R. Santhanam

Astrology-An Aid to Birth Control by R. Santhanam

Astrology-An Aid to Birth Control by R. Santhanam

SA Volunteer: Pearl Finn (Taken From Astrological Magazine of Raman Saheb, April 1977 Issue) Astrology – An Aid to Birth Control SANTHANAM “FAMILY PLANNING  in our country is an essential part of our whole strategy of enlarging welfare.  Greater welfare is in fact the only reason for family planning. And …

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A Less Known Technique of Prediction by R. Santhanam

A Less Known Technique of Prediction by R. Santhanam

Typed and Reviewed by: Pamela Jablonski USA (Taken From Astrological Magazine Of Raman Saheb, July 1982 Issue) In the December 1977 issue of THE ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE, I had discussed an old technique of prediction from Jyotisha Pragnana Dipika, a Tamil classic, detailing the method of classifying various natal charts in …

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