Tag Archives: Basilioli Sandro

Longevity Research for a New Theory of Pam Block by Basilioli Sandro

Longevity Research for a New Theory of Pam Block

INTRODUCTION  BY BASILIOLI SANDRO  ( VEDIKO ) 3 STEP PAM VEDIC THEORY ( PART 2 ) In my first article of my theory , I have showed the 1st step to find pam-1 using the three division charts of Drekkana, Navamsha and Dwadasamsha. The pointers I use after tying different …

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Longevity Research for a New Theory of Pam Block by Basilioli Sandro

Longevity Research For A New Theory Of Pam Block

3 Step Pam Vedic Theory (Part 2) By Basilioli Sandro (vediko), Italy Edited, Reformed for Explanation and Programmed by Rajendra Shah, India Abstract Of The First Article To find Longevity of the person, the mathematics is employed based on the parameters of Hindu Vedic Astrology. The parameters used are Lagna …

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