Predicts – Vol – 3

Predicts – Vol – 3 by C.S. Patel

Article by C.S. Patel 

C S Patel was one of the 1st astrologers to deduce stock market astrology in India to amazing levels of accuracy. The native providing these predictions learnt it from a student of Mr. Patel and it could mean partial learning. He also uses certain methods which are based on observation of effects of a planet changing positions which translates into regular updates of these pages. So watch this space regularly.


  • If one of the dates mentioned below falls on a weekend when the markets are closed it could mean either on Friday or Monday the effects would be felt.
  • We would observe this space for a period of 6 to 9 months, it would be kept only if percentage of predictions are 60-70% accurate
  • You may use these dates at your own risk.
  • 1st Sept to 22nd Sept there could/would be update of new predictions depending on how effects are being delivered by the planets.
Share Market PredictionsPredictions
8th Sept 2008Normal Down
12th Sept 2008Up
15th Sept 2008Up
18th Sept 2008Down
21st Sept 2008Down
26th Sept 2008Down
28th Oct 2008Down
14th Nov 2008Down
29th Nov 2008Down
1st Dec 2008Down
Gold & Silver Market
8th Sept 2008Up
12th Sept  2008Up
14th Sept 2008Up
20th Sept 2008Down
21 st Sept 2008Up
30th Oct 2008Down
29th Nov 2008Normal Up

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