Significators of the 10th House

Significators of the 10th House by Ashok Upadhaya

Article by Ashok Upadhaya

In Indian astrology Singificator is called as ‘Karaka’ hence, we would use the word Karaka intermittently in our article so that western astrology adepts also understand. The 10th house signifies ones Karma. It is very difficult to describe Karma in a sentence yet one can say it is the concept of “action” or “deed” in Indian religions understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect described in Hindu, Jain, Sikh and Buddhist philosophies. The other significations of the 10th House as described by Sage Parasara are:-

BPHS Chp: 11 verse 11

‘Indications of Karma house, royalty (authority), place, profession (livelihood), honor, father, living in foreign lands and debts are to be understood from Karma Bhava (house).

The significator of the 10th house are Jupiter, Sun, Mercury & Saturn. Let us ask the question as to what is the logic behind allotting these 4 planets as significators of the 10th House of Career & Karma.

1st Principle: 2nd lord and 12th lord where he sits he will give results of those houses where he sits. – Laghu Parasari Chp: 1 Verse 8

Which means these lords (planets) will behave as per the house it is situated in, if in 10H it will give results as per the 10th House.

Natural Zodiac:-

Significators of the 10th House 1

2nd Principle: To understand karaka place the concerned planets in the said house.

So in Natural Zodiac of Aries Asc (Naisargika chart), as the 10th house karakas are Mercury, Sun, Jupiter & Saturn, thus imagine these 4 planets in the 10H.

Jupiter & Saturn as Karaka for 10H

The 2nd House shows the sustenance, wealth of Asc & 12th House shows the loss, both factors are crucial for our career. Take 10H as Asc, then 2nd lord from it would be Saturn and 12th lord would be Jupiter (in natural zodiac), these two placed in the 10H will make them give results of the 10H, note this point.

‘Thus, Saturn & Jupiter become karaka for the 10th House.’

The ascendant is the indication of the self/birth.  The end of birth is death; this is the 8H from the Ascendant. Significantly, the 8H is also referred to as the ‘House of Transformation/Extreme/Changes’. We will use this 8th ‘From’ & ‘To’ principle to find out the karakas of the 10th House. This is so as we are looking at identifying significators, which effect (transform) the 10H matters hence we see the 8H from or to it.

Sun as Karaka of 10th House

In this context of extreme/ end / transformation, the 8th from the 10H, which would be the ‘5H of Predestiny[1]’. In the naisargik chart the 5H is represented by Leo, whose lord is Sun. Thus, Sun is the Predestiny and Center of the Cosmic. 5H is the house of fruits, thus do karma and do not expect fruits.

‘This entails Sun to be a karaka of the 10H.’

Mercury as Karaka for 10th House

From 3H, to see the extreme/end/transformation’ take the 8th from it and thus we get 10H. In the natural zodiac chart, 3H is Gemini and whose lord is Mercury.

‘Thus, Mercury becomes Significator of the 10th House.’

Attitude of the Karakas:

Sun: When the Sun is the karaka of the 10H it is indication of ‘Past Karma Continuity’ – Predestiny, as the 5H is the house of Past Karma/Predestiny.

Mercury: When Mercury is the karaka of the 10H then ‘New Karma is established by Self Effort’ as the 3H of a chart is the house of ‘Self Efforts’.

Jupiter: When Jupiter is the karaka of the 10H then ‘Persons own karma gets a different angle’, he takes his karma of the 9H (he is 9L) to his other sign Pisces (12th House) towards Mokhsa (12H of Liberation).

Saturn: When Saturn becomes karaka of the 10H, then he becomes ambitious, as Saturn is the 11th lord of gains.

All Karakas are always under the influence of 6th, 8th, 2nd and 12th; this principle will be enumerated in detail in future write ups.

Another View Point

1H is ‘Internal Life’ and the 7H is the ‘External Life’. 1H is the ‘Introvert/Selfish’ Area whereas 7H is the ‘Extrovert/Other Self’. 1H is the One Side of the Coin & 7H is the Other Side of the Coin. Keep these two houses in mind.

5H is the cause of destiny (Past), & 9H is the destiny (Future). From Ascendant (1H), the natural 5th & 9th house lordships are Sun & Jupiter, which are the karakas of the 10H.

Now take 7H as the center point, from here see the 5H of cause of destiny and 9H from it as the destiny of this External Life. In Naisargik Chart, it becomes 11H & 3H lords, which are Saturn and Mercury, these both, become karakas for the 10H.

Therefore, the combination of Internal Life (Introvert) & External Life (Extrovert) is what makes a Man’s life in Totality. His destiny & cause of destiny as seen from 1H & 7H, contributes to ‘What He Does House’ I.e. to the most important 10H of Karma.

About Author: Ashok Upadhaya is an astrologer versed in different systems of astrology and holds the view that every system has its strength, which must be incorporated in ones reading model. His concepts are different to the extent of either being dismissed easily or being called revolutionary. We suggest to watch this space in the future He learnt his astrology from the legendary blind astrologer of yesteryears Shri Swami.

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