Adhi Yogas from Jaimini Perspective by Iranganti Rangacharya

Adhi Yogas from Jaimini Perspective by Iranganti Rangacharya

Typed & Proof Read By Mrs. Shakuntala, India

ADHI YOGA can be formed in two ways. One is from the Moon and the other from the Ascendant though in fact the results are not different. The occupation of benefics in the 6th, 7th and 8th houses reckoned from the Moon constitutes Chandradhi Yoga. If it is from the Ascendant, it is called Lagnadhi Yoga.

The involvement of all the three houses is understood by the compound (samasa) “dyuna shatrandhra” used in Phaladeepika and “smaraari nidhana” used in Jataka Parijata. Parasara speaks any of the three houses, 6th, 7th or the 8th as forming the Yoga.

Mandavya also is of the same view (Amitram yaamitram nidhanamadhavaseetha ruchita). In case of Chandradhi Yoga, the benefics are Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. But in case of Lagnadhi Yoga, Vaidyanatha has put the condition that the 4th house from the Ascendant should not be occupied by malefic planets.

In Brihat Parasara Hora too, the involvement of the 7th and 8th houses with the 4th unoccupied by the malefics, is required for the formation of Lagnadhi Yoga. So it is obvious that the occupation of all the three houses by the benefics is not a must for the formation of this Yoga.

In fact, the interpretation that the benefics should occupy all the three houses to generate the Yoga is questionable.

Nevertheless, what is the rationale behind the condition that the 4th house from the Ascendant should be unoccupied by the planets? The Jaimini aphorism says “Leya chandrayordaasalabha jiteshusubheshu uchhe va rajadhiyoge” (Chapter 3, Pada 4) which means that benefics or exalted planets in the 6th, 7th and 8th from the Ascendant or from the Moon constitute the Rajadhi Yoga. Now make use of Jaimini parameters to elicit why the 4th house should be left unoccupied by malefics.

Let us take the case of a cardinal sign as the Ascendant such as Aries. The 6th (Virgo), 7th (Libra) and 8th (Scorpio) are occupied by benefics, namely, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus to produce the Lagnadhi Yoga. The benefic in 8th (Scorpio) aspects the Ascendant Aries. If Cancer, the 4th from the Ascendant, is occupied by any of the malefics (Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Sun), the Raja Yoga is spoiled because of the malefics in a Trikona from the aspecting planet in Scorpio. So the condition that the 4th house should not be occupied by malefic is justified. Similar is the case with the other three cardinal signs as Ascendants.

Let us take the fixed signs as Ascendant. For example, in the case of Taurus as Ascendant, the 6th (Libra), 7th (Scorpio) and the 8th (Sagittarius) are occupied by benefics. The benefics in the 6th (Libra) become the aspecting planets. If the 4th house Leo is occupied by any of the malefics, the Argala Raja Yoga gets spoiled because of benefic in the 3rd and malefics in the 11th of the aspecting benefic in the 6th (Libra) from the Ascendant (Taurus).

In the case of the dual or common-sign Ascendants, the interpretation that all the three houses should be occupied by benefics is not tenable irrespective of whether the 4th from the Ascendant is occupied by malefics or not. For example, if Gemini is the Ascendant, if all the three houses, namely, the 6th, 7th and 8th are occupied by the three benefics, the benefic in the 7th (Sagittarius) aspects the Ascendant Gemini by both Jaimini and Parasari principles. Then from the aspecting planet in the 7th (Sagittarius) the benefic planet in the 2nd (Maraka) Argala and the 12th (Scorpio) Virodhargala would invalidate the Lagnadhi Yoga.

1. Any two houses of the three would do for the formation of Lagnadhi Yoga.
2. According to Jaimini, Adhi Yoga can be formed not only by benefics, but also by malefics if exalted in the said places.
3. If any of the three benefics in the 6th, 7th or 8th aspect the Ascendant, the Lagnadhi Yoga could be more effective provided the planets in the Argala signs are present and unobstructed by the planets in Virodhargala signs.

Note: The Argala signs are the 2nd, 4th and 11th and the Virodhargala signs are respectively the 12th, 10th and the 3rd from the planet aspecting the Ascendant. The 5th is the Argala sign and the 9th is the Virodhargala sign or vice versa of the aspecting planet. Only a benefic or a malefic planet, if exalted in the said Trikona can cause Subhargala Yoga.

Adhi Yoga is much less effective if malefics conjoin the benefics. The malefics are Rahu, Saturn, Mars and the Sun in the descending order of maleficence. If both the Adhi Yogas are present or if the Moon and the Ascendant are one in the formation of Adhi Yoga, the results could be certain and effective. The interpretation that sure involvement of all the three houses for the Chandradhi Yoga is not incorrect as conjectured by Bhattothpala. Only the chances for it are rare for the following reason. The closer the Moon is moving towards the Sun the rarer is the chance of Mercury being in the 6th, 7th or 8th from the Moon. And there could be seven sorts of Adhi Yoga (Sapthadha poorvaihi).
Adhi Yogas can be classified as follows:

i. Three benefics (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter) in one house – the 6th, 7th or 8th from Ascendant.
ii. Three benefics in any two houses from the Ascendant.
iii. Two benefics in any one house from the Ascendant.
iv. Three benefics in all the three houses reckoned from the Moon.
v. Three benefics in any two houses from the Moon.
vi. Two benefics in any two houses from the Ascendant or the Moon.
vii. One benefic in any on house from the Ascendant or the Moon.

The Adhi Yogas could be more effective and superior if three benefics are involved, medium with two benefics and ordinary with one benefic. The results of Adhi Yoga are, the native may be a i) minister, ii) IPS or IAS, iii) doctor, iv) pontiff, v) engineer, vi) banker, vii) fabulously rich, viii) author, ix) musician, x) astrologer, xi) artist, and/or xii) long life and good health.

These results from (i) to (v) can be judged from the Lagnadhi Yoga while the remaining can be judged mostly from Chandradhi Yoga. One could have long life and good health if a well placed singe benefic is in any of the three houses from the Ascendant or the Moon. Generally those born in Lagnadhi Yoga are domineering and dictatorial in their duties or occupations assigned to them. They become very popular in their own fields provided the Adhi Yogas are unblemished by the malefic association.

Chart 1: Sardar Vallabhai Patel: Born October 10, 1875.


CIn Chart 1, three benefics Mercury, Jupiter and Venus occupy the 7th from the Ascendant Aries constituting Lagnadhi Yoga. Sardar was the deputy prime minister of India and the most powerful home minister the country ever had.

Chart 2: Dr. B.V. Raman: Born August 8, 1912.

The 7th house from the Ascendant is occupied by two benefics Mercury and Venus associated with malefic Mars in Chart 2. Though Lagnadhi Yoga is less effective due to Mars, Chandradhi Yoga is present caused by Jupiter in the 7th from the Moon. Dr. Raman was the doyen of astrology and the author of many books on astrology.

Chart 3: Adolf Hitler


In Chart 3, Libra is the Ascendant and the 7th is occupied by exalted Sun, Mercury and Venus. Since the Sun is exalted, Lagnadhi Yoga is said to be formed by the three benefics being in the 7th from the Ascendant. But the effect is partly spoiled by the malefic Mars there.

Chart 4: Ms. Jayalalitha: Born February 24, 1948.


Mercury in the 7th and exalted Venus in the 8th from the Moon in Chart 4 made the native a popular film actress. The well-placed Jupiter in the 7th from the Ascendant aspects it with exalted Venus in the 4th Argala from the aspecting Jupiter. An effective Lagnadhi Yoga together with the Chandradhi Yoga made her a chief minister.

Chart 5: Bill Gates: Born October 28, 1953.


In Chart 5, all the three benefics are involved in all the three houses reckoned from the Moon in the formation of the Chandradhi Yoga. Mercury though conjunct Mars is exalted. The Sun is debilitated and Saturn is exalted. Bill Gates is the richest person in the USA.

 Chart 6: A Male: Born September 17, 1958 at 19h 01m.


In Chart 6, Venus and Mercury in the 6th and Jupiter in the 8th from the Ascendant Pisces produce Lagnadhi Yoga. None of the three benefics aspect the Ascendant.

Chart 7: Pope John Paul: Born May 16, 1920 at 17h 30m ZST.


Mercury and Venus in the 7th and the exalted Moon in the 8th (though conjunct with the Sun) from the Ascendant constitute Lagnadhi Yoga in Pope John Paul’s case (Chart 7). The Moon aspects the Ascendant and the 4th Argala is occupied by Saturn.

Chart 8: Software Engineer: Born December 5, 1967 at 13h 20m.


Chart 8 belongs to a software engineer in USA. Jupiter in the 6th and Venus in the 8th from the Ascendant produce Lagnadhi Yoga. Jupiter in the 8th from the Moon gives rise to Chandradhi Yoga.

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