Bhopal Tragedy: 23 December 1984

Bhopal Tragedy: 23 December 1984 by B.K. Chauhan

Article by B. K. Chauhan

It was dark cruel, destructive midnight 25 years ago of 02/12/1984, that struck north-east aria of Bhopal city in Madhya Pradesh, India. Winter night is generally sweeter for sleep but it turned into bitter nightmare within no time when the pressure increased in the tank No.610,which contained poisonous 63 tons liquid form gas called Methyl Isosynate leaked into the atmosphere. Union Carbide India Ltd. was the company planted by U S A. The area called Udia-Basti where thousands of labourers were sleeping in their houses, The clouds of MI gas entered the lungs of poor sleeping people and they slept forever to welcome no sun yet to rise.

It is said that the accident was foretold by Bhopal’s weekly paper’s editor Mr. Keshvani with great accurate information about the loop-holes in security majors of the company and this was said to be neglected by the authorities.

This also can be predicted by good astrologer in advance if the plantation date and time of the company is available. Forecast of any town/city is based on it’s chart casted by competent astrologer. There are various rules for it but Sepharial, in his theory of Geodetic Equivalent ,took degree of Aries as the MC (Medium Coeli ) of Greenwich and arrived at the MC degree of each locality on the globe by adding to zero degree Aries the amount of degrees of Longitude of a place west of it. Bhopal’s Longitude is 77°23’ East. It comes to Gemini 17º23’ as Medium Coeli (MC) of Bhopal city. From MC, we can calculate the Ascendant and other cusps which are permanent for the city. Here ascendant comes Virgo 17º25’20’’ for Bhopal .Other cusps are very important for future predictions inserting the planetary position of the event day.

I have applied Navamasa (ASC.x9), Prati-Navamsa (ASC.x81), 4th Cusp(Land/Mass)x9,Eclipses,Ingres Chart, all with Nirayan positions therein.

Keeping cuspal position in mind,7th lord Jupiter is Markesh as well Badhkesh (7th Lord). Badhkesh plays very important role for negative result. On 2/3-12-1984,transit Jupiter in Sagittarius 21º17’ is very close to 4th cusp (showing city’s Griha, Public etc) of the Geodetic chart. The Jupiter is close to transit Venus (2nd lord, Marak) with declination identical to Jupiter’s.

Bhopal Tragedy 23 December 1984 1
Bhopal Tragedy 23 December 1984 2
Bhopal Tragedy 23 December 1984 3

(1) Ascendant lord of natal chart Mercury in 3rd house being the 12th, house of misfortune of the Homeland 4th in cuspal chart in Sagittarius 06°48´ in conjunction with transit Neptune Sagittarius 06º45’ is with same declination. Neptune in conjunction with Mercury increases the sensitiveness and docility but decreases the good effects. Neptune is the 7th lord attains Marakatwa owning Pisces. This conjunction is deegrically opposed by Navamsa( ASC.x9 ) of the chart of the city in Gemini 06º48’.Anarchism and unrest and chaotic condition is the result of this conjunction.

(2) Mars is dire malefic for Bhopal’s Virgo Ascendant. This Mars in 4th (public ) in Capricorn 19º12’,squaring Mrityu Saham Libra 19º24’,in 2nd the other marak house which seems very vital blow to the town. See the solstice point of the Arabian Part of Peril ( ASC + 8th Lord – Saturn ) Saggi.8°39´, falling on ASC Lord Mercury Saggi.6°45´ also opposing Navamsa Gemini 6°48´.

(3)Mars in Capricorn 19º12’ very close to 5th cusp aspecting Mandi falling on 11th cusp, which is 8th, Marak for 4th (Griha, Public) being in Cancer 17º31’. Mars, the planet of Blood-Shed and Bhoomi-Karak(Marak for Bhopal) conjoined Uranus Scorpio 19°58´ in the 3rd, playing role of destruction when ASC + Mars – Sun comes to Sagi.18°59´, falling on Sun( the 12th Lord ) itself.

(4) Union Carbide India Ltd. has 3 as Numerical value ruled by Jupiter Which is 7th lord ,Marak for the city. It is interesting to note that ….Yu Letter covers Scorpio 26º40’ to 30º00’,as per wvodgbk Chakra, transit Libra Saturn (gas) 27º58’ falls in the 12th to the Company’s moon sign and posited in the 2nd the Marak house aspecting 4th house by it’s 3rd , more dangerously casting an evil eye on Venus (Marak) in Saggi.28°50´.

(5) For Bhopal Sun is 12th lord .It is in Scorpio 17º08’ in 3rd house in conjunction with Scorpio Uranus 19º58’-these both planets form Square aspect with then rising sign Leo 17º58’ at the time of the event.

(6) Very important is rising sign on 03/12/1984 at 00-13 hours is Leo 17º59’ which is 12th house to Geodetic chart of Bhopal and also it falls on 12th cusp degreecally. It means every city/town is affected badly if 12th sign is rising if other factors are also adverse as in this case.

(7) Significator of the common people and environmental conditions, Moon was in the 6th Pisces 13°45´, trine to Sun Scorpio 17°08´, the 12th Lord. A trine is not only a benefic 3rd harmonic aspect but is also 3×40°, the 9th harmonic of Plutonian ending as observed by Diana K. Rosanberg, talking about the great Lisbon earthquake (Article titled “ Stalking the wild earthquake ”).

(8) ECLIPSES: Prior to the event (on 2nd/3rd December, 1984), solar eclipse took place on 30th May,1984 at Taurus 15°08´, the earthy sign fell on Geodetic chart’s 9th (Bhagya) on Taurus 16°17´, eventually Ketu struck the 3rd house (12th to the 4th, the Mass/Griha) degreecally. Later,eclipse degree formed square, both with rising sign Leo 17°58´37”, as well as the 12th cusp of Geodetic chart degreecally on the day of the event. 187 days passed between the event and the eclipse, the Sun’s diametrical opposite transit counting from Eclipse on 30th May, 1984.

Very close to the event total Solar Eclipse on 23rd November, 1984 took place on Capricorn(4th House Mass/Griha)07°13´, Pluto (Yam) formed square aspect, being in Libra 09°53´ with Geodetic ascendant is most striking point. 11 days passed the event after this eclipse within 30° a house contains.

Here 2 eclipses took place (one just 11 days before the tragedy and the other before 187 days i.e. almost 6 months). It can be compared with the experience of Mr. Robert Carl Janskey (interpreting the eclipses, ACS Publication Inc.) “The effects of an eclipse persists from the time that it occurs until the time of occurrence of the next eclipse, Solar to Solar, Lunar to Lunar.”

Yet he admitted humbly, as an scientist, and called this a Hypothesis to this rule which he was unable to prove scientifically.

(9) Libra Ingress: Transit Jupiter Sagittarius 21°16´ met with Ingress ascending sign Sagittarius 19°33´ on 23rd October,1984 falling on the 4th (Territory/Property/Mass) cusp of GD chart.

While Pluto on Ingress chart in Libra 18°21´ forms square aspect to transit Mars, in Capricorn 19°12´, the other cardinal sign.

Ingress Ascendant Sagittarius 19°33´ becomes 4th cusp Sagittarius 17°23´ of GD chart is interesting point and Ingress 4th cusp Pieces 21°48´ squares transit Jupiter (7th Marak) Saggitarius 21°10´ is another surprise.

(10) Fixed Stars: Javigava Star 05°01´ Virgo Falls on 4th Cusp (x9) Virgo 06°17´.It has Mercury + Mars, the destructive effects. Star Markeb on Virgo 06°32´(effecting like Saturn + Jupiter)falls on 4th Cusp (x9)Virgo 06°17´.Vendea Miatrix (effecting like Saturn + Mercury) on Virgo 17°34´,Zodiacally falls on GD Asendant Virgo 17°25´. Robson paints this Star as an evil one. Star Scheat (Effects: Mars + Mercury) on 06°50´ Pisces opposes 4th Cusp Virgo 06°27´(Land,Territory, Mass etc.).This Star is linked with Misfortune, Murder, Suicide and Drowning by Robson. Rigor read this Star as turbulence, an unpredictable nature.

(11) Bhagya-Saham in 3rd in Sagittarius 14°36’ in cusp chart squares with transit Moon in 6th in Pisces 13º46’.

(12) Navams Gemini 6º47’(ASC.x9)of natal chart, is at sixth-Eight distant with Solar eclipse took place at Scorpio 7º10’on 23-11-1984 just 11 days before. It means Navams (ASC.x9) and Prati Navams (ASC.x81) of a town has a very important role.

(13) Examining rising sign Leo 17°54´ at the moment on Bhopal (the sign 12th to the Geodetic chart) it’s ruler Sun is afflicted in the 3rd House with Ketu and Uranus. Transit Mars squaring Saturn is the worst factor.

(14) Examining rising sign of the moment on Bhopal, Leo (12th house to Geodetic Chart),lord Sun in 4th with Ketu- Uranus, also Mars squares Saturn is the worst factor. All twelve cusps are identical in degrees with natal cusps of Bhopal ,ranging between 15 degree and 19 degrees.

(15) The sign Leo 17º58’ on the frightful day (2/3-12-1984),has risen with fixed star Zosma in Leo at 18º25’. It’s influence is like Saturn conjuncts Venus. It causes benefit by disgrace, selfishness, egotism, Immorality, meanness, unhappiness of Mind and fear of poison.

(16) 8th Cusp (x9) Navamsa Leo 22°37´ is the rising sign Leo 17°58´of the calamity.

(17) 4th Cusp (Territory/Land/Location/Bhoomi)x9 comes Virgo 06°26´ which squares GD Navamsa (x9) 06°47´ also opposes GD Ascendant Lord Mercury Sagittarius 06°44´ in the 3rd(12th to 4th).

(18) Solar Eclipse on 30-05-1984 Taurus 15°08´ later Squares rising sign Leo 17°58´ is most important factor. On same latitude as Bhopal(23°16´N), Mexico city (20°26´N) saw Pluto on the mid-heaven near the city and Mars on the Ascendent crossing it on 20th November,1984 at 5.42 a.m. (CST), a gas refinery located in a over populated neighbourhood exploded, killing hundreds, wounding more than thousands, making homeless families of Mexican slum- dewellers (This is noted by Jim Lewis in “The astrology of Macrocosm, Llewellyn Publication, 1990”).

L.Edward Johndro has analyzed Cleveland Medical Clinic disaster, on 15th May,1929, 11.20 a.m. in which the lives of scores of patients, nurses and doctors were snuffed out by the deadly gases from exploding X-Ray films.

Star no. 2701 (Boss catalogue) is exactly the latitude of Cleveland in and near 1871 which approximately the birth epoch of the founder or Head of Physician of the Clinic. I found star Prima Hyadum Taurus 12°50´ (Nirayan) longitudinally on Cleveland GD Prati Navamsa Taurus 15°´49 which has Saturn + Mercury effects creating sudden events : Poisoning, Blindness, wounds or injuries. The solar eclipse on 9th May,1929 has Mercury Taurus 15°33´ falling on Prima Hyadum Taurus 12°50´ almost towards square aspect with 12th cusp (Clinic).

Hamal (Yellow Ram-star effecting as Mars+Saturn) on Aires 14°37´, is rising with GD Ascendant Aries degree 15°48´ , squaring 4th cusp Libra 15°48´. Mars, advancing towards Hamal 14°37´ meets square aspect on 26th May,1929 immediately after the event. Ptolemy connects this star with violence, criminal, disgrace and ruin. On solar eclipse, Mars was on 4th cusp Cancer 5°02´ of GD chart.

Concluding about the net effect, we can very well apply the future events or situations alike, of desired town/city casting chart according Sepharial’s method.

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