Bhrighu Yogavali – Part 2

Bhrighu Yogavali – Part 2 by Maharshi Bhrighu

Translated by

Sri. Agnihotram Venkata Narayacharyulu and Smt. Shakuntala Gowrishankar

Sanskrit Editor: Sri Chandrashehkhar Sharma

Special Thanks To: Upendra Angnihotram

अथ भीष्मकयोगफलम्॥

atha bhīṣmakayogaphalam ||

Result of Bhismaka yoga.

तुर्येशोवाष्टलग्नेशः क्रूरो वा क्रूरसंयुतः॥

सूर्ये षष्टाष्टमेऽरिष्टे क्रूरक्षेत्रे च पापगाः॥ ६२॥

turyeśovāṣṭalagneśaḥ krūro vā  krūrasaṁyutaḥ ||

sūrye ṣaṣṭāṣṭame’riṣṭe krūrakṣetre ca pāpagāḥ || 62 ||

Bhismaka yoga is formed when 4th lord or 8th lord and Lagna lord are malefics or are conjunct with malefics and Sun is placed 6th or 8th or is in debility, or in a rasi owned by a malefic or is conjunct with a malefic.

केंद्रे त्रिकोणे उच्चे वा स्वगृहस्थो गुरुर्यदा।

भीष्मके सुखसंपत्तिर्जायते नात्र संशयः॥ ६३॥

keṁdre trikoṇe ucce vā svagṛhastho gururyadā |

bhīṣmake sukhasaṁpattirjāyate nātra saṁśayaḥ || 63 ||

Also Jupiter is placed in a Kendra or Trikona or Exaltation or Own Houses. There is no doubt that because of Bhismaka yoga, the native will be happy and wealthy.

पूर्वं तीर्थे कृता सेवा ऋषीणां च पुनः पुनः।

देवार्चनं द्विजे भक्तिः कृता तेनात्र जन्मनि॥ ६४॥

pūrvaṁ tīrthe kṛutā sevā ṛṣīṇāṁ ca punaḥ punaḥ |

devārcanaṁ dvije bhaktiḥ kṛutā tenātra janmani || 64 ||

The native, having served rishis in sacred places again and again in his past life, in the present life, will perform deva archana (worship gods) and will be devoted to Brahmins.

सुखी सुकर्मकृच्चैव धर्मिष्टो बहुपुत्रवान्॥

बहुस्त्रीभिःसमं भोगी बुद्दिमांश्च विचक्षणः॥ ६५॥

sukhī sukarmakṛccaiva dharmiṣṭo bahuputravān ||

bahustrībhiḥsamaṁ bhogī buddimāṁśca vicakṣaṇaḥ || 65 ||

He will also be happy, will do good deeds, will be very religious and have many sons. He will enjoy (the company of) many women, will be intelligent and wise.

मनः स्वस्थो भवेद्दाता धनाढ्यो धनिनां पतिः॥

त्रिंशद्वर्षे गते नूनं महासौख्यं प्रजायते॥ ६६॥

manaḥ svastho bhaveddātā dhanāḍhyo dhanināṁ patiḥ ||

triṁśadvarṣe gate nūnaṁ mahāsaukhyaṁ prajāyate || 66 ||

He will have healthy thoughts, will be a daata (donor), will be wealthy and be like lord among the rich. Completion of 30 years, will bring forth great pleasures on him.

राजा वा राजमान्यो वा कुबेरेण समो भवेत्॥

चत्वारिंशद्गते वर्षे ततः पीडा प्रजायते॥ ६७॥

rājā vā rājamānyo vā kubereṇa samo bhavet ||

catvāriṁśadgate varṣe tataḥ pīḍā prajāyate || 67 ||

He will be a king or will be recognized as a king, or will be equal to Kubera (Hindu god of wealth). After completion of 40 years, he will start experiencing hardships.

रक्तवातोद्भवापीडा राजयोगः प्रवर्तते॥

कासश्वासादिरोगाणां जायते च मुहुमुर्हुः॥ ६८॥

raktavātodbhavāpīḍā rājayogaḥ pravartate ||

kāsaśvāsādirogāṇāṁ jāyate ca muhumurhuḥ || 68 ||

The native will suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and he will also get tuberculosis. He will suffer from cough and other respiratory diseases frequently.

क्षणे कष्टं क्षणे सौख़्यं क्षीणांगोजायते नरः॥

kṣaṇe kaṣṭaṁ kṣaṇe sauyaṁ kṣīṇāṁgojāyate naraḥ ||

He will experience troubles in at one time and comforts at another. He will have a sickly or weak body and will also start deteriorating.

शुक्र उवाच॥

śukra uvāca ||

Sukra asked,

केन कर्मविपाकेन एष रोगी प्रजायते॥ ६९॥

kena karmavipākena eṣa rogī prajāyate || 69 ||

What maturing of karmas brought forth the ailments?”


bhṛguruvāca ||

Bhrigu said,

पूर्वं गोत्रवधं कृत्वा साध्वी च स्त्री कलंकिता॥

इह जन्मनि तैः पापै राजरोगी भवेन्नरः॥ ७०॥

pūrvaṁ gotravadhaṁ kṛtvā sādhvī ca strī kalaṁkitā ||

iha janmani taiḥ pāpai rājarogī bhavennaraḥ || 70 ||

On account of killing people of his lineage and defaming virtuous woman (i.e., seducing her) , the person in the present life will become sinful and suffer from tuberculosis.

शुक्र उवाच॥

śukra uvāca ||

Sukra asked,

किं जाप्यं कस्य पूजा च किं दानं च किमौषधम्॥

kiṁ jāpyaṁ kasya pūjā ca kiṁ dānaṁ ca kimauṣadham||

“What Japas, Pujas and danas (donations) (as remedial measures) should be performed and what medicines should be taken?”


bhṛguruvāca ||

Bhrigu said,

यंत्रं श्रीपद्मनाभस्य भूर्जपत्रे च लेखयेत्॥ ७१॥

yaṁtraṁ śrīpadmanābhasya bhūrjapatre ca lekhayet || 71 ||

Draw a ‘Sri Padmanabha’ yantra on a birch leaf.

यक्षकर्दमसंयुक्तं गंधपुष्पै प्रपूजयेत्॥

ऊर्णापट्टं हरिद्वर्णं तंडुलैः सम्पुटीकृतम्॥ ७२॥

yakṣakardamasaṁyuktaṁ gaṁdhapuṣpai prapūjayet ||

ūrṇāpaṭṭaṁ haridvarṇaṁ taṁḍulaiḥ sampuṭīkṛtam || 72 ||

Worship (the above yantra) with perfumed paste (consisting of musk, camphor, kakkola etc.), sandalwood, flowers. Take a woollen cloth and fold the same (as a casket) along with yellow coloured rice grains.

तस्योपरि समासीनमयुतं कारयेज्जपम्॥

पद्मनाभस्य बीजस्य कारयेद्विधिसंयुतम् ॥ ७३॥

tasyopari samāsīnamayutaṁ kārayejjapam ||

padmanābhasya bījasya kārayedvidhisaṁyutam || 73 ||

Later, sit and perform japa of ‘Padmanabha’ beeja mantra uninterruptedly according to the procedure in front of that yantra.

पट्टवस्त्रं परीधाय पूर्वोक्तविधिना सह॥

ततो दानं प्रकर्तव्यं पदं षोडशहाटकम्॥ ७४॥

paṭṭavastraṁ parīdhāya pūrvoktavidhinā saha ||

tato dānaṁ prakartavyaṁ padaṁ ṣoḍaśahāṭakam || 74 ||

Perform the earlier said procedures wearing a woven silk garment and thereafter donate a quarter of 16 gold coins (i.e., 4 gold coins)

रजतं द्विगुणं देयं वस्त्राण्य ष्टोत्तरं शतम्॥

rajataṁ dviguṇaṁ deyaṁ vastrāṇya ṣṭottaraṁ śatam ||

Also donate double quantity of silver coins and 108 other clothes.

ताम्रपात्राण्येककर्षप्रमितानि घृतेन च॥

पूरयित्वा च चत्वारि ब्राह्मणेभ्यः प्रदापयेत्॥ ७५॥

tāmrapātrāṇyekakarṣapramitāni ghṛtena ca ||

pūrayitvā ca catvāri brāhmaṇebhyaḥ pradāpayet || 75 ||

Take a copper vessel of one karsha weight (approximately one tola) filled with ghee, and donate to each of four Brahmins,

ततः प्रदद्यात्पूपान्नं गोधूमतण्डुलयुतम्॥

माषान्नसंयुतंतात कर्षविंशतिविंशति॥ ७६॥

tataḥ pradadyātpūpānnaṁ godhūmataṇḍulayutam ||

māṣānnasaṁyutaṁtāta karṣaviṁśativiṁśati || 76 ||

Thereafter, donate food that includes bread, cooked rice and wheat, rice cooked with black gram (to the above Brahmins) equal to 400 karshas of weight

एतद्दानं तु कृत्वा च दक्षिणां च प्रदापयेत्॥

एवं च विधिवद्दानं कारयेच्छ्रद्धयान्वितः॥ ७७॥

etaddānaṁ tu kṛtvā ca dakṣiṇāṁ ca pradāpayet ||

evaṁ ca vidhivaddānaṁ kārayecchraddhayānvitaḥ || 77 ||

After donating food, also give dakshina (remuneration/fee) according to procedure with full faith.

नश्यंति व्याधयः सर्वे पूर्व पापं च नश्यति॥

पद्मनाभस्य यो मंत्रं बाहौ शिरसि धारयेत्॥ ७८॥

naśyaṁti vyādhayaḥ sarve pūrva pāpaṁ ca naśyati ||

padmanābhasya yo maṁtraṁ bāhau śirasi dhārayet || 78 ||

All the diseases and earlier sins will be destroyed. The native should wear ‘Padmanabha’ mantra on the arms or head (on the headgear).

एतद्दानेषु चीर्णेषु पीडामुक्तो नरो भवेत्॥

कविना च कृतः प्रश्नो भृगुणा परिभाषितः॥ ७९॥

etaddāneṣu cīrṇeṣu pīḍāmukto naro bhavet ||

kavinā ca kṛtaḥ praśno bhṛguṇā paribhāṣitaḥ || 79 ||

By observing the danas (donations) the person will become free of ailments. Thus spoke Bhrigu to Sukra’s question.

इति भीष्मकयोगफलम्॥

iti bhīṣmakayogaphalam

End of Bhismaka yoga phalam.

अथ जीमूत योग फलम्॥

atha jīmūta yoga phalam ||

Results of Jimuta yoga.

व्यये वा चाष्टमे क्रूराः क्षेत्रेशो द्वादशे यदा॥

कर्मे सौम्या धने क्रूरा जीमूते च सुखं भवेत्॥ ८०॥

vyaye vā cāṣṭame krūrāḥ kṣetreśo dvādaśe yadā ||

karme saumyā dhane krūrā jīmūte ca sukhaṁ bhavet || 80 ||

If malefics occupy 8th house or 12th house, Lagna Lord is in 12th house and benefics occupy 10th house, while malefics occupy 2nd house, Jimuta yoga is formed. This yoga gives happiness/comforts to the native.

पूर्वं गंगातटे चैव् रुद्रसेवा कृता बहु॥

इह जन्मनि तेनाऽसौपित्ताधिक्यो भवेन्नरः॥ ८१॥

pūrvaṁ gaṁgātaṭe caiv rudrasevā kṛtā bahu ||

iha janmani tenā’sau pittādhikyo bhavennaraḥ || 81 ||

The native, in his past life, has performed Lord Shiva’s puja a lot on the banks of River Ganga. He will be born with bilious nature (pitta) in the present life.

दाता चैव च भोक्ता च राजमान्यो गुणाधिकः॥

परोपकारी धर्मात्मा कीर्तिमान्धनवांस्तथा॥ ८२॥

dātā caiva ca bhoktā ca rājamānyo guṇādhikaḥ ||

paropakārī dharmātmā kīrtimāndhanavāṁstathā || 82 ||

He will be pure and generous, feeds others, enjoys luxuries, is respected by the king and is endowed with good qualities. He is benevolent to others, virtuous, famous and rich.

षोडशाब्दे तथा विंशे सौख्यमात्मबलैर्भवेत्॥

गजवाजिधनैर्युक्तो राजा वा राजमंत्रिकः॥ ८३॥

ṣoḍaśābde tathā viṁśe saukhyamātmabalairbhavet ||

gajavājidhanairyukto rājā vā rājamaṁtrikaḥ || 83 ||

In his 16th and 20th years, a person will with his own inherent effort (atma bala) earn happiness, elephants, horses and riches. He may become a king or a minister.

रुद्रसेवानुसारेण एवंभूतो भवेन्नरः॥

rudrasevānusāreṇa evaṁbhūto bhavennaraḥ ||

(the above results) are obtained in accordance with the Rudra Puja performed by a person in his past life.

तपस्वि निंदितः पूर्वं तस्माद्धीनं फलं भवेत्॥ ८४॥

tapasvi niṁditaḥ pūrvaṁ tasmāddhīnaṁ phalaṁ bhavet || 84 ||

(However,) On account of abusing an acetic in the past life, in the present life the native will have long lasting misery.

चिंता च जायते तस्य सौख्यं चाल्पधनात्मजाः॥

सुमुखोऽपि ह्रुदासीनस्त्वकस्माज्जायते ध्रुवम्॥ ८५॥

ciṁtā ca jāyate tasya saukhyaṁ cālpadhanātmajāḥ ||

sumukho’pi hrudāsīnastvakasmājjāyate dhruvam || 85 ||

The native will have worries, little happiness, less wealth and less number of sons. Though cheerful, he will certainly feel suddenly dejected.


उदरे वा करे पादे जायते नात्र संशयः॥ ८६॥

ṣaḍviṁśadvā’picatvāriṁśadvaṣedīrghavedanā ||

udare vā kare pāde jāyate nātra saṁśayaḥ || 86 ||

The person will definitely suffer from prolonged pain in stomach or hands and feet in his 26th and 40th years.

शुक्र् उवाच॥

śukr uvāca ||

Sukra asked,

किं जाप्यं कस्य पूजा च किं दानं च किमौषधम्॥

kiṁ jāpyaṁ kasya pūjā ca kiṁ dānaṁ ca kimauṣadham ||

(for relief) what Japas, Pujas and Danas should be performed and what medicines should be taken?


bhṛguruvāca ||

Bhrigu said,

रीतिं वा ताम्रपात्रं वा चतुर्दशपलोद्भवम्॥ ८७॥

rītiṁ vā tāmrapātraṁ vā caturdaśapalodbhavam || 87 ||

Take either Brass (peetal) or Copper plate of fourteen palas (a measurement of weight) weight.

कृत्वा तस्मिन्प्रकर्तव्यं चन्दनान्नवमंडलम्॥

तपस्विरूपं तन्मध्ये कृत्वा पूजां च कारयेत्॥ ८८॥

kṛtvā tasminprakartavyaṁ candanānnavamaṁḍalam ||

tapasvirūpaṁ tanmadhye kṛtvā pūjāṁ ca kārayet || 88 ||

(in the above plate) draw fresh (new) nine circles (diagram) with sandal paste, draw an acetic’s figure in the middle (of the 9 circles) and perform Puja.

ऊर्णा पट्टं च वर्द्धेतपुटाद्वादश कारयेत्॥

तस्योपरि समासीनो रुद्रमंत्रं नवत्रिकम्॥ ८९॥

ūrṇā paṭṭaṁ ca varddhetapuṭādvādaśa kārayet ||

tasyopari samāsīno rudramaṁtraṁ navatrikam || 89 ||

Make a mat by folding a woollen cloth twelve times, sit on it and chant Rudra Mantra 27 times (9 x 3).

द्विसहस्रं चरेजप्यं ततः पुण्यं समाचरेत्॥

भद्रान्नहाटकाः सप्त तिलान्नस्यापिसप्तच॥ ९०॥

dvisahasraṁ carejapyaṁ tataḥ puṇyaṁ samācaret ||

bhadrānnahāṭakāḥ sapta tilānnasyāpisaptaca || 90 ||

The person should, after completing the (above said) Japa 2000 times, perform the same amount of religious ceremonies (punyam). He has to take seven gold plates of good rice grains and also rice cooked with seseme,

मुहुर्गोधूम माषान्नतंडुलं तैलसंयुतम्॥

प्रस्थद्वयं प्रदातव्यं मुद्रा अष्टोतरं शतम्॥ ९१॥

muhurgodhūma māṣānnataṁḍulaṁ tailasaṁyutam ||

prasthadvayaṁ pradātavyaṁ mudrā aṣṭotaraṁ śatam || 91 ||

(and along with the above) The person should often donate wheat, rice grains, rice cooked with blackgram along with oil equal to the weight of two prasthas (a measure of capacity: 1 prastha = 32 palas) along with 108 coins.

एतद्दानानुसारेण चिंताकष्टं विनश्यति॥

दानाभावे महाकष्टं पुत्रैरपि धनैरपि॥ ९२॥

etaddāanānusāreṇa ciṁtākaṣṭaṁ vinaśyati ||

dānābhāve mahākaṣṭaṁ putrairapi dhanairapi || 92 ||

In accordance to the sincerity with which the Danas (donations) are performed, the person’s grieves, worries will perish. In the absence Danas (donations), he will face huge worries from children and also on account of finances.

कविना च कृतः प्रश्नो भृगुणा परिभाषितः॥ ९३॥

kavinā ca kṛtaḥ praśno bhṛguṇā paribhāṣitaḥ || 93 ||

Thus, Bhrigu answered to Sukra’s questions.

इति जीमूत योग फलम्॥

iti jīmūta yoga phalam ||

End of Jimuta yoga phalam.

अथ विजय योग फलम्॥

atha vijaya yoga phalam ||

result of vijaya yoga .

संतानेशो रिपुक्षेत्रे षष्ठाष्टद्वादशेऽपरे ॥

सुतेशः क्रूरसंयुक्तोऽथवा क्रूरेण वीक्षितः॥ ९४॥

saṁtāneśo ripukṣetre ṣaṣṭhāṣṭadvādaśe’pare ||

suteśaḥ krūrasaṁyukto’thavā krūreṇa vīkṣitaḥ || 94 ||

Vijaya yoga is formed when the 5th lord is in an enemy’s rasi or is in 6th, 8th or 12th house, and if he is in conjunction with or is aspected by malefics.

पूर्वं सगर्भा हरिणी मारिता मृगसंयुता॥

एतद्विजययोगेन रक्षिता हरिणी सुता॥ ९५॥

pūrvaṁ sagarbhā hariṇī māritā mṛgasaṁyutā ||

etadvijayayogena rakṣitā hariṇī sutā || 95 ||

In the past, a pregnant deer was killed along with the male deer. However, because of vijaya yoga the baby deer was saved.

न भवंति सुतास्तस्य जाता जीवंति नैवच॥

कन्याद्वयं त्रयं वापि जायते नात्र संशयः॥ ९६॥

na bhavaṁti sutāstasya jātā jīvaṁti naīvaca ||

kanyādvayaṁ trayaṁ vāpi jāyate nātra saṁśayaḥ || 96 ||

The native with Vijaya yoga will definitely have either two or three female issues. Any more than that, they will not survive.

आदौ पुत्री ततः पुत्रस्ततः पुत्री प्रजायते॥

शेषे गर्भे भवेत्तस्य गर्भस्रावो न संशयः॥ ९७॥

ādau putrī tataḥ putrastataḥ putrī prajāyate ||

śeṣe garbhe bhavettasya garbhasrāvo na saṁśayaḥ || 97 ||

To the native, first a girl child followed by a boy child and then a girl child will be born. Without doubt for the rest (of the pregnancies) there will be miscarriages.

शुक्र उवाच॥

śukra uvāca ||

Sukra asked,

किं जाप्यं कस्य पूजा च किं दानं च किमौषधम्॥

kiṁ jāpyaṁ kasya pūjā ca kiṁ dānaṁ ca kimauṣadham ||

What japas, pujas and danas should be done as remedies and what medicines should be taken (to overcome the above)?


bhṛguruvāca ||

Bhrigu told,

रीतिं वा ताम्रपात्रंच पलं चैव चतुर्दशम्॥९८॥

rītiṁ vā tāmrapātraṁca palaṁ caiva caturdaśam || 98 ||

Take a brass or copper plate (vessel) weighing 14 palas.

तन्मध्ये चंदनौः कार्यं पद्ममष्टदलं तथा॥

तदंतः कारयेज्जाप्यं पद्मनाभस्य बीजकम्॥ ९९॥

tanmadhye caṁdanauḥ kāryaṁ padmamaṣṭadalaṁ tathā ||

tadaṁtaḥ kārayejjāpyaṁ padmanābhasya bījakam || 99 ||

In the middle (of the plate) draw an astadala Padma (8 petalled lotus) with sandalwood paste.

Later, perform Padmanabha beeja mantra japam.

द्वेसहस्र कृतायामो भक्तिश्रद्धा समन्वितः॥

ततो दानं च कर्त्तव्यं षड्वा षोडश हाटकम्॥ १००॥

dvesahasra kṛtāyāmo bhaktiśraddhā samanvitaḥ ||

tato dānaṁ ca karttavyaṁ ṣaḍvā ṣoḍaśa hāṭakam || 100 ||

(The above said japa) chant the mantra atleast two thousand times with faith and devotion. After completion, donate either six or sixteen gold coins.

श्वेत्ं वाप्यथवा नीलं भव्याश्वं च मनोहरम्॥

मासादिवर्ष पर्यंतमश्वस्याशन संयुतम्॥ १०१॥

śvetṁ vāpyathavā nīlaṁ bhavyāśvaṁ ca manoharam ||

māsādivarṣa paryaṁtamaśvasyāśana saṁyutam || 101 ||

Also donate a white or a (sea) blue (perhaps steel grey) coloured magnificent horse along with fodder to last atleast a month or a year.

सर्वोपस्करसंयुक्तं रूप्यं षट्कं च दापयेत्॥

ऊर्णा पट्टमथान्नं च तैलं गोधूमतंडुलम्॥ १०२॥

sarvopaskarasaṁyuktaṁ rūpyaṁ ṣaṭkaṁ ca dāpayet ||

ūrṇā paṭṭamathānnaṁ ca tailaṁ goodhūmataṁḍulam || 102 ||

Along with the horse, donate requisite equipment for the horse (like saddle, reigns, duly fitted iron shoes, bridle etc,) along six silver coins. Also, donate wool and silk garments, food, oil wheat and rice grains.

प्रस्थद्वयं प्रदातव्यं ताम्रपात्रे घृतैर्भृतम् ॥

ततो गोसारकं यंत्रं कारयेद्विधिसंयुतम्॥ १०३॥

prasthadvayaṁ pradātavyaṁ tāmrapātre ghṛtairbhṛtam ||

tato goosārakaṁ yaṁtraṁ kārayedvidhisaṁyutam || 103 ||

In a copper vessel take 2 prasthas (capacity equal to 32 palas) of ghee and donate it. Prepare a ‘gosaraka’ yantra with proper ceremony.

स्त्रीकंठे धारयेन्नित्यंभक्तयातु रविवासरे॥

एतद्दानोपचारेण चिरं तिष्ठति संततिः॥ १०४॥

strīkaṁṭhe dhārayennityaṁbhaktayātu ravivāsare ||

etaddānoopacāreṇa ciraṁ tiṣṭhati saṁtatiḥ || 104 ||

The wife (of the native) should wear that yantra always in her neck starting from a Sunday onwards. By doing (the above said) the danas and remedies, the native will definitely have long lived children.

गर्भकाले तु कर्तव्यं दानं विप्राय यत्रतः॥

दानाभावे भवेच्चिंता पुत्रैरपि धनैरपि॥ १०५॥

garbhakāle tu kartavyaṁ dānaṁ viprāya yatrataḥ ||

dānābhāve bhavecciṁtā putrairapi dhanairapi || 105 ||

During the time of pregnancy, the native should keep giving danas (donations) to Brahmanas. By not giving the donations, he will face difficulties and worries on account of children and wealth (riches).

दानतः प्राप्यते पुत्रो बुद्धिमांश्च समृद्धिमान्॥

dānataḥ prāpyate putro buddhimāṁśca samṛddhimān ||

By performing danas (donations), the native will get a son who is wise and prosperous.

कविना च कृतः प्रश्नो भृगुणा परिभाषितः॥ १०६॥

kavinā ca kṛtaḥ praśno bhṛguṇā paribhāṣitaḥ || 106 ||

Thus replied Bhrigu to Sukra’s question.

इति विजय योग फलम्॥

iti vijaya yoga phalam ||

End of Vijaya yoga result.

अथ आनंद योग फलम्॥

atha ānaṁda yoga phalam ||

result of Ananda yoga .

कर्मेशः क्रूरसंयुक्तः क्रूरक्षेत्रेऽथवापरे॥

तृतीयेष्टेरिपौवापि आनन्दोयोगउच्यते॥ १०७॥

karmeśaḥ krūrasaṁyuktaḥ krūrakṣetre’thavāpare ||

tṛtīyeṣṭeripauvāpi ānandoyogaucyate || 107 ||

Ananda yoga is formed when the 10th lord is conjunct with malefics and placed in rasis owned by malefics, or occupies 3rd or 6th or 12th houses.

पूर्वंक्षेत्रशतंकृत्वा गोशतं च समर्पितम्॥

तेनपुण्यप्रभावेण महाराजो भविष्यति॥ १०८॥

pūrvaṁkṣetraśataṁkṛtvā goośataṁ ca samarpitam ||

tenapuṇyaprabhāveṇa mahārājo bhaviṣyati || 108 ||

On account of performing auspicious religious deeds and donating 100 farms and 100 cows in the past life, the native in the present life will be born as a Maharaja.

धीमानथोविशालाक्षो बहुधान्यंयुतोभवेत्॥

गौरश्चचपलोवक्तादातादर्शीछलोत्कटः॥ १०९॥

dhīmānathoviśālākṣo bahudhānyaṁyutobhavet ||

gauraścacapalovaktādātādarśīchalotkaṭaḥ || 109 ||

The native will be knowledgeable, wise, have large eyes and have plentiful grains. He will have reddish complexion and is fickle minded. He is a good orator, donor, visionary, and largely deceitful.

अकस्मात्तभवेंत्क्रोधीपुनः शीघ्रोपशांतिमान् ॥

पंचषष्ठाब्दतं सौख्यं राजमान्योरणेजयः॥ ११०॥

akasmāttabhaveṁtkrodhīpunaḥ śīghropaśāṁtimān ||

paṁcaṣaṣṭhābdataṁ saukhyaṁ rājamānyoraṇejayaḥ || 110 ||

The native will get angry suddenly and quickly calms down. From 65th year of his life, he will get happiness and comforts and will be honoured by the king. He cannot be defeated (invincible) in the war.

धनंकीर्त्तिर्भवेत्तस्य बहुभृत्यादिसंवृतः॥

अष्टादशेतुविंशे वा महाकीर्त्तिर्धनंतथा॥ १११॥

dhanaṁkīrttirbhavettasya bahubhṛtyādisaṁvṛtaḥ ||

aṣṭādaśetuviṁśe vā mahākīrttirdhanaṁtathā || 111 ||

The native will have wealth, fame and will be surrounded (accompanied) by many servants. At the age of 18 or 20 years, he will get great fame and wealth.

दिनेदिने महासौख्यं वर्द्धतेनात्रसंशयः॥

dinedine mahāsaukhyaṁ varddhatenātrasaṁśayaḥ ||

Without doubt, his comforts and happiness will increase day by day.

पूर्वंसतीकलंकाद्वाबांलहत्याप्रभावतः॥ ११२॥

pūrvaṁsatīkalaṁkādvābāṁlahatyāprabhāvataḥ || 112 ||

The native in the past life, because of defaming a female (by seducing her) or killing a child,

राज रोगोभवेत्तस्य दुःख़ंसंतानतोध्रुवम्॥

rāja rogoobhavettasya duḥaṁsaṁtānatodhruvam ||

(the native in present life) will certainly get consumption (Tuberculosis), or grief from children.

शुक्र् उवाच॥

śukr uvāca ||

Sukra asked,

किं जाप्यं कस्य पूजा च किं दानं च किमौषधम्॥ ११३॥

kiṁ jāpyaṁ kasya pūjā ca kiṁ dānaṁ ca kimauṣadham || 113 ||

What japas, pujas and danas should be done as remedies and what medicines should be taken (to overcome the above)?


bhṛguruvāca ||

Bhrigu told,

नवारमंडलस्याग्रेपद्मनाभ त्रिबीजकम्॥

द्विसहस्रं जपेजाप्यं ततः पुण्यं समचरेत्॥ ११४॥

navāramaṁḍalasyāgrepadmanābha tribījakam ||

dvisahasraṁ japejāpyaṁ tataḥ puṇyaṁ samacaret || 114 ||

On top of a navara (a high number) mandala, draw a Padmanabha tribeeja mantra. Chant the same mantra for 2000 times, and later perform religious ceremonies (punya) of equal number.

Editor’s comment: Navara would mean one that is not enclosed. The very word mandala following negates this. I think there is some misprint in the text. The original word may be trivara, indicating three mandalas

सप्तविंशतितारंच षड्विंशति च हाटकम्

ताम्रपात्रं पलत्रिंशघृतेनपरिपूरितम्॥ ११५॥

saptaviṁshatitāraṁca ṣaḍviṁśati ca hāṭakam

tāmrapātraṁ palatriṁśa ghṛtenaparipūritam || 115 ||

Later on the day of Revati nakshatra (27th star), donate 26 gold coins along with a copper vessel filled with 30 palas of ghee (to a Brahman).

पंचाशत्करवस्त्रं च गांचसद्वत्स संयुतम्॥

सप्तान्नंप्रस्थपस्थं च विप्रेदानंसमाचरेत्॥ ११६।

paṁcāśatkaravastraṁ ca gāṁcasadvatsa saṁyutam ||

saptānnaṁprasthapasthaṁ ca vipredānaṁsamācaret || 116 |

To the Brahman also donate fifty karas (a particular measure of length equal to 24 thumbs) of cloth and a cow along with its calf. Also donate 7 cereals measuring a prastha (capacity equal to 32 palas).


ऋत्वंतेत्रिदिनंदद्यादाचार्यायसुवर्णकम्॥ ११७॥

tripurārestatomantrairgoghṛtaṁmaṁtrayetsudhīḥ ||

ṛtvaṁtetridinaṁdadyādācāryāyasuvarṇakam || 117 ||

Later let a pundit purify cow ghee with ‘Tripurari’ mantra for three successive days. After the end of the japa, donate gold coins to 6 Acharyas continually for 3 days.

एतद्दानोपचारेण संतानंप्राप्यतेध्रुवम्॥

etaddānopacāreṇa saṁtānaṁprāpyatedhruvam ||

By doing (the above said) the danas and remedies, the native will definitely have children.

सुंदरंत्रिपुरायंत्रं कांस्यपात्रे च लेखयेत्॥ ११८॥

suṁdaraṁtripurāyaṁtraṁ kāṁsyapātre ca lekhayet || 118 ||

Draw a beautiful ‘Tripura’ yantra on a bronze plate.

तन्मंत्रंक्षालयेब्दीजैर्जपं कृत्वा विशेषतः॥

एतद्दानोपचारेण रोगहीनोभवेत्पुमान्॥ ११९॥

tanmaṁtraṁkṣālayebdījairjapaṁ kṛtvā viśeṣataḥ ||

etaddānopacāreṇa rogahīnobhavetpumān || 119 ||

Purify the yantra by cleansing it with beeja mantra japa. By performing (the same) the remedies and the danas, the native, will be free from diseases.

अचिरेणैवकालेन पुत्रलाभादितः सुखम्॥

दानाभावे महाचिंता पुत्रैरपि धनैरपि॥ १२०॥

acireṇaivakālena putralābhāditaḥ sukham ||

dānābhāve mahāciṁtā putrairapi dhanairapi || 120 ||

In a short duration, the native will begin to get happiness and children.

By not giving the donations, he will face difficulties and worries on account of children and wealth (riches).

कविना च कृतः प्रश्नो भृगुणा परिभाषितः॥ १२१॥

kavinā ca kṛtaḥ praśno bhṛguṇā paribhāṣitaḥ || 121 ||

Thus replied Bhrigu to Sukra’s question.

इत्यानंदयोग फलम्॥

ityānaṁdayoga phalam ||

End of Ananda yoga results.

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