Uranus and Zodiacal Sign of Capital by Raghavendra Khare

Uranus and Zodiacal Sign of Capital by Raghavendra Khare

Article by Raghavendra Khare

We can also read the tendencies related with political affairs using the zodiacal sign of capital got by using my formula. The planet Uranus has much impact on political affairs. The planet Uranus has the significance of revolution, political agitation, sudden disruptive change and war for liberty.

We can also read the tendencies of splitting of country or state with the help of Uranus and zodiacal sign of capital, and if there is threat like so we can predict it.

Now I am trying to prove my findings from various examples. The prediction rules are as follows-

  1. The fourth house and its lord rule the land. The twelfth house stands for house of loose, the sixth house stands for dispute and the third house twelfth from fourth house and the lord of these houses have functional tendency to disintegrate. The Saturn and Rahu/Ketu have natural tendency to disintegrate.

So the transit position of fourth lord over these houses and the impact of separate planet on fourth house and at fourth lord may create such tendency of partition.

2. The Uranus a planet of political upheaval transits over these house namely third, sixth and twelfth house                       create such circumstances strongly. Its transit through 1st, 4th, and 8th house proves bad for country otherwise.

Let us see some examples-

  1. India divided on 14/15-8-1947. Observe the transit position of planets at sign Capricorn the zodiacal sign of capital New Delhi.
Uranus and Zodiacal Sign of Capital 1

a) The 6th transit of Uranus at sign Gemini from sign Capricorn the zodiacal sign of capital.

b) The 4th lord Mars in the 6th house within the aspect of 3rd cum 12th lord Jupiter.

2. Pakistan divided on 16/12/1971. The zodiacal sign of Islamabad (33N42 & 73E10) is Aries.

Uranus and Zodiacal Sign of Capital 2

a) The transit of Uranus is at 6th house at sign Virgo from sign Aries.

b) The 4th house influenced by malefic Rahu/Ketu and its lord in the 8th house with 3rd and 12th

3. Korea divided on 9/9/1948. The zodiacal sign of its capital Seoul (37N35 & 127E00) is Capricorn.

Uranus and Zodiacal Sign of Capital 3

a) The transit of Uranus from 6th house at sign Gemini is noteworthy from the zodiacal sign of capital of country.

b) The 4th house and its lord Mars influenced by malefic Rahu/Ketu having an aspect of Saturn from 8th The Saturn and Rahu/Ketu have natural tendency to disintegrate.

4. Sudan divided on 9/7/2011 at zero hours. The zodiacal sign of its Capital Khartoum (15N38 & 32E32) is Libra.

Uranus and Zodiacal Sign of Capital 4

a) The transit of Uranus is at 6th house at sign Pisces from the zodiacal sign of it.

b) The 4th lord Saturn in the 12th house a house of loses within the aspect of Ketu. The 12th lord Mercury having influence on 4th house by his aspect.

5. Germany divided in 1945. The zodiacal sign of capital Berlin (52N31 & 13E23) is Pisces. The Uranus was 3rd to it at sign Taurus.

6. Madhya Pradesh divided on 1/11/2000 and Uttar Pradesh on 9/11/2000. The zodiacal sign of the capital of both states is Scorpio. The transit of Uranus from 3rd house at sign Capricorn is noteworthy.

7. The Goa separated from Delhi rule on 30/5/1987 and established as a separate state. The Uranus was at sign Sagittarius the 12th from Delhi. The 4th lord Mars from sign Capricorn in the 6th house at sign Gemini.

8. Vieytnam divided in 1954. The zodiacal sign of Hanoi (21N02 & 105E51) is Aquarius and the transit of Uranus was at sign Cancer from July 1954 the 6th place from zodiacal sign of capital.

9. Italy divided in 1943. The zodiacal sign of Rome (41N54 & 12E29) is sign Sagittarius and the transit Uranus was at sign Taurus the 6th place from sign Sagittarius.

10. Yugoslavia divided during Second World War in 1941. The zodiacal sign of Belgrade (44N49 & 20E28) is Scorpio and the transit Uranus was at sign Aries the 6th place from the zodiacal sign of Yugoslavia.

11. Ossetia is divided in 1922. The zodiacal sign of Tskhinvali (42N14 & 43E58) is Pisces and the transit Uranus was at sign Aquarius the 12th place from it.

12. Netherland-Antilles divided on 10/10/2010. The zodiacal sign of capital Willemstad (12N07 & 68W56) is sign Aries and the transit Uranus was at sign Pisces the 12th place from Willemstad.

13. United Arab States disestablished on 26/12/1961. The joint capital Cairo (30N02 & 31E13) is ruled by sign Pisces and the transit Uranus was at sign Leo the 6th place from it.

  • The 1st, 4th and 8th transit of it also put some bad effect on any country as it is a planet of malefic nature. Please observe.
  1. The USSR disestablished on 26/12/1991. The zodiacal sign of Moscow (55N45 & 37E34) is Virgo and the transit Uranus was at sign Sagittarius the 4th place from it.
  2. USA divided in 1860. The zodiacal sign of Washington DC (38N57 & 77W02) is Aquarius and the transit Uranus was at sign Taurus the 4th place from it.
  3. The northern Cyprus proclaimed separate from Cyprus on 15/11/1983. The zodiacal sign of capital Nicosia (34N08 & 33E28) of Cyprus is Aries and the transit Uranus was at sign Scorpio the 8th place from it.
  4. West Indies Federation dissolved on 31/5/ 1962. The joint capital of them the Trinidad (10N41 & 61W38) is ruled by sign Capricorn and the transit Uranus was at sign Leo the 8th place from it.
  5. India was forced to fight with Paksitan in 1965 and with China in 1962 and Kargil in 1999 was during the transit of Uranus from Leo and Capricorn the 1st and 8th place from zodiacal sign of New Delhi.

14. Telangana– Though it is not fully separate from Andhra Pradesh as both have their joint capital Hyderabad. Hence Uranus provided support from its Navamsa sign Scorpio that is 3rd from sign Virgo the zodiacal sign of Hyderabad. The zodiacal sign of Hyderabad (17.99N & 79.59E) is Virgo.

  1. Approved Telangana draft bill on December 5, 2013.; The longitude of Uranus was 11-14/35, Pisces sign and Scorpio Sign Scorpio is 3rd from Hyderabad.
  2. Cabinet approved the Telangana bill on February 7, 2014 and the longitude of Uranus was 11-15/38, Pisces sign and Scorpio Sign Scorpio is 3rd from Hyderabad.
  3. Telangana bill was passed by voice in Lok Sabha on February 18, 2014 and the longitude of Uranus was 11-16/06, Pisces sign Scorpio Sign Scorpio is 3rd from Hyderabad.
  4. The bill received the assent of the president and published in the gazette on 1 March 2014. The longitude of Uranus was 11-16/38, Pisces sign Scorpio Sign Scorpio is 3rd from Hyderabad.

!!Zodiacal sign of country and their revolution period!!

Now-a-days there is war for independence from military rule in some countries. The planet Uranus has the significance of revolution, political agitation, sudden and disruptive change and war for liberty. It is a planet of liberty. The 1st and 5th house stands for humane mind, in the countries horoscope mind of peoples. Whenever Uranus transit these house from country sign peoples mind turns to liberty. Transit from 7th and 11th house also can create such result as it aspect 1st and 5th respectively from these houses. Transit from other house also can create such result if the associated planet aspect the 1st house as its effect will reach to the 1st house with the help of associated planet. The 9th house also can create such result as it is trine to 1st and 5th house.

The planet Saturn is also a supporter planet of democracy so the transit of it over 1st, 5th, 7th, 11th place from zodiac sign of capital can create hunger of libration in the peoples mind.

For the use of political purpose calculate the zodiacal sign for capital using formula and extend it up to the last limit of star but within the same zodiac sign. Some star covers next sign too than extend star longitude of place up to last limit of sign.

Let us see some revolutions

  • India`s revolution of 1857/58/59. The India`s zodiac sign is Capricorn and the Uranus was transiting over Taurus in these year the 5th house of India.
  • Up to July 1947 Uranus was at sign Taurus and the some previous year from 1947 was created decisive revolution in India. Here again Uranus was transiting 5th from India`s zodiac sign.
  • Russia has created revolution in the about 1917. The Uranus was at Capricorn the 5th house from zodiac sign of Moscow.

Moscow (Russia)       55N45 & 37E34                   5-13/39

The Virgo sign & Hasta star

  • China`s revolution take place in the 1932/33. The Uranus was at sign Pisces in these years the 11th house from Beijing`s zodiac sign aspecting the 5th

Beijing (China)     39N55&116E25                            1-01/30

  • Cuba`s revolution take place in the year 1956/57/58. The Uranus was transiting over sign Cancer the 9th place from Havana`s zodiac sign and the Saturn was at sign Scorpio over Havana`s zodiac sign.

Havana (Cuba)             33N08 & 82W22                          7-19/30

  • Egypt has got freedom from tyrannical ruler recently. The zodiac sign of Cairo the capital of Egypt is Pisces. The revolution has take place in February 2011. See the transit of planets on the date of fleeing away of its ruler.

Cairo (Egypt)                  30N08 & 31E34               11-19/12 Transit on 11/02/2011

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