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Karma Yoga in Karakamsa, Yoga for Professional Fame
Jaimini says Saturn in Karakamsa or in 2nd house from Karakamsa Lagna indicate the person will be known for his work. The adhikara sutras
1 Though it is Krishna Mishra Navamsa, My Guru calls it Jaimini Navamsa
2 Sri Rangacharya is an erudite scholar and authority on Jaimini system and has been publishing articles on Jaimini since the last five decades.

say that Saturn in 2nd or Mercury in 10th or the aspect of Mercury on 10th indicate the person is known for his work.
Example: Mother Teresa3, 26 August 1910; 14:25 hrs

In the chart of Mother Teresa4, Atmakaraka Moon placed in Scorpio Navamsa, with Venus and Jupiter, Ketu in trines.
• Mercury in 2nd house and Saturn in 10th house is a combination for Karma Yoga is found in Jaimini Navamsa & not in Parasara Navamsa. Mother Teresa is a real mother for mankind and her service to the nation is recognized worldwide. In fact she was awarded Noble peace award for her service.
• Moon as Atmakaraka with two exalted planets in trines in watery signs indicate the kind-heartedness and Love she showered on the helpless. Krishna Mishra gave a specific combination of Moon with Mercury for firm belief in traditions and she was well known for campaign against the birth control operations, for they are against Christianity.
3. Marcello Borges quotes the photo-bio “Faith and Compassion, The Life and Works of Mother Teresa,” in Portuguese by Raghu Rai and Navin Chawle, Element Books. Chawle is a civil servant in India and had close contact with the nun. On p.22, “Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born 26 August 1910 in Skopje. The date is often given as August 27, which is the date she was baptized.” Astrolog quotes Astrol Auskunfsbogen for August 27, 1910, 2:25 PM MET. Helen Adams Garret gives August 26 (with 4:58 AM MET, no source) in the ISAR Emailleter Vol.41. As Yugoslovia was on the Julian calendar, the question remains of whether the date is OS or NS.
4 In order to maintain brevity of article, North Indian style charts are not given here, readers can download Jhd files of all the relevant charts in this article from download section.
• Look at the Moon in Karakamsa and Mercury in 2nd house. Jaimini indicates the Scorpio Navamsa हिनः (stanya haniḥ) as meaning the lack of milk. Karakamsa is placed in Scorpio Navamsa and the orphans played an important role in the life of Mother Teresa.
• Exalted Jupiter in 9th house with Ketu shows the Mother’s firm belief in her religion. The relevant Jaimini adhikara sutra

Translation: If benefic in 9th or aspect 9th, the person will be virtuous, truthful and devoted to preceptor.
Example: Mahatma Gandhi; 02 Oct 1869; 07:20 Hrs
In Mahatma Gandhi’s horoscope, Atmakaraka is Jupiter occupying his own Navamsa Sagittarius in Jaimini Navamsa, with Saturn and Mercury in 2nd, Rahu in 5th, Venus and Mars in 6th, Sun in 9th, Moon in 12th house. The yoga for professional fame is indicated by Saturn in own house and Mercury in 2nd house from Sg Karakamsa Lagna as per verses quoted previously, and Gandhiji was one of the greatest personalities and adored as Mahatma.
Jaimini is again specific about the Mercurys placement in 2nd house.

Translation: The person will be either a businessman, a weaver, a sculptors, or adept in
litigation ( in present scenario, may be a statesman, an executive etc.), if Mercury occupies 2nd house.
- Gandhiji’s accumen for his statesmanship and love for his weaving can be attributed to well placed Mercury in 2nd
- Mars and Venus in 6th house, a prominent house in Artha trikona shows he was a qualified lawyer (Mars), and also involved with politics (Venus).
- Well placed Sun in 9th house Leo, indicate his Satyavrata, though there is malefic aspect of Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, but Saturn is well placed in his own house, and Sun himself basically very strong. Yet, the differences with his Guru could not be ruled out, since aspect of Rahu and Saturn on the 9th
- Example: Srikant Jichkar; 14th September 1954; 2:05hrs, 5:30East, 21N09, 79E06, India.

Dr. Srikant Jichkar was a scholar-politician, a qualified medical doctor, an astrologer and a highly qualified person with tons of postgraduate degrees to his credit.
Atmakaraka Sun placed in Sagittarius in Jaimini Navamsa, with Venus and Saturn in second house. Jaimini says Saturn in 2nd house indicate the person is well known for his work, Sun in Karakamsa and Venus in 2nd house indicate the person’s inclination towards politics though he was a qualified medical doctor. Mercury in 10th house in own house with well placed Rahu indicate the person is a doctor in allopathic, yet the influence of Sun and Venus on Karakamsa and its 2nd brought him into politics and he worked as a minister at state level a couple of times. Jaimini and Krishna Mishra attribute the signification of logic to Mars. The 2nd house from Karakamsa occupied by well-placed Saturn, itself indicate the person is well known for his work and the aspect of Mars from Leo explains the person’s logical approach and his lectures on analysis of budget were so popular.
Moon in 5th house aspected by Mars shows he was a prolific writer and gave him a couple of books to his credit. Sun placed in the sign of Jupiter gave him the knowledge in Vedic scriptures. Krishna Mishra mentions that 4th house and 5th house are the houses of education and mentions different combinations for the expertise in the different branches. He mentions combinations of Moon and Mercury with other planets. He is specific that the combination of Moon with Ketu indicates the person is a poet. Ketu’s occupancy of 4th house and benefic aspect of Mercury, Moon in 5th indicates the person is an educationalist having probably many degrees to his credit.
Example: Swami Vivekananda; 12 Jan 1863, 06:33 hrs

In this chart of Swami Vivekananda, Karakamsa Lagna is Sagittarius as Sun is Atmakaraka.
- Rahu in 2nd house and Saturn in 10th house of Karakamsa in Jaimini Navamsa indicate the Karma Yoga. Swami Vivekananda is known for his work and who fought for the revival of Hinduism and its application for the benefit of mankind.
- Sun being Atmakaraka and well placed Moon occupying the 9th house indicate the person for his excellence in Dharmic life. The verse 1-2-51 cited above mentions that benefic influence on 9th house makes the native righteous, satya vadi and devoted towards the Guru. Swami Vivekananda is known for his quest for the truth, logical approach (Mars in 6th house), and devotion towards Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.
In the Karakamsa chart of Swami Vivekananda, 12th house falls in Scorpio Navamsa and Venus and Jupiter occupies it. Sage Jaimini attributes devotion towards Parvati Parameswara (Sa Amba Sive) vide the following Sutra.

- Krishna Mishra lists out very important combinations for renunciation and which is perfectly valid in case of Swami Vivekananda. The literal interpretation of the combination gives that the influence of Rahu + Saturn in malefic house with aspect of Jupiter and Ketu makes the native either a renunciate or a यित (Yati) who is an ascetic, restains his passions and devotes his life spreading a message. Similarly Jupiter with Mars makes a person a renunciate.
- In this chart the 12th house Scorpio occupied by Jupiter with Venus5 in a malefic Martian sign and strong aspect of Rahu and Ketu, made him a Yati spreading the message of Indian spirtual values.
- Jaimini indicated that Rahu in Karakamsa or its 2nd makes a person.
(jaṁgulikaḥ). The word was interpreted by most scholars that a person who roams in forests, yet it could be interpreted as a person who travels a lot in the modern context, for example, service engineers, medical practioners in villages etc.
Example: Sri Viswanatha Satyanarayana6, 10 Sep 1895; 07:21 hrs, Machilipatnam, India

Sri Viswanatha Satyanarayana, popularly known as “Kavisamrat” was the uncrowned monarch of Telugu literature. He was the most venerated and equally criticised writer of Telugu literature of 20th century. He is an Jnanapith awardee, the highest Indian award for literature and a protagonist with deep belief in indian traditional culture. He excelled in all forms of literature, be it novel, play, prosody, poems etc.
- Atmakaraka Moon occupies Sagittarius Navamsa with Mars in Jaimini Navamsa. Saturn in 2nd for fame in the professional front, Jupiter in 6th (he retired as a
- principal). Jaimini and Krishna Mishra were very specific that the influence of Moon on the trines to Karakamsa Lagna makes an author. Moon in Karakamsa, Saturn in 2nd in own navamsa with aspect of Venus and Sun, Rahu in 5th gave him fluency in a number of languages including English (Rahu).
- One important combination given by Krishna Mishra is the combination of Mars with Moon or Mercury gives the person fluent in Telugu language. For Atmakaraka Moon conjunct Mars, Sri Viswanatha had more than 100 books to his credit in Telugu and translated Srimat Ramayanam into Telugu.
- One more specific combination given by Krishna Mishra is that the combination of Moon with Mars makes person adept in traditional attire and Sri Viswanatha was famous for his campaign for Hindu traditions and even wrote a couple of novels ridiculing the theory of Aryan Invasion. Aspect of Venus on Rahu in 5th house confirms the same.
- In this chart, Venus and Sun occupies the 12th The Ishta Devata of Sri Viswanatha was Lord Sri Rama and their family constructed and maintained a Siva temple, the Linga being brought by his father from Banaras. He even translated the epic Ramayana with sheer devotion towards Lord Sri Rama. Though he was not a renunciate, yet he used to live a very dharmic and almost renunciate life and did tremendous work in spreading the Hindu culture through his books.
- Krishna Mishra lists out a specific combination of Saturn with Venus for devotion towards Lord Venkateswara. Lord Venkateswara was their family diety. In this horoscope Venus occupies 12th house with a strong aspect of Saturn from Capricorn. The aspect of Rahu on 12th house is nullified by Karakamsa falling in Jupitarian sign.
Example: Rukmini Arandale; 29 Feb 1904; 12:10 hrs, 09N56, 79E07, India

Rukmini Arandale was a great classical dancer, brought out the Bharatanatyam to the general public. Bharatanatyam was only performed by the traditional families and she is the first female dancer to bring it out.
Atmakaraka Mercury in Gemini sign in Jaimini navamsa, Saturn in 2nd, Venus in 4th, Moon in 8th, Sun in 10th and Jupiter and Mars in 12th house. Venus in 4 th house is combination for excellence in classical arts. Saturn in 2nd house is a specific yoga for fame in professional front.
So far we have seen celebrity charts, now the chart of a common man, the father of this scribe is discussed.
Example: Nooka Raju; an Ayurvedic doctor, yet practices allopathy.

This native is a qualified Ayurvedic doctor yet practices Allopathy for his livelihood and leads a dharmic life. He has been doing the Gita Yagna since the last 30 years in the month of Kartika without break.
Karakamsa falls in Libra in Jaimini Navamsa, Saturn being Atmakaraka. Jupiter and Sun occupies 5th house in Aquarius, Moon and Mars in 12th house and Mercury and Ketu in 2nd house. Though the native stopped his formal schooling at 8th standard, he is much respected for his traditional knowledge, for his speeches in Gita Yagna and dharmic life. Sage Jaimini says vide the following Sutra

Translation: If the following planets in Karakamsa Lagna or its 5th
- Sun Æ Adept in Vedanta, Bhagavatgita, music
- JupiterÆa Grammarian, adept in Veda Vedangas.
- Jupiter association gives excellence in traditions
- Mercury Æ adept in reasoning and Mimamsa sasthra.
This can be confirmed with Ketu and Mercury in 2nd house. Krishna Mishra interprets the second sutra viśiṣya vaiyākaraṇo… pertaining to Sun and adds 2nd house for exemplary attributes of the native.
Venus in Karakamsa, Moon being the 10th lord and Mercury in 2nd house aspecting 10th indicate the person being an Ayurvedic Doctor and could prepare the medicines at home. Jaimini says if Moon occupy KL and aspected by Mercury it makes one a doctor. Here though that yoga doesn’t apply, but Moon is the 10th lord from KL and Mercury aspects on 10th house.
Krishna Mishra says Moon with Mars makes the person adept in traditions, Moon with Venus make the person who wears religious symbols on his body and adept in Japa, good character etc. Look at the Ketu with Mercury in 2nd and Krishna Mishra was specific that the native will have defective speech (asphuṭavāk) if Ketu in 2nd but for the Mercury’s (व ) association veto this and gives the native good speech with recital of complex sanskrit verses.
In Parasara Navamsa chart, Rahu occupies 12th house indicating the love towards Goddess Durga. But native is strong devotee of Lord Shiva. Now, look at the Jaimini Navamsa chart, where in Moon and Mars occupy the 12th house clearly indicating devotion towards Lord Shiva. Infact, he was instrumental in renovating an old Shiva temple in his native place right from its Bhumi Puja to inauguration.
Ketu in 2nd house with Mercury indicates the native is an adept in mechanism. Though, he is a doctor, but a large share of his income comes from Radio and TV mechanic work. In fact this native can repair a variety of instruments without formal training.

Translation: If Sun in 2nd house, the native leads political life or government servant. If Venus is in 2nd it makes one politician, passionate, and lives for 100 years. If Sun and Venus aspect the 2nd, the native lives as government servant.
From the above sutras it can be deduced that planets Sun and Venus are the significators for the connection with the government. Moreover, Venus is the significator for the politics and Sun for the higher jobs like IAS in the government. So, the involvement of Sun and Venus with either Karakamsa Lagna or its 2nd or its 10th indicate the inclination towards the politics or government jobs.

In the chart of Sri P. V. Narasimha Rao, Ex-Prime Minister of India, the Atmakaraka
Venus occupies Sagittarius Navamsa in Jaimini Navamsa. Sun occupies 2nd, Mars in 3rd,
Sri P.V. Narasimha Rao had executed various offices as cabinet minister at both state level and national level, as chief minister of Andhra Pradesh and finally as Prime Minister of
- Venus and Mercury occupy equal degrees and hence Venus taken as AK by his Naisargika strength.
India. He could miraculously run the minority government for full term of 5 years and introduced financial reforms in the country.
- Venus in Karakamsa and Sun in 2nd house is a classical Jaimini Yoga for Politics.
- Though no planet occupied the 9th house, but Jupiter’s aspect involving Guru – Chandala Yoga and Moon’s aspect with Ketu and inimically placed Sun’s aspect, all lead to the allegations he faced in running the government. He was believed to bribe the opposition parties to attain the majority, and he could not reveal the true story even in his biographical novel “The Insider”.
- Also he was the first Prime Minister convicted by the court of law. Look at the Bandhana yoga by Sun in 2nd and Saturn in 12th, Bandhana yoga occurs on Arudha Lagna in the Rasi chart as well.
- Now, look at the Venus in Karakamsa, Moon and Ketu in 5th Sri Narasimha Rao was a scholar and translated a couple of Telugu works into Hindi and he was believed to fluently speak more than a dozen languages. Look at the influence of 4 planets on 5th house.
Example: N.T. Rama Rao; 28 May 1923, 16:05 hrs, Nimmakuru, Andhra Pradesh, India
N.T. Rama Rao (NTR) was an actor turned politician, Ex- Chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, a most popular actor of the Telugu film industry. His portrayal of mythological roles were so popular and it is not exaggeration to say his portrait as Lord Krishna can be found in every household of Andhra Pradesh.

- Karakamsa falls in Cancer Navamsa of Jaimini Navamsa, Saturn being Atmakaraka. Venus in 2nd, Mercury in 3rd, Sun in 4th, Mars and Rahu in 5th, Jupiter and Moon in 9th and Ketu in 11th in Jaimini Navamsa Chart.
- NTR was a famous actor earning good deal of money in films and suddenly entered politics and cruised into power. Saturn being Atmakaraka made him famous with the people of Andhra Pradesh. Look at the placement of Venus in 2nd house which finally brought him into politics.
- He treated his elders, film directors and writers with much respect. Look at the Jupiter with Moon in 9th in own navamsa pisces.
- Sage Jaimini finally at the end of the Karakamsa chapter indicates a very important clue in interpreting the dasa as well. He says

Translation: All these results can be applied for judging the sign dasas.
This clue is very important and ancient commentaries8 give much importance to the placement of planets in the dasa sign in both Rasi chart, Navamsa and Dwadasamsa chart.
Conclusion: In this paper, the literal translation to the cryptic sutras of Jaimini is given and readers do well to read excellent Sanskrit and English commentary by Sri Rangacharya for better understanding of Jaimini System. A sincere attempt here has been made to understand the Karakamsa chapter of Jaimini Sutras with the aid of Krishna Mishra’s Phalaratnamala. Yet, only a couple of houses are discussed which indeed is the tip of iceberg.
These combinations can be applied to Yogada9 planet as well, which was given a great deal of exposition by Krishna Mishra. This scribe will attempt later to write an exposition on Yogada planets as to what is currently known and what Krishna Mishra expounded.
Sage Jaimini indicated to see devotion from 6th planet from Amatyakaraka, which must be well researched. Why the 6th planet shows the devotion? The key lies with understanding
the reckoning of 6th house, which was given by a Vriddha karika.
We conclude this article with an urge to the scholars to study the ancient commentaries to understand Jaimini concepts, as today the only source we follow is Jaimini’s Upadesha Sutras for which commentaries are most essential along with Vriddha Karikas. And this lack of in-depth study on commentaries is creating confusions in the already cryptic work of Sage Jaimini. We appreciate the lead taken by Saptarishis Astrology in bringing the manuscripts to the access of the jyotish fraternity.
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