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59 entries.
manju gupta manju gupta from delhi wrote on 26/01/2010 at 2:18 am
First let me thank the adminstration incharge of this magazine..I was really impressed by the response from !Truly professional approach which made me a reader of This site.
The magazine is very informative ,articles written by knowledgeable people which the like to share rather than keeping as secret with them...
I did Astrology Acharya cource not to become as pandit just for my inquistive nature and to find few answers to my non ending surprises..I feel site like this and articles [specially I read Vol.7 ...which is full of great articles...

like to thank all the people of this magazine to share their knowledge...
Adam Gainsburg Adam Gainsburg from washington wrote on 26/01/2010 at 2:17 am
Many, many thanks to Admin and the staff of Saptarishis for your hard work and focus on a great magazine. The astrological world is greatly benefitted by your vision to cross previous borders of culture and technique.
shrikant kajaria shrikant kajaria from vishakapattanam wrote on 25/01/2010 at 2:21 am
nice magazine but if it could be in printable version i could store a hard copy also
i submit my highest regards to the writers
Surmil Jain Surmil Jain from Joghpur wrote on 25/01/2010 at 2:20 am
Wishing happy new year to all reader's and publisher's of this magzine.

I am very thankful to all persons who makes great efforts to publish this magzine and make it available for us.

Best of luck for future.
K Vasudevan K Vasudevan from madras wrote on 25/01/2010 at 2:20 am
Today is a an auspicious day & I would like to list myself in this august group.

Vattem.R.krishnan Vattem.R.krishnan from Delhi wrote on 25/01/2010 at 2:19 am
Sapta Rishi Astrology is promoting the efforts to bring awareness of Jyotish to promote a Society of Values.Those who are fortunate to have interest in this Vedic Science are sure to get benefited from various Concepts of Astrology.Certainly it's intention to educate members is towards to see every to have a sound mind in a healthy body.
In this context,the mention of Medical Astrology and it's approach for resolving and controlling the various diseases deserve special reference.
Swapneel Kanetkar Swapneel Kanetkar from mumbai wrote on 22/01/2010 at 4:46 am
Excellent December issue, very exhaustive & informative. Your issues are remarkable in terms of content, articles & instances. We look forward for more excellent articles from your side.

Gr8 work.
Anand srinivas raman Anand srinivas raman from bangalore wrote on 22/01/2010 at 3:15 am
Dear Publishers,
I find your e-magazine very informative. It would be helpful if more of the research of the Honourable Mr. CS Patel is published. I have been a devotee of his Astronomical knowledge of Astrology. His Logic is unassailable. I have used it in various research questions myself and found answers that satisfy my need for accurate methods for predictions.
I will be honored to be called upon to contribute to your efforts in terms of efforts and work.
Admin Reply by: SA Admin
Dear Sir
Greetings and many thanks for your kind words. There is some work of C S Patel which needs to be translated from Gujarati to English but due to lack of volunteers it is going slow and at a standstill now. God willing in future it would come out.
If we can request you to write an article on your researchers and also what you could learn from Patel Sahebs techniques it would help all of us in understanding his work better and implementing it. It would be a fitting tribute from your end to him.
Kind regards
S. ramjee S. ramjee from chennai wrote on 22/01/2010 at 3:14 am
Thank you all for the jyothish book. Every issue is a gift to astrologers. I am unable to find a suitable adjective to describe the books,they are simply Super
chiranjeevlal purohit chiranjeevlal purohit from Bikaner wrote on 22/01/2010 at 3:11 am
sir,I have been reading the issues of your magazine since may 2009 regularly. I have also downloaded some interesting articles of the previous issues.The article on PANOTI YOGA by sri P.M.PADIA is worth praising and for that I am much thankful for both the writer and the editor.The beginning of the translation of some of the rare books from other languages will also help a lot.With best wishes regards.
Admin Reply by: SA Admin
Yours is one of the rare posts which encourages an author, which is the main intention of this guest book sign in and hence we must thank you with your heart.

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