Shreerasthu Jaya Surya Bhagawan Vachana Meghamala

Shreerasthu Jaya Surya Bhagawan Vachana Meghamala Translated by GH. Visweswara

Article by GH. Visweswara

Introduction – Translator’s note

A scanned version of the work “Vachana Meghamala” in Kannada was made available to me for translation. The word “Vachana” in the title suggests that this is an easy to read prose rendering of an earlier popular work in non-prose form (poem or shloka, perhaps in Sanskrit or Older Kannada). The language used is not too old; on a rough guess it might have been printed in 30s.

The electronic version has no information on the author of the work or year/place of publishing etc. It only mentions in the very end that it was printed by A. R. Venkatesa Setty.

There are a few words which are not in common use in Kannada for about four decades. Hence I have retained many of these as it is, while attempting to give an equivalent English word. This may help the experts to make better sense or interpretation of the text. The grammar in very few places is not very clear; there also appear to be a few typesetting errors (printer’s devil) which made it difficult to guess the original. I have made comments at these points highlighting this possibility.

Overall the book says that it is based on Nadi principles and gives extensive details about assessing rainfall & its result on crops due to various factors such as cloud, wind, thunder, rainbow, comets, grahas, nakshatras, lightning etc. It has some peculiarities like description of effects of rainbow at night in different mono-colours etc. The “technical” aspects of the work including some of the astrological combinations/astronomical phenomena will need interpretation of an expert in the subject of rainfall & relevant astrology.

I hope it will find some use by the concerned community of experts & benefit the people at large in terms of deciphering the rainfall patterns as observed & recorded by our ancestors.

G H Visweswara


The author of the book has explained in the following manner as to when rains will fall based on the movement of navagrahas and according to Nadichakras.

Punarvasu, Uttarashadha, Rohini, Jyeshta—these four nakshatras should be understood as Sun related Vayu Nadi.

Uttara, Uttarabhadra, poorvabhadra, hasta– these four nakshatras should be understood as Moon related Amritha nadi.

Anooradha, Abhijit, Pushya, Krittika– these four nakshatras should be understood as Angaraka related Kujadahana nadi.

Shatabhisha, Revathi, Chitta, Pubba– these four nakshatras should be understood as Budha related Budhajala nadi.

Bharani, Vishakha, Ashlesha, Shravana– these four nakshatras should be understood as Brihaspati related Gurusowmya nadi.

Swathi, Makha, Dhanishta, Ashvini– these four nakshatras should be understood as Shukra related Shukraneera nadi. ( Neeru in Kannada means Water)

Moola, Poorvashadha, Ardra, Mrigashira– these four nakshatras should be understood as Shani related Shanichandi nadi.

In Dakshinayana, cruel grahas Sun, Angaraka (Mars) & Shani transit in the Amritha, Neera & Jala Nadis and generally cause rains.

If sowmya grahas Budha, Chandra & Guru transit through Amritha, Jala & Neera Nadi, they will cause especially good rainfall.

If cruel grahas Shani, Sun & Angaraka transit through the sowmya nadi, there will be less rains; however if shubhagrahas transit through this nadi, there will be excessive rains.

If Shubha grahas transit through Vayu, Dahana & Prachanda (not defined in above paras) nadi there will be very less rainfall; if however druel grahas transit through these, there will be deficient/no rains.

Except Angaraka, when other planets transit through their own nadis, give the results of that particular nadi only. Ahgaraka alone, when he transits through any nadi, gives results of ‘shattha nadi’ (the word is not clear, there may be an error in typesetting from the manuscript).

If the six grahas other than Chandra are in Amritha & Neera nadi there will be heavy rainfall. If however Moon joins these six grahas, there will be excessive rainfall. As Chandra & Shukra are watery grahas, if they join jala rashi or jala nadi or in the amsha of jala rashi, break/deficiency in rainfall will be overcome and there will be plentiful rains. Chandra & Surya should be understood as Jala grahas, Budha & Guru as Jalashraya graha (supporting rains) and Chandra & Shukra as Jala grahas. (There could be an error in the text, not translation)

One should calculate the rainfall by noting the Lagna sthithi when Sun enters the nakshatra. Kataka, Meena, Makara—these rashis are poorna jalarashis; Vrishabha, Simha, Kumbha—these are ardha jala rashis (half); Mesha, Thula, Vrishchika—these are paada jala rashi (Quarter); Mithuna, Kanya, Dhanu—these are nirjala (no rains) rashis.

Ashvini, Krittika, Rohini, Poorvabhadra, Anooradha, Shravana, Punarvasu and Pushya are known as Purusha nakshatras (Male). Bharani, Hastha, Chittha, Vishakha, Pubba, Uttara, Ashlesha, Makha, Jyeshta, Ardra, Dhanishta, Poorvashadha and Revathi are known as stree nakshatras (female). Shatabhisha, Mrigashira and Moola are known as napumsaka nakshatras (neuter). Determine the Lagna when Surya enters a particular nakshatra; according to that Chandra by being in a jala rashi, and Shani/Angaraka being in 5th, 7th or 9th from that Lagna; in such a nakshatra Lagna (when Sun enters) there will be plentiful rains. Further, if the nakshatra entered by Surya and the nakshatra of the day, are both purusha nakshatras, in such rains there will be increased thirst; if these nakshatras are neuters, the thirst will be especially more; if they are stree nakshatras, there will be deficient rains.

The following 14 nakshatras are Chandra nakshatras: Ashvini, Bharani, Krittika, Shravana, Dhanishta, Revathi, Pushya, Ashlesha, Makha, Poorvashadha, Uttarashadha, Punarvasu, Poorvabhadra and Ardra.

The following 13 nakshatras are Surya nakshatras: Mrigashira, Rohini, Pubba, Uttara, Hastha, Chittha, Swathi, Vishakha, Anooradha, Jyeshta, Moola, Uttarabhadra, Shatabhisha.

If the nakshatra that Surya enters and the nakshatra of the day are one among the Chandra nakshatras, then there will be heavy winds; if they are related to Chandra & Surya, in that nakshatra rains there will be abundant rainfall. Depending upon the Lagna entered by Surya, Chandra is located in 1-4-5-7-9-10th places and Shukra will be in Jala rashi; if aspecting the Lagna, there will be special rains (the sentence is not properly framed; who will be aspecting Lagna is not clear; could be a typesetting error).

Find out the time at which Surya enters which nakshatra on which day; find out the number of Ghaligas elapsed since Sunrise on that day; take that number as the base number; calculate the ‘numbers’ (by counting) of thithi, vara & nakshatra till that day; add these numbers; multiply this sum by 6; divide the resulting number by 8 & note the remainder. Then results should be interpreted as follows:

1: drizzle; 2: abundant/heavy rains; 3: moderate rains; 4: rains with winds; 5: excessive rains; 6: loss of rains? (vrishti nasha) ; 7: ordinary/average rains.

Determining the rainfall from the rise-time of Angaraka, Budha & Surya

When Sun is in Asvini & Bharani nakshatras, there will be welfare of the people; in nakshatras from Punarvasu to Hastha will give abundant good results; if in Krittika, there will be no rains; if in Rohini or Mrigashira there will be growth of vegetation & hence happiness. If Angaraka is in Mrigashira & Chittha, there will be very good rains; if in Swathi, Vishakha, Makha, Uttarabhadra, Uttara, Uttarashadha, there will be loss of rains.

If Budha rises in the month of Ashadha, there will be trouble from the king; if in Shraavana, fear from thieves; if in Pushya, deficiency of rains; if in Vaishakha, suffering to cattle; further if Budha rises in the East in four nakshatras starting from Ardra, there will be no rains and all water sources will dry up.

Determining the rainfall by observing Budha & Shukra

If both Budha & Shukra are in Ashvini, Bharani or Krittika, there will be abundant rains; if in Rohini, Mrigasira, Ardra, there will be loss of rains; if in Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, abundant rains; if in Makha, Pubba, Uttara, Hastha, Chittha, Swathi or Vishakha there will be excess of rains; if in Anooradha, Jyeshta, Moola, Poorvashadha, Uttarashadha, Shravana, Dhanishta, Shatabhisha & Poorvabhadra, there will be deficiency in rains; if in Uttarabhadra & Revathi, there will be excessive rains.

Results of thunders in Ardra Nakshatra

If Surya enters Ardra nakshatra and if there are thunders in the first pada of the nakshatra, rains will be spoilt; if it happens in 2nd pada, rains are spolit; if in 3rd pada, loss of crops; in 4th pada, excessive rains; if Ardra enters on benefic week days (Shubha vaara), there will be good growth of crops; if on malefic days (papa graha vaara), there will be deficient rains all over the world. If Sun enters Makha nakshatra, during that time, there will be light drizzle resulting in loss of good rains over two months. If similar drizzle occurs during entry in Ardra, there will be similar loss of rains over 60 days. If there are thunders when Surya enters Mrigasira & Makha, there will be excessive rains.

Rainfall during rise & setting of Shukra

If Shukra rises or sets on Ashtami, Chaturdashi or Amavasya days in Krishna paksha, there will be good rains. If the rise & setting occurs in the months stated below, respective results will be seen: If in Chaitra maasa, very good crops (Subhiksha); in Vaishakha, loss of cattle; in Jyeshta, excessive rains (Athivrishti); in Ashadha, loss of rains (Vrishtinasha); in Shravana & Bhadrapada, rumbling of the earth (Bhoomi garjana!); in Ashwayuja & Kartika, drought; in Pushya & Magha, very good crops (Subhiksha); in Phalguna maasa, there will be increase in prices (word is not clear, appears to be argha vriddhi? Argha means value, price); if Shukra rises & sets in Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, MrigashiraArdra, there will be trouble to the cattle, general well-being for the country (Desha soukhya); If in Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, there will be very good crops; if in Jyeshta, Moola, Poorvashadha, Uttarashadha, Shravana, there will be trouble due to diseases and less rains;  if in Dhanishta, Shatabhisha, Poorvabhadra, Uttarabhadra, Revathi, Ashvini, there will be very good rains. If Shukra is in Swathi, Vishakha, Anooradha in the East, there will be no rains; if in Makha, Pubba, Uttara, Hastha, Chittha, there will be very good rains; if in Swathi, Vishakha, Anooradha in the West, there will be excessive rains; but if in Makha, Pubba, Uttara, hastha, Chittha, there will be no rains. The second Rashi from where Surya is placed is to be treated as Poorva (East); the rashi where Surya is located is Madhya rashi (Middle); when Shukra is in Makha or Swathi & if that rashi is 2nd to Surya, there will be excessive rains; and if in these nakshatras in the rashi behind that of Surya, there will be blockage of rains.

Time of flood of blood (raktha pravaha)

If Shukra sets in the months of Jyeshta, Ashadha, Shravana or in Shukla paksha of Kartika, Phalguna months, there will be ‘blood flood’?

Rainfall depending on directions of grahas

If Shukra is in the West, Surya in the Middle and Shani in the East, there will be no rains & there will be increase in prices. If Shukra is in West, Budha in the middle & Surya in the East, there will be very good rains resulting in bumper crop. If Guru is in West, Surya & Budha are in Middle and Shukra in the East, there will be very good rains resulting in bumper crop & good health. If Surya & Shukra is in East and Budha in the Middle, there will be very low rainfall & will result in loss of crops.

Results due to thunders & relationship of Grahas

If Surya enters Makha nakshatra, at that time there will be less rains and upto following two months there will be loss of rains; if he enters Ardra, the results will be similar; if in Revathi, and if there is low rainfall, following six months will be without rains. When Surya is in Swathi & if there is heavy lightning, or in Makha & there is thunder, there will be rains in Mrigasira. If Budha is to the East of Surya, there will be heavy winds; if Shani is there, there will be loss of rains; if Shukra is there, there will be very good rains; if there is Angaraka, there will be no rains. At the times when Shukra rises, Guru sets, Angaraka moves from one nakshatra to another, there will be rains. There will be no rains when Shani or Angaraka rise.

Chndra & Surya will be at seventh place to Shukra. At that time, if Guru joins, there will be good rains; if Angaraka, Shani, Budha & Guru are ahead of Shukra, there will be drought due to insufficient rains. If Budha & Shukra are placed between Surya, Angaraka & Shani there will be deficient rains; IF all grahas including Chandra are near/East/West of Surya, there will be specially good rains.

If a relationship is established among Shukra, Budha, Poorvabhadra, Uttarabhadra, Revathi, Ashvini, Bharani (as one group), and Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Makha, Pubba, Uttara, hastha, Chittha, Swathi (as another group) there will be special rains. If Angaraka, Chandra & Guru are joined in the same Nadi, there will be excessive rainfall.

If Budha is placed behind Guru, Shukra & Shani, there will be increase in diseases, excessive rainfall & destruction of crops. If Budha & Shukra are both in retrograde/fast moving and placed in the same rashi, there will be very heavy rains resulting in dangerous floods (jala pralaya); if they are placed close to each other, excessive rainfall; if Surya is placed between them, there will be loss of rains.

Kalasarpa yoga

If Shani is in Meena rashi & Guru in Kanya rashi, there will be fear of war; if Guru is in Mithuna, Simha, Makara rashis, there will be very low rains causing health problems to people; if Shani, Angaraka & Guru are in mutual 1/7 or in same rashi, there will be drought & consequent fear of war/fights; if Guru & Shani are both (conjoined?) between Vrishabha & Simha or at the end of Meena/vrishchika, there will be no crops & consequently will result in drought; if Guru & Rahu are conjoined in the same rashi, or Shani, Shukra, Surya are in the same place, there will be fear of war, fight among rulers; if Ketu is behind any five grahas & Rahu is ahead of them, it should be understood as kalasarpa yoga.

Simha, Angaraka Dosha

If Kuja is in Simha rashi or in its amsha, evil will befall the entire world. If Angaraka is conjoined with Budha, Shukra, Surya in Simha rashi, this dosha will not occur.

If Angaraka is between Shukra & Surya in Simha rashi, there will be good rains & the Simha-Angaraka dosha will be neutralised.

If Guru & Shani are related in any rashi, then, from such time for three years the country will face a variety of problems.

Result of retro planets

If Shani & Shukra are retrograde & placed in Mesha, Vrishabha, Simha, Vrishchika, Dhanus & Meena, there will total loss of rains & destruction of people.

If anyone of Guru, Shukra, Shani or Angaraka are in the middle of Chandra’s orbit or sphere of influence (perhaps needs proper interpretation), there will be fight among rulers.

If Shani & Angaraka are in the Rohini nakshatra, there will be insufficient rains resulting in loss of crops & people.

If retro Shani & Angaraka are in Vrishabha, Simha, Vrishchika or Meena, there will be deficient rains, diseases, loss of crops & quarrel among people.

If Shukra is retro in the months of Jyeshta, Ashadha & Sharavana, there will be suffering to the rulers (raja peeda).

If Guru in East and Shukra in the West are in mutual 1/7 (sama saptaka) there will be trouble from thieves, diseases & quarrels among people.

While Guru is in the East, if Shukra is with Budha in Swathi nakshatra, there will be heavy rains.

While Guru is in West, if Shukra is in a maha nakshatra, there will be very good rains.

Result of Surya & Chandra (Moon) orbits of influence (Parivesha)

If the parivesha of Surya & Chandra occur in the first ayama of day or night, there will be suffering/troubles to the rulers & people; if it occurs in second ayama, there will be excessive rains; if in third ayama, heavy rains resulting in bumper crops, and if in 4th ayama, there will be loss of people (death of people).

Whatever be the month, if Surya & Chandra parivesha occurs every day without fail in any ayama upto Pratipat prabhruthi panchami of shukla paksha, there will be suffering/troubles to Brahmins, will be auspicious to Kshatriyas; if it happens from Ashtami to Dwadashi, there will be mutual quarrels among rulers; if it happens on Trayodashi, there will be loss of army; if on Chaturdashi, problems to the queen; if on pournami or amavasya, there will be ill-health.

If the Surya, Chnadra parivesha occurs in Shravana, Bhadrapada months or in Aswyuja, Kartika months, there will be bumper crops and there will be very good rains; if it occurs in months other than these, there will be inauspicious results & trouble due to diseases.

If the parivesha occurs continuously for 15 days or for seven and a half days, all the kings will be destroyed (laya).

If two pariveshas occur at the same time, there will be loss of army; if three, trouble to the rulers; if four, there will be total destruction.

If Shani is in the midst of Surya, Chandra parivesha, ordinary crops will be damaged; if Angaraka is in the midst, there be suffering due to troubles by rulers, if Guru is so placed, there will be diseases and if Budha, there will be loss of crops; if it is Rahu, there will be ‘loss of foetuses’ (or miscarriages) (stree garbha nasha).

If there are two planets in the midst of this parivesha, there will be quarrels among rulers; if there are three planets, there will be drought; if four, destruction of rulers, and if five, there will be huge floods across the nation.

If Chandra, Guru or benefics are in their own signs ot in Moolatrikona signs, the doshas due to parivesha will be avoided.

If the Chandra, Surya parivesha occurs in the month of  Ashadha in the nakshatras of Krittika, Ardra, Mrigasira, Pubba, there will be excessive rains.; in the Krishna paksha if the thithi in which Chnadra enters Meena is a Saptami, there will be heavy rains. If the pariveshas have a whitish colour, there will be deficient rains; if yellowish, excessive rains; if blackish, loss of people and if reddish, there will be quarrels.

If Chandra’s parivesha occurs in Ashadha on the day of Rohini or Makha nakshatra, there will be highly deficient rains resulting in drought.

Diseases relating to nakshatras, result of eclipses of Chnadra & Surya

If the Chnadra & Surya grahanas occur in Anooradha, Shravana, Dhanishta, Mrigasira, Moola, Rohini nakshtras, there will be suffering to the rulers & people; if in Ashvini, Ardra, Pushya, Ashlesha, Makha, Krittika, Shathabhisha, Revathi, Chittha, Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadra, Poorvabhadra, Swathi, Vishakha, Anooradha, Pubba, there will be very low rains, and diseases particularly to the infants.

Garbha kala & Garbha ritu of nakshatras (Garbha=Conception, womb)

(This para is a little difficult in its structure of sentences)

Consider the time at which Surya enters Moola nakshatra; starting from first half of that nakshatra upto six days and thirty ghaliges; if divided as per thirty ghaliges, starting from Poorvashadha rains to Mrigasira rains, night is considered as one ‘Rain garbha’; similarly daytime is considered as one nakshatra’s Rain garbha; in this manner, over six and half days duration should be considered as ‘Garbha ritu’ of thirteen nakshatras.

During the thirteen days the Surya is transiting, from the time he enters Poorvashadha until the end of four padas of this nakshatras, each day should be reckoned as ‘one rain nakshatra day’; from Ardra to Jyeshta, it forms garbha of thirteen rains.

Its details are as given below:

Upto thirty ghaliges from the time Surya enters third pada of Moola, it will be the Poorvashadha’s rain garbha; in the same manner, and as described in two ways above, it should be understood for all nakshatras.

Nature of the garbha

These are ten types: (1) cold (shaitya) (2) windy (vayu) (3) Hot (ushna) (4) misty (manju) (5) megha dambara (no English equivalent) (6) thunderous clouds (megha shabda) (7) lightening (minchu) (8) parivesha of Chnadra & Surya (9) Rainbow (indrachapa) (10) Less rains (alpavrishti). If all the ten elements stated here are present, it is known as ‘poorna garbha’.

Determining rains from the number of elements

During the ‘nakshatra garbha’ time, if all the elements are present in full, then as described earlier, there will be full rains as described for the respective nakshatras; if 2-3 elements are present, there will be one-fourth rains; if 5 elements, there will be half rains; if not even one element exist, then such nakshatra’s rain will not at all occur; further, these garbhas & their times should be understood clearly by systematic research, the elements should be understood in good detail, and in the subsequent year of these garbhas occurring, by knowing the nakshatras Surya will enter, the corresponding rains should be predicted. During the time of these garbhas, if clouds are black or white, there will be good rains; if opposite of this, then there will be ordinary rains; if the Lagna of the period of the garbhas has good planetary strength, it should be understood that it is favourable for good rains.

Determining the rainfall in the next year of masa garbha

In Shukla paksha of Margasira masa, from Padyami to poornami, if clouds gather with thunders, there will be excessive rains in the next Samvatsara; if on a Chaturthi day, in Ashlesha nakshatra, in Krishna paksha, clouds gather with thunders & lightening, in the next year there will be very good rains resulting in bumper crop across the country, resulting in highly satisfactory food stocks.

If on a Chaturthi day in Pushya masa, clouds gather with thunders & lightening, in the next year there will be very good rains.

If clouds gather on Rohini nakshatra day in Ashadha & Pushya masa, there will be very good rains resulting in bumper crop.

If clouds gather with thunders & lightening on Poornami day in Pushya masa or trithiya of Krishna paksha, there will be very good rains resulting in bumper crop.

If clouds gather with thunders & lightening in Swathi nakshatra on Saptami, Ashtami days, there will be very good rains resulting in bumper crop.

If there is lot of mist and ordinary rains in Margasira masa, winds & hot Sun in Pushya masa, then in subsequent year there will be bumper crop.

In Pushya masa from the day of Moola nakshatra to Bharani nakshatra, if there are indications of garbha, then in the next samvatsara, from Ardra rains to Vishakha rains, there will be very good rains.

From Padyami of Pushya masa to next year’s amavasya of Chaitra masa, if there are indications of garbha with light rains & some winds on —- days (and an unknown/unfamiliar word is here—varavyoma: vyoma means sky or climate/atmosphere), then in Ashadha, Shravana & Bhadrapada masa there will be very good rains.

If there is any rains, even light rains, on Chaturthi, Panchami, Shashti thithis in Shukla paksha of Ashadha masa in Pubba, Poorvashadha, Poorvabhadra, Ashlesha & Makha nakshatras, then the rains expected a little later will be lost.

If there are indications of garbha in Shuddha Padyami of Ashadha, second thithi of Shukla paksha, third thithi of Shukla paksha of Bhadrapada, shuddha Chaturthi of Ashwayuja masa, then there will be excessive rains, resulting in increase of crops.

If there are lightning in the East on Poornami in Shukla paksha of Ashadha masa, there will be rains; if in South-east, loss of people; if in South, health to the people; if in South-west, growth in wealth; if in West, very good rains; if in North-west, good health & excessive rains; if in North, auspicious results; if in North-east, all kinds of losses.

If on krishnashtami day of Ashadha masa, lightning accompanied with heavy winds occur, then there will be excessive rains.

If on a trayodashi day of Shukla paksha of Ashadha masa, there is thunder & lightning along with cloud cover in the East, there will be bumper crop.

If on third thithi of Bhadrapada masa, there is excessive rainfall & hot sun (high temperatures), heavy rainfall will occur.

On Ashwayuja shuddha dashami day, in Krittika nakshatra, before afternoon, if it drizzles, then there will be ordinary rains.

If on Karthika shuddha dwadashi day, Vishakha nakshatra also joins and if there is cloud formation & thunders, there will be deficient rains in the next samvatsara.

On trayodashi day of Krishna paksha of Magha masa, Ardra nakshatra, if it drizzles, then later there will be drought.

In Rohini nakshatra, on Poornima, in Phalguni masa, if there is cloud cover with thunders & lightning and rains, good crops will be denied later.

On Chaitra bahula amvasya day, in Ardra nakshatra, if Sun is in Krittika (?) pada (the printed version is 9th pada, which is clearly not correct; hence a type setting error; could be 4th pada), then in that samvatsara there will be bumper crops.

On Chaitra Shukla navami day, punrvasu nakshatra, if Surya is in Anooradha, and if it drizzles on that day, then there will be bumper crop across the country.

On Ashwayuja shuddha tritiya day, Swati nakshatra, if Surya is in Makha, there will be no rains/less rains.

Results of Chandra’s waning

From Ashtami of Shukla paksha to Ashtami of Krishna paksha of every month Chandra is full. Such Chandra is auspicious for all activities. From Ashtami of Krishna paksha to Ashtami of shukla paksha, Moon is weak. Such Moon is inauspicious.

In rainy season, in the thithis of poorna nakshatras of Krishna paksha, if weak Moon is with Budha & Shukra, there will be full rains.

If Surya grahana occurs in Krishna paksha, when weak Moon is with Shani and if there is a drizzle on that day, there will be suffering to the rulers of the country.

If on Chaturthi day of Krishna paksha, full Moon is with Angaraka, Budha, Guru & Shani, there will be drought in the entire country.

If Rahu is behind Shukra, or (the text appears to indicate ‘and’, but it would not make sense) ahead of Budha & Shukra and with Shani & Surya in the same house, there will be serious/major arishta to the rulers & consequently to the people also & they will be destroyed.

if Moon suffers waning (weakness), when Rahu is combined with paap grahas, and placed in Kataka or Mithuna, there will be suffering to rulers & loss of crops.

If Chandra in 7th place, Rahu in 7th to Chandra (sama saptaka placement), and Surya is in Mrigasira, Punarvasu or Poorvashadha, and Angaraka is set, then all drought will be overcome and there will be subhiksha.

If Surya is in Uttarabhadra, and Rahu is in Kataka along with Budha & Shukra, aspected by Guru, there will be very good rainfall in Uttara rains.

Angaraka is set, (print is not clear in this para);

If it drizzles, when Angaraka is rising & Shukra is set, or when Budha is set & Guru is rising, and Shani is with Surya, there will be very good crops next year.

If Surya is with Budha in Kanya rashi, Chandra is full, Shani & Angaraka are set, then during the entire samvatsara there will be mainly drizzle.

If Guru is with Rahu, Chandra is in eighth to Ketu along with Shani, and if Shukra is set at that time, there will be very good rains.

If Ketu is with Chandra in Kataka, Budha rising & is with Rahu, Surya in Meena is aspected by Shukra, there will be bumper crops due to very good rains.

If the six grahas viz. Rahu, Shukra, Surya, Angaraka, Shani & Guru are in a single rashi and are aspected by Budha, there will be massive deluge in all countries (pralaya).

If Ranu & Ketu are in the same rashi and if Shani, Surya, Budha & Guru are in 7th to them, there will be a worldwide war and destruction of people.

When Shani is set, if Surya, Chandra, Budha, Ketu are conjoined in one place and aspected by Angaraka, there will be suffering to all the rulers & major wars.

If Surya becomes king for samvatsara, Shukra the Mantri (minister), Angaraka becomes neerasadhipa (meaning not clear: Neerasa means dry, adhipa means owner/ruler etc.), Budha becomes controller/ruler of vegetation & crops, Shani becomes ruler of prices, all the countries will have excellent crops/yield.

If Guru becomes ruler of samvatsara, Budha becomes mantri, Shukra becomes ruler of mesha (mesha here may need a proper interpretation), and Surya becomes ruler of rasa (opposite of neerasa), then in that samvatsara there will be ordinary rains & less crops.

If Angaraka becomes ruler of vatsara, Surya is mantri, Shukra is lord of rasa, Budha is ruler of neerasa, and Chandra is commander-in-chief, then in that samvatsara there will be full rains & very good crops.

If Budha, Shukra & Shani are set, Surya is in Meena, Guru in Karkataka, Angaraka in Mesha, then in the subsequent year there will be very good yield.

If Surya is exalted, Ketu is in Meena, Angaraka is rising, Shani & Guru are in the same rashi and even if the Uttara rains are ordinary, then also in that samvatsara there will be especially more trouble due to diseases.

When Surya is in Mesha lagna, and Budha, Shukra, Rahu & Ketu are in Vrishabha rashi aspected by Guru, then there will be increase in diseases in all the countries.

If Surya grahana occurs in Karthika masa, Chandra grahana in Margasira masa and Uttarayana comes in Swathi nakshatra on Poornami day of Pushya masa, there will be acute drought across the country resulting in death of people.

If Chandra & Surya grahanas occur in Chaitra masa, if Surya joins Rohini nakshatra on Chaturthi of Krishna paksha of Vaishakha, and if Shani sets on the same day, there will undoubtedly be drought.

If Chandra is in Karkataka on Saptami day of Shukla paksha of Magha masa, and Shani, Surya, Budha & Angaraka are in Makara rashi, and Guru is set, then it should be understood that there will be no rains for three samvatsaras.

If Guru, Shani, Angaraka & Surya are all exalted, and Budha is set, and Chandra is in Anooradha in Krishna paksha, and Shukra gets set in last pada of Swathi, and at that time if in fourth pada of Vishakha Surya’s eclipse occurs, then in the entire country daridra will vanish completely.

When Surya is in Kanya rashi, Budha & Shukra are in Meena rashi, Guru is in Karkataka, Angaraka, Chandra & Shani are in Mesha, there will be very good rains resulting in bumper crops.

When Chandra enters Vishakha nakshatra, if Sun’s eclipse occurs and Budha, Guru, Shukra, Shani, Rahu & Ketu are in Mesha, there will be destruction of the world.

When Chandra & Surya are in mutual samasaptaka, Angaraka is behind Surya, Guru is ahead of Chandra, Rahu & Ketu are in 5th to Surya, Shani & Shukra are in same rashi, then entire samvatsara will only result in interrupted rains and the yield will be very low.

If in the same paksha, Chandra grahana occurs on a Thursday & Surya grahana on Tuesday, and in that masa if Shani, Budha & Guru get set, then entire samvatsara will suffer from drought & serious loss of vegetation.

With Shukra in Swathi, Budha in Vishakha, Surya in Moola, Chandra in Ardra, Angaraka in Revathi, Shani in Bharani, Guru in Shatabhisha, if Chandra & Surya grahanas occur in the same masa, then all countries will face wide spread diseases.

If Chandra grahana occurs in Jyeshta masa, & on that day Surya enters Ashlesha, and in 4th to such Sun are placed Angaraka, Budha, Shani & Rahu and Surya is aspected by retrograde Guru, then there will be major wars between rulers & the countries will be destroyed.

When Budha, Shukra, Rahu are in Meena, Angaraka, Surya & Chandra are in Karkataka, and if at that time Chandra grahana occurs, then there will be no rains for three years.

If the transit is such that Angaraka is ahead & Shukra in behind him, then during such period, there will be quarrels & very low rainfall; but in spite of this, even in flood prone areas auspicious time will be experienced.

When Shukra is transiting with Budha, there will be excessive rains across the world, and very good yield of crops; if Surya joins them during such time, the excessiveness of rainfall will get limited & yield will be ordinary.

If Budha, Shukra, Chandra are all in one place, due to very good rains there will be very good crops; but if Shukra moves between Chandra & Surya, there will be no rains & loss of crops.

When Guru is ahead, there will be especial rains in the world, and values will increase; when he is ‘chara’ there will be increased trouble to rulers & to crops.

When Guru is ahead, there will be excessive rains in the world & there will be very good/full crops; when Budha is ahead, there will be disease bearing heavy winds & half the normal yield of crops.

If Chandra, Surya, Shani & Budha have joined Ashlesha nakshatra, then around that time there will be ordinary rains & lesser crops and danger to the world (there is a long word used as a simile, but it appears to have a typesetting error).

If there is shubhagraha yoga, there will be very good rainfall as desired and will result in very good crops. If there is yoga of paap grahas, such good crops will all be destroyed.

If there is three-graha yoga, it will cause damage to all the crops; it is a hurdle to the rain yoga. If five-graha yoga occurs, it will result in acute difficulty to the rulers and if three-graha yoga occurs, there survival will be a problem.

Results of Shukrachara

If Shukra is in West and transiting from Makha nakshatra to Chittha, rainfall will become less & there will be no crops.

If Shukra is in East, Swathi, Vishakha & Anooradha rains will reduce and the sheep & Goat population will be destroyed.

There will be excessive rains when Guru sets; moreover if Budha is in udaya lagna, all the crops will be destroyed due to excessive rains and all houses should be constructed at a very good height.

If Guru is in the East, there will be very good rains resulting in good crops; if in West, there will be heavy rains and towards the end, crops will suffer damage.

If Shukra is with Guru when Guru rises, there will be no rains; if Shani is present when Guru is setting, there will be very good rains & bumper crops.

If Shukra comes in the transit path of Budha, there will be special/very good rains; if at that time both Surya & Shukra are present, there will be powerful whirlwinds causing deficient rains.

Results of ‘Prati Surya’

If Prati Ravi is sighted to the right of Surya, then within two days there will be good rains across the country and excellent crops.

If Prati Ravi is sighted to the left of Surya, then within fifteen days therefrom there will be deficient rains; and if at that time wind blows from South-west, there will be hurdles to ‘value increase’.

If Prati Ravi is seen in the evening time in the East like a mist, the whole country will become weak (Ksheena); if it occurs in the North-west, the whole country will have severe drought.

If Prati Ravi is seen in both East & West, there will be large scale destruction of people and several kinds of troubles; if it is seen in the same way in the noon time, there will be danger to all the people & there will be ‘flood of blood’.

Whatever be the day, if Prati Ravi is seen in the first ‘yaama’ (early morning hours), there will be all kinds of quarrels. If it is seen in second yaama, there will be a terrible deluge & very inauspicious results.

If Pratiravi is seen in the third yaama, there will be heavy rains in a single day; if seen in the evening hours, it indicates death to horses, elephants & people.

Prati-nelalu (nelalu means shadow) causes hurdles to rains; two-type shadows cause danger to the abode of rulers; four shadows cause drought; five imply destruction/losses across the world.

If Pratiravi is seen in Meena, Makara, Dhanus or Karkataka Lagna, there will be very good rains & very good crops/yield. If it happens in Mesha or Kumbha, then it will give half the results stated earlier.

If parivesha is seen in the orb of Surya when it is raining, then rains will be depleted; if Chandra has a parivesha when there is no rain, then there will be excessive rains.

If Guru & Shani are together in the parivesha, there will be very heavy rains; if rains begin at that time, it will be ordinary.

When Shani, Angaraka & Bhrigu are in the parivesha of Surya, there will be extreme rains across the world over one month & the whole world will revolve (!).

If parivesha occurs in the first yaama, there will be good rains; in the second, there is trouble to the rulers; in the third, heavy rains will be the result.

If Prati Surya, and parivesha of Chandra & Surya occur without fail over five to six days on Sundays & Mondays (not a translation error), then over three continuous months all the water will dry up and there will be drought in the entire samvatsara.

Characteristics of the bow called Indrachapa

If prashna is asked when parivesha & Indrachapa have occurred, then it should be understood that there will be failure in all endeavours. This is an important opinion of janamuni (?).

If Indrachapa occurs in East when it is raining, then even if it was raining very well, it will deplete in a minute, and for three days rain fall will reduce.

If the Indrachapa occurs in West in Jyeshta masa, the from that day for the next three months there will be excessive rains, fall in value/prices, and the entire world will be filled with water (word used is jala samriddhi not pralaya).

If Indrachapa is seen in the morning in the East in Ashadha masa, then from that day for two months there will certainly be loss of rains.

If Indrachapa is seen at Sunrise in Shravana masa, there will be no rains for one month; if seen at Sunset time, quarrels will increase in the country.

If Indrachapa occurs in the East, it should be inferred that there will be very heavy rains later; if the opposite occurs, it means that the East rains will be affected.

When the Indrachapa rises, if its part joins South, there will be drought; if North, there will be very good rains & bumper crops; if it occurs such that it is equal in both directions, there will be no rains & no crops.

If the Indrachapa occurs at Sunrise time there will be good rains & good crops; if at noon time, there will be no rains resulting in drought; if at Sunset time, dambara (could not find a relevant meaning; damara means drought; could be a typesetting error), if at night (?), country will face destruction.

Nature of mist

If mist covers during the time when there are no rains, then in general the rainfall will reduce.

If mist is seen when there is very good rains, then there will be more rains; if it happens before sunrise, then it spoils rains.

If mist forms when the Anooradha, Jyeshta & Moola rains are falling, then the rains to come later will be very less & cause grief to people. If however the mist falls when there are no rains in these nakshatras, then the later rains will be excessive.

If the mist is light, there will be heavy rains; if it looks like half-mist, then there will be half normal rains and there will be good crops & the rulers will be mutually friendly.

Nature of Chaitra Shuddha Panchami

Whatever be the samvatsara, if this day occurs on Monday or Thursday, then there will be very good rains & crops in that entire samvatsara.

If this day occurs on Wednesday, the rains and crops will be half the normal, and there will be winds also. If this day happens to be Friday, there will be no rains in the country & all the crops will be destroyed.

If this day happens to be Saturday or Tuesday, there will be no rains & crops.

If Surya joins on Panchami, there will be fractured rains and the Eastern parts of lands in each village will be without crops. If Rohini Nakshatra joins this, there will be very good rains; but if Mrigasira joins, the rains & crops will be halved.

If Chaitra Shuddha Panchami happens in Ardra nakshatra, all the rains will be lost, there will be drought and fights among the rulers.

Nature of Vaishakha Shuddha Ashtami

If the Ashtami of Vaishakha masa of Shukla paksha occurs on Saturday or Tuesday, the yogas of the period will not operate and there will be no rains and crops and people will undergo suffering.

The yogas are as follows: worldly wealth for Chandra, winds for Budha, crops for Guru, Surya & Budha for ordinary rains.

Results of Jyeshta Shuddha Padyami

If Mrigasira, Ardra nakshatras join Jyeshta Shuddha padyami, there will be very good rains across the nation resulting in good crops.

If Bharani, Krittika or Jyeshta join on that day, there will be very less rains, hence no vegetation grows, there will be fear from fire & destruction of people.

Results of Ashadha Masa

If Shukla Panchami of Ashadha happens on Sunday, there will be ordinary/average rains resulting in half of normal crops; if it happens on Monday, there will be full rains & very good crops.

If on Tuesday, trouble from wars; if Wednesday, auspiciousness; if Thursday, good results; if Friday, heavy rains; if Saturday, neither rains nor crops.

If Rohini nakshatra occurs on Ashadha Suddha Dashami, there will be very good rains all over resulting in very good crops.

If Rohini occurs on Ekadashi of Shukla paksha of Ashadha, there will be ordinary rains resulting in half crops, and there will be variety of grief faced by people.

If Rohini occurs on Dwadashi of Shukla paksha of Ashadha, there will be no rains & consequently no crops; there will be quarrels/fights among rulers in the country and dangers to the people.

If Rohini occurs on Ashadha Bahula Dwadashi, only the last part of the normal rainfall will occur, resulting in loss of property for people and drought.

If SWathi rains come on Ashadha Shuddha Navami, the rainfall will be limited, crops will also be limited, there will be heavy winds and difficulty for the country.

Results of Shravana masa

If Shravana nakshatra yoga occurs on Shravana Shuddha Chaturdashi, there will be very good rains; if Pournami joins, there will be ordinary rains & crops.

If that nakshatra joins on Bahula, rains will be spoilt, people will face death like situations and even though some rainfall will occur, there will be no yield and there will be quarrels among people.

Results of Bhadrapada masa

If Guru rises in the east in Bhadrapada masa, all rain yogas from Ardra rains to Pubba rains will be depleted and there will be deficient rains.

Results of Ardra’s entry

If Ardra rises in the East around Noon time, rains & crops will be less; if it happens in the afternoon, rains & crops will be ordinary.

If it happens in third yaama, there will be good rains resulting in 3/4th normal crops. If it happens at midnight, there will be very good rains & plentiful crops.

If on Saturday or Sunday, ordinary rains; if on Thursday, whirlwinds; if on Tuesday, all kinds of wealth.

If there are thunders during first pada of Ardra’s rains, five rains therefrom will not occur properly; if thunders in second pada, there will be increased whirlwinds; if in third pada, there will be full rains.

If it thunders in fourth pada, there will be fractured rains (Khanda vrishti), and if with paap grahas, rains & crops will be lost; but if with Shubha grahas, there will be very good rains & crops.

Results of Mesha sankranthi

If Mesha sankranthi rises in the daytime, there will be very low rainfall, value growth will be affected and gems will become very costly.

If Mesha sankranthi occurs in night time, there will be very good rains & bumper crops in the entire country. All the people will enjoy very good happiness.

Results of Makara sankranthi

When Surya enters Makara rashi it is called Makara sankranthi. If such Makara sankranthi occurs in Krishna paksha of Pushya masa, there will be very good rains & bumper crops in the entire country.

If Makara sankranthi occurs in daytime in Shukla paksha of Pushya masa, there will be ordinary rainfall & reduced crops. There will be fear among people & destruction of people.

Results of Grahana

If Surya grahana occurs in Shraavana, Bhadrapada, Phalguna or Magha masa, there will be ordinary rains & trouble to people.

If both Chandra & Surya grahanas occur in the same masa, the results for the samvatsara will be ordinary, and there will be drought and the people will be spinning.

If Chandra grahana occurs in first, seventh, eighth masa, there will be very good rainfall & plentiful crops in that samvatsara, and the King will gain victories in war & will rule like the king of heaven.

If Chandra grahana occurs in second & eighth masa, there will be very low rainfall & loss of crops in that samvatsara, and even the fortunate/rich of the country will face poverty.

If Chandra grahana occurs in third, fourth, seventh masa there will be very good rainfall & plentiful crops in that samvatsara, but there will be difficulties for people towards the end of samvatsara.

Grahasiddhi yoga

If Shani & Angaraka are transiting together, there will be severe drought in the country and there will be fights among the rulers.

When Guru, Shukra & Budha join together, there will be ativrishti (excessive rains). If Shani joins them, there will be severe drought & several difficulties for people.

When Shani is with Surya, if Guru joins them, there will be severe drought world wide, all water sources will dry up & values of commodities will be destroyed.

If Shukra joins Budha, there will be very good rains; if Chandra joins, there will undoubtedly be several problems; if Shukra joins Swathi nakshatra, there will be very heavy rains.

If Guru joins Chandra & Shukra, there will be drought worldwide, and all rulers will become warmongers.

If Shani is in 5th or 9th from Guru’s Lagna, there will be very good rains. If Shani is in 6th, 7th or 10th, there will be drought in some countries.

If Surya, Shani & Shouri (?) are in Vrishchika, Dhanus, Makara rashis, there will undoubtedly be increased drought worldwide.

If Shani is in Tula, Vrishchika, Vrishabha, Meena rashis, all water sources will dry up, there will be trouble due to drought, and Gold will be …… (Unknown word: ashtadisha).

If Shani & Angaraka are transiting ahead of Surya & Budha, there will be no rains. There will be full rains in the transit of Guru, Shukra & Shani (the grammar of this para is not very clear).

If both Guru & Shani are in Meena rashi, there will be drought for three years. Therefore intelligent people should carefully preserve their stocks of food grains.

If Guru & Shani are in samasaptaka (7th to each other), there will be drought, fights among rulers & even ordinary rainfall will not occur.

If Angaraka is in 4th, 6th, 7th from Shani, then there will be no rains in the entire samvatsara & people will suffer many kinds of grief.

If Angaraka is in 7th to whatever Lagna in which Surya be with Shani, then there will be no timely rains in that samvatsara & banana etc. crops will be reduced.

If Shani is in 7th aspect, there will be no rains, all crops will be destroyed but there will be some good to the people in the last part.

If Shukra is in 7th aspect of Guru, there will be full rains; if Budha be in that position, there will be very heavy winds and if Sun aspects, there will be half rainfall in that samvatsara.

If Moon be in the aspect of 2nd or 6th, there will be continuous rains; if in 4th or 8th, there will be no rains that whole year.

Results of thunders in Makha nakshatra

If in thunders in the first pada of Makha, there will be full rains for the duration of Chittha rains. If it thunders in 2nd pada, there will be half rainfall & the wealth will not be lost.

If it thunders in 3rd pada, there will be very low rainfall & if in 4th pada, there will be no rains in any country. If it thunders in Swathi nakshatra, there will be very good rains till the end of Jyeshta rains.

Results of earth tremors

If the tremors occur in the East, the people in the entire world will become hostile (drohi). And people will suffer great difficulties towards the end and will be troubled by drought.

If the tremors occur in the South, there will be severe drought and even birds will not be able to find water, people will eat people and all the animals will die.

If the tremors occur in the West, all the religions in the world will be corrupted/spoilt, drought will occur very quickly, and all the towns/cities will be destroyed.

If the tremors occur in the North, all the crops will dry up, good (sajjana) people will suffer, bad (durjana) people will become wealthy, and the King will suffer losses.

If the tremors occur at Sunrise time, the lineage (vamsha) of the kings will be destroyed, & the existing kingdom will also be destroyed.

If the tremors occur at noon time, severe drought will appear from all sides very quickly, all the rulers will suffer many diseases & die and people will suffer many dangers.

If the tremors occur at evening time, the wives of rulers will be abducted by others and the world will see destruction.

If the tremors occur at night time, people of all the four varnas viz Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vyshya & Shudra will die, due to increase in evil doers there will be jalapralaya in the eyes of people (meaning acute grief & suffering).

If the tremors occur on cruel weekdays, the crops will be destroyed for three years. If the tremors occur on Shubha weekdays, there will be ordinary yield over five to six years.

It should generally be understood that in the samvatsaras in which there are tremors, the rainfall will be low, crops will be ordinary and drought like conditions will prevail.

Results of comets

If the comet is seen in the East, in the next samvatsara without any doubt people will sell their own children for surviving.

If it is seen in South or South-east, then undoubtedly all the elephants, horses, cattle & people in the world will perish.

If it is seen in Southwest or West, there will be very heavy rains in the world, resulting in great problems as during a deluge and the people will indulge in evil deeds.

If it is seen in Northwest, there will be severe drought, trouble to all rulers and women will be abducted by others.

If seen in North, there will be very good rains & crops, and people will be quite happy, but rulers will still be troubled.

If seen in Northeast, three years therefrom there will certainly be drought and to overcome the serious problems people will sell their own children and will live in great difficulties.

If it is reddish at the time of rising, all the dignity/power of the rulers along with towns & cities will be destroyed. If it is whitish, there will be problems for the people.

If it is yellowish, it will cause destruction for Vyshya community, and if of bluish grey colour, it will cause losses to Shudra community.

If it rises in daytime, the ruler will suffer losses; if at night time, there will be severe drought in the nation.

If it rises on paapa graha weekday, then for three years the results will be as stated above, and if on Shubha weekday, results will occur for five years.

If comet rises in Bharani, Krittika, Ashlesha nakshatras, all the people in the world will perish quickly.

Nature of baala nakshatras

(Baala in Kannada means tail; The dictionary defines baala chukki as Comet-chukki is another word for nakshatra; this alternate word is also used in the original text in this section. In the earlier section it used the word dhoomaketu, which also means comet)

If baala nakshatra rises towards East, the ruler will die quickly & there will be evil to the people.

If it burns towards south, there will be severe drought, half the population will perish and the rulers will be killed in the battle field.

If it burns towards West, all the towns, cities, mountains etc. will all perish. If at that time wind blows from the West, all the people will suffer from diseases.

If it burns in the North, darkness will envelop the world, there will be heavy rains and all the crops will grow.

If one baala chukka rises, there will be loss of people, if two, there will be drought, and if three rise simultaneously, all the countries will be destroyed.

If the baala chukki is whitish, it will cause dangers to Brahmins, if reddish to the princes, if greenish to the Vyshyas (traders) and if blackish to the shudra community.

Result of reddish cloud

If reddish clouds gather at Sunrise time, then very soon there will be good rains; if it happens in the evening time, there will be no rains.

If the cloud looks particularly reddish, there will be very good rains & trouble to rulers; if blackish, there will be heavy rains, and crops will grow in huge quantities.

If the red clouds appear yellowish, there will be very good rain & increase in trade; if it is mixed black, there will be deficient rains, and towards the end there will be ordinary rains.

At the time the red clouds are sighted if it appears yellowish, there will be deficient rains, drought in half of the country, and there will be fights among the rulers.

If it appears in five colours, all yogas of very good rains will lapse & only ordinary rains will occur.

Results of falling burning stars

If a star falls while burning in the East, the king of the country will die in the future and all the administrative work will be disturbed.

If it falls in Southeast, even if devatha poojas are being performed, the women will live in others control.

If it falls in South, there will be very severe drought in the country & all the people will have to prepare to perish. The southern direction will particularly be destroyed.

If it falls in Southwest or West, there will be very good rains and bumper crops and the Kings will go to the forests, destroy the forts on mountains and become war heroes.

If it happens in Northwest, all that region will be destroyed; all the rulers will be dead soon and there will be troubles in all these regions.

If it happens in North, there will be increased lust among women making them go to others and there will be very good rains & crops.

If it falls in Northeast, there will be drought in the country, the rulers will perish and people will suffer many troubles.

If it vanishes in the sky before falling, there will be auspicious results; if half of it falls to earth there will be serious troubles and if it falls fully to earth, then there will be massive destruction.

Results of Indrachapa in the night

(Indrachaapa means Rainbow)

If the Indradhanush occurs in the night, there will be widespread destruction, and if it occurs in East etc. directions, there will be drought without fail.

If it is seen in the West at night times, there will be serious difficulties faced by the world, & if it is reddish, the entire Kshatriya class will be destroyed.

If Indrachapa occurring at night is white, there will be danger to the brahmins, if yellow to the Vyshya and if black to the shudras.

If greenish in colour, all the mixed castes will face destruction and all the countries will perish and that samvatsara will have no rains & results in loss of crops.

If the Indrachapa is sighted in the night on Sundays or Tuesdays, there will be several kinds of difficulties; if in Monday or Thursday, the brahmins will face untimely death; if on Wednesday, the Vyshya community will suffer losses.

If it is sighted at night on Fridays or Saturdays, there will undoubtedly be danger to the shudra community, and no result will be satisfactory in that samvatsara.

If Indrachapa is in East at night time, all the countries will face destruction and will become like forests but only one town per yojana will survive.

If it occurs in South, there will be a swift drought and people will eat people.

If it occurs in North, there will be very good rains & crops and there will be increase in dharma due to common fear.

If the clouds are reddish in the West, there will be rains very soon; if in North, there will be excessive rainfall soon.

If clouds form with new colours in new directions, all rains will reduce.

About Price/value (Argha)

Whatever be the month, the shringas (Shringa means peak) of Moon rising on Bidige (second day after New Moon) of Shukla paksha should be observed and then price related matters should be predicted.

If the south shringa is higher in Meena, Mesha, Tula Lagnas, the prices will fall, women will earn respect and there will be very good produce of crops.

If the shringas of Moon are equal in Kanya, Mithuna, Vrishabha Lagnas, there will be ordinary rise in procurement prices & ordinary rains.

If the North shringa is higher in Dhanus, Makara, Kumbha, there will be good increase in procurement prices and all people will live in happiness.

If the North shringa is higher in Karkataka, Simha, Vrishchika then all commodities will have very good yield and there will be subhiksha (plentiful food availability).

If the shringa is higher in North, there will be drought, reduction in food grains & inflation.

If the shringas of Moon are equal, there will be continuous ordinary rains and the crops yield will also be ordinary.

Results of the Moon rise time

At the time of Moon rise in Shukla paksha, if the southern shringa appears to be higher to begin with, there will be no rains and the argha will fall.

If Moon rises in Northern direction with North shringa higher, there will be no rains & all crops will be destroyed.

If it rises in southern direction, there will be drought and prices will become dearer.

If Moon rises with both shringas equal, all the food grains will reduce, and all people will suffer from diseases.

Results of Weekdays

If the shringas rise on Thursday, Friday & Wednesdays, argha will increase; if on Saturday or Tuesday, there will be happiness & arghas will fall.

If Amavasya matches with nakshatra of Shani & Moon rises in that nakshatra, there will be very good yield of black coloured grains.

If Amavasya matches with a Shubha nakshatra & Moon rises in that nakshatra, red grains will be plentiful.

If Amavasya matches with nakshatra of Shukra & Moon rises in that nakshatra, other grains meaning smaller grains will not have good yield, but will increase later.

If Amavasya matches with nakshatra of Guru & Moon rises in that nakshatra, the haraka grain will not have yield.

If amavasya occurs exactly at the month, then shops & grains will increase and there will be increase in argha.

If Shani as lord of vegetation (sasya-adhipa) is ahead of planets, there will be very good yield even with ordinary rains.

If Angaraka as lord of vegetation (sasya-adhipa),if Shukra is behind other planets and Surya is in middle, the argha will be ordinary.

If yoga due to cruel grahas occurs, Shukra is in Makha, and Budha & Surya are in middle, the argha will reduce.

If Budha comes to shatabhisha, the queens will be consumed by fire, diseases will increase and Kanchidesha will be destroyed.

When Shani is in Poorvabhadra, there will be plentiful rains & crops and cows will yield milk in plenty.

Results of lightning

Lightning are of three types: Hara, Hari & Sujana.

If the lightning occurs in East there will be very good rains; if in Southeast, there will be very less rains & crops.

If the lightning occurs in South, there will be very low rainfall,; if in Southwest, there will be drought; if in West , ordinary rains with heavy winds and if in North, there will be full rains.

If it occurs in Northeast & east equally at the same time, there will be very good rains very soon.

If it is Hari lightning, there will be half rainfall; if Hara lightning, then excessive rains & thunderbolts, and very good crops.

If there is heavy lightning during regular rains, it means there will be god rainfall; if Hari lightning occurs, the rainfall will be half & yield will be ordinary.

Results of winds in eight directions

If the wind blows in Eastern direction, there will be rain without fail; if it blows in Southeast, there will be low rainfall, if in South rains will be doubtful, if in Southwest, it will be low rainfall.

If in West there will be excessive rains, in Northwest, heavy rains; if in North, excessive rains and if in Northeast, the rainfall will be half.

If there are heavy winds along with incessant rains, then there will be very good rain yoga; if it is with lots of dust, there will be no rains.

If the wind blows close to the surface of earth, there will be very heavy rains and deluge.

If the Northern wind blows when there is yoga of Shubha grahas, there will be heavy rains & deluge.

When the clouds are heavy & rains are falling, if cool wind blows, there will be sudden heavy rains. If at that time powerful whirlwinds occur, the rains will decrease.

End of Vachana Meghamala

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