Chakra Analysis

Chakra Analysis by Ehsan Iran

Article by Ehsan Iran (Chakra Analysis)

Jyotish as “Drishti Anga” is directly connected to the other vedangas, Thus all vedic concepts should have seen in the birth chart. There are various ideas about astrological correlations between the birth chart and subtle body. There are also several methods in order to check the state of the chakras. Healing methods have some tools for scanning the chakras  and yoga practitioners do many chakra meditations.

the reason behind the astrological reading  is not limited to understanding the physical areas of life yet mainly is related to understand the spiritual dimensions of the native life. However today most of the astrologers are tend to read life events more than spiritual analysis. so there is less mention to subtle body in  astrological analysis. Actually there are some sources which have introduced some techniques but sometime contradictory or less sufficient . Here is my investigation on analyzing the subtle body from birth chart.

Main Theory

Chakras are energy centers of the subtle body which balance the energies in harmony with the universe so the relation between the  chakras and cosmos should be very regular and harmonious and can be seen easily in the birth chart.

The first house represents the physical body and material being. The seventh house represents the invisible parts of being and the subtle body. Seventh house is the farthest point of the chart from the first house which has 180 degree distance. 7th house is the part of us which is not reachable easily  and is the area of life which we cannot handle it  so we will search it outside or in connection with others.

let’s try to apply the simple terms of physical body to subtle body to find out the concepts of chakras.

Mooladhara (Saturn – 8th House)

The second house is the house of properties, material gains and etc. the second house from  subtle body is the 8th house which is the material connection of the subtle body. mooladhara chakra is rooted in the material world. “moola” means “the root” and “Dhara” is one of the eight asu which is  represents the worldly  cosmos.

8th house also represnts the longevity which is related to the saturn. The first chakra controls the stability and solidarity which is related to saturn.

Kundalini Shakti is also rooted in Mooladhara. According to bhavat bhavam, 8th house from 8th is 3rd house which is also represents vital force, movement and hopefulness.

Why many sources consider mars for 1st chakra ?

Because the mars is the Karaka of Power, Its influence can be expected from first three chakras. also Mars is also karaka of the 3rd house and signifies the “energy”. Some say  that the yellow square in the Mooladhara chakra is related to “Scorpio” and the red color of it shows the martial energy. Actually mars is the energy can be controlled by first three chakras.

Swatisthana (Jupiter – 9th House)

The 3rd house is signifies moving from a place to another place. the 3rd house from 7th house means moving from prakriti to purusha. Thats why the 9th house represents the higher knowledge and philosophies. Jupiter is the karaka of the 9th house. In kalapurusha, Jupiter is the karaka of Knowledge. Jupiter’s tatwa is akasha and second chakra is related to “Trial act to expand the etheral body from prakriti to purusha”. Swati means independence and this sthana tries to increase the creativity and innovativeness of the person. We know that galactic center is possited in moola nakshatra which is placed in Sagittarius which is naturally acts like 9th house. so the 2nd chakra is related to the 9th house and jupiter.

again many people may relate the second chakra to mars. thats because this chakra is placed in sexual area. the 9th house from 9th is 5th house which is related to passions, love and children. jupiter himself is putra kara. As the 2nd chakra is related to creation, the continuousness of creation is related to this chakra. so jupiter and 9th house are primarily related to second chakra

 Manipura(Mars – 10th House)

Next house is the 4th house. Fourth house signifies the emotions, feelings and the need of security. according to the subtle body it is 10th house which is 4th from 7th house. The required energy should be spend to bring inner peace. to find the peace in soul level we need to defeat the fears and face the karmas. this is the first step which arjuna did. The soul feels relax when we honestly negotiate with our karmas. according to bhagavad gita the karma sthana is similar to the kuru keshetra. the battlefield of our life which shows the blind war between pandus and kurus. So the battle is between our aware part of emotions and the part of emotions which we are blind to see it. the lord of the war is Mars. every battle needs a brave warrior. again we see the most inner part of our soul mission is placed in the outer part of our life. as the name “Manipura” means “city of mana” or City of jewel and the word mani comes from “Mana”, so this chakra means to keep the mind safe and protected. mars also becomes exalted in capricorn which is the equal to 10th house.

Anahata (Venus – 11th house)

Here is where the subtle body finds the love. the worldly love  is related to the 5th house and the subtle love is 5th from 7th. the 11th house is the deepest desires. actually what we desire is not defined correctly while all that we may wish is already placed in another house. our most important wish is to reach the higher level of love which cannot be reached through human love. we fall in love when we find a good lover and the soul finds the love when jeevatma finds the paramatma. venus is the planet of love and rules the anahata. There is another concept which can be seen from 11th from 11th house which is 9th house. actually 5th house from 5th is also 9th house. so the 9th house is the doorway of godly love.

Vishudhi (Mercury – 12th house)

The 6th house is related to health, duty, etc. the duty of the soul is to purification and cleansing to have healthy subtle body. the word “shudhi” itself shows the rule of 12th house which is moksha pada. the 6th from 7th house is ruled by mercury which is the only remaining planet and also is the closest planet to the sun. mercury is the natural lord of 6th house(virgo).

Luminaries and Upper Chakras

until this point, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses are connected to first five chakras respectively. the two remaining chakras are related to the luminaries, lagna and 7th house. There are actually three lagnas which are ascendant, sun and the moon. this three points are the junctions of the body,mind and the soul. so they are tree levels of existence. the ajna or the third eye is related to the ability of understanding and seeing the truth and the sahasrara is the ability of both aspects of life to  become united together. actually sun and the moon are the planets which can bring 1st and 7th house together. the need of the subtle body is also to join the most far part of its being i.e. the first house. here is where they both meet each other by the sun and the moon.

The practical use

When we are talking about the subtle body and chakras we should have a sufficient reason. If we don’t have any applicable usage so why should we take into consideration ? material and spiritual parts of life are both important aspects and we should take care of them. there are some points that we can interact subtle body according to birth chart:

1- many people may have many problems with material world. they can empower the subtle pair of the house that is the related to the certain problem. this may help the problem to be solved in the soul level and then the solution can be reflected to the material world.

2- Beside the material world, the subtle world is also very important for us. unfortunately many of us don’t have enough insight to see the inner parts of  our being. Jyotish can help us to find that hidden aspects which can help us to be more happy, aware and conscious.

3- yogis and spiritual practitioners are doing many practices to balance their energies. there is a need to have a benchmark tool specially for beginners to estimate their primal energies. also this can be a breakthrough to empower the subtle weaknesses astrologically to improve the spiritual health.

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