A Less Known Technique of Prediction by R. Santhanam

A Less Known Technique of Prediction by R. Santhanam

Typed and Reviewed by: Pamela Jablonski USA

(Taken From Astrological Magazine Of Raman Saheb, July 1982 Issue)

In the December 1977 issue of THE ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE, I had discussed an old technique of prediction from Jyotisha Pragnana Dipika, a Tamil classic, detailing the method of classifying various natal charts in the following four groups:

  1. Sukla Paksha Savya
  2. Sukla Paksha Apasavya
  3. Sukla Paksha Savyapasavya
  4. Sukla Paksha Apasavyasavya
  5. Krishna Paksha Savya
  6. Krishna Paksha Apasavya
  7. Krishna Paksha Savyapasavya
  8. Krishna Paksha Apasavyasavya

Though these are divided in eight kinds, these are actually only four as given below:

  1. What is Krishna Paksha Savya is also Sukla Paksha Apasavya.
  2. What is Krishna Paksha Apasavya is also Sukla Paksha Savya.
  3. What is Krishna Paksha Savyapasavya is also Sukla Paksha Apasavyasavya.
  4. What is Krishna Paksha Apasavyasavya is also Sukla Paksha Savyapasavya.

For charting, please refer to the said article.

 Jyotisha Pragnana Dipika continues to mention that each Bhava should be made into 12 zones, each of 2˚ 30’, and the Bhava Karakatwas (Bhava indicators), are as discussed below depending upon the zone.  The reader is first referred to my article in question so that he understands the utility of the zones more effectively. 

Under this scheme, the Bhavas from first onwards are sub-headed as:

First Bhava:  1. Complexion  2. Physique  3.Head   4. Identity marks on the person   5. Thinking   6. Grief  7. Fame  8. Devotion to Gods   9. Auspiciousness  10. Happiness  11. Age (longevity) 12. Next birth.

Second Bhava:  1. Family 2. Wealth 3. Eyes 4. Education 5.  Landed property 6. Truthfulness 7. Acquaintance with Sastras 8. Alertness 9. Notion 10. Possession of gold and the like  11. The nine kinds of precious  stones 12. Yogas.

Third Bhava:  1.Sensual pleasure 2. Servants  3. Singing  4. Courage  5. Afterborns   6.  Diseases of the ears   7.  Jewels of the ears  8. Dining entitlements 9. Devotion to God   10. Success 11. Longevity 12. Incurring debts.

Fourth Bhava:  1. Mother 2. Education 3. Conveyances 4. Auspicious happenings 5. Business 6. Residence 7. Success 8. Comforts 9. Spending 10.  Addicted to other men or women as the case may be.  11. Milk yielding cattle 12 Temples (i.e. religious achievements).

Fifth Bhava:  1. Maternal grandfather 2. Maternal uncle  3. Poorva Punya (good deeds of the past birth)  4. Literature  5. Issues  6. Pregnancy (for women) progeny ( for men) 7.  Mantras 8.  Sense of judgment 9. Wisdom  10 Co-born  11. Future birth 12. Yogabhyasa.

Sixth Bhava:  1. Disease 2.Evils 3. Wounds by weapons 4. Enemies 5. Drowning by water 6. Enmity with cousins 7. Physical incapability and death inflicting pains 8. Debts 9. Thefts 19. Venereal diseases  11 Poison 12. Imprisonment.

Seventh Bhava:  1  Band of relatives 2. Capability to achieve progeny 3. Spouse 4. Marriage or such auspicious undertakings 5. Litigations 6. Children through second wife 7. Recognition by Government 8. Commanding others even without an assignment.  9 Business 10 Subsequent wives 11 Death 12. Enmity with sons.

Eighth Bhava:  1. Death in Warfield 2 Evils caused by society 3.  Fall from height 4. Long-lasting diseases 5. Obstacles in undertakings 6. Troubling debts. 7 Expenditure on bad acts 8. Death and causing death (viz.) murder, awarding punishment of hanging, etc., (depending on the horoscope)  9. Enmity 10. Poison 11. Entry into Jail 12. Defeat.

Ninth Bhava:  1. Father 2. Paternal inheritance 3. Religion 4. Bhagya or luck  5. Construction and promotion of choultries and the like 6. School (i.e. educational institutions)  7. Divine acts  8. Teaching 9. Ashta Siddhi (like Anima, Mahima etc.) 10. Construction of tanks, etc. 11 Path of God   12 Residing in forests, hills, etc.

Tenth Bhava:  1. Many beneficial acts  2. Livelihood by virtuous means. 3. Lands and agriculture  4. Kindness  5. Worship  6. Residential plot and living home  7. Devotion to Gods 8. Courage  9. Fame  10. Abdominal disorder (for females, abortion or miscarriage).  11. Clothes and ornaments  12. Wandering.

Eleventh Bhava: 1. Elder brother or sister 2. Evils and goods to them 3. Enjoyment with many wives 4. Educational abundance 5. Abundant landed property 6. Conveyances 7. Relief from distress 8. Clothes and ornaments  9. Livelihood through dance, drama and singing  10.Wisdom 11.Writing on orders of king  12.Journey by sea.

Twelfth Bhava:  1. Going around the world  2. Service in other country 3. Spending 4. All kinds of carnal and mundane pleasures 5. Sleeping 6. Litigation and legal punishments 7. Pleasures and luxuries 8. Profession by Mantras etc. 9. Business through ships 10. To ripen the fruits of karma 11. To give away the credit of one’s good deeds (Punya Dana), 12. Yagnas and Yagas.

Now, the counting of these zones depends on whether it is Savya, Apasavya, etc.  In the case of Savya chart, the counting is straight.  That is, 1, 2, 3, etc. as enumerated above.  For Apasavya, the counting is reverse, i.e. 12, 11, 10, 9, etc. That is the first 2˚ 30’ is the 12th zone, the second 2˚ 30’  is the 11th zone, etc.  For Savyapasavya the first zone will be the one at S. No. 3, the second is the one at S.No. 4 and the 12th will be the one at S. No. 2. For Apasavyasavya, it starts from the zone noted at S. No. 11, followed by the ones at S. No. 12, 1, 2, 3, etc.  The serial numbers of the 12 zones in each Bhava has already been noted.  The reader can make suitable countings.  The counting holds good for both Krishna and Sukla Pakshas once Savya, Apasavya, Savyapasavya and Apasavyasavya are decided as given by me in my article of December 1977.

For the sake of proper understanding, we can arrange the twelve zones in first Bhava for the four different kinds of charts as under:

Savya chart-First Bhava-as already given under the heading ‘First Bhava’.

Apasavya chart – First Bhava: 1. Next birth Age (longevity)  3. Happiness 4. Auspiciousness 5. Devotion to Gods 6. Fame 7. Grief 8. Thinking 9. Identity marks on person 10. Head 11. Physique 12. Complexion.

Savyapasavya chart- First Bhava: 1. Head 2. Identity marks on the person 3. Thinking 4. Grief 5. Fame 6. Devotion to Gods 7. Auspiciousness 8. Happiness 9. Age (longevity) 10. Next birth 11. Complexion 12. Physique.

Apasavyasavya chart: First Bhava; 1. Age (longevity) 2. Next birth 3. Complexion 4. Physique 5. Head 6. Identity marks on the person 7. Thinking 8. Grief 9. Fame 10. Devotion to Gods 11. Auspiciousness 12 Happiness.

In the same way, these can be arranged in proper order for Apasavya, Savyapasavya and Apasavyasavya charts for the rest of the Bhavas while the ones already given hold good for Savya chart for the 12 Bhavas.

Each zone will reveal results depending on its connections with planets by occupation or by 180 degree aspect.   

I give below the horoscope of our Editor, Dr. B.V. Raman, which I discussed in the issue of December 1977.  Date of birth August 8, 1912 at 0743 hours IST at Bangalore (see chart on next page).

The Ayanamsa used is 22˚38’13” (Chaitra Paksha).  This is Krishna Paksha Savyapasavya chart and the counting of zones stars from S.No. 3 for each Bhava and ends with the one at S. No. 2 as the twelfth zone. The Bhavas are indicated in brackets in the horoscope itself.

Chart 15

Take the 4th Bhava which falls in Scorpio according to our calculations.  It is occupied by Jupiter.  He is exactly on the zone of ‘success’ for this Apasavyasavya chart.  Hence Jupiter gave him success in astrology,  success in the matter of issues in general, success in the matter of wealth, etc., all ruled by Jupiter.  Taking Leo as the 5th Bhava,  Jupiter rules the 5th Bhava (see as marked in Sagittarius) and the 11th Bhava (see as marked in Pisces).  The success achieved by the native relates to the 5th, 11th and Jupiter’s Karakatwas.  Lord of the 5th Jupiter is shunted to the 4th (which is the 12th from the 5th) and hence, the native lost his brilliant son Surya Prakash.  Also note the direct opposition to Jupiter in the 4th Bhava from Saturn in the 9th Bhava.  The opposition is almost exact and very effective.  The 9th is also to be considered for children.  Further, whenever Rahu is connected with one’s education (and educating others) adversely, he is the most insurmountable menace.  However, if he is well disposed, the native propagates religious studies not only in his native country, but also in foreign countries, apart from achieving a high degree of ‘education’ for himself.  This has become 100% true in the case of Dr. B.V. Raman.  Note Rahu in the 11th on the zone of ‘educational abundance’ and thus he made the native spread the cause of astrology not only in India, but also in many parts of the world under the Sun.  Co –incidentally, Ketu is also on the zone of education in the 2nd Bhava and it is beyond argument that this is an effective connection lent by Ketu to the Editor’s astrological fame.  Ketu is again in the house of money, I can guess that the Editor has immoveable property, sufficient wealth, etc.  Thus these two planets, i.e., Rahu and Ketu, by their position as above made the native a shining star on the horizon of Jyotisha. 

Finally, the longevity aspect of the native can also be well discussed by my theories, but I refrain from doing so as I do not believe in ‘carrying coal to the New Castle’.

In the second stage, we discuss the cause of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of Bangladesh, who was assassinated on 15th August of 1975.  His birth data are:  born 26-3-1920 in Tamangipura, Faridpur, at 10:16 IST (or 10:38 IST)?  Sri B.D.  Walia in his article in June 1976 disputes the data given by the learned Mr. Y. Keshava Menon in his January 1975 article.  We are not concerned in this article with the arguments of Mr. Walia as our analysis does not centre on any serious aspects of natal astrology and the ascendant is sufficiently at the centre of Scorpio).

See the chart below which is Sukla Paksha’s Savyapasavya with the Bhavas noted in brackets.

In this chart, the counting of zones starts from the one at S. No. 3 for all the 12 Bhavas.  One can immediately notice that the zone of death in the 8th Bhava falls between 12˚ 30’-15˚ in Virgo, Transit Pluto was in 13˚ 52’ in Virgo on the fateful day. Pluto is a planet which causes sudden and violent death.  This point of Pluto’s transit on the said zone causing the event encourages research on Pluto in sidereal astrology.  Four planets were in retrogression at birth apart from the two extra-saturnine ones.  The 7th Bhava has also a death zone in 17˚ 30’ – 20˚ area.  This area is closely under the influence of Mars, though Mars is not exactly in this zone.  Mars indicates death by bullet.  Such influences of planets on the nearest zone (on either side) will have to be researched.

Following is the Sukla Paksha Apasavyasavya chart of Nathuram Vinayak Godse who assassinated Mahatma Gandhi.  Godse’s data are:  Born 19-5-1910 at 8:29 a.m. IST, 73˚E 25’, 18 N31.  The longitudes of the planets in the natal as per Chaitra Paksha Ayanamsa are:  Sun 35˚54’  Moon 159˚56’,  Mars 77˚29’,  Mercury 44˚52’, Jupiter 161˚57’,  Venus 352˚55’, Saturn 7˚17’, Rahu 36˚30’, and Ketu 216˚30’.  (This chart as well as that of Dr. Raman from Notable Horoscopes of the Editor is slightly modified for Ayanamsa).  See the planets of Godse along with Bhava indications charted below:

Chart 17

This being an Apasavyasavya chart, the counting of zones starts from the one at S. No. 11 and ends with the one at SNo.10 through S.No. 12, 1, 2, 3, etc. Note Mars in the 12th on the 8th zone between 17˚30’ and 20˚ which is called ‘litigation and legal punishments’.  That the native was hanged to death is corroborated by this position.  Rahu in transit at the time of Gandhi’s assassination was at the end of Aries.  The opposite house Libra has the zone of ‘murder’ at 22˚30’ to 25˚ in Godse’s chart.  The nodal ‘influence’ on the zone evidently triggered the incident.  Rahu is in the 6th in radix on the third zone,, closely influencing ‘imprisonment’  which of course is the 2nd zone.  Deep researches have to be conducted on such various influences passed on to the nearest zone.  Particularly Rahu’s motion being retrograde, he enters the 2nd zone from the 3rd zone.  At birth he was ‘declining’ towards the 2nd zone.  For want of space, I am not in a position to discuss Gandhiji’s chart.

Though I have not concluded any appreciable research on this school of thought, I can safely suggest that these are very valuable clues made available to us by our forefathers.  Like any other astrological aphorism, these too can be applied in consideration of other influences thrown by various forces in the radix.  Nor rule-of –thumb application should be make and here food for thought for all of us.

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One comment

  1. Jean Kirazian

    Good evening.
    I really am fascinated by this method. And I am doing really good research about it, but is it possible that Dr. Ramans Jupiter’s Calculation may not be the 7th? because it is 12.59 Degree, and that makes it the 6th zone?
    or did I understand it wrongly?

    Thank you so much,
    Jean Kirazian.

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