Wednesday , February 19 2025
Exception Rules to BPHS by Manish Agarwal

Exception Rules to BPHS by Manish Agarwal

[Do not ignore Jataka Narayaneeyam and Jataka Mani Manjusa – Sunil

This article is based on Jataka Mani Manjusa written by Challa Soma Sundaram which in turn based on Jataka Narayaneeyam. Basically this deals with the exception rule to generally known rules of BPHS and they are a bit advanced in nature. I am reproducing some rules from the book for the benefit of readers.

  • We will consider Jupiter and Venus as naturally good planet, we will consider Mercury as naturally good planets if it is in association of benefic planets or alone otherwise malefic planet. We will consider the Moon as benefic planet from Sudha panchami to Bahula Ekadashi (. Jupiter has 100% subhatwa (Beneficence), Venus 75% and alone Mercury has 50%. Planet attains Shubhatwa dosha (Kendradhipatya Dosha) equivalent to their Shubhatwa. Pls note Sudha means Shukla & Bahula means Krishna Paksha.
  • Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are naturally bad planets. Saturn is 100% malefic, Mars is 75% and Sun is 50% only. Planets attain shubhatwa for being Kendra lord equivalent to their values in papatwa.
  • Planets in combination with Sun is said to be in Astangatwa. Astangatwa is the last 30 Ghatikas of Bahula Chaturdashi, Amavasya and 30 Ghatikas of Sudha Panchami of the moon.
  • If a planet joins the moon, it is known as Samagamana; this results in greater power to the planet.
  • If a planet (except sun) joins Mars, there will be fight between mars and other planet. 
  • Author has revealed a secret Achhdhana Dristi. As per the author, Full moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu have Achhdhana power on 2nd and 12th Jupiter with naturally bad planets will have achhdhana on 12th house only.

Naturally Good Planets are good if they are lord of Kona (Trikon) house and bad by the virtue of lordship of Kendra houses. If naturally good planet is lord of both Kendra and Kona it will give mix result and will be counted as good planet only. For example,

  • If Venus is lord of Kendra and sitting in Kendra, it will give very BAD RESULTS.
  • If it is sitting in Kona, it will give good results and it is stronger in 5th
  • It will give Dhana yoga in 2nd house and great yoga in 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th houses if it is lord of Kendra house.

Summary Result for Benefic Planets:

  1. Naturally good planets having Kendradhipatya (lordship of 1,4,7 and 10) give good yoga when placed in bad houses (3,6,8 and 12).
  2. Naturally good planets having lordship of bad houses (3,6,8 and 12) give good yoga only when positioned in Kendra houses (1,4,7 and 10). Yoga in point one is better than yoga mentioned here in point 2.
  3. Naturally good planets having Kendradhipatya (lordship of 1,4,7 and 10) and remain in Kendra position give bad yoga.
  4. Naturally good planets having lordship of bad houses (3,6,8 and 12) and remain in Kona (5 and 9) position give bad yoga.

Naturally bad planets are good if they are lord of Kendra and bad if they are lord of Kona. If naturally bad planets have both lordship of Kendras and Kona, they give mixed results but act more as malefic. However, following rules must be considered before taking a final call and they will give some good results also, by the virtue of lordship of Kendra house.

  • If naturally bad planet has lordship of Kendra first and Kona next, it will behave more as a malefic
  • If naturally bad planet has lordship of Kona first and Kendra next it will behave more as a benefic
  • A malefic planet gives bad results, when it is in Kona position.

Summary Result For Malefic Planets:

  1. If naturally malefic planet has the lordship of Kendra first and Kona next (or Konadhipatya dosha), it will give good results if it is sitting in 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th house or in 2nd or 11th
  2. Naturally malefic planet having lordship of bad houses (3,6,8 and 12) give good yoga only when positioned in Kona (5 and 9)
  3. Naturally malefic planets having Kendradhipatya (lordship of 1,4,7 and 10) and remain in Kendra gives good yoga
  4. Naturally malefic planets having lordship of bad houses (3,6,8 and 12) and remain in Kona position (5 and 9) give good yoga

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