīṣudātavyamauṣadhaṁprāpnuyātsutam ||

etaddānopacareṇasaṁtatiḥprāpyatedhruvam || 155 ||

(the above said) donations should be given to 6 couples after completing above said japas. Thereafter, both the native and wife should take medicines for getting children. By doing (the above said) the danas and remedies, the native will definitely have children. 


कविना च कृतः प्रश्नो  भृगुणा परिभाषितः॥ १५६॥

saptajanmanidāridyaṁdānābhāvenaniścitam ||

kavinā ca kṛtaḥ praśno  bhṛguṇā paribhāṣitaḥ || 156 ||

By not performing the above said danas, the native will become a daridra (poor) for the next seven births. Thus answered Bhrigu to Sukra’s question.

इतिपैशाचयोग फलम्॥

itipaiśācayoga phalam ||

End of Pishaacha yoga

॥ अथ दामिनी योग फलम्॥

|| atha dāminī yoga phalam ||

Result of Damini yoga.


सुखेशःक्रूरसंयुक्तःसौम्याःकेंद्रत्रिकोणगाः॥ १५७॥

sukheśopiripukṣetrevyayeturyeṣaḍaṣṭake ||

sukheśaḥkrūrasaṁyuktaḥsaumyāḥkeṁdratrikoṇagāḥ || 157 ||

When 4th lord is placed in an enemy’s rasi, 12th, 4th, 6th or 8th houses, in conjunction with malefics, and benefics are placed in either kendras or trikonas


मित्रद्रोहःकृतःपूर्वेतेनेहनरजन्मनि॥ १५८॥

akhilagrahānumānenadāminīyogasaṁbhavaḥ ||

mitradrohaḥkṛtaḥpūrvetenehanarajanmani || 158 ||

considering with respect to all the planets, Damini yoga is formed. On account of committing treachery against a friend in the past life, the native is born with this yoga in the present life.


अथवासंततेश्चिंताजायतेनात्रसंशयः॥ १५९॥

dhanahīno’thavārogīsukhamadhyepyudāsati ||

athavāsaṁtateściṁtājāyatenātrasaṁśayaḥ || 159 ||

the native (because of this yoga) will be bereft of wealth, and have a sickly disposition even though he will be happy in the middle part of his life. Also, without doubt, he will face worries on account of children.

शुक्र उवाच॥

śukra uvāca ||

Sukra asked,

किं जाप्यं कस्य पूजा वा किं दानं च किमौषधम्॥

kiṁ jāpyaṁ kasya pūjā vā kiṁ dānaṁ ca kimauṣadham ||

“What Japas, Pujas and danas (donations) (as remedial measures) should be performed and what medicines should be taken?”


bhṛguruvāca ||

Bhrigu said,

ताम्रपात्रपलान्पंच तन्मध्येनवमंडलम्॥ १६०॥

tāmrapātrapalānpaṁca tanmadhyenavamaṁḍalam || 160 ||

Take a copper plate (vessel) of weighing 5 palas and draw fresh (new) nine circles (diagram) in the centre


पंचबीजंनृसिंहस्यसमस्तं तु द्वयंजपेत्॥ १६१॥

caṁdanenacakartavyaṁtadagrekārayejjapam ||

paṁcabījaṁnṛsiṁhasyasamastaṁ tu dvayaṁjapet || 161 ||

with sandalwood paste and later perform ‘Nrusimha’ pancha beeja (containing 5 beejas) japa 2000 times.


तस्यसेवाप्रकर्त्व्यातस्यपूजाविशेषतहः॥ १६२॥

tatodānaṁprakartavyaṁnavaṣaṭkaṁcahāṭakam ||

tasyasevāprakartvyātasyapūjāviśeṣatahaḥ || 162 ||

(After completion of the japa) donate 54 (9 x 6) gold coins and do puja (to Lord Nrusimha) with devotion


रजतंद्विगुणंवस्त्रंपंचाशत्करसंज्ञकम्॥ १६३॥

caṁdanairdhūpadīpaiścaguḍanaivedyakaistathā ||

rajataṁdviguṇaṁvastraṁpaṁcāśatkarasaṁjñakam || 163 ||

offering chandan (sandalwood powder), dhoop, deepa and jaggery as navivedya. Also donate double quantity of silver coins and clothes measuring 50 karas (a particular measure of length equal to 24 thumbs).


ततश्चपद्मनाभस्य यंत्रंपार्श्वेचधारयेत्॥ १६४॥

savatsāṁgāṁpradadyāktuśraddhāyuktaścamānavaḥ ||

tataścapadmanābhasya yaṁtraṁpārśvecadhārayet || 164 ||

The native should also donate a cow along with its calf with faith. Later he should wear a ‘Padmanabha’ yantra on the hand above the elbow (below the shoulder).


रामंचलक्ष्मणंनागंगोदुग्धेन समन्वितम्॥ १६५॥

asmindānopacārecaciṁtākaṣṭakṣayobhavet ||

rāmaṁcalakṣmaṇaṁnāgaṁgodugdhena samanvitam || 165 ||

By performing the danas in the above said manner, the natives worries and troubles will definitely reduce. take 3 lactating cows and an elephant bearing auspicious marks,


संतानार्थिचदातव्यंदानानंतरमौषधम्। १६६॥

ṛtvaṁtetuprasādātavyaṁbhojanaṁpayasāghṛtam ||

saṁtānārthicadātavyaṁdānānaṁtaramauṣadham | 166 ||

and donate to 6 brahmin couples after offering them food with payasam (rice boiled in milk) and ghee. If the native wishes to have children, he should after giving the above donations take medicines (for the same).


कविना च कृतः प्रश्नो भृगुणा परिभाषितः॥ १६७॥

yadānakurutedānaṁtadāduḥkhīmahānbhavet ||

kavinā ca kṛtaḥ praśno bhṛguṇā paribhāṣitaḥ || 167 ||

By not performing the (above said) danas, the native will definitely face huge worries.

Thus answered Bhrigu to Sukra’s question.

इति दामिनी योग फलम्॥

iti dāminī yoga phalam ||

End of Damini yoga phalam.

॥ अथ चक्रदामिनी योग फलम्॥

|| atha cakradāminī yoga phalam ||

Result of Chakradamini yoga.


चतुर्ग्रहोभवेत्तत्रयोगोयंचक्रदामिनी॥ १६८॥

budhakṣetragatojīvojīvakṣetre’thavābhṛguḥ ||

caturgrahobhavettatrayogoyaṁcakradāminī || 168 ||

Chakradamini yoga is formed when Jupiter is in Mercury’s rasis (Gemini/Virgo) or Venus is in Jupiter’s rasis (Sagittarius/Pisces) conjunct with (the rest of) 4 planets.

चातुर्यगुणसंपन्नःसकामीवक्रलोचनः ॥

सुवक्तादीर्घजीवी च किंचिद्दातामहासुखी॥ १६९॥

cāturyaguṇasaṁpannaḥsakāmīvakralocanaḥ  ||

suvaktādīrghajīvī ca kiṁciddātāmahāsukhī || 169 ||

The native born with this yoga will be clever, virtuous, wealthy and has crooked eyes. He will be a good orator, long lived, happy and donate very little.

इति चक्रदामिनी योग फलम्॥

iti cakradāminī yoga phalam ||

End of Chakradamini yoga phalam.

॥ अथ वाग्भव योग फलम्॥

|| atha vāgbhava yoga phalam ||

Result of Vaagbhava yoga.


राजमान्योधनाढ्यश्चवागमी च पंडितःसुधीः॥ १७०॥

turyesutevyayelābhegrahayugmaṁbhavedyadi ||

rājamānyodhanāḍhyaścavāgamī ca paṁḍitaḥsudhīḥ || 170 ||

Vaagbhava yoga is formed when there is conjunction of two planets each in 4th, 5th, 12th, and 11th houses. The native (born with this yoga) will be honoured by king, is wealthy and is an eloquent orator. He is also a wise scholar.

इति वाग्भव योग फलम्॥

iti vāgbhava yoga phalam ||

End of Vaagbhava yoga phalam.

॥ अथ श्रीमुख योग फलम्॥

|| atha śrīmukha yoga phalam ||

Result of Srimukha yoga.


कर्केजीवज्ञसूर्याश्चश्रीमुखोयौवनेसुखम्॥ १७१॥

bhṛgurvācaspatikṣetreśaniyuktabhṛgūdaye ||

karkejīvajñasūryāścaśrīmukhoyauvanesukham || 171 ||

Srimukha yoga is formed when Venus is in Mercury’s rasi (Gemini) conjunct with Saturn in Lagna, and Jupiter, Mercury and Sun occupy Cancer (2nd Bhava). Because of this yoga the native will be happy in his youth.


गोजाश्वधनसंयुक्तोमहायोगोभृगूदितः॥ १७२॥

viṁśadvarṣagatenūnaṁrājamānyomahādbhutaḥ ||

gojāśvadhanasaṁyuktomahāyogobhṛgūditaḥ || 172 ||

Bhrigu said, after completion of 20 years, he will be honoured by the king in a very remarkable way. He will have elephants and horses in addition to great wealth.

इति श्रीमुख योग फलम्॥

iti śrīmukha yoga phalam ||

End of Srimukha yoga phalam.

॥ अथ क्रूर योग फलम्॥

|| atha krūra yoga phalam ||

Result of Krura yoga.


क्रूरक्षेत्रेत्रिकोणेज्ञःक्रूरयोगस्तदोच्यते॥  १७३॥

turyevāpaṁcamerāhuḥsuteśaḥkrūrasaṁyutaḥ ||

krūrakṣetretrikoṇejñaḥkrūrayogastadocyate ||  173 ||

When Rahu is in 4th or 5th houses, 5th lord is conjunct with malefics and Mercury is in rasis owned by malefics in trikona, Krura yoga is formed.


सदातीर्थाभिलाषीचकुटिलोजायतेपुनः॥ १७४॥

krodhīsthūlomāhāmanīsalajjodhanavāṁstathā ||

sadātīrthābhilāṣīcakuṭilojāyatepunaḥ || 174 ||

The native will be of angry disposition, fat, exceedingly proud, bashful and wealthy. He will always wish to travel to holy/sacred places (pilgrimages) and is dishonest.

इति क्रूर योग फलम्॥

iti krūra yoga phalam ||

End of Krura yoga phalam.

॥ अथ गज योग फलम्॥

|| atha gaja yoga phalam ||

Result of Gaja yoga.

लग्नेजीवेऽथवाशुक्र उच्चेवा उदयेऽथवा॥

केन्द्रत्रिकोणगाःसौम्याःपापःषष्ठेव्ययेऽथवा॥ १७५॥

lagnejīve’thavāśukra uccevā udaye’thavā ||

kendratrikoṇagāḥsaumyāḥpāpaḥṣaṣṭhevyaye’thavā || 175 ||

When Jupiter or Venus are exalted in Lagna, or are out of combustion occupying Lagna, and benefics are in trikonas or kendras and malefics are in 6th or 12th houses, Gaja yoga is formed.


सोपिमानाधिकःक्रोधी दीर्घायुर्बहुपुत्रकः॥ १७६॥

gajayogebhavetputrorājamānyomahābalaḥ ||

sopimānādhikaḥkrodhī dīrghāyurbahuputrakaḥ || 176 ||

Because of this yoga, the native, is very strong, proud and be honoured by kings. He has angry disposition, is long lived and will have many sons.

इति गज योग फलम्॥

iti gaja yoga phalam ||

End of Gaja yoga phalam.

॥ अथ अद्भुतसागरयोग फलम्॥

|| atha adbhutasāgarayoga phalam ||

Result of Adbhutasagara yoga.

चतुष्केंद्रेयदासौम्याः षष्ठेलाभेचपापिनः॥

उद्भूतःसागरेसौख्यंचक्रीवापिसमोहरेः॥ १७७॥

catuṣkeṁdreyadāsaumyāḥ ṣaṣṭhelābhecapāpinaḥ ||

udbhūtaḥsāgaresaukhyaṁcakrīvāpisamohareḥ || 177 ||

Adbhutasagara yoga is formed when benefics are in four kendras and malefics are in 6th and 11th houses. The native (with this yoga) is happy, will be a king and is equal to Vishnu (wealthy).

इत्यद्भुतसागरयोग फलम्॥

ityadbhutasāgarayoga phalam ||

End of Adbhutasagara yoga phalam.

॥ अथ ऊर्द्ध्वोद्भूत योग फलम्॥

|| atha ūrddhvodbhūta yoga phalam ||

Result of Urddhvodbhuta yoga.


ऊर्द्ध्वोद्भूतोभवेद्योगोराजमान्योभवेदध्रुवम्॥ १७८॥

mūrttaukrūreṁdusaṁyuktasturyāstebheśubhāśubhāḥ ||

ūrddhodbhūtobhavedyogorājamānyobhavedadhruvam || 178 ||

Urddhvodbhuta yoga is formed when Moon is conjunct with malefics in Lagna, Venus occupies 4th house in conjunction with benefics and 7th house is occupied by malefics. Because of this yoga, the native will be definitely honoured by the king,


महत्त्वंराजमान्यंचमानसौख्यंसदाभवेत्॥ १७९॥

kṣaṇesaukhyaṁkṣaṇeciṁtāadhanīsvalpastujāyate ||

mahattvaṁrājamānyaṁcamānasaukhyaṁsadābhavet || 179 ||

he will experience troubles in life at one time and comforts at another, has little wealth, will be respected and honoured by the king always (throughout his life).


कविना च कृतः प्रश्नो भृगुणा परिभाषितः॥ १८०॥

etadyogaprābhaveṇayāvajjīvaṁsamṛddhimān ||

kavinā ca kṛtaḥ praśno bhṛguṇā paribhāṣitaḥ || 180 ||

On account of this yoga, the native will have great prosperity/success throughout his life. Thus answered Bhrigu to Sukra’s question.

इत्यूर्द्धोद्भूत योग फलम्॥

ityūrddhodbhūta yoga phalam ||

End of Urddhvodbhuta yoga phalam.

॥ अथ निपातः योग फलम्॥

|| atha nipātaḥ yoga phalam ||

Result of Nipata yoga.


तदायोगोनिपातःस्थात्परदेशेसदाव्रजेत्॥ १८१॥

mūrttauceṣṭāṣṭameṣaṣṭheśanīrāhustathākujaḥ ||

tadāyogonipātaḥsthātparadeśesadāvrajet || 181 ||

Nipata yoga is formed when Lagna is a movable rasi and Saturn, Rahu and Mars are placed in Lagna, 6th and 8th houses respectively. Because of this yoga, the native will always be travelling to foreign lands.


अथवासंततेश्चिंताभवेन्नैवात्रसंशयः॥ १८२॥

kṛpaṇoduṣṭacittaścadhanahīnastathābhavet ||

athavāsaṁtateściṁtābhavennaivātrasaṁśayaḥ || 182 ||

He is a miser, has a wicked mind, and has no wealth. Also, he will have worries on account of children.


ततोदानंप्रकर्त्तव्यंभंव्याश्वंगोयुगंतथा॥ १८३॥

śaneḥpaṁcatatastrīṇidvisahasraṁjapaṁjapet ||

tatodānaṁprakarttavyaṁbhaṁvyāśvaṁgoyugaṁtathā || 183 ||

Perform japa for Saturn 30000 (5 x 3 x 2000) times and later donate a magnificent horse and a cow.


ततोदानप्रभावेणनिपातस्यक्षयोभवेत्॥ १८४॥

tataḥsuvarṇaṣaṭkaṁcarajataṁdviguṇaṁtathā ||

tatodānaprabhāveṇanipātasyakṣayobhavet || 184 ||

In addition, also donate 6 gold coins and double quantity of silver coins. As the result of these donations, the effect of Nipaata yoga is reduced. 

इति निपातयोग फलम्॥

iti nipātayoga phalam ||

End of Nipata yoga phalam.

॥ अथ विलास योग फलम्॥

|| atha vilāsa yoga phalam ||

Result of Vilaasa yoga.


विलासीचमहादंभीदाताभोक्तागुणाधिक॥ १८४॥

lagneśecagateturyesaumyākṣetreśivārcakaḥ ||

vilāsīcamahādaṁbhīdātābhoktāguṇādhika || 184 ||

Vilaasa yoga is formed when Lagna lord occupies 4th house in rasis of Mercury (Gemini/Virgo). The native with this yoga is a devotee of Lord Shiva. He is also a hypocrite, generous, feeds others, enjoys luxuries and is endowed with good qualities.

इति विलासयोग फलम्॥

iti vilāsayoga phalam ||

End of Vilaasa yoga phalam.

॥ अथ शक्रयोग फलम्॥

|| atha śakrayoga phalam ||

Result of Sakra Yoga.


कर्मेशुक्रःसदासौम्याःशक्रयोगेचचक्रिणः॥ १८६॥

meṣamārttaṇḍalābhasthekarkegururdhanesthitaḥ ||

karmeśukraḥsadāsaumyāḥśakrayogecacakriṇaḥ || 186 ||

Sakra yoga is formed when Sun is in Aries that is the 11th house, Jupiter is in Cancer that is the 2nd house (i.e., for Gemini Lagna natives), Venus and Mercury occupy 10th house. The native of this yoga is a king.

॥ इति शक्र योग फलम्॥

|| iti śakra yoga phalam ||

End of Sakra yoga phalam.

॥ अथ महिष योग फलम्॥

|| atha mahiṣa yoga phalam ||

Result of Mahisha yoga.


मूर्तौचंद्रेचकुरुतेमातुःकष्टमृतुत्रयम्॥ १८७॥

ripauturye’ṣṭamecāntyerāhubhaumārkatatsutāḥ ||

mūrtaucaṁdrecakurutemātuḥkaṣṭamṛtutrayam || 187 ||

When Rahu is in 6th house, Mars is in 4th house, Sun is in 8th house and Saturn is in 12th house and moon is in Lagna, the native’s mother experiences troubles/difficulties for 3 seasons (after the birth).


गर्भापातःकृतःपूर्वतेनात्रमृतपुत्रकः॥ १८८॥

asaumahiṣayogo’stiphalaṁśṛṇvasyaputraka ||

garbhāpātaḥkṛtaḥpūrvatenātramṛtaputrakaḥ || 188 ||

My son, now listen to the result of Mahisha yoga. The native in his past life had aborted a child. On account of this, in the present life, his sons will be still born.


dharmasthānesthitojīvaḥsukhaṁtenaprajāyate ||

However, if Jupiter is present in the 9th house, he will have happiness.

शुक्र उवाच॥

śukra uvāca ||

Sukra asked,

किं जाप्यं कस्य पूजा च किं दानं च किमौषधम्॥ १८९॥

kiṁ jāpyaṁ kasya pūjā ca kiṁ dānaṁ ca kimauṣadham || 189 ||

“What Japas, Pujas and danas (donations) (as remedial measures) should be performed and what medicines should be taken?”


bhṛguruvāca ||

Bhrigu said,


ततोदानंप्रकर्तव्यंगुरुयोगात्सुखंभवेत्॥ १९०॥

krūragrahajapaṁkuryādviśeṣāccandrabhaumayoḥ ||

tatodānaṁprakartavyaṁguruyogātsukhaṁbhavet || 190 ||

Perform japas to malefic planets especially to Moon and Mars and later give donations. Because of these donations, by the grace of Guru, the native will have happiness.

इति महिषयोग फलम्॥

iti mahiṣayoga phalam ||

End of Mahisha yoga phalam.

॥ अथ देवेंद्र योग फलम्॥

|| atha deveṁdra yoga phalam ||

Result of Devendra yoga.

केंद्रेचतुष्केपिच उच्चखेटाजीवार्कभौमार्कीशशांकिनोंऽगे॥

नीचस्त्रिकोणेपिचपापखेटादेवेंद्रयोगोऽखिलयोगमुख्यः॥ १९१॥

keṁdrecatuṣkepica uccakheṭājīvārkabhaumārkīśaśāṁkinoṁ’ge ||

nīcastrikoṇepicapāpakheṭādeveṁdrayogo’khilayogamukhyaḥ || 191 ||

Devendra yoga which is main yoga in all the yogas, is formed when planets Jupiter, Sun, Mars, Saturn are exalted in 4 kendras, Moon is in Lagna and (functional) malefic planets are debilitated in trikonas.

Sanskrit Editor’s Comment: This combination is possible only for chara lagna

इति देवेंद्र योग फलम्॥

iti deveṁdra yoga phalam ||

End of Devendra yoga.

॥ अथ राजयोग फलम्॥

|| atha rājayoga phalam ||

Result of Rajayoga yoga.


पितुःकष्टंमहासौख्यमन्तेदुःखीप्रजायते॥ १९२॥

saumyāḥkrūrādhanelagnenīcaśatrugṛheguruḥ ||

pituḥkaṣṭaṁmahāsaukhyamanteduḥkhīprajāyate || 192 ||

When benefics are placed in 2nd house, malefics are in lagna and debilitated Jupiter is placed in enemy’s house, the native’s father faces difficulties, native (himself) has happiness but will face troubles in the last part of his life,


धर्मेसौरीरिपुक्षेत्रेराजयोगेमहासुखी॥ १९३॥

caturgrahāyadālagnedhaneśukroyadābhavet ||

dharmesaurīripukṣetrerājayogemahāsukhī || 193 ||

Also, if 4 planets are placed in lagna, Venus is in 2nd house, Saturn is in 9th house that is an enemy’s rasi, Rajayoga is formed. The native of this yoga has great happiness.

इति राजयोग फलम्॥

iti rājayoga phalam ||

End of Rajayoga phalam.

॥अथ शूल योग फलम्॥

|| atha śūla yoga phalam ||

Result of Shula yoga.


अथवापिग्रहाःसर्वेत्रिस्थानेषुयदास्थिताः॥ १९४॥

chidrodayevyayekrūrāstatracaṁdrasthitoyadi ||

athavāpigrahāḥsarvetristhāneṣuyadāsthitāḥ || 194 ||

When malefics are placed in the Lagna, 6th, and 12th houses, and Moon is also placed in one of these bhavas and/or all grahas occupy these 3 houses. 


तेनपापेनदुष्टात्मारोगीवाधनवर्जितः॥ १९५॥

śūlepurākṛtaṁpāpaṁśūlenaprahatovṛṣaḥ ||

tenapāpenaduṣṭātmārogīvādhanavarjitaḥ || 195 ||

Shula yoga is formed. In the past life, the native killed a bull with spear. On account of this crime, in the present life, he will be a wicked person, sick, or will not have any wealth.


athasaṁtānahetoścabahuciṁtāprajāyate ||

He will also have worries on account of children (i.e., by not having progeny etc,).

शुक्र उवाच॥

śukra uvāca ||

Sukra asked,

किं जाप्यं कस्य पूजा च किं दानं च किमौषधम्॥ १९६॥

kiṁ jāpyaṁ kasya pūjā ca kiṁ dānaṁ ca kimauṣadham || 196 ||

“What Japas, Pujas and danas (donations) (as remedial measures) should be performed and what medicines should be taken?”


bhṛguruvāca ||

Bhrigu said,

ताम्रपात्रंपंचपलंतन्मध्ये पंचमंडलम्॥

चंदनेनचकर्त्तव्यंकारयेद्वृषभाकृतिम्॥ १९७॥

tāmrapātraṁpaṁcapalaṁtanmadhye paṁcamaṁḍalam ||

caṁdanenacakarttavyaṁkārayedvṛṣabhākṛtim || 197 ||

Take a copper plate (vessel) weighing 5 palas and draw five circles diagram in the middle. (In that diagram) draw a figure of a bull with sandalwood paste.


सहस्रपंचकंकार्यंततःपुण्यंसमाचरेत्॥ १९८॥

tadagrekārayejjāpyaṁrudramaṁtraṁtriyaṁbakam ||

sahasrapaṁcakaṁkāryaṁtataḥpuṇyaṁsamācaret || 198 ||

Later perform ‘Triyambaka’ rudra mantra japa 5000 times and perform the same amount of religious ceremonies (punyam).


एतद्दानप्रभावेणशूलयोगक्षयोभवेत्॥ १९९॥

caturviṁśatiṣaṭkaṁcahāṭakaṁgāṁvṛṣaṁtathā ||

etaddānaprabhāveṇaśūlayogakṣayobhavet || 199 ||

Also donate 144 (24 x 6) gold coins, a cow and a bull. By performing the above said danas, the effect of Shula yoga is reduced.


महाचिंताभवेत्तस्यपुत्रैरपिधनैरपि॥ २००॥

yadānakurutedānaṁtadācapaṁcajanmasu ||

mahāciṁtābhavettasyaputrairapidhanairapi || 200 ||

By not performing the above said danas, the native in the next 5 lives will face great troubles on account of finances and children.

कविना च कृतः प्रश्नो भृगुणा परिभाषितः॥ २०१॥

kavinā ca kṛtaḥ praśno bhṛguṇā paribhāṣitaḥ || 201 ||

Thus answered Bhrigu to Sukra’s question.

इति शूलयोग फलम्॥

iti śūlayoga phalam ||

End of Shula yoga phalam.

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When The Saturn and Moon Cycles Overlap

Life’s Awkward Years – When The Saturn and Moon Cycles Overlap by Jillian Norris, Australia

All of the planets will make helpful or harsh aspects to their own natal positions …

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