Dasas of the Architect of Iraq War

Dasas of the Architect of Iraq War

That’s what Donald Rumsfeld is called by the Press. He is no more in the battlefield, ousted by all, deserted by his mentor against popular vote is what is his fate now. All of us heard of his resignation & though post mortem astrology is the easiest but astrology is about learning this Vidya through various methodologies & not fame associated with predictions. Many traditionalists use minimum 4-5 dasas to predict a single event whereas modern astrologer uses max one due to time limit. Lets apply various dasas & other methods in ‘brief’  to see the event through our jyotish eyes & maybe develop some of it further.

(Write Brief Note on his time of birth source & chart erection issues)

 Event: 8th  Nov 06, it was announced he would resign  from one of the most powerful positions in the world.

The issue is how we look at it – is it a good event for him or a bad event. Any average person in the position he held would swear that it is a life of tensions that are unbearable where complete performance of our job is not in our hands. So when a person lets go of that job or is forced to do so, does it mean good times might have come his way or bad times – its subjective.

The aim of this write up is not to see the yogas or authenticity of the chart which has already been done a lot on Internet groups.


There are many  significant things in this chart but before we get on to our aim, pls note that Moon is in Kula Naasa (family ruiner) Shastiamsa in his 10H of career, the last 44 months he has been called a destroyer of families ( meaning Kula Naasa) or was he just doing somebody else’s dirty job.

Method 1:Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):

Merc MD:  2002-09-02  –  2019-09-03/Ven AD:  2006-01-26  –  2008-11-26/Moon PD:  2006-09-07  –  2006-12-03/Merc SD:  2006-10-28  –  2006-11-09

  • Mer the MD & sookshma Dasa lord is 10th lord in 8th H of ‘DownFall’ (mostly)& is also the moon sign dispositor.
  • Ven though involved in the Parijata yoga has blemish of 6L & 11th Lordship is with Gulika making it disastrous finally & also its dispositor Mer has gone in house of downfall indicating after rise (in Mer Dasa) there would at some point be downfall (gulika disposits in 8H).
  • Moon PD – PD shows nature of the event and it is in 10H indicating effecting his career but it is 8L in 10H (rise after downfall to be predicted normally) but at the same time Moons dispositor Mer (who is exalted in 10H of D10) is in 8H of shame. Most important Moon is lord of 64th Nav & 22nd Drekkanna (planets in these Navs & Dreks produce disastrous results generally).

Whenever the10L is in 8H, it shows there will be downfall and most important it would be due to non-competent skill sets of the person.

  • From AL lagna, Mer MD is 3L & 6L of enemies in 4H of happiness destroying it, since Mer MD started he has faced opposition, Ven the AD which has been disastrous for him from the moment it started is 2nd & 7th maraca lord in 3H of death (8th from 8th), Moon PD is 4th lord from AL in 6H (sukha goes in vyaya)

Method 2: Vimshottari Dasa & SAV

Many scholars have published this methodology though one of the first ones was Shri C.S.Patel in his illustration of Amitabhs horoscope.

  • Mer MD has 27 SAV points in D1 but in D9 SAV it reduces to only 25 showing loss of inherent strength after some time (still in D10 it is 29 )
  • Ads & PDs are always the finer keys to events, here Ven AD scores
  • PD Moon who is in Kula-Nasa gets low of 27 points in D1 & 27 in D9 but very low of 24 in D10 showing loss of strength.

Though pretty systematic when combined with BAVs it still requires a lot of experience to implement when tricky order comes in-

Method 3: Yogini Dasa

Yogini Dasa (with planets replacing Yoginis):

Rah MD:  2004-09-11  –  2012-09-11

Sun AD:  2006-09-12  –  2007-02-21

Merc PD:  2006-10-22  –  2006-11-14

Moon SD:  2006-11-08  –  2006-11-08

 Step 1: House Placement Wise

MD Rahu in 3H of death, Sun AD in maraca house, Mer PD in 8H of End & Moon SD in 10H of career

Step 2: Lord-Ship Wise

MD Rahu is 3L of freewill (his actions – job/post change) that will lead him to publicly (sun in 7H) be resigned (8H end)

  • MD Rahu is 3L with UL (UL doesn’t only mean wife but means all of 12H matters – Exit, loss defame which he suffered extensively since Rahu MD started in 2004
  • Sun AD is 9L in 7H of public platform with Gulika bringing him to face public criticism (Gulika – poison)
  • Mer PD is 10L of career & 7L of public life facing setback (it is in 8H)
  • Moon SD is 8L of mishaps in 10H, showing mishaps to career

The yogini dasa lineage was too bad & hence created such an event.

 Method 5:  Moola Dasa – Ref point natal Lagna

This dasa is mentioned in 41st Chapter of Saravali by Kalyan Varma

Moola Dasa some use for timing curses but other traditionalists use it more successfully to time ‘Current Karma’ which is what life is all about.

Moola Dasa (dasa showing the root of events -):

Rah MD:  2003-07-09  –  2009-07-09

Sat AD:  2005-11-21  –  2007-03-23

Mars PD:  2006-10-18  –  2006-11-11

Rahu MD is in 3H of death (secondary house of death) & Sat® AD is 2H of maraca, for Sg lagna Sat is a pure maraca & here esp it disposits Rahu(Gk – enemies in Jaimini 8 chara karaka). Mars is 12L in 6H of enemies, 3 malefics in dasa sequence something bad surely has to happen & all 3 planets are badly disposed indicating end of an era

 Method 6: Moola Dasa – Ref point Ghatika Lagna

Step 1: In D1: GL is in Pisces in 4H

Ghatika lagna shows ones seat of power & fame, especially useful in charts of big people. Any loss to ones fortunes esp in concerning power will be easily seen in dasa when reckoned Ghatika lagna. Here we use a rare but effective variation of Moola Dasa as reckoned from Ghatika lagna

Rah MD:  2003-07-09  –  2009-07-09

Sat AD:  2005-11-21  –  2007-03-23

Mars PD:  2006-10-18  –  2006-11-11

Jup SD:  2006-11-06 – 2006-11-09

Asc as GL (Ghatika lagna)

MD Rahu is in 12H from GL & 3H from natal Asc

AD Sat is 12L of loss in 11H from GL & 2H from natal Asc

PD Mars is 2L of maraca in 3H of death from GL & 6H from natal Asc

SD Jup is LL in 6H of loss in Rahu/Ketu Axis All amounting to loss of power & hence loss of post.All this must be confirmed from D10 too.

Step 2: In D10: GL is in Leo, make this as lagna & see the dasa.

MD Rahu is 7th maraca co-lord in 3H of death & 11H of natal D10 asc AD Sat is 6L (natal 3rd) & 7L in 5H of power from GL –  so end to power.

PD Mars is 10L of career placed in 12H of Exit from GL & 8H of natal D10 asc.

SD Jup is 8L of End in 1H of self in natal GL & 9H of bhagya of career from D10 Asc.

So confirmation of what we saw in D1 is seen in D10.

Transits & Eclipses: Briefly we touch through some nadi methods.

  • Eclipses: Sept in Aq (his 3H-job change) & Vi (His 10th house in D1 & D10)
  • Tr Mer Transit over disc of Sun on 8th Nov – in Li the 11H of social status gets activated first & then destroyed (Mer is MD also) where AD Ven also gets involved.
  • When Sat touches natal Ketu it is not considered a good transit at all & is likely to displace the person from professional pursuits which is what happened when TR Sat moved on 31st Oct in Leo.
  • Tr Sat touching natal Jup is considered good here & also indicates change of job for better – this is verbatim quote, so if we apply it on said chart can we say that his Iraq tensions, allegations, stress, humiliation that he faced in last 44 months are over? & hence no tension period & a change of roles for better we hope.

Om Tat Sat

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