
Muhurt for Making Prayers by V. K. Shridhar

Muhurt For Making Prayers by V. K. Shridhar

In Hindu religion and mythology prayer to the deities has significant role and our holy books, canonical treatises, scriptures have plethora of references where the God has blessed the devotees with the “Vardaanas” sought by them. The chief purpose of Yagna, Tapa, Karamkaand, Mantras, Pooja, Aartis, Daan etc. is to …

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मांदी का ज्योतिषीय अध्ययन भाग- 1 by उपेन्द्र सिंह भदौरिया और भाविनी जोशी

मांदी का ज्योतिषीय अध्ययन भाग- 1 by उपेन्द्र सिंह भदौरिया और भाविनी जोशी

मांदी का ज्योतिषीय अध्ययन भाग– 1 By उपेन्द्रसिंहजी बाबूसिंहजी भदौरिया सहायक लेखिका : भाविनी जोशी SA Volunteer:  Vinayak Bhatt मांदी की उत्पत्ति एवं स्वरूप :- मांदी शनि पुत्र है। जैसा कि पुराणों में बताया गया है, मांदी की उत्पत्ति एक मिथक के रूप में है। महर्षि नारद के कारण बृहस्पति …

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Basic Hints on Understanding of Ashtakvarga

Basic Hints on Understanding of Ashtakvarga

The Rishi Parashar said to his disciple that in Kalyuga human brains are slow and can’t grasp properly. They don’t understand and apply all the principles of Astrology at a time. So, Sages have Mathematical formula for interpretation of the transit result of planets. It is Special Rule and a …

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Facts about Cuspal Interlink Theory by Sanjeev Gadhok

Facts about Cuspal Interlink Theory by Sanjeev Gadhok

FACTS ABOUT CUSPAL INTERLINK THEORY Sanjeev Gadhokk Edited By: Vinayak Bhatt Sanjeev Gadhokk born and brought up in New Delhi, India. He finished his technical qualification from New Delhi. He holds a knowledge in Vedic and stellar astrology and have experience in this subject for more than one decade.  He …

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Retrograde Planets or Vakri Grahas by Sarbrinder Johal

Retrograde Planets or Vakri Grahas by Sarbrinder Johal

RETROGRADE PLANETS OR VAKRI GRAHAS BY SARBRINDER JOHAL As we know there are nine major planets which are considered for Falit Jyotish (Predictive Astrology) viz., Surya (Sun), Chandra (Moon), Budh (Mercury) Mangal (Mars), Guru (Jupiter), Shukra (Venus), Shani (Saturn) and Rahu (North node) and  Ketu (South node) . As our …

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Astrological Study of Mandi Part – 1 by Upendra Singh Bhadoriya and Bhavini Joshi

Astrological Study of Mandi Part - 1 by Upendra Singh Bhadoriya & Bhavini Joshi

Translated By : Neeraj VermaEdited By : Vishal Sharma Origin and nature of Mandi :- Mandi is the son of Shani. The origin of Mandi is in the form of a myth, as told in the Puranas. Due to Maharishi Narad, there was a dispute between Brihaspati and Shani. This …

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Introduction to Compatibility by Simon Chokoisky

Introduction to Compatibility by Simon Chokoisky

INTRODUCTION TO COMPATIBILITY By Simon Chokoisky Part 1 There is a difference between relationship viability and a couple’s compatibility. The first describes a relationship’s ability to survive. The second tells us whether two people in that relationship actually like each other. This goes for any kind of partnership – business, …

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Ultimate Rahu Transit Technique by Ricardo Riberio

The Ultimate Rahu Transit Technique by Ricardo Riberio

Edited By: Dipesh Parmar In Jyotish astrologers are always in search of techniques that will give them highly accurate timing of events, techniques that get a “Wow” response from a client. Most will be aware of Mahadashas, Antardashas, Transits, etc. But nowadays we’re in the era of fast food, instant …

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Gajakesari Yoga in the Birth Chart of Famous Personalities by Saumita Mazumdar

Gajakesari Yoga in the Birth Chart of Famous Personalities by Saumita Mazumdar

Gajakesari Yoga in the Birth Chart of famous personalities. By: Saumita Mazumdar Yogas or planetary combinations are results of many such hundreds combination of two or more planets conjoining that produces benefic or malefic results in a birth chart, when two or more naturally benefic planets like Jupiter, Venus, Waxing …

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Exception Rules to BPHS by Manish Agarwal

Exception Rules to BPHS by Manish Agarwal

[Do not ignore Jataka Narayaneeyam and Jataka Mani Manjusa – Sunil This article is based on Jataka Mani Manjusa written by Challa Soma Sundaram which in turn based on Jataka Narayaneeyam. Basically this deals with the exception rule to generally known rules of BPHS and they are a bit advanced …

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