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Among all astrological factors, weekday (in Sanskrit: Vaara) is the most common element that is known and used by everyone for his daily affairs. Interestingly, perhaps fortunately, there exists no difference between orders of weekday names. That is, a Sunday is Sunday, and a Monday is Monday, throughout the world. Various types of weekdays are not in vogue, like ayanamsa, zodiac and house systems. Whether one lives in modern cosmopolitan city or remote village of underdeveloped world, he uses the identical order of weekday. Even in nomadic and tribal cultures concept of weekday is no different. On the contrary, this is not the case with ‘month’ and ‘year’. Beginning, elongation and ending of ‘month’ and ‘year’ have been varying from culture to culture and time to time. So you encounter solar month, lunar month, luni-solar month, Hindu calendar, Islamic (Hijra) calendar, Chinese calendar, Jewish calendar etc. But you never heard of Hindu week, Christian week, Babylonian week or Greek week. The apparent names of weekdays are definitely different but their sequence and number are identical. The probable reason of unique order of weekdays is the uninterrupted progression since its inception.
A Brief History of Weekdays
Who introduced the system of seven days week has a big question mark. No one surely knows how the order and number of weekday emerged. There is a misconception that late Roman Emperor Constantine instituted the 7-day week along with Julian calendar. Romans definitely popularized 7-day week in Western world, but they were not the discoverer of this concept. Because, another ancient source of weekday number and order is the first chapter of Old Testament that maintains that God created the world in six days and rested from His work, and blessed and sanctified the seventh day. Yet, another theory holds that star-gazer and calendar-maker priests of Babylon were the true artificer and formulizer of 7-day week. On the other hand, not only Suryasiddhanta but also many ancient astrological canons explicitly assert 7-day week and attribute them with seven heavenly bodies. Interestingly, no astrologer – whether ancient or modern, eastern or westerner – differs over number, order and sequence of weekdays. Nonetheless, in some European and Russian cultures, week begins from Monday, while in some African countries the count of week begins from Saturday.
The Naming Convention of Weekdays
Weekdays names are quite similar in meaning or phonetics among various languages. Apparently there are two major conventions. First is Indo-Greco-Roman tradition that attributes weekdays to the names of seven planets or their ruling deities. In this convention, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn or their ruling deities are assigned to the seven days of week.
Deity-based Weekdays Names in Indo-Greco-Roman Cultures | ||||
Attributed Planet | Sanskrit and Hindi | Greek | Latin | English |
Sun | Bhaanu Vāsaram Ravivār or Adityavār | hêméra Hêlíou | dies Sōlis | Sunday |
Moon | Indu Vāsaram Somavār | hêméra Selếnês | dies Lūnae | Monday |
Mars | Bhauma Vāsaram Mangalavār | hêméra Áreôs | dies Martis | Tuesday |
Mercury | Saumya Vāsaram Budhavār | hêméra Hérmou | dies Mercuriī | Wednesday |
Jupiter | Bruhaspathi Vāsaram Guruvār | hêméra Diós | dies Jovis | Thursday |
Venus | Bhrigu Vāsaram Shukravār | hêméra Aphrodítês | dies Veneris | Friday |
Saturn | Sthira Vāsaram Shanivār | hêméra Krónou | dies Saturnī | Saturday |
Another nomenclature is found in Semitic culture or languages derived from sematic languages. Here deity or planets are not attributed to the days of week. Rather, names of days are based on numbers. For example, in Hebrew Sunday is called ‘Yom Rishon’ (literally means first day), in Arabic Sunday is ‘Yaum al Ahad’ (literally means first day), in Persian Sunday is ‘Yek Shanbe’ (literally means first day). However, Jewish call Saturday ‘Sabbath’ instead of seventh day, while Arabs and Persians call Friday ‘Juma’ instead of sixth day. This is probably due to sacredness of Saturday in Judaism, and Friday in Islam.
Number-based Weekdays Names In Semitic Cultures | ||||
Attributed Number | Hebrew | Arabic | Persian | Modern Equivalent |
1 | Yom Rishon | Yaum al-Aḥad | Yek Shanbeh | Sunday |
2 | Yom Sheyni | Yaum al-Ithnayn | Do Shanbeh | Monday |
3 | Yom Shlishi | Yaum ath-Thulathā | Se Shanbeh | Tuesday |
4 | Yom Revi’i | Yaum al-Arbā | Chahar Shanbeh | Wednesday |
5 | Yom Khamishi | Yaum al-Khamīs | Panj Shanbeh | Thursday |
6 | Yom Shishi | Yaum al-Jumah* | Jomeh* | Friday |
7 | Yom Shabbat* | Yaum as-Sabt | Shanbeh | Saturday |
Link between Vaara Chakra and Hora Chakra
Have you ever thought why Monday comes after Sunday, and why Tuesday comes after Monday? Why the days have sequence of Sunday → Monday → Tuesday → Wednesday → Thursday → Friday → Saturday. The answer is hidden in the order of planets with respect to velocity, and connection between Hora Chakra and Vaara Chakra. Here Hora means planetary hour.
Almost all ancient civilizations were aware of seven heavenly bodies and their influence on earth and human beings. They are none but Sun – Moon – Mars – Mercury – Jupiter – Venus and Saturn. However, Sun is a star while Moon is a satellite of Earth, yet they were called wandering stars or planets. The concept of Seven Heavens in sacred texts and biblical accounts is actually extracted from these very seven planets.
Not only names and features but also some astronomical characteristics of seven planets were known to ancient world. They knew the speed and closeness of seven heavenly bodies from Earth. With respect to speed or velocity they are as follows:
1) Moon
2) Mercury
3) Venus
4) Sun
5) Mars
6) Jupiter
7) Saturn
So Moon is the closest and fastest planet whereas Saturn is the slowest and farthest planet. Therefore, many olden religious and astrological texts maintain that Moon abodes the first heaven, Mercury rests on the second heaven, Venus domiciles in the third heaven, Sun rules on the 4th heaven, Mars lords the fifth heaven, Jupiter rules the sixth heaven and Saturn lingers on the seventh heaven.
This ordering of planets in fact produces the cycle of planet hour or what is called Hora Chakra in astrology. It is known to all that a whole day (from one sunrise to next sunrise) is divided into 24 parts. Even today a day is divided into 24 hours which is an extension of old practice, however for civilian purposes, 12 am (midnight) is taken reference point, instead of sunrise. The ancients have attributed the 24 horas to 7 planets, however in reverse order of closeness from earth. It is also postulated that first hora of any day is ruled by the day lord itself. Now take any day and distribute 7 planets into 24 horas. Let’s take Sunday as an example. The sequence of it will be as follows:
Hora-1 = Sun; Hora-2 = Venus; Hora-3 = Mercury; Hora-4 = Moon; Hora-5 = Saturn; Hora-6 = Jupiter; Hora-7 = Mars; Hora-8 = Sun; Hora-9 = Venus; Hora-10 = Mercury; Hora-11 = Moon; Hora-12 = Saturn; Hora-13 = Jupiter; Hora-14 = Mars; Hora-15 = Sun; Hora-16 = Venus; Hora-17 = Mercury; Hora-18 = Moon; Hora-19 = Saturn; Hora-20 = Jupiter; Hora-21 = Mars; Hora-22 = Sun; Hora-23 = Venus; Hora-24 = Mercury.
From above progression, we found hora sequence for Sunday begins from Sun and ends at Mercury. Since Moon comes after Mercury in Hora Chakra therefore next day after Sunday will be Monday.
In a same way, distribute 7 planets of Hora Chakra on 24 horas of Monday. You would notice that Monday begins with Moon hora and ends at Jupiter hora. Since Mars comes after Jupiter in Hora Chakra therefore Tuesday (ruled by Mars) is the next day after Monday.
How 7 Weekdays are Ordered | |||
Weekday | First Hora of Day | Last Hora of Day | Reason |
Sunday | Sun | Mercury | Last hora Mercury is followed by Moon, therefore next day is Monday (Moon) |
Monday | Moon | Jupiter | Last hora Jupiter is followed by Mars, therefor next day is Tuesday (Mars) |
Tuesday | Mars | Venus | Last hora Venus is followed by Mercury, therefor next day is Wednesday (Mercury) |
Wednesday | Mercury | Saturn | Last hora Saturn is followed by Jupiter, therefor next day is Thursday (Jupiter) |
Thursday | Jupiter | Sun | Last hora Sun is followed by Venus, therefore next day is Friday (Venus) |
Friday | Venus | Moon | Last hora Moon is followed by Saturn, therefore next day is Saturday (Saturday) |
Saturday | Saturn | Mars | Last hora Mars is followed by Sun, therefore next day is Sunday (Sun) |

It is difficult to conclude whether Hora Chakra is dependent upon Vaara Chakra, or Vaara Chakra is based on Hora Chakra. Ptolemy and his followers were of the opinion that sequence of Hora derives the sequence of Weekday. But the other way is also possible. In Vaara Chakra, take Saturn as reference point and count 6 slices from Saturn (both inclusive). It is Jupiter. Notice in Hora Chakra Jupiter stands next to Saturn. Now come to Vaara Chakra and consider Jupiter as reference point. Count again 6 slices from Jupiter. It is Mars. Now notice in Hora Chakra Mars stands next to Jupiter. In a similar mode, one can construct Hora Chakra from Vaara Chakra. One can perform reverse engineering and construct Vaara Chakra from Hora Chakra too, but here one has to count 4 slices in Hora Chakra.
Significance of Vaaresh and Horesh in Horoscopy
It is matter of wonder and pity that Vaara and Hora are known to all but very limited numbers of astrologers understand their significance. First of all, one should understand what Vaaresh and Horesh stand for. Vaaresh is the lord of weekday and Horesh is the lord of hora for any certain chart. Vaaresh is similar to Sun and signifies what Sun stands for. Horesh is similar to Moon and signifies what Moon stands for. The reason is Vaara Chakra begins from Sun, and Hora Chakra terminates at Moon. Just Sun and Moon interrelated so as Vaara and Hora Chakras are interrelated. The second reason is duration of Vaara and Hora is quite similar to relative speed of Sun and Moon. There is another clue to takes Vaaresh akin to Sun and Horesh akin to Moon. Effects of Vaara are generally mentioned in the books of nativity while effects of Hora are generally considered in horary (Prasna) where Hora tells the mind of querent. Lord of weekday (i.e. Vaaresh) and lord of hora (i.e. Horesh) can be used for the following significations.
- Vaaresh signifies Soul, Identity, Vitality, Worldly recognition and Paternal condition
- Horesh signifies Mind, Temperament, Taste, Domestic peace and Maternal condition
Many astrology classics of East and West maintain the result of birth on different days. But modern astrologers do not pay attention on this subject, probably on account of crude and extreme effects written in those canons. For instance, a person is born on Wednesday. But he/she has NOT possessed qualities that are generally associated with Wednesday birth including, elocution, manner, writing skill, moderation, duality and seesaw fortune. Similarly, a person born of Sunday may NOT have leading qualities, generosity, reverence for elders and powerful immune system. These apparent contradictions compel an astrologer to leave the effect of Vaaresh (weekday lord). Let’s consider how to analyze Vaaresh and Horesh in natal chart. In my humble opinion three fundament principles highlight the true effect of Vaaresha and Horesh.
- Find the planet(s) associating or aspecting the Vaaresh and Horesh. Characteristic of conjunct or aspectant planet(s) describe the matter Varesh and Horesh stand for.
- Notice the house from Janma lagna where Vaaresh and Horesh are occupied. Signification of that house will reveal the matter about Vaaresha and Horesh.
- Determine the rasi and navamsa occupied by Vaaresh and Horesh at the time of birth. The signification of that rasi and navamsa will foretell the effect of Vaaresh and Horesh.
Take a few hypothetical cases to understand above principles. Suppose a certain male native A is born on Wednesday. The Vaaresh is Mercury. Now find the planets associating and aspecting the Mercury in natal chart. Suppose Mercury is conjoined with Mars in 1st house and aspected by Saturn. Hence the identity of this native will be more like Mars and Saturn, and less similar to Mercury. He will be an angry, self-centered, and dull witted soul. He will often face bad reputation due to his harsh speech. Since Vaarehs is influenced by Mars and Saturn therefore his physical vitality may not shield him against diseases. Moreover his father may have dispute with someone over land issue.
Let’s assume another native B is also born on Wednesday, but his Mercury is sitting with Sun in 5th house and trine to Jupiter. This native B will be more like Sun and Jupiter (as far as effect of Vaaresh is concerned). He will acquire intelligence, learning attitude from his parents. He will establish friendship with elites and favours of some bigwigs and resultantly earn good reputation. Due to Sun and Jupiter influence over Vaaresh Mercury, he will rarely face sickness. Have you notice how native A and B possess different qualities and circumstances related to Vaaresh, despite the fact both are born on Wednesday.
Now consider Horesh. Let’s suppose a native C is born in Hora of Jupiter. Assume his Jupiter is not aspected or conjoined by any planet in natal chart. Therefore notice the house and navamsa occupied by Jupiter. Suppose Jupiter is in 8th house in Pisces. So the native C will incline towards occult studies and occasionally experience true dreams. He likes sweet food more than spicy and hot. He will have much affection and love for his mother, but she may not live together for together, because Vaaresh is in 8th house. Yet, his domestic peace will not disturb as Vaaresh is a natural benefic and in benefic sign.
Suppose a native D is born in Saturn Hora. His Saturn is conjoined with Venus in 3rd house and aspected by Rahu. The native will have artistically inclined mindset and special penchant for classical music and dance. He likes drinks, chocolate and confectionaries. Because Horesh Saturn is associated with Venus therefore his love story with any low-profile alien or outcaste person may soon come to end. Since Rahu is also involved with Horesh who is in 3rd house therefore his mother may have differences with father, or she might come from another cultural or religious background.
Discussed above four cases highlights how one should consider and analyze Vaara and Hora lords in birth chart. However, Vaaresh and Horesh should assume secondary factors, since they cannot supersede position and power of Sun and Moon in nativity. The best way is make a judicious balance between effect of luminaries and Vaaresh and Horesh.
Navagraha Vaara Chakra
This section is a summary of unique concept shared by Editor of Saptarishis Astrology magazine. Few years back he thoroughly discussed this issue with some of friend astrologers and researchers including Brendan Feeley and Robert Koch.
According to this concept Vaara Chakra is formed based on 9 planets, including Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. However, there is no Rahuvaara or Ketuvaara despite they are considered to delineate mutual planetary combination and mutual dasa bhukti. That is why; I label it Navagraha Vaara Chakra.

They say, Navagraha Vaara Chakra can easily explain mutual relation between planets, or astrologically speaking a key to unveil graha yoga. Take for instance, Gajakesari Yoga which is formed by Moon and Jupiter. In Navagraha Vaara Chakra, Jupiter is ruled by Thursday and Moon is ruled by Monday. Therefore count from Monday to Thursday, and again from Thursday to Monday. You will get 4 and 7. Since both 4th and 7th are kendara (angle) from lagna and deem powerful houses. The 4th house indicates happiness, comfort, and stability while 7th house portends fame, association and partnership.
Consider another combination Chandra-Mangal yoga. It is formed when Mars is conjoined with Moon in a same sign. Now count Monday to Tuesday and Tuesday to Monday. You will get 2 and 9. Since 2nd house stands for money and financial assets and 9th house suggests fortune and prosperity, therefore Chandra-Mangal yoga produces good financial prosperity. This is how Navagraha Vaara Chakra can easily unravel nature of planetary combinations.
In a similar way, one can understand expected effect of dasa-bhukti. Suppose one is going through Sun-Rahu antardasa. Count from Sunday to Rahuday and Rahuday to Sunday. You will have 8 and 3. The 8th house is one of the worst house and causes grihana, whereas 3rd house, though one of upachaya bhavas, is not considered good. Since Sun and Rahu are mutual enemy, therefore Sun-Rahu period will be quite trying and unfold adversities to the native related to 8th and 3rd houses.
Matrix of Navagraha Vaara Chakra | |||||||||
→ | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Rah | Ket |
Sun | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Mon | 9 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Tue | 8 | 9 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Wed | 7 | 8 | 9 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Thu | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Fri | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Sat | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Rah | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 1 | 2 |
Ket | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 1 |
A Modified Method: Aforementioned methodology of determining effect of yoga and dasa-bhukti may term “naisargika”. Therefore some experts are of the opinion that one should count from Vaara lord of birth to the planet under consideration. For example if a person is born on Monday then Saturn dasa will be bad, as counting from Monday to Saturday gives 6 (and 6th house is a dusthana).
Caution: Navagraha Vaara Chakra explains “natural outcome” or “naisargika phala” of yoga and dasa-bhukti. Obviously, planetary position, sambandha of other graha and status in vargas do casts their impact on yoga and dasa-bhukti.
Apparent Shortcoming: However, Navagraha Vaara Chakra decodes yoga and dasa-bhukti. But its application on different yogas yields inconsistence results. For example, take Venus-Mercury yoga or dasa-bhukti. One gets 8th and 3rd houses, when Friday to Wednesday, and Wednesday to Friday are counted. This indeed does not follow the widely accept effect of Venus-Mercury association, or dasa-bhukti of Venus-Mercury.
There are some other outliers as well. For example just like Gajakesari yoga, Guru-Chandala yoga formed by Jupiter Rahu) also yields 4th-7th houses. Similarly, Budha-Aditya yoga (formed by Sun and Mercury) gives 7th-4th houses. And Surya-Sani yoga (formed by Sun and Saturn) also yields 7th-4th houses. It is self-evident that Gajakesari, Guru-Chandala, Budha-Aditya and Suya-Sani are no way identical.
Reason of Shortcoming: The flaw – as explained above – may be on account of one major reason, that is, superimposing 9 weekdays over 12 houses. Take any two planets; one cannot arrive at 10, 11 or 12. Therefore getting 10th, 11th and 12th house is not possible if one tries to explain yoga or dasa-bhukti through Navagraha Vaara Chakra.
Vaara Chakra Dasa
The cycle of weekdays can be used for establishing a system of planetary periods. This is akin to interlaced planetary period system based on 7-day Vaara Chakra. The fundamental principle is 1 day = 7 years. The dasa begins with weekday lord (Vaaresh) of birth. Since there are 7 planets associated with 7 days of week therefore each mahadasa is divided into 7 antardasas of 1 year each. The total duration of Vaara Chakra Dasa cycle makes 49, because 7 planets of 7 years each = 49. After completing 49 years, second cycle of Vaara Chakra Dasa begins from age 50 until age 98.
For example someone was born on Friday, January 1, 2010. Since birthday is Friday therefore first mahadasa is ruled by Venus. Following the natural sequence of weekdays i.e. Vaara Chakra, the mahadasa order will be Ven → Sat → Sun → Moo → Mar → Mer → Jup. As per rule, each mahadasa has an elongation of 7 years. Note for under-consideration native, Venus mahadasa again operates from age 50 after end of 7th mahadasa Jupiter.
Vaara Chakra Mahadasas for a Native born on Friday, 1-Jan-2010 | ||||
Mahadasa Lord | Mahadasa Duration | Mahadasa starts | Mahadasa ends | Age of Native (in years) |
Venus | 7 years | 1 January 2010 | 1 January 2017 | Birth to 7 |
Saturn | 7 years | 1 January 2017 | 1 January 2024 | 8 to 14 |
Sun | 7 years | 1 January 2024 | 1 January 2031 | 15 to 21 |
Moon | 7 years | 1 January 2031 | 1 January 2038 | 22 to 28 |
Mars | 7 years | 1 January 2038 | 1 January 2045 | 29 to 35 |
Mercury | 7 years | 1 January 2045 | 1 January 2052 | 36 to 42 |
Jupiter | 7 years | 1 January 2052 | 1 January 2059 | 43 to 49 |
Venus | 7 years | 1 January 2059 | 1 January 2066 | 50 to 56 |
Saturn | 7 years | 1 January 2066 | 1 January 2073 | 57 to 63 |
Sun | 7 years | 1 January 2073 | 1 January 2080 | 64 to 70 |
Now consider antardasa mechanism. Within all mahadasa, antardasa begins from weekday lord (Vaaresh) of birth. For instance in above example, 7 antardasas in Venus mahadasa will be as follows: Ven-Ven → Ven-Sat → Ven-Sun → Ven-Moo → Ven-Mar → Ven-Mer → Ven-Jup. Similarly, antardasas in Saturn mahadasa will follow the sequence: Sat-Ven → Sat-Sat → Sat-Sun → Sat-Moo → Sat-Mar → Sat-Mer → Sat-Jup. Every antardasa has duration of 1 year. This is analogous to ancient concept of 1 day = 1 year because in Vaara Chakra Dasa, the sequence of antardasa is same as sequence of mahadasa.
Antardasas in Venus, Saturn and Sun for a Native born on Friday, 1-Jan-2010 | ||||||||||
Antardasas in 1st Mahadasa Venus |
| Antardasas in 2nd Mahadasa Saturn |
| Antardasas in 3rd Mahadasa Sun | ||||||
Maha | Antar | Starts | Maha | Antar | Starts | Maha | Antar | Starts | ||
Ven | Ven | 1-Jan-2010 | Sat | Ven | 1-Jan-2017 | Sun | Ven | 1-Jan-2024 | ||
Ven | Sat | 1-Jan-2011 | Sat | Sat | 1-Jan-2018 | Sun | Sat | 1-Jan-2025 | ||
Ven | Sun | 1-Jan-2012 | Sat | Sun | 1-Jan-2019 | Sun | Sun | 1-Jan-2026 | ||
Ven | Moo | 1-Jan-2013 | Sat | Moo | 1-Jan-2020 | Sun | Moo | 1-Jan-2027 | ||
Ven | Mar | 1-Jan-2014 | Sat | Mar | 1-Jan-2021 | Sun | Mar | 1-Jan-2028 | ||
Ven | Mer | 1-Jan-2015 | Sat | Mer | 1-Jan-2022 | Sun | Mer | 1-Jan-2029 | ||
Ven | Jup | 1-Jan-2016 | Sat | Jup | 1-Jan-2023 | Sun | Jup | 1-Jan-2030 |
In a similar fashion, one can easily obtain Pratyantardasa (PD) by dividing every 1 year antardasa into 7 equal segments. Aside from duration and order, consider the starting and ending dates of antardasa. In Vaara Chakra Dasa, every antardasa usually coincides with starting date of Sudarshana Chakra Dasa and Annual Solar Return. However, in order to make above example simple, I have just considered uniform year. Even this can be done with simple mental calculations. Nonetheless, you may take definition of year, as per your preference, True Solar Year, Mean Solar Year, or 1 Year = 360 degree of Sun on Sidereal Zodiac.

This example illustrates some known events in the life of Pervez Musharraf. Since it was Tuesday on August 11, 1942 therefore every mahadasa (MD) and antardasa (AD) begins from Mars. The dasa sequence progresses as Mar → Mer → Jup → Ven → Sat → Sun → Moon. Following tables give complete mahadasa and antardasa.
MD | AD | Starts |
| MD | AD | Starts |
| MD | AD | Starts | |||||||||
Mar | Mar | 11-Aug-1942 |
| Mer | Mar | 11-Aug-1949 |
| Jup | Mar | 11-Aug-1956 | |||||||||
Mar | Mer | 11-Aug-1943 |
| Mer | Mer | 11-Aug-1950 |
| Jup | Mer | 11-Aug-1957 | |||||||||
Mar | Jup | 11-Aug-1944 |
| Mer | Jup | 11-Aug-1951 |
| Jup | Jup | 11-Aug-1958 | |||||||||
Mar | Ven | 11-Aug-1945 |
| Mer | Ven | 11-Aug-1952 |
| Jup | Ven | 11-Aug-1959 | |||||||||
Mar | Sat | 11-Aug-1946 |
| Mer | Sat | 11-Aug-1953 |
| Jup | Sat | 11-Aug-1960 | |||||||||
Mar | Sun | 11-Aug-1947 |
| Mer | Sun | 11-Aug-1954 |
| Jup | Sun | 11-Aug-1961 | |||||||||
Mar | Moo | 11-Aug-1948 |
| Mer | Moo | 11-Aug-1955 |
| Jup | Moo | 11-Aug-1962 | |||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||
MD | AD | Starts |
| MD | AD | Starts |
| MD | AD | Starts |
| ||||||||
Ven | Mar | 12-Aug-1963 | Sat | Mar | 11-Aug-1970 | Sun | Mar | 11-Aug-1977 |
| ||||||||||
Ven | Mer | 11-Aug-1964 | Sat | Mer | 12-Aug-1971 | Sun | Mer | 11-Aug-1978 |
| ||||||||||
Ven | Jup | 11-Aug-1965 | Sat | Jup | 11-Aug-1972 | Sun | Jup | 12-Aug-1979 |
| ||||||||||
Ven | Ven | 11-Aug-1966 | Sat | Ven | 11-Aug-1973 | Sun | Ven | 11-Aug-1980 |
| ||||||||||
Ven | Sat | 12-Aug-1967 | Sat | Sat | 11-Aug-1974 | Sun | Sat | 11-Aug-1981 |
| ||||||||||
Ven | Sun | 11-Aug-1968 | Sat | Sun | 12-Aug-1975 | Sun | Sun | 11-Aug-1982 |
| ||||||||||
Ven | Moo | 11-Aug-1969 | Sat | Moo | 11-Aug-1976 | Sun | Moo | 12-Aug-1983 |
| ||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||
MD | AD | Starts |
| MD | AD | Starts |
| MD | AD | Starts |
| ||||||||
Moo | Mar | 11-Aug-1984 | Mar | Mar | 12-Aug-1991 | Mer | Mar | 12-Aug-1998 |
| ||||||||||
Moo | Mer | 11-Aug-1985 | Mar | Mer | 11-Aug-1992 | Mer | Mer | 12-Aug-1999 |
| ||||||||||
Moo | Jup | 11-Aug-1986 | Mar | Jup | 11-Aug-1993 | Mer | Jup | 11-Aug-2000 |
| ||||||||||
Moo | Ven | 12-Aug-1987 | Mar | Ven | 11-Aug-1994 | Mer | Ven | 11-Aug-2001 |
| ||||||||||
Moo | Sat | 11-Aug-1988 | Mar | Sat | 12-Aug-1995 | Mer | Sat | 12-Aug-2002 |
| ||||||||||
Moo | Sun | 11-Aug-1989 | Mar | Sun | 11-Aug-1996 | Mer | Sun | 12-Aug-2003 |
| ||||||||||
Moo | Moo | 11-Aug-1990 | Mar | Moo | 11-Aug-1997 | Mer | Moo | 11-Aug-2004 |
| ||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||
MD | AD | Starts |
| MD | AD | Starts |
| MD | AD | Starts |
| ||||||||
Jup | Mar | 11-Aug-2005 | Ven | Mar | 11-Aug-2012 | Sat | Mar | 12-Aug-2019 |
| ||||||||||
Jup | Mer | 12-Aug-2006 | Ven | Mer | 11-Aug-2013 | Sat | Mer | 11-Aug-2020 |
| ||||||||||
Jup | Jup | 12-Aug-2007 | Ven | Jup | 12-Aug-2014 | Sat | Jup | 11-Aug-2021 |
| ||||||||||
Jup | Ven | 11-Aug-2008 | Ven | Ven | 12-Aug-2015 | Sat | Ven | 12-Aug-2022 |
| ||||||||||
Jup | Sat | 11-Aug-2009 | Ven | Sat | 11-Aug-2016 | Sat | Sat | 12-Aug-2023 |
| ||||||||||
Jup | Sun | 12-Aug-2010 | Ven | Sun | 11-Aug-2017 | Sat | Sun | 11-Aug-2024 |
| ||||||||||
Jup | Moo | 12-Aug-2011 | Ven | Moo | 12-Aug-2018 | Sat | Moo | 11-Aug-2025 |
| ||||||||||
Some significant events in life of Pervez Musharraf and relevant Vaara Chakra Dasa with simple interpretation are described below.
Event-1: Pervez Musharraf married to an educationist on 28 December 1968
Vaara Chakra Dasa: Venus-Sun
Interpretation: Venus is lord of 7th and significator of marriage as well. Sun is conjoined with dispositor of Venus (i.e. Moon). Venus also owns UL in Navamsa chart, while Sun is the lord of 7th house from AL in rasi chart. In addition, Venus, Sun and their dispositor in 9th house also hint wife’s association with academics.
Event-2: Became Chief of Army Staff on 6 October 1998
Vaara Chakra Dasa: Mercury-Mars
Interpretation: Mercury and Mars are culminating at midheaven and forming a powerful yoga. The yoga yielded him unexpected fortune because the dispositor Mars and Mercury is Sun who is conjoined with 9th lord Moon in 9th house.
Event-3: Bloodless coup against Nawaz Sharif Government on 12 October 1999
Vaara Chakra Dasa: Mercury-Mercury
Interpretation: Mercury is in 10th house with lagna lord Mars and Rahu. Mercury’s relation with 10th house and 1st lord brought self-earned power and authority.
Event-4: Musharraf restored political system and conducted general elections in October 2002
Vaara Chakra Dasa: Mercury-Saturn
Interpretation: Mercury in 10th house, while antardasa lord Saturn is a natural significator of politicians. Both are occupying in Kendra from lagna.
Event-5: Autobiography “In the line of Fire” published on 25 September 2006
Vaara Chakra Dasa: Jupiter-Mercury
Interpretation: Mercury is the dispositor of Jupiter. Moreover, Mercury is the karaka of writing and books. Mercury is in Leo with Mars (note the autobiography title “In the line of Fire”)
Event-6: Conflict began with Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry: March-April 2007
Vaara Chakra Dasa: Jupiter-Mercury
Interpretation: Jupiter is a karaka of Judiciary and placed in 8th house. Mercury is associated with enemy Mars.
Event-7: Stepped down from the position of Army Chief on 28 November 2007
Vaara Chakra Dasa: Jupiter-Jupiter
Interpretation: Jupiter as lord of 2nd and 5th is placed in 8th house while its dispositor is in 10th house (career and position). Complete influence of 8th house brought downfall. Moreover Jupiter is in sign of Mercury for Scorpio lagna. Hence all subsequent sub periods in Jupiter mahadasa brought forth lot of criticism from media and lawyer community.

Late Benazir Bhutto was born on Sunday, June 21, 1953. Hence Sun is the first mahadasa; Moon is second, Mars is third and so on according the natural order of weekdays.
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MD | AD | Starts |
| MD | AD | Starts |
| MD | AD | Starts |
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Sun | Sun | 21-Jun-1953 | Moo | Sun | 21-Jun-1960 | Mar | Sun | 22-Jun-1967 |
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Sun | Moo | 22-Jun-1954 | Moo | Moo | 21-Jun-1961 | Mar | Moo | 21-Jun-1968 |
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Sun | Mar | 22-Jun-1955 | Moo | Mar | 22-Jun-1962 | Mar | Mar | 21-Jun-1969 |
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Sun | Mer | 21-Jun-1956 | Moo | Mer | 22-Jun-1963 | Mar | Mer | 22-Jun-1970 |
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Sun | Jup | 21-Jun-1957 | Moo | Jup | 21-Jun-1964 | Mar | Jup | 22-Jun-1971 |
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Sun | Ven | 22-Jun-1958 | Moo | Ven | 21-Jun-1965 | Mar | Ven | 21-Jun-1972 |
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Sun | Sat | 22-Jun-1959 | Moo | Sat | 22-Jun-1966 | Mar | Sat | 21-Jun-1973 |
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MD | AD | Starts |
| MD | AD | Starts |
| MD | AD | Starts |
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Mer | Sun | 22-Jun-1974 | Jup | Sun | 22-Jun-1981 | Ven | Sun | 21-Jun-1988 |
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Mer | Moo | 22-Jun-1975 | Jup | Moo | 22-Jun-1982 | Ven | Moo | 22-Jun-1989 |
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Mer | Mar | 21-Jun-1976 | Jup | Mar | 22-Jun-1983 | Ven | Mar | 22-Jun-1990 |
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Mer | Mer | 21-Jun-1977 | Jup | Mer | 21-Jun-1984 | Ven | Mer | 22-Jun-1991 |
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Mer | Jup | 22-Jun-1978 | Jup | Jup | 22-Jun-1985 | Ven | Jup | 21-Jun-1992 |
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Mer | Ven | 22-Jun-1979 | Jup | Ven | 22-Jun-1986 | Ven | Ven | 22-Jun-1993 |
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Mer | Sat | 21-Jun-1980 | Jup | Sat | 22-Jun-1987 | Ven | Sat | 22-Jun-1994 |
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MD | AD | Starts |
| MD | AD | Starts | ||||||||||
Sat | Sun | 22-Jun-1995 | Sun | Sun | 22-Jun-2002 | |||||||||||
Sat | Moo | 21-Jun-1996 | Sun | Moo | 22-Jun-2003 | |||||||||||
Sat | Mar | 22-Jun-1997 | Sun | Mar | 21-Jun-2004 | |||||||||||
Sat | Mer | 22-Jun-1998 | Sun | Mer | 22-Jun-2005 | |||||||||||
Sat | Jup | 22-Jun-1999 | Sun | Jup | 22-Jun-2006 | |||||||||||
Sat | Ven | 21-Jun-2000 | Sun | Ven | 22-Jun-2007 | |||||||||||
Sat | Sat | 22-Jun-2001 | Sun | Sat | 21-Jun-2008 | |||||||||||
Event-1: Benazir’s father Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto formed his own political party on November 30, 1967
Vaara Chakra Dasa: Mar-Sun
Interpretation: Sun is significator of father and Mars is lord of 5th. Both are conjoined in Kendra and aspected by Saturn – the karaka of politics. In fact, rest of all antardasas in Sun mahadasa boosted father’s political career.
Event-2: Benazir’s father Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s government came to an end on 5 July 1977
Vaara Chakra Dasa: Mer-Mer
Interpretation: Mercury as dispositor of 9th lord Sun, occupies in 8th house without any beneficial aspect. Mercury’s association with Ketu is also a bad factor. Futhermore, pitru-karaka Sun is in 12th from dasanatha Mercury.
Event-3: Benazir’s father Zulfiqar Ali Bhuttos was hanged on 4 April 1979
Vaara Chakra Dasa: Mer-Jup
Interpretation: Mercury is bad for father as reasoned above. Jupiter is maraka with respect to Sun who is in Gemini. In addition, Jupiter is aspected by Rahu who is in 8th from Sun.
Event-4: Benazir gave birth of her first son Bilawal on 21 September 1988
Vaara Chakra Dasa: Ven-Sun
Interpretation: Sun is a male planet and conjoined with 5th lord Mars. Whereas, Venus is dispositor of Jupiter, and domiciles in 5th house.
Event-5: Benazir won general elections in November and become Prime Minister on 2 December 1988
Vaara Chakra Dasa: Ven-Sun
Interpretation: Sun is also a karaka of power and position. Venus in 5th house, and lord of 5th with Sun bestowed her Prime Ministerial status. Perhaps entire Venus mahadasa activated her in political life.
Event-6: Benazir’s younger brother Mir Murtaza Bhutto was shot dead on 20 September 1996
Vaara Chakra Dasa: Sat-Moon
Interpretation: Saturn is lord of 3rd house and placed in 10th house i.e. 8th from 3rd house. Moon is lord of 8th from lagna and 6th from 3rd house. Moon is in 11th house as dispositor of Ketu and Mercury.
Event-7: Benazir returned to Pakistan on 18 October 2007 from self-exile, got tremendous welcome from people, but ultimately shot dead on 27 December 2007
Vaara Chakra Dasa: Sun-Ven
Interpretation: Just like Ven-Sun, the dasa-bhukti of Sun-Ven in 2007 brought great recognition for her. However, along with fame and political popularity, she faced fatal assassination attack on 18 October 2007 in the very mahadasa of Sun. No doubt Sun as lord of 9th is conjoined with lord of 5th house. But its position in 7th house makes Sun a maraka. Mars in 7th house also causes accidental death or killing. Here Venus – who is in sign of Mars – gave the fateful result of assassination. Another factor is full aspect of 8th lord Moon on antardasa lord Venus.
Vaara Chakra Dasa is an experimental attempt but based on concrete astrological principles, therefore it yields significantly reliable results. The old saying 1 day = 1 year drives this dasa system. I have tested Vaara Chakra Dasa on dozens of my friends and family members’ charts and found fascinating outcome. You must have noticed that in both examples I did not use abstract ideas, gibberish logic or complex reason. All events of example I and II are interpreted with the aid of simple astrological reasoning. This is the beauty of Vaara Chakra Dasa.
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