Kumar Swamiyam

KumaraSwamiyam – 4 the most ancient tamil classic by Viswalingam Padmanabhan

Kumaraswamiyam -4 The ost ancient tamil classic by Viswalingam Padmanabhan

Copy Editor: R. Ramanathan A ‘Mission Saptarishis’ Initiative Tamil is one of the most ancient Indian languages & there are many classical Jyotisha secrets in Tamil literature that cannot be found elsewhere in  Indian  languages.  One  such  is ‘KumaraSwamiyam’  &  many  scholars have  given  it  the  highest  pedestal attributing their …

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Kumaraswamiyam Translator by yenbeeyes

Kumaraswamiyam Translator by yenbeeyes

It is customary for most of the Hindus to put the above symbol before start of any auspicious writings such as Marriage Invitation, engagement, starting a new business etc. etc. Some of us when we take a paper and pen to start writing something, we invariably start with the above …

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