Padma Chakra Paddhati Method Explained Part 1 by Gautam Dave

Padma Chakra Paddhati Method Explained Part 1 by Gautam Dave

SA Volunteer: Vishal Sharma

There are many systems in our Vedic astrology to identify the events and the nature of events in the life of a jataka.  All of them have their special features and some drawbacks as well. As you cannot have 100% foolproof system in astrology, you have to accept 70% accuracy as a standard. And to some extent it’s true that nature herself is changing and striving for perfection and hence it’s our duty to change in tune with the times.

People tend to come to an astrologer during bad times when they have lost all their ability to cope. So, their present situation is a matter of great concern. Padma Chakra Paddhati is one of the finest methods for an in depth understanding of jataka’s present situation, very minutely and precisely.

This method was developed by Shree Late Nanubhai Bhatt (Nityanadji). He was fortunate to get some basic information from Jain Munuji from Pondicherry and then he made a complete system to see the chart in a practical way. During his lifetime he passed on this method to so many co-astrologers from Ahmedabad Astrological Society. There, Late Shri Pramod Bhavsar was one of his students who carried on this system his entire life. The author was fortunate to get the opportunity to learn more in a practical way from Bhavsarji after reading a book on Padma Chakra Padhati in the Gujarati language. The author would like to express his gratitude to Mr. Bhavsar for his open-mindedness in sharing and teaching the learnings from hundreds of charts from his knowledge base.

With gratitude to Shree Nanubhai Bhatt Sir and Pramod Bhavsar ji, the author would like to share this knowledge with the readers with a humble submission, that if there is any fault, it is the fault and ignorance in the understanding of the system by the author.

What is Padma Chakra Paddhati?

It is Dwadamsa Paddhati clubbed with Gochar Varsha (transit year), Progressed Varsha, Gochar Month, and Gochar Bindu and Dasam Bindu. This system has its own mathematical calculations to consider the above factors. It is very simple and easy to understand. The reader needs to know the characteristics and significations of each planet/house and ascendant thoroughly, to have a better understanding of this method.  

Padma Chakra Paddhati – What one needs to know?

  1. Main Nirayan kundali (Chart)
  2. Niryana Bhav Chalit Kundali with each house’s sandhi (ending degree of 12th house to starting degree of the first house); clear degrees of each planet and ascendant.
  3. Dwadamsa of each planet/ascendant/sandhi of each house; its midpoint/dasam bindu.
  4. Note down the house in which above Dwadamsa falls.
  5. Note down Badhaka of the ascendant or Dwadamsa of each one of the cases.

For Movable signs, 11H is badhaka,

For Fixed signs 9H is badhaka

For Dual signs, 7H is badhaka

  1. No dasa systems of any kind are involved.

Main Features Of This Method:

  1. Planet or house, gives results to its dwadamsa house and its lord position and its dwadamsa.
  2. Good and bad results are seen by the correlation, nature of houses involved, and its connection with badhaka. Here we may not consider other parameters like exalted/debilitation of planets, rajyoga etc.
  3. Badhaka is the main feature of this method. If any planet or house is connected with badhaka, jataka will not enjoy its full fruits. The results last throughout his lifetime, as it always blocks the fruits of karma. If the ascendant falls in badhaka bhav in D12 , then he will never enjoy his life truly, and will always have some obstruction from the forces which are indicated by planets/house in D12.

Let us look into the details,

If ascendant is Taurus at 21°34’, its dwadamsa sign will be 9H Capricorn, which is the badhaka for a fixed sign. So, the jataka will have a miserable life.  His fortunes (9H) will be in jeopardy. One of the finest features of this method is to identify the source of the problems. Let’s examine it separately, as it requires some practice due to its novelty.

Let’s consider Taurus ascendant with 21°34’ as given above and Saturn (9L, Badhaka) at 5°23’ in 10H Aquarius.  Dwadamsa of Saturn is in Aries which is the 12H. Hence the jataka will always have career issues (10H) with frequent Job losses (12H), or he will not have job satisfaction or proper recognition, or he will indulge in some criminal activities in his career. This continues throughout his career.

Now we have to see the ascendant lord as well, which gives results of its dwadamsa house. Let’s say Venus is in Gemini (2H) at 3°25’ degrees and in D12, it is in 3H in Cancer sign. Hence, jataka will be talkative (Gemini sign and 2H),  have a  sweet voice and good communicative skills  (Venus in Gemini), be highly mobile  (Moon sign and 3H),  well-tuned with his/her younger siblings (due to Venus in 2H of family life and 3H of siblings). Now let’s see how to find out badhaka of ascendant, its dwadamsa,  and placement of its dispositor.

Case Studies

Example 1 – Case 1: D.O.B.: February 27, 1979 at 9:15 a.m., Rewari, Haryana India.

1 Chart

His ascendant is Aries (Movable) at 3°14’, hence its D12 ascendant Taurus, is in 2H (fixed sign). Now let us find out the badhaka of these two houses.  Firstly, for the D1 ascendant, it is Aquarius (11H from it). Dwadamsa ascendant is a fixed sign; Taurus hence 9H from it will be its badhaka house which is Capricorn (10H). Now in both D1 ascendant and D12 ascendant, Saturn is the badhakesh  placed in 5H of Leo and ( 4th house in D12)   Hence, there are three badhaka houses for this chart – a. 11H house of Aquarius, b.10H of Capricorn and c. 5H of Leo. 17.12 deg so it is again Aquarius dwadmasa and 11th house  .

Effects on Jataka’s life:

First of all, 11H is the house of elders/uncle and friends, so he will have trouble with these people. Now, its lord is in the 5H, with 9H activation in D12  (as it operates in it). 5H and 9H are the houses of forefather/father. As it is with the node rahu, he will certainly have trouble with these people. In reality, he has problems regarding his ancestral property. As his 2L Venus, is in the badhaka 10H of Capricorn, a majority of time is wasted in this property matter and arranging money for legal cases. Due to these issues, he is unable to focus on his work.

As dwadamsa ascendant is in the 2H, money from 2H is blocked, with heavy expenses in legal matters beyond the reach of the jataka.  He also suffers, without a good and steady job, as 10H is badhaka and its lord is in 5H (12th from 6H of job). Jataka also incurs financial loss due to his friends. Hence, at an overall level, we can see the troubled areas of jataka by analyzing these houses.

Also, note that his D1 ascendant lord Mars, is in 11H which is a badhaka house. He is suffering today, regarding all the above-mentioned aspects, as Mars at 5˚54’ is operating in Aries dwadamsa. This gentleman has a very hot temperament and has had rough treatments from his clients, involving lots of police complaints and cases. However, the positive aspect is that his dwadamsa ascendant is Taurus and its lord, is in 10H, operating in 10H, which gives him good jobs (2 negatives becoming a positive).  But its good results are spoiled by jataka, by his D1 ascendant and its lord being in badhaka bhav.

Example 2 – Case 2: D.O.B.: January 18, 1924 at 00:15, Ahmedabad, India.

(From Padma Chakra, Jyotisha Phal Kathan Padhati by Shri N. Nityananda, 1988, Publisher: Ahmedabad Astrological Society, page number 207 under the title Badhaka.)

His ascendant is Virgo at 25˚22’, hence 7H of Pisces, becomes badhaka. Dwadamsa lagna is Cancer, hence its 11H Taurus is badhaka. In D1, Taurus is the 9H, thus 7H and 9H becomes badhaka. Now, we have to see, where Badhakesh is situated. This house also becomes badhaka. Here, the main badhaka Jupiter is in Scorpio (3H) at 18˚37’, so it is in Gemini dwadamsa which is the 10H. So, these two houses become badhaka.

Effects on Jataka’s life:

As Jupiter is mainly the badhak operating in the 3H and 10H, the jataka’s brother is not comfortable in his job. Jataka is also not good with his work.  So his career progress is unsatisfactory. Also 9H is badhaka (dwadamsa), so he does not have a cordial relationship with his boss (9H) and his fortunes (9H) are affected.

2 Chart

Now, Venus is dwadamsa badhakesh, in 6H (disease), operating in 8H of chronic disease and misery. Venus in 6H and 8H of Aries (head and face – 1st house of kalapurusha) gives eyes trouble. Due to this, jataka has serious trouble in his career, when this house comes in progression for 12 years. (Subsequent articles will discuss the calculation of progress years.) So, he has been forced to leave his job.

The materialization of Raj Yogas in a chart will be based on progress and gochar years. And if it is connected with badhaka bhav, it will give adverse results. If the entire 12 years are afflicted by badhaka, it will obstruct the good results, even if a good dasa is operating.  Readers are requested to get their first steps well established by practicing it on more than 25 charts.

In the next article, we will see how to calculate Gochar Varsh and how to predict events during that year.

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