Jamini Astrology

New Light on Jaimini Astrology – III by Madhura Krishnamurthi Sastri

New Light on Jaimini Astrology – III by Madhura Krishnamurthi Sastri

[Publisher: As the articles of Sastriji were very advanced for the internet Jaimini astrologers we have requested our friend Shanmukha to make extensive notes so that advanced Jaimini adepts can understand many 1st time revealed points by Sastriji even though these articles first appeared in Oct 1962. We hope Shanmukhas …

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Rishi Jaimini on Eye Ailments by Jagdish Raj Ratra

Rishi Jaimini on Eye Ailments by Jagdish Raj Ratra

Editor-Publisher: Jaimini astrology has always been one of the most enigmatic parts of astrology. How to interpret the verse given in Jaimini Sutras is the toughest part, normally Katyapadi system is followed, here the senior author who quietly works on Jaimini system has broken the norm for probably the first time …

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Real Jaimini Navamsa Revealed – 2 by Shanmukha

Real Jaimini Navamsa Revealed – 2 by Shanmukha

Karma Yoga in Karakamsa, Yoga for Professional Fame Jaimini says Saturn in Karakamsa or in 2nd house from Karakamsa Lagna indicate the person will be known for his work. The adhikara sutras 1 Though it is Krishna Mishra Navamsa, My Guru calls it Jaimini Navamsa 2 Sri Rangacharya is an …

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Jaimini System – A Revelation by Madhura Krishnamurthi Sastri

Jaimini System – A Revelation by Madhura Krishnamurthi Sastri

Translator: Sreeram Medapali Copy Editor: Shanmukha Article Submission: Aug, 2008 Readership Level: Very Advanced Introduction In the science of predictive astrology, there are 3 famous systems – Parasara, Jaimini and Yavana. Among them, Jamini School gives remarkable and specific predictions using distinctly different methods from the other two. In this …

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New Light On Jaimini Astrology – Part 4

New Light On Jaimini Astrology – Part 4

(AN ANALYSIS OF THE COMMENTARY OF SOMANATHA) BY MADHURA KRISHNAMURTHI SASTRI, INDIA. COPY EDITOR: SHANMUKHA [Publisher: As the articles of Sastriji were very advanced for the internet Jaimini astrologers, we have requested our friend Shanmukha to make extensive notes so that advanced Jaimini adepts can understand many 1st time revealed …

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Argala Application – 2 by Iranganti Rangacharya

Argala Application - 2 by Iranganti Rangacharya

Typed & Proof Read By Swathi Venkata Lakshmi . K The next important item of Argala exposition is the classification of the Argala Rajayogas which would be of use to presage the probability of becoming distinguished personalities of national or international importance and eminence. The following are the four categories …

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Argala Application – 1 by Iranganti Rangacharya

Argala Application - 1 by Iranganti Rangacharya

Typed & Proof Read By Swathi Venkata Lakshmi . K  JAIMINI MAHARSHI in his Sutragrantha, after  his benedictory sutra, commences with a novel exposition of the aspects in  three sutras. The use of this novel concept of the aspects is shown next in another new item of argala, in six …

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Jaimini Chara Dasas and Prediction by Gary Gomes

Jaimini Chara Dasas and Prediction by Gary Gomes

This article will show how to use the Jaimini Chara Dasas as a predictive tool.  The Chara dasa system of prediction is a general use Mahadasa, similar in its flexibility to the Vimshottari dasa system that works very well for most predictive patterns. The next section will provided a brief recap …

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Significance of Drekkana in Jaimini by Iranganti Rangacharya

Significance of Drekkana in Jaimini by Iranganti Rangacharya

Proof read and typed by Pamela Jablonski – U.S.A. Drekkana is no less important than Navamsa in Jaimini. Jaimini aphorisms Nos. 25 & 27 in the 3rd pada of the 1st chapter speak of Drekkana in the context of Rajayoga determination. Somanath, the celebrated son Krishna Misra, gives an exposition …

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Adhi Yogas from Jaimini Perspective by Iranganti Rangacharya

Adhi Yogas from Jaimini Perspective by Iranganti Rangacharya

Typed & Proof Read By Mrs. Shakuntala, India ADHI YOGA can be formed in two ways. One is from the Moon and the other from the Ascendant though in fact the results are not different. The occupation of benefics in the 6th, 7th and 8th houses reckoned from the Moon …

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