Article by Anil Kedia
We will see how various concepts can be easily used to get correct predictions with minimum efforts and calculations. In the first article, derivation of results of house lord in different houses was explained. Here we will see how to predict results of houses.
When Maitreya requested sage Parashar to explain different types of houses, he told 16 vargas. See BPHS [G. C. Sharma] chapter 7 verses 1 & 2:
This means vargas are different types of houses!!!
We have 16 types of Lagna or first house.
Similarly we have 16 types of second, third……..twelfth house.
He further clarified which houses are to be used and how. See BPHS chapter 8 verse 9

He has mentioned here two types of houses.
- Houses starting from rising and
- Houses from the place occupied by planets.
This means that we have to use rising cusps given by Placidus houses.
Second line of verse says that good/bad results of these houses can be known from Varg-Vimshopak.
He then gave another classification like Kendra,Trikon, Trik, Upchaya etc. and lastly he mentioned some important houses from Karakas. Clearly he is explaining types of houses and included vargas intentionally as types of houses.
While same house can be classified into different categories, it is still seen in D-1. For example 10H is Kendra and upachaya also. We do not make Kendra-chart and upachaya-chart even though they are different types of houses then why we need several Varga-Charts?
From the above, we conclude that Vargas are types of houses and hence they should be seen in Janma-Kundali (Bhav-Chalit). While BPHS mentioned that some vargas can be seen like D-1, the original intention of author is to see them in Janma-Kundali.
Vimshopakas of Bhav-Varga can provide non-failing clues to the results of house.
Some Prasha books like Bhuvan-Deepak by Shri Padma Prabhu Soori go to the extent that if Lagna / house is in benefic vargas, predict good ignoring all planets!
Meaning of SWAROODHAT:
After finding the vargas, we have to know which vargas are to be considered good/bad for analysis. He gave this verse for this in chapter 7:
When placed in Own house, Mool-Trikon and Exaltation, it is benefic. In addition, one should consider the placement in vargas of lords of kendra from the place where it is situated.
Here Swaroodhat simply means from the place of self. This means if a planet/house is in Makar we have to consider lords of 1, 4, 7 & 10 from Makar which are Shani, Mangal, Chandra and Shukra. So a varga lorded by these planets will be considered benefic.
A simple application of it is Vargottam Planet/house. We know that a planet is vargottam if it is in same sign in both D-1 and D-9. Even if it is debilited, it is called vargottam and it is considered good. This benefic result is because of fulfillment of above condition.
BUT do not forget next verse (53) which says Asta/defeated/debilited/weak/sleeping placements will destroy the generated Yogas. A modification of verse includes Dusthah (means in 6-8-12) also in bad placement.
Let us take an example: Chart 1

9th cusp (placidus) is at 15 Makar 22. D12 is in 4 Kark 48. It joins exactly with Mandi in D-1. Her father expired when she was just 9 month old.
7th cusp is 25 Vrishchik 46 D9 is in 21 Kumbha which is in 10th house with digbali Sun. She was married early despite Shani in 7H in D-1. Kumbha is in Kendra to 7th house.
We take another example: Chart 2
7th cusp is 26 Mesh 28. D9 is in 28 Vrishchik and joins Gulika. This person never married.
When malefic points join exactly with varg-longitude, that aspect is denied.
4th cusp is 28 Makar 34. D24 is in 26 Kanya. This is 12th house. Lord Budh is debilited in 6th house. Shani has 10th aspect. He is not educated. Here note that D24 is in 9th from 4th house but not in vargas specified by Parashara.

This method of using vargas in JanmaKundali has also been mentioned in Nadi granthas. Late C. S. Patel has given several examples in his book Navamsa in astrology. He writes on page 54:
Dhruva Nadi – Mesha Lagna – P-3. “If the Navamsa Rasi of Venus falls In Kendra in Rasi Chart, a kind of Raja-yoga is formed.”
He concludes:
“If more planets fall in Bhagyamsa, Karmamsa, Labhamsa, Lagnamsa or Sukhansa. the native leads a happy and prosperous life. Conversely if more planets occupy Shashthamsah, Nidhanamsa, Vyayamsa or Ashtamasa. The native confronts many difficulties in life.” Here Ashtamasa is from planet’s own placement while others are from Lagna. Here Amsha can refer to any varga.
Difference between Rising-Cusps and Relative-Houses:
Modern practice is to calculate vargas of Lagna and planets but vargas of houses are completely ignored. Importance given to Bhav-Vargas in BPHS is clearly shown above. We can find 12 houses starting from each of the 12 rising cusps and planets. When we
find houses from the above calculated Vargas (vargas of 12 cusps and planets), these houses are based on equal house. This is what we do with Lagna and Graha vargas. These houses are different from rising cusps.
Let us see the example in chart 1
House Start Cusp End Planets in it
1st 9 Vrish 01′ 40.52″ 25 Vrish 46′ 33.32″ 8 Mith 05′ 00.28″ Lg
2nd 8 Mith 05′ 00.28″ 20 Mith 23′ 27.25″ 2 Kark 52′ 44.95″ Ch
3rd 2 Kark 52′ 44.95″ 15 Kark 22′ 02.65″ 29 Kark 31′ 55.24″
4th 29 Kark 31′ 55.24″ 13 Simh 41′ 47.83″ 0 Kanya 14′ 12.58″
5th 0 Kanya 14′ 12.58″ 16 Kanya 46′ 37.34″ 4 Tula 31′ 42.53″ Ke
6th 4 Tula 31′ 42.53″ 22 Tula 16′ 47.72″ 9 Vrisch 01′ 40.52″ Pl
7th 9 Vrisch 01′ 40.52″ 25 Vrisch 46′ 33.32″ 8 Dhanu 05′ 00.28″ Sa, Ur
8th 8 Dhanu 05′ 00.28″ 20 Dhanu 23′ 27.25″ 2 Makar 52′ 44.95″ Ne
9th 2 Makar 52′ 44.95″ 15 Makar 22′ 02.65″ 29 Makar 31′ 55.24″ Sk
10th 29 Makar 31′ 55.24″ 13 Kumbh 41′ 47.83″ 0 Meen 14′ 12.58″ Sy, Bu
11th 0 Meen 14′ 12.58″ 16 Meen 46′ 37.34″ 4 Mesh 31′ 42.53″ Gu, Ra
12th 4 Mesh 31′ 42.53″ 22 Mesh 16′ 47.72″ 9 Vrish 01′ 40.52″ Ma
- Children of brother is seen in 5th from 3rd house (7th)
Here 3rd house is 15 Kark 22′ 02.65″2.
5th from this is 15 Vrishchik 22′ 02.65″
- Mother of Mother is seen from 4th to 4th house (7th)
Here 4th is 13 Simh 41′ 47.83″
4th from this is 13 Vrishchik 41′ 47.83″
(c) Spouse is seen in 7th house
Here 7th house is 25 Vrishchik 46′ 33.32″
We can see that All 3 are 7th house but have different longitudes.
Since they are 3 different persons, we must have 3 different places to do the analysis.
We may then proceed to find D7, D12 and D9 for detailed interpretation of a b & c respectively. When we find houses from Lagna, we see things with respect to the native. Finding houses from relevant cusp gives information from the perspective of that house.
General rule for house analysis applicable to all types of houses is:
A house gives good results if it is joined/aspected by its lord/benefics.
If Vimshopaka of varg is more than D1, situation improves with time.
All rules for house analysis and predictions are applicable in exactly same manner.
Importance of Shashtyamsha (D-60)
According to BPHS, any matter has to be seen in Janma-Kundali using
(a) Specific varga
(b) D-45 and
(c) D-60.
Out of all these, D-60 has maximum weightage often more than the combined weightage of remaining 2 vargas. No wonder that judgment of good/bad results can be done just by looking at D-60. This is given in this verse of chapter 8:

Here again we have to note one thing. Lord of D-60 is used not the deity. Deity is useful for remedial measures not for finding Vimshopak. He has used the words Kroora and Shubha which refers to planets not deities.
We have seen some rules for predicting the results of vargas. These rules give how certain matter will be manifesting in the life of a native but native may not enjoy an otherwise good house. A rich person may have several sweets but due to diabetes he may not enjoy them.
If the vargas are in Kendra & Trikona, native will enjoy results indicated by them even if they are very small. The extent of good/bad depends on Vimshopakas.
Ashtakavarga with Vargas:
Prashna-Marg provides result of contribution of planets to 7th house from Shukra in Shukra’s Ashtakavarga. Dr. Raman observes on page 158:
“In Venus Ashtakavarga, the bindus of Venus never fall in the 7th house from him. Hence the only construction possible is that the bindus referred to must be 7th house from the ascendant instead of Venus”.
However this is not correct. Prashna-Marga is using the above method. Take D9 of Shukra and from that find seventh house. Since AV is calculated on the basis of D1 placement, it is possible to get contribution of Shukra in 7th from D9 longitude of Shukra. Many such contradictions can be very easily solved if things are taken in proper perspective.
Transit on Vargas:
While one can use elaborate methods of transit analysis, we can follow this simple method:
- Arrange all varga longitudes in increasing order.
- Note the longitude of transit planets.
- See which Varga longitudes are under benefic/malefic transits.
- Predict good/bad events related to relevant vargas based on lordship and Karakatwa of planet/house.
- Conjuction of transit Bhavesh with house or karak of varga gives good results.
- If varga moon is transited in 12th, 1st or 2nd by shani, Saadhe-saati can be predicted for it. Similarly other rules can also be applied to varga longitudes in D1.
About Author: He has passed M.Tech. and DBM from Nagpur University and worked as faculty member in many institutes and presently perusing doctorate studies. He is learning jyotish since 1990. He has passed “Sanskrit Kovid” from Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Mumbai. He has also developed a free excel software for jyotish.