Happiness From Marriage & Vastu Flaws

Happiness From Marriage & Vastu Flaws by A.K Jain

Article by A.K Jain 

Marriage lays the most robust foundation to Indian culture upon which Indian society is anchored. The main pillar upon which the Indian society is dwelling is the marriage, a social rule. In these days of Globalization the underlying structure of marriage is getting sea changes. In the Indian panorama the quality and structure is changing at a faster pace and primary ethical qualities like perpetuity, dedication, tolerance, forgiveness, resort, shelter, inter development, sacrifice, renunciation etc. are undergoing turmoil changes. From the ancient times in India, marriages are fixed based on the horoscope matching of bride and bridegroom by the elders of the family and this has been a tradition. But in my 16yrs of Jyothish study and consultations I saw that even after getting the horoscope matching by skilled and learned astrologers also couples are not leading a happy married life.  Day to day the number of such couples are increasing and they are going to astrologers for counseling.

In astrology marriage and events related to marriage are judged from the 7th house, the strength of 7th lord, conjunctions and auspicious aspects. Affection between wife and husband or love between wife and husband can be judged based on the 5th house, placement of 5th lord and the relationship of 5th lord with 7th house and 7th lord.

In my 16yrs career as vastu adviser to obviate or resolve the issues related to marriage, to smoothen marriage life, lessen the issues many experiments are made and positive hopeful outcome came out. Before knowing the vastu flaws responsible for the issues in the marriage life and relationships we have to give a bird’s eye view on the sayings of ancient teachers of vastu shastra, related contingencies and framework.

Varahamihir’s Brihatsamhita, commentator Pandit Shri Achutanada, chaukambha Vidya Bhavan, Varanasi, page number 352.

Vastu Composition from Brihat Samhita by Varahamihira.

Happiness From Marriage & Vastu Flaws 1

North West                                 West                                          south west

Stanza 29

Poet Kalidas “Purva Kalamrita”, commentary by Dr. Suresh Chandra Misra, Rajan Publication page number 204.

Poet Kalidas’s  Vastu Composition from Purva Kalamrita

Happiness From Marriage & Vastu Flaws 2

The above given Vastu compositions are all most same. Let us discuss on the some of the important rooms/ places. Room to sleep should towards south while the kitchen is on the south east, the entertainment room and room for couples are on the north west wife and husband most of the time spend together mostly in bedroom, while wife in kitchen. To resolve the issues in the relationships first solve the flaws of vastu in the kitchen and bedroom.

In the present days homes are built by the builders in a limited space of 100 to 200 Sq. yards which are mostly apartments and dream homes are available with a great difficulty and there will be restrictions and rules by the City planning corporation too. If we follow all the rules it is difficult to build home as per the above mentioned vastu composition. In this state it is very difficult to resolve the issues in relationships, without any reconstruction or any additional constructions to the home. But if we pay attention to minor things and if we keep the kitchen and bedroom free from vastu flaws, happiness of married life can be gained.


  • Must sleep with head towards south and feet facing north.
  • No T.V or any other electronic devices in the bedroom.
  • If there are box beds, fill the boxes of the bed with blankets, clothes or bed spreads but not with waste or heavy metal things.
  • On the double cot bed, don’t place 2 separate mattresses instead use a single mattress for the whole bed.
  • On the head side of the bed don’t place any heavy objects, books, clocks, water containers or medicines etc.
  • Water container should be little far away at a different place from the bed. Use a small container and don’t place this also on the side table of the bed.
  • Don’t use any glass or mirrors, if you can’t remove them use a thick curtain to cover them.
  • The bed should be made out of wood. Don’t use other materials such as metal.
  • Don’t fill the bedroom with useless things. Keep the room mostly empty.


  • Should be on the east or facing to east cook food.
  • Don’t stand directly or on the gas stove.
  • If there are any water pots or sinks beside the stove the keep a plants in a small pot in between (nonflowering one and planets which give out milky white juice should not be used). Cactus should never be placed. Keep altering the plant with another healthy one after a week. Take care that the plant be green and fresh. In the resolving the issues and get back the joy of marriage this remedy is most tested and useful one.
  • Empty the trash / dust bin in the kitchen from time to time and keep it clean for sure at the end of the day or after cooking food.
  • Don’t leave the leftover plates for a long time.
  • Use exhaust fan for proper ventilation but don’t put it on the top or opposite direction of the stove. But place the fan to either left or right of the stove.

Apart from the above mentioned remedies the kitchen and the bedrooms must be always clean and tidy. Don’t use the bedroom during the day for any other purpose and don’t sit in the bedroom for the entire day or do any daily activates in the bedroom.

If we pay attention to the vastu compositions of Brihat Sanhitkar or Uttar Kalamrita then we will come to know that bed room and kitchen are in different/opposite places/sides.

In the horoscope the 5th house is the house to know the love, affection of wife and husband, their getting together at a soul level or emotionally. If there is no deep love between the couple then they cannot use this 5th house. In a home to  the north corner of the earth or north west corner entertainment room with T.V and all other modern devices  should be placed and this room must be more spacious, beautiful, with  attractive bed so that this room can also be used as a room for sex.

All the above remedies are given to many couples to solve problems in their married life, personally by me since 16yrs. Also with blended usage of jyotish knowledge and vastu remedies by me the successful enthusiastic results are seen. Say if in the chart of man, Venus is not well placed and Venus is giving inauspicious results and also because of vastu defects at home couple are facing troubles in marriage life, as a jyotish consultant and vastu advisor with my personal and practical trails of the above mentioned vastu remedies along with astrological remedies for inauspicious Venus, couple can enjoy happy married life.

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