Discover Your Past Life & Heal Your Current

Discover Your Past Life and Heal Your Current by Holly Hall, USA

Have you ever wondered who you may have been in the past life? Which talents, gifts and characteristics you developed? Were you the man? Or where you a woman? And are you using your talents in this lifetime? Our mission, is to rediscover our talents and our gifts and then use them in this life time to contribute to our community in the most progressive and positive manner possible. In this article you will discover all the areas of a chart that indicate past lives, particularly the most recent past life.

The Moon
The moon indicates the characteristics you developed in the past life and brought to this life. It is your “knee jerk” reaction to life now. Reading the Moon Signs as if it is a Sun Sign will describe the kind of person you where in your most recent past life. For instance if a Moon is in Gemini in a chart than that particular person was an intellect, and the job or mission of that person was to gather and pass on information. Doing this can take on many forms, Gemini’s work well with their hands and may have been a carpenter or mechanic. Or a communicator, such as being a teacher, writer, singer, preacher, story teller, a traveler, a musician and so on. You can further discover exactly what area the Gemini (or any other Moon sign) used this ability in the past life, by the House it is in. You can also see the difficulties and lessons that remain from the
past life that need to be addressed in this life. Simply, by looking at the aspects the
Moon makes to other planets. You can also discover the talents, gifts and specialties you created by looking at the positive aspects. We will discuss this later on in the article.

The South /North Node-Dharma and Karma.
Nodes are not planets but points in astrology that indicate Dharma-North node (what makes you happy-your calling/Righteous Path/Dharma) and Karma south node (our lessons that we go though due to past life actions) north node is life Jupiter and South node is like Saturn. Also the areas of where you will learn these lessons or play out your Karma will be determined by the House placement. So for instance if your south node is in your 4th house then many of your karmic debts will be with a parent (most likely mom) and in your childhood (so you may be picked on or not excepted as an example) People in your life that are represented by the house are your soul mates, your soul family in which you reconnect with. So in this example, mom and childhood connections (4th house stuff), as well as people in authority (10th house stuff). Note: Not all soul mates within your soul family are comfortable connections, as we learn lessons from others we have wronged or have wronged us in some way. And this may be carried over as an adult in your workplace with bosses, any one that reigns over you as the North node will be in the 10th house. But interestingly enough this is where you discover your strengths and apply them throughout your career and within your community status.

The 12th House
This is another past life indicator. Why is that? Because this is where your hidden fears are, past enemies, where your subconscious hides, what you are afraid to confront. If one does not have any planets in this house it is important to look at the ruler of the house and where the rulers’ planet is within that chart. Therefore if an empty twelve house has, let’s say Cancer as its ruler and the Moon (cancers ruler) is in the 6th house in Aquarius. Then you have some major emotional (moon) fears (12th house) that keep you from becoming too close (Aquarius) to another. Most likely accentuated by a relationship with mom (moon). And when triggered will effect your health (6th house) and diet /nutrition/stress can also be effected. Therefore diet and stress relief must be considered as an antidote. Of course if you have many or any planets in the 12th look those up as well- Many planets is a good indicator that you had a recluse past life, had possibly such a life that created many fears, or that it ended soon.

The Houses
The houses that your Nodes and Moon are in are a fabulous indicator to what areas your talents are to be used, as well as the lessons learnt. As an example-the 7th house will be with your partnerships. The 2nd with possessions and how you earn your money. The 9th through discovering a new philosophy, religion, belief system and education.
Sun/Moon In The Same Sign
Many of us have Sun and Moon in the same sign; some even have more planets as well. Often this is an accurate indication that one is here to relearn lessons and or enhance them, add to them and bring this forth to the world around you. All depends on whether there are many positive or challenging aspects to the Sun and Moon. Look at the aspects, the ruling planets and the house in which the Sun and Moon reside.
Trines and Sextile to the Sun (if same sign as Moon), Moon and Nodes indicate that you have a huge gift and talent in regards to the sign they are in and you will succeed if used in the area of your life shown forth by the Houses they reside. For instance-If a Moon is Trine Mercury in lets say Leo and Sagittarius in 3rd and 7th; the gift and or talent here is to communicate (3rd) to others, the need to harmonize, balance, to relate, mediate (7th). To be proud, stand out, educate and accept other belief systems or cultures (3rd and 9th). Remembering that communicating can take on many forms, speech, writing, teaching, education, radio, print, internet, music, etc.
Squares And Opposition
Indicate the need to learn through challenging events and circumstances designed by past Karmic events. Choices made in a past life. This is when past life souls will re- connect with you that had been involved and have karmic debt to pay to you as well.
Female Or Male In The Past Life
Looking at the amount of masculine and feminine signs in a chart within the personal planets only-Sun through to Mars-can determine the sex you where in your past life.

Moon Signs
In a past life you embody the characteristics below, if your moon was in:
Aries- A warrior, fighter, aggressive, a sergeant, firefighter, leader of others through your courage. Police officer, in the military.
Taurus-Persistent, values material world, earth bound. Farmer, artist, carpenter, banker, cook, craftsmen.
Gemini-Gatherer of information, communicator, teacher, speaker, preacher, writer, towne cryer, educator.
Cancer-Mothering, nurturing, caregiver, emotional, home important, feeling, nurse, doctor, practitioner, mother is a soul mate in this life.
Leo-Family important, children, creative, artist, actor, leader, courageous, out spoken, royalty, self employment, boss, idealist, romantic.
Virgo-Martyr, caregiver, nutritionist, health practitioner, perfectionist, and service orientated servant, nun, and priest.
Libra-Law and order, peace keeper, easy going, understanding, lawyer, mediator, judge, diplomat.
Scorpio-Investigating, psychology, investor, financial advisor, insightful, curious, secretive, surgeon.
Sagittarius- Prophet, philosopher, professor, traveller, wonderer, curious, humorous, witty, author, most likely lived in a very different culture than this life.
Capricorn-Father, authority, manager, self employed, practical, organized, controlling, leadership ability, advisor.
Aquarius-Unique, go by the beat of their own drum, progressive, has acquired many acquaintances in past life, humanitarian, scientist, alchemist, intuitive.
Pisces-Spiritually aware, deep love, loner, hermit, healer, artist, poet, musician. Psychic may have experienced great loss in past life.
1st-Hear to develop a sense of self ‘Who Am I’ and how do I want the world to view me.
2nd-One must learn what he/she values, possessions. In this life must use talent to earn a living and value how they earn that living.
3rd-The gift here is to communicate and share knowledge as you learn. Curious you must teach others as you are learning.
4th-Your area is within the home environment, especially as a child. May have strong ties to the mother figure in this lifetime.
5th-This house is the house of family and your children, or children in general. The house of creativity and romance.
6th-In this house one has the talent to focus on nutrition, teamwork, and health issues.
7th-Your gift is to learn about others, to compromise and learn through all your partnerships and relationship. Helping another. To mediate and share the concept of fairness.
8th-“What makes others tick? Discovering the unknown. Dealing with fears you’re own and others. Psychology and occult.
9th-This house is the area of higher education, travel and world religions and philosophies.
10th-The areas of self employment, managing others and leadership within a community. Marriage and through community involvement.
11th-This is the house of friends, large organizations, the public. Also your aspirations and dreams.
12th-This house represents the need to uncover hidden sides of yourself, also prisons and hospitals. To work on your own to rediscover you and through this helping others.
Remember that this is only a brief explanation. Looking up each sign and house as well as the meanings of the moon and nodes in detail will help you see past life tendencies brought into this life in more detail.
Next issue we will learn how to discover family dynamics in a birth chart, focussing on Mother and Father Figures.

Sushruta Samhita
The Sushruta Samhita is a Sanskrit text on surgery, attributed to Sushruta, (6th century BCE), the “father of Surgery”.
The text as preserved dates to the 3rd or 4th century CE. Amongst the eight divisions of medical knowledge (Ayurveda), surgery was considered the most important branch. The text was translated into Arabic in the 8th or 9th century. In India the practice of surgery is very ancient that dates back to around eight hundred BC. Surgery was termed as Sastrakarma and was one of the eight branches of Ayurveda, which is the ancient Indian system of medicine. Sushruta Samhita is one of the oldest book in Ayurveda that was written by Sushruta, the legendary Aurvedic Physician of ancient India. The Sushruta Samhita is the complete book that deals with the practical problems of surgery and midwifery or obstetrics. Sushruta was the first person who studied human anatomy. In the Sushruta Samhita this detailed study of anatomy is described. Sushruta was the specialist of rhinoplasty or plastic surgery and ophthalmology or the elimination of cataracts.
There are eight main divisions in Sushruta Samhita namely Chedya (excision), Lekhya (scarification), Vedhya (puncturing), Esya (exploration), Ahrya (extraction), Vsraya (evacuation) and Sivya (Suturing).

About Author: Holly Hall has almost twenty years experience as a professional Astrologer. Radio, newspaper, magazine appearances and columns fill her resume. With her psychic grandmother and clairvoyant mother’s legacy, Holly will propel your spiritual growth. &

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