Article by Dr. Arjun Pai
With Obeisance to Lord Ganesha (The Lord of New Beginnings and Learning), Lord Chandra (The God of Immortality and the Lord who tenants the Lunar Mansions or Nakshatra), Lord Agni Devata (The God of Fire and the Deity of Krittika Nakshatra) and the benevolent Lord Surya (The King of all the Grahas and our Solar System) whom we attribute our existence and karaka of the Atma (Soul). May all deities accept and bless this article.
Krittika Nakshatra
The first Hymn I of the Rig Veda Madala I is to the Agni Devata
॥ ऋग्वेदः मण्डलं १॥
|| Rig Veda Mandala 1 ||
अ॒ग्निमी॑ळे पु॒रोहि॑तं य॒ज्ञस्य॑ दे॒वमृ॒त्विज॑म्।
होता॑रं रत्न॒धात॑मम्॥ १.००१.०१
“I Laud Agni, the chosen Priest, God, minister of sacrifice,
The hotar, lavishest of wealth” ||1||
अ॒ग्निः पूर्वे॑भि॒रृषि॑भि॒रीड्यो॒ नूत॑नैरु॒त।
स दे॒वाँ एह व॑क्षति॥ १.००१.०२
“Worthy is Agni to be praised by living as by ancient seers.
He shall bring hitherward the Gods” ||2||
अ॒ग्निना॑ र॒यिम॑श्नव॒त्पोष॑मे॒व दि॒वेदि॑वे।
य॒शसं॑ वी॒रव॑त्तमम्॥ १.००१.०३
“Through Agni man obtaineth wealth, yea, plenty waxing day by day,
Most rich in heroes, glorious” ||3||
अग्ने॒ यं य॒ज्ञम॑ध्व॒रं वि॒श्वत॑ परि॒भूरसि॑।
स इद्दे॒वेषु॑ गच्छति॥ १.००१.०४
“Agni, the perfect sacrifice which thou encompassest about
Verily goeth to the Gods” ||4||
अ॒ग्निर्होता॑ क॒विक्र॑तुः स॒त्यश्चि॒त्रश्र॑वस्तमः।
दे॒वो दे॒वेभि॒रा ग॑मत्॥ १.००१.०५
“May Agni, sapient-minded Priest, truthful, most gloriously great,
The God, come hither with the Gods” ||5||
यद॒ङ्ग दा॒शुषे॒ त्वमग्ने॑ भ॒द्रं क॑रि॒ष्यसि॑।
तवेत्तत्स॒त्यम॑ङ्गिरः॥ १.००१.०६
“Whatever blessing, Agni, thou wilt grant unto thy worshipper,
That, Angiras, is indeed thy truth” ||6||
उप॑ त्वाग्ने दि॒वेदि॑वे॒ दोषा॑वस्तर्धि॒या व॒यम्।
नमो॒ भर॑न्त॒ एम॑सि॥ १.००१.०७
“To thee, dispeller of the night, O Agni, day by day with prayer
Bringing thee reverence, we come” ||7||
राज॑न्तमध्व॒राणां॑ गो॒पामृ॒तस्य॒ दीदि॑विम्।
वर्ध॑मानं॒ स्वे दमे॑॥ १.००१.०८
“Ruler of sacrifices, guard of Law eternal, radiant One,
Increasing in thine own abode” ||8||
स न॑ पि॒तेव॑ सू॒नवेऽग्ने॑ सूपाय॒नो भ॑व।
सच॑स्वा नः स्व॒स्तये॑॥ १.००१.०९
“Be to us easy of approach, even as a father to his son:
Agni, be with us for our weal” ||9||
Agni (The Deified Fire)
He is the god of fire and the acceptor of sacrifices for onwards conveyance to other deities. The sacrifices made to Agni go to the deities because Agni is a messenger from and to the other gods. He is ever-young, because the fire is re-lit every day, and is immortal. In the Rig Veda (I.95.2) – Wikepidia
Agni is described in anthropomorphic form with Long Flowing Black Hair, a Pot Belly (showing his digestive powers), Two Heads (one head marks immortality and other the symbol of life), Three Feet (representing the three ablutions in morning, midday and evening), Four Horns (represents the four Vedas), Six Eyes (prying on all the activities of the people), Seven Hands (showing the seven rays/ colours of light), Seven Sharpened Fiery Tongues (with which he licks the sacrificial butter) and Golden Teeth. He is Red in colour, rides on Ram or a Chariot pulled by Goats and a great consumer of Soma (the elixir of life). He wields an Axe, a Torch, a Fan, a Ladle, a Rosary, a Flaming Spear, and a Pot of Ghee.
When people use fire for sacrificial rituals, they must face it toward the proper direction for different uses. When facing East, the fire should be used for sacrifices to the Gods; when facing South, the fire should be used for sacrifices to the Manes or Spirits of the dead (Offering Oblation to Ancestral Forefathers or Pitris); a cooking fire should always face toward the West. The proper offering to Agni, and hence all the gods, is Ghee, which is clarified butter. Agni also had the power to impart immortality on mortals, as well as remove all sins at the time of one’s death.
In terms of significance and importance Agni is next only to Indra (The King of the Heavens and the Gods) and this can be corroborated to the number of hymns addressed to him in the Rig Veda.
Agni Devata’s Reference in Ancient Scriptures
“A great god with four horns, three feet, two heads, and seven hands. He has the form of a Bull bound in places, whose bellowing descends among the mortals” (Rig Veda: 4.58.3)
“The whole world is verily the food and the eater of food” (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: 1.4.6)
“All this universe of conscious and unconscious is made up of Agni (fire) and Soma (the offering)” (Mahabharata –Shanthi parva- 338.52)
“Agni is the purifier of all; and, all that purifies is yajna” (Chandogya Upanishad: 4.16.1)
“He feeds gods through the mouths of Agni, the first among the Gods” (Aittareya Brahmana: 1.9.2)
“I am food, I am food, I am food; I am the eater, I am the eater, I am the eater….the first born” (Taittereya Upanishad: 3.10.06)
“The life begins with yajna and ends in a yajna. Semen is Soma, yoni the yajna-vedi the altar and passion is the fire. Agni is the desire, the thirst, the intentional will; and Soma is that which aids to fructify that desire. They together bring forth a new life. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad” (6.4.3)
Krittika Nakshatra References in Ancient Scriptures
According to the Atharva Veda, Krittika is the first nakshatra reflecting the stars rising at the spring vernal equinox during the height of the Indus Valley civilization (2720-1760 BCE).
The same is also written in Taittiriya Brahmana which states:
“The Nakshatras are the house of the Gods…the Nakshatras of the Gods begin with the Krittikas and end with Vishakha, whereas the Nakshatras of Yama begins with Anuradha and end with the Apabharani” (Taittiriya Brahmana:
The Gods where associated with the constellations and were divided into two groups. One group of nakshatras relates to the Gods with the Powers of Life i.e. Agni and those that relate to Powers of taking Life i.e. Yama the ruler of the Apabharani. This suggests a division of the zodiac by Agni and Krittika as the point of the vernal equinox and the autumn equinox occurring between Vishakha and Anuradha.
The Shatapatha Brahmana similarly states:
“The Krittikas do not swerve from the eastern direction, all the other constellation do” (Shatapatha Brahmana II. 1, 2, 3)
This indicates a time when the Krittikas marked the vernal equinox or the eastern point in the zodiac, thus confirming this order of being the first nakshatra of the zodiac.
Krittika Nakshatra Summary
Constellation | Krittika |
Rasi (Zodiac) | Aries / Taurus |
Range | 26o 40’ Aries – 10o 00’ Taurus |
Padas | Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces |
Number of Stars | 7 (27 Tauri/ Atlas, Eta (25) Tauri / Alcyone, 23 Tauri / Merope, 17 Tauri / Electra, 28 Tauri / Pleione, and 19 Tauri / Taygeta, 20 Tauri / Maia. The Pleiades is an Open Star Cluster called the “Weeping Sisters” or “Seven Sisters”) |
Ruling Planet | Sun |
Meaning | “To be Critical”, “The Cutters” |
Indication | “The Star of Fire” |
Symbol | Knife, Blade (Razor), Spear, The Cutter, or a Sharp Instrument |
Deity | Agni (God of Fire), Lord Muruga/Skanda/Karthikeya (the Commander of the Celestial Godly Forces, Nurtured by the Foster Mothers Kritikkas), Agni is also called as the God with Seven Tongues, Two Heads, Three Legs and He Signifies Knowledge. He also Rules over the Direction South East |
Body Part | Hips, Loins and the Crown of the Head (Upper and Back Portions of the Head) |
Guna (Quality) | Rajas (Rajas – Rajas – Sattwa) |
Gana (Race) | Rakshasa (Demon) |
Purushartha (Goal) | Kama (Latent Desires, Passion) |
Tridosha | Kapha (Phlegm or Water + Earth) |
Nature/ Category of Star | Misra (Mixed/ Sharp and Soft) |
Varna (Caste) | Brahmin (Priest) |
Gotra (Clan) | Angiras (Name Translates as the “Fiery One”) |
Direction | North |
Pancha Mahabhuta | Prithvi (Earth) |
Shakti (Power) | Dahana Shakti (The Power to “Burn and Purify or Refers to its Power to Sever Ties with the Corporal”) |
Basis Above | To Create Heat |
asis Below | To Create Light |
Desire | To be the Eater of Foods for the Gods |
Result of Shakti, Basis, & Desire | Burning or Purification |
Activity | Active |
TriMurthi (Process) | Shiva (Dissolve) |
Direction of Mouth | Adho Mukha (Looking Down/ Facing Downwards) |
Yoni (Gender) | Female |
Animal Symbol | Goat (Ram)/ Sheep |
Bird | Peacock |
Sounds | Aa, Ee, Oo, Aye |
Tree/ Plant | Oudumbara, Cluster Fig (Latin Name: Ficus Racemosa) |
Colour | White |
Lunar Month | 1st Half of Kartika Masa |
Tithi (Day) | Shashti (6th Tithi or Day) |
Pushkara Navamsa | Krittika 1st and 4th Pada |
Favourable | Fire Worship, Purification, Leaders, Executives, Cooking, Embroidery, Sewing, Shaving, Cutting, Honesty, Frankness, Drumming, Debates, and Extracurricular Activities |
Unfavourable | Social Interactions, Diplomacy, Relaxation, Rest, Activities involving Water |
Health Issues | Neck Ache, Throat Soreness, Headaches, Fevers, Malaria |
Mythology and Punaric Legends
Agni and Swaha
Swaha was desperately in love and infactuated with the god of fire, Agni. Unfortunately, Agni was infatuated with the seven Krittikas, who were married to the Seven Rishis. Trying to forget his lust for the sages wives, Agni wandered in the forest where he met Swaha (the star Zeta Tauri). Swaha then disguised herself as the Krittika and conquered Agni’s love. Six times, Swaha made love to Agni, who believed that he had conquered the attractive wives of the Seven Rishis. Swaha could mimic only six of the Krittika since the seventh sister, Arundhati (wife of the sage Vashistha), was too devoted to her husband to be imitated. After a while, Swaha gave birth to a child that she named Skanda. With his birth, rumours began to spread that six of the Rishis’ wives were his mother. The seven Rishis divorced their wives. Arundhati was the only one that remained with her husband as the star Alcor. The other six Krittika went away to become the Pleiades and Swaha represents the star Zeta Tauri, which is the tip of one of the horns of the constellation, Taurus the Bull.

Key Themes from the Puranic Legend
- Relationships and secret affairs built on situations arising from falsehood or through impersonation (like Swaha). Another mythological story related to impersonation is that of Sun and Chhaya (The shadow of Sun’s real wife Sanjana)
- Agni felt cheated and duped by the actions of Swaha. The common theme of the legends abandonment, rejection or fear of rejection, domestic unhappiness and differences, feiry emotions, anxious and combative nature and nervous breakdowns can be observed in Krittika
- Using uncommon shortcuts to achieve ones objectives (similar to Swaha), to satiate their desires at any cost by use of unpredictable means and showing unassuming life patterns
- The stars Mizar and Alcor are seen in constellation Ursa Major (The Big Dipper). Mizar is known as Sage Vasistha and Alcor is known as Arundhati his wife and these stars are always seen together
Agni, Arjuna and Krishna
Durvasa, a blessed rishi performed a 12 year long sacrificial yagna for king Swetaketu. Durvasa poured the sacrificial ‘Ghee’ and unlimited materials into the fire pit, which is called a Homakunda. As a result of continuously partaking ‘ghee’ at this sacrifice for twelve years, Agni was now overfed and become completely satiated and could no longer take anymore food. As a result of this surfeit, he became pale and lost his golden luster. His brilliance started to fade and this started causing imbalance in the universe. To cure him of his indigestion Lord Brahma suggested he burns down the Khandava forest, which had become the abode of those people practicing Adharma. Agni immediately started burning down the forest, but Indra, the king of gods, poured heavy rain and put the fire out. Takshaka, the king of the snakes, who was a friend of Indra was residing in the forest, so Indra came to his help. Agni again approached Lord Brahma for his help. Brahma assured Agni that he will succeed in burning down the forest when Nara Narayan visited the place.

Agni knew that Arjuna and Sri Krishna are none other than Nara and Narayan and approached them for their help. At that time, Krishna and Arjuna did not have any celestial weapons to fight Indra. They told Agni of their limitations. Agni looked at them considering their request. He gave Arjuna a bow called “Gandiva”. Agni also gave Arjuna two quivers of arrows, which would be never empty along with Gandiva. Agni also presented them a chariot with horses that are as swift as the wind. Agni gave Krishna the Chakra-Yudha, which was the divine wheel-weapon.
Arjuna and Krishna were satisfied with those weapons, and were ready to help Agni. Agni ignited the forest and in no time the entire forest was in flame. Indra was informed promptly, and he summoned orders to Varuna, the god of rain, to subside the fire immediately. Arjuna and Krishna looked at the approaching dark clouds. Arjuna drew out the Gandiva, and fired arrows building an umbrella out of the arrows surrounding the entire forest of Khandava. A heavy rain started, but even a single drop of the rain water did not touch the Khandava forest. Agni succeeded in burning the Khandava forest and was cured of his indigestion.
Key Themes from the Puranic Legend
- Krittika natives have a stubborn, aggressive nature with destructive tendencies (similar to the desire of Agni to burn down the forest). They have a monstrous appetite (similar to the one like Agni)
- Difficulties concerning diet, eating habits and with digestion are observed in Krittika (similar to the indigestion of Agni). Malefics in Krittika can damage digestive powers
Important Themes of Krittika Nakshatra
- Any planet in Krittika gives it insight, incisiveness, ability to disassemble complex projects or things, critical thought process, and detailed comprehension
- Any planet in Krittika would imbibe warrior like tendencies
- Any planet posited in Krittika can indicate in a subtle manner is Cursed or will have to overcome and suffer/ burn/ undergo purification due to this Pending Karma (Curse)
- Gluttony and Monstrous Appetite. But if afflicted by malefics can suggest difficulties concerning diet (indigestion/ acidity), eating habits and with digestion
- Themes of single/ parenting, scandalous pregnancies or secrecy surrounding pregnancies. In some cases it can be observed that there can be Legal Embattlement for Custody of Children
- Illicit affairs and attractions to others’ mates can occur. In some cases it can suggest Improper Sexual Relations or Adulterous Nature
- Krittika natives can be critics, sceptics and could also be a fighter for a social cause or be termed as a spiritual warrior. Sometimes there can also be motifs related around Falsehood and Impersonation
Krittika Nakshatra Example Charts
Chart 1: Bill Clinton (Birth Time Source Shri K N Rao)
DOB: 19-Aug-1946; TOB: 07:57:00 Hrs (+6.00 west); POB: Hope, Arkansas; 93W36, 33N40

- Insight, incisiveness, ability to disassemble complex projects or things, critical thought process, and detailed comprehension’ – Moon is in Krittika Nakshatra ruled by Sun who sits in the 12H of death & bed pleasures or secret enemies. So we can deduce some father (Sun) issues or Govt issues. He was born three months after his father died and raised by an alcoholic step father and he stood up against his step father at the age of 13. Also note he had Govt issues during the famous Monica Lewinsky sex scandal.
- ‘Single/ Foster parenting, scandalous pregnancies or secrecy surrounding pregnancies’ – Now note that in Chandra Kala Nadi the step mother is taken from 6H (3rd from 4H of mother) and step Father is taken from 11H (3rd from 9th house of father). For those who take the 10H as father they can take 12H for step father. One can note in the chart of Bill Clinton, his Moon is in Krittika who is the 11th lord of Step Father and his nakshatra lord is Sun who is placed in the 12H (for those who take 12H for step father) and he was raised by his step father.
- ‘Illicit affairs and attractions to others’ mates can occur’ – Note that if the Moon in Krittika then the person has a great appetite, is drawn to improper sexual relations, is very energetic and will be famous. This is the birth star of Moon; one can note that Moon had several wives. Moreover, Krittika is a Kama Nakshatra so one has to be extremely careful regarding the Lust driven traits.
- ‘Illicit affairs and attractions to others’ mates can occur’ – Astro Data Bank says “The accusation by cabaret singer Gennifer Flowers, 42, of a 12-year affair led off his presidential race followed by continual rumors about his womanizing. In early 1999, public health administrator, Juanita Broderich, alleged that he had raped her on a date which was later deduced to be 25th April 1978 in her hotel room at a medical conference.”
- ‘Illicit affairs and attractions to others’ mates can occur’ – “On 17th Aug 1998 he testified to the grand jury that he had “misled” his family and the nation when he had emphatically claimed several months prior that he had never had a sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky from mid-1996 to January 1998.”
‘Difficulties concerning diet, eating habits and with digestion’ – Note Moon is in Krittika in the 8H of chronic diseases, aspected by Mars the 8L too, Mars denotes heat too and this Moon is also aspected by 6L of stomach Saturn, thus Krittika is aspected by two malefics. “Clinton has been troubled by gastrointestinal symptoms which have been attributed to reflux esophagitis. These symptoms include bouts of heart burn” – Source:
Chart 2: Mahatma Gandhi
DOB: 02-Oct-1869; TOB: 07:31:00 Hrs (+4.39 east); POB: Porbunder, India; 69E49, 21N37

- Retrograde Jupiter in Fiery Sign Aries is 3rd Lord of Hand and 6th Lord of Enemies in the 7H aspected by Venus, Mars, and Mercury from Lagna. Jupiter in Pushkara Navamsa Pada.
- ‘Gluttony and Monstrous Appetite’ – Jupiter is Retrograde in Maraka Sthana in Krittika and aspected by 2L of Food Mars. He used fasting as a political device, often threatening suicide unless his demands were met.
- ‘Diet, Eating Habits and Cooking’ – Jupiter is a Sattwic planet and Gandhi was very well known for his Vegetarianism. He wrote the book “The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism” and wrote for the London Vegetarian Society’s publication. Gandhi was somewhat of a food faddist taking his own goat to travels so he could always have fresh milk” – Wikipedia. Note that the animal symbol of Krittika is a Female Goat.

- Diet, Eating Habits and Cooking’ – “In his Phoenix Settlement he acted as the Headmaster of the School and Chief Chef. In a banquet given to the Europeans by the South African Society, Gandhi took part in cooking and serving” – Source: Mahatma Gandhi : A Multifaceted Person, by Jafar Mahmūd
- ‘Curse on any Planet Placed in Krittika’ – Jupiter is Karaka for Children. Jupiter is retrograde and 6th Lord. Kasturba and Mahatama Gandhi’s first child was born shortly after his father’s death. But the child died after a few days. Besides, Gandhi had a troubled relationship with his eldest son Harilal who was an alcoholic and debaucherous and converted to Islam” – Wikipedia. Note Jupiter is in 8H from Sun.
- ‘Improper Sexual Relations and Illicit Affairs’ – “Gandhi was known for his famous experiments with celibacy. Gandhi had his grand niece Manuben sleep naked in the same bed as his. It was understood from the dairies of Manuben that there was intense jealousy over who would be part of the Mahatma’s experiments with celibacy”. Although, Gandhi writes that these were not in any manner to be construed as sexual. He as a Sanyasi was keen to awaken his Kundalini energy (Serpentine Shakti that sits at the bottom of the spine)which can be attributed to his Moon being in Ashlesha.
- ‘Fight for a Social or Noble Cause’ – Gandhi followed Satyagraha and Ahimsa and gave spearheaded the Indian independence struggle
Chart 3: Michael Jackson (Birth Time Source Shri Chakrapani Ullal)
DOB: 29-Aug-1958; TOB: 19:33:00 Hrs (+6.00 west); POB: Gary, Indiana; 87W20, 41N35

- Secret Affairs and Extra Marital Relationships’ – “While separated but still married to Lisa Marie Presley, Jackson impregnated Debbie Rowe, but she suffered a miscarriage and lost their baby in March 1996” – Wikipedia
- ‘Gluttony and Monstrous Appetite’ – Not many know that Michael Jackson the ‘King of Pop’ was a total foodie. He loved Mexican food, especially cheese quesadilla, Japanese sushi, pizzas, fish, popcorn, frosted flakes with milk.
- ‘Diet, Eating Habits and Cooking’ – In later stages of his life Michael turned completely to vegetarianism. His meals consisted of greens and beans, he liked vegetarian lasagne, steamed broccoli, fresh fruits and tofu with chilli sauce. Note Mars the 2L of food is aspected by a Sattwic Lagna lord Jupiter
- ‘Surrogacy and Foster Parenting’ – “Jackson and Rowe divorced on October 8, 1999, with Rowe giving full custody rights of the children to Jackson. His third and final child, son Prince Michael Jackson II, was born to an unnamed surrogate mother on February 21, 2002.” – Wikipedia
- ‘Differences with Father or Fights with Father’ – “Jackson had a troubled relationship with his father, Joe. In 2003, Joe acknowledged that he regularly whipped Jackson as a boy. Jackson stated that he was physically and emotionally abused during incessant rehearsals by his father” – Wikipedia
- ‘Single Parenting and Legal Embattlement for Custody of Children’ – Michael is the legal parent of Michael Jackson Junior, Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince Michael Jackson II. After his divorce Debbie Rowe, he got the custody of all the three children. Katherine, Michael’s Mother is now the legal guardian
‘Infertility Problems and Sperm/ Ovum Donors’ – It has long been claimed that Jackson was not the biological father of Prince Michael and Paris and Debbie Rowe was only the Surrogate Mother of the two. Sources close to Jackson alleged that all three of his children were conceived outside the womb by in-vitro fertilisation” – Wikipedia

- Adulterous Nature and Illicit Affairs’ – Michael’s father Joe was known to cheat on their mother with young girls who were the groupies of “Jackson 5”. Note Mars is 9L of father and is in Krittika
- ‘Improper Sexual Relations, Adulterous Nature and Illicit Affairs’ – “In 1993, Jackson was accused of child sexual abuse by Evan Chandler, on behalf of his then-13-year-old child, Jordan Chandler. Further accusations of child sexual abuse were made in 2003, by 13-year-old Gavin Arvizo. Michael always had maintained that he shared his bed with children in a non-sexual fashion. Michael’s father Joe also has an illegitimate child with a woman while married to his mother”– Wikipedia. Note that Mars is 9th Lord of father is in Krittika and Mars is aspected by Jupiter the karaka for children.
- ‘Falsehood and Impersonation’ – Michael Jackson was famous for his disguises. He was known to move under falsehood and impersonating as another person to avoid the Paparazzi.
- ‘Illegitimate and Abandoned Children’ – Michael became the foster father to the Lisa Marie Presley’s children (Danielle and Benjamin) from her previous marriage. Michael’s humanitarian work and charity through his life through his ‘Heal the World Foundation” for the cause of children and orphans is highly noteworthy and commendable.
References and Reading List
- The Book of Nakshatras: A Comprehensive Treatise on the 27 Constellations, Prash Trivedi, ISBN: 8170820588 (ISBN13: 9788170820581), 2005, Sagar Publications
- Path of Light, Volume I: Introduction to Vedic Astrology, James Kelleher, ISBN-10: 0977448002, ISBN-13: 978-0977448005, Ahimsa Press
- Brihat Nakshatra, Sanjay Rath, ISBN-10: 0976517736, ISBN-13: 978-09765177332008, Sagittarius Publications
- The Nakshatras: The Stars Beyond the Zodiac, Komilla Sutton, ISBN-10: 1902405927, ISBN-13: 978-1902405926, 2014, Wessex Astrologer Ltd
- The Nakshatras (The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology), : Dennis M. Harness, ISBN-10: 8120820681, ISBN-13: 978-8120820685, Motilal Banarsidass
- 27 Stars, 27 Gods: The Astrological Mythology of Ancient India, Vic Dicara, ISBN-10: 1481859870, ISBN-13: 978-1481859875, 2012, Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
- Light on Life (Arkana), Hart Defouw & Robert Svoboda,ISBN-10: 0140195076, ISBN-13: 978-0140195071, 2000, Publisher: Penguin India
- Myths and Symbols of Vedic Astrology, Bepin Behari, ISBN-10: 0940985519, ISBN-13: 978-0940985513, 2004, Publisher: Lotus Press