Temperaments of the Zodiac Signs

Temperaments of the Zodiac Signs by David Osborn

Article by David Osborn (Temperaments of the Zodiac Signs)

In terms of their basic or fundamental temperaments, the Fire signs are Choleric, the Earth signs Melancholic, the Air signs Sanguine, and the Water signs are Phlegmatic in temperament.  However, the subtemperaments, or finer shadings of nature and temperament of the signs vary, according to their respective planetary dignities.

Altogether, there are six signs of simple or pure temperament, and six signs of compound or mixed temperament.  The four signs of Cardinal modality are all of pure temperament, since their planetary rulers share the same temperament as their element:

Aries (Cardinal Fire) – Mars – Choleric

Cancer (Cardinal Water) – Moon – Phlegmatic

Libra (Cardinal Air) – Venus – Sanguine

Capricorn (Cardinal Earth) – Saturn – Melancholic This is in keeping with the simple, direct, straightforward nature of the Cardinal modality.

In terms of element, the two dry elements – Fire and Earth – each have two out of three of their signs as signs of pure temperament, since the dry quality is more discrete and independent, and does not mix so easily.  The two wet elements – Air and Water – each have only one of their three signs, the Cardinal one, of pure temperament, since the nature of the wet quality is to mix and mingle.

The Cardinal signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn – are decisive in determining the basic structure and alignment of key bodily systems.  The Renal Axis, formed by Aries and Libra, decides the energetic and metabolic balance of the body, since both signs are of Yang, energetic elements.  The Nutritive / Structural Axis, formed by Cancer and Capricorn, determines the nourishment and formation of the solid structural tissues of the body, since both signs are of Yin, substantial elements.

Constitutionally, the Cardinal signs are of moderate robustness and vitality, and respond to disease with decisive, clear-cut, acute episodes of onset and remission.

The Fixed signs – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius – deal with core bodily systems.  Taurus and Scorpio form the Generative Axis, containing between them the whole GI tract, from mouth (Taurus) to anus (Scorpio); they also rule sex and procreation, or the dance between Venus (Taurus) and Mars / Pluto (Scorpio); and they govern the Yin Parasympathetic nervous system, with Taurus representing its upper or Vagus branch and Scorpio its lower Sacral branch.  Leo and Aquarius form the Circulatory Axis, with Leo being the heart, and Aquarius the peripheral blood vessels; Leo – Aquarius also governs the Sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system, which impacts deeply upon the heart and circulation.

Constitutionally, the Fixed signs are associated with strong, robust constitutions and have the strongest inherent resiliency and resistance to disease.  The down side is that the eliminative and detoxifying functions are poor, and once disease gains a foothold in the organism, it tends to become chronic and entrenched.

The Mutable signs – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces – govern parts of the body that are in constant contact with the outer environment.  Gemini and Sagittarius form the Respiratory Axis, which governs the lungs and respiratory tract.  Virgo and Pisces form the Digestive / Immune Axis, which governs the digestive tract and its processing of the food we eat.

Constitutionally, the Mutable signs have a weak to variable inherent robustness and vitality.  The usual pattern is a constant procession of minor complaints that tend to come and go.  Allergies and environmental sensitivities are another problem, with respiratory allergies predominating with Gemini / Sagittarius and digestive allergies with Virgo / Pisces.

Since critical hard planetary aspects, which cleave to one or another of the three Modalities, are crucial factors to consider, sign modality plays a big part in Medical Astrology.  Also important are planetary oppositions lining up along one of the six Medical Axes: Renal, Generative, Respiratory, Nutritive – Structural, Circulatory and Digestive – Immune.

Of the three Fire signs, which are basically Choleric in temperament, the first two – Aries and Leo – are purely Choleric, since they’re ruled by Choleric planets: Mars and the Sun, respectively.  The third Fire sign, Sagittarius, has a Sanguine subtemperament, since it’s ruled by Sanguine Jupiter.  Being a Mutable sign, Sag feels a lot of fiery energy, but often lacks the necessary physical robustness and stamina to follow through; the result is a tendency towards cyclic ups and downs of mood and energy levels.

Being ruled by expansive Jupiter, the Sag appetite may exceed the digestive and metabolic capacity of the organism, putting a strain on the liver.

Of the three Earth signs, which are basically Melancholic in temperament, the last two, Virgo and Capricorn, are purely Melancholic, since they’re ruled by Melancholic planets: Mercury and Saturn, respectively.  The first Earth sign, Taurus, has a combined Sanguine – Phlegmatic subtemperament, since its ruler is Venus and its exaltation is the Moon.  These planetary dignities, plus Taurus’ Fixed modality, give the sign a constitutional robustness and an anabolic sturdiness and fecundity that isn’t found in the other two Earth signs.  Psychologically, the Sanguine Venusian rulership makes Taurus more pleasant, charming and good natured than the other purely Melancholic Earth signs.

Of the three Air signs – Gemini, Libra and Aquarius – only the middle Cardinal sign of Libra is purely Sanguine in temperament, since it has Venus as its ruler.  The other two, Gemini and Aquarius, both have Nervous or Melancholic subtemperaments, since Gemini is ruled by Mercury and Aquarius by Saturn and Uranus.

With Gemini, the Mutable modality gives the sign a tendency towards nervous exhaustion and burnout from thinking too much.  Respiratory problems are another concern, since Mercury rules the lungs and respiratory tract.

With Aquarius, the Sanguine primary temperament plus the Fixed modality give the sign an affable exterior, but below the surface, nervous tensions accumulate, as portrayed by the tension between its classical and modern rulers – Saturn and Uranus.  Saturn is rigid and demanding, while Uranus wants to shake things up.  Aquarius’ involvement with the circulatory system comes from its opposition to Leo, which rules the heart.  Aquarius is also vulnerable to strokes and cerebrovascular accidents, involving sudden, unexpected (Uranus) blood clots and embolisms (Saturn).

Of the three Water signs, only the first one, Cancer, being of Cardinal modality, is purely Phlegmatic in temperament.  The other two Water signs, Scorpio and Pisces, are both of mixed temperament, and their respective subtemperaments differ considerably.

Scorpio is the least cold and wet of all the Water signs, since it is classically ruled by Mars, which is hot, dry and Choleric.  The Fire and Water principles that coexist in Scorpio are poised to either mutually annihilate or transform each other, and the sign is noted for either self destruction or self transformation.  The classical Mars rulership also gives Scorpio a vulnerability to infections, putrefactions or toxicity of the blood and lymph, which is accentuated by its Fixed modality.  Scorpio’s modern ruler, Pluto, as we have seen, embodies both the Fire and Water principles.  Scorpio rules the eliminative organs because, in order to transform and receive the new, you must first eliminate the old, toxic waste.

Pisces, with its modern ruler, Neptune, has a Phlegmatic primary temperament, and rules the lymphatic system, which embodies the cleansing, expulsive virtue of the Water element.  The classical Jupiter rulership and the exaltation of Venus give the sign a Sanguine subtemperament.  This Sanguine subtemperament, plus the Mutable modality of Pisces, give the sign an affable, easygoing and sensual nature that can overindulge in tasty food, junk food, or intoxicating drugs.  With Pisces, it’s either the temple or the tavern.  The Phlegmatic Neptunian fish of Pisces transcends the world and swims heavenward, whereas the other Sanguine fish swims downstream, towards the world and its pleasures.


In this article, I have given you a taste of Medical Astrology and its relationship to Greek Medicine, but even this is only the tip of the iceberg.

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