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I should like to acquaint the readers with a few symbolic terms and explain them so that they may have the ready comprehension hereafter throughout, concerning the reckoning of Bhavas, sign–Dasas, Dasas years etc. If one is thorough with these conventional notations, there can be no doubt of a full and proper grasp of the use of Jaimini.
The symbolic terms are:
1) Udhaya Chakra
2) Prakriti Chakra
3) Vikriti Chakra
4) Graha Chakra
5) Padakrama
Udhaya Chakra
The count or reckoning of the Bhavas or sign–Dasas directly, whether from an odd sign or from even sign, is called Udhaya Chakra. Aries is an odd sign. The count from Aries whether for Bhava reckoning or for Dasa -sign reckoning is direct. This means the Dasa-sign from Aries are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Taurus is the 2nd house, Gemini is the 3rd house, and Cancer is the 4th house and so on for Aries.
The same reckoning is to be done in the case of even signs. So, if you begin from Taurus, the count or reckoning is direct as in the case of odd sign, like Aries etc. So, the Dasa-signs are Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries. Similarly, the Bhava reckoning if needed is also direct. It means that Gemini is the 2nd, Cancer is the 3rd, Leo is the 4th and so on from Taurus. Hence when we say, ‘according to Udaya Chakra’, anywhere in these lessons, the reader should know the count or the reckoning, whether for an odd sign or for an even sign, is always direct as explained above.
Prakriti Chakra
The count or reckoning of Bhavas, Dasa-signs etc. from an odd sign is direct while from an even sign, it is reverse. This is what Prakriti Chakra means.
Aries is an odd sign. The count is direct from Aries. So Aries, Taurus, Gemini and so on are the twelve Dasa-signs from Aries to Pisces, directly. Similar is the count of Bhavas. Taurus is an even sign. The count or reckoning is reverse from Taurus. Then the Dasa-signs are Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer and Gemini. Similar is the count of Bhavas. Aries is the 2nd; Pisces is the 3rd and so on from Taurus, because Taurus is an even sign. Suppose you want to begin any sign-Dasa from Gemini. Gemini is an odd sign. Hence according to Prakriti Chakra, the Dasa-signs are Gemini, Cancer, Leo and so on from Gemini to Taurus directly. Suppose you want to begin from Virgo which is an even sign. The Dasa-signs are Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, and Libra. Leo is the 2nd, Cancer is the 3rd, Gemini is the 4th and so on in the reverse direction from Virgo. Hence when we say ‘according to Prakriti Chakra’ for Bhava reckoning or for Dasa-sign reckoning or for the count of Dasa Varsha (years of Dasa sign) the readers should understand that the count or reckoning is direct for odd signs, while it is reverse for even signs.
Vikriti Chakra
The count or reckoning of Bhavas or Dasa-signs from an odd sign is reverse while from an even sign it is direct. This is what Vikriti Chakra means.
Aries is an odd sign. The count from Aries is reverse. Hence the Dasa-signs from Aries are Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini and Taurus. The count of Bhavas from Aries is as follows: Pisces is the 2nd; Aquarius is the 3rd and so on. Taurus is an even sign. If you want to count or reckon, you should do it directly. Then Taurus, Gemini, Cancer etc. are the Dasa-signs from Taurus. Hence when we say according to Vikriti Chakra, you should understand the count or reckoning is reverse from the odd signs, while from the even signs it is direct.

Graha Chakra
The reckoning of Bhavas or Karakas from the sign-lord according to Udaya Chakra, in the order of the planetary placement is called Graha Chakra. For example, the lord of Lagna is Mars. Mars corresponds to Tanu Bhava. The planet next to him in the Rasi chart corresponds to Dhana Bhava. The planet next to him corresponds to Bhratru Bhava. The planet next to him corresponds to Matru Bhava. The planet next to him corresponds to Putra Bhava. The planet next to him corresponds to Jnati Bhava. The planet next to him corresponds to Dara Bhava. The planet next to him corresponds to Ayurbhava. The next planet corresponds to Bhagya Bhava. Thus the nine planets in the direct order correspond to the nine Bhavas. Again Tanu Bhava becomes Rajya Bhava. Dhana Bhava becomes Ekadasa Bhava. Jnati Bhava becomes Vyaya Bhava. Graha Chakra may be understood from the example horoscope chart. The Bhavas or Karakas are tabulated above according to Graha Chakra.

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