Jamini Astrology

Lessons in Jaimini Astrology – 1 by Iranganti Rangacharya

Lessons in Jaimini Astrology - 1 (1)

Typed and Proof-read by Srinivas Yamajala, Hyderabad, India  This is the first of a series on Jaimini Astrology, a tough subject, but made simple and free of all controversial arguments, Sanskrit quotations and Sutras for the quick comprehension of and proper application. Aspects Defined: Let us begin with the aspects. …

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Jaimini Female Horoscopy by Iranganti Rangacharya

Jaimini Female Horoscopy by Iranganti Rangacharya

As regards female horoscopy, it appears as though none was particular in expounding exclusive and elaborate treatment on it. In Indian astrology the little that is known is from Varahamihira and in Jaimini school of thought, Somanath has dealt with it in an interesting and novel way in his Kalpalatha. …

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Jaimini Chara Dasha – My Approach Part 1 K.N. Rao

Jaimini Chara Dasha - My Approach Part 1 K.N. Rao

Lost in wilderness, shrouded in the ambiguity of aphorism and interpreted in arbitrary fashion by astrologers with genuine to fraudulent claims, Jaimini astrology will continue to baffle astrologers for many more decades. What then should be the approach of an astrologer in genuine search of working and workable Jaimini methods …

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