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Typed and Proof-read by Pradeepsinh Jadeja, India
I have classified the aspecting planets into six kinds according to their potentiality in the formation of Subhargala Yogas.
They are in ascending order as follows:
- A planet who aspects Janma Lagna.
- A planet who aspects Janma Lagna and its 7th house.
- The lord of the sign occupied by the Moon aspecting Janma Lagna called Kevala.
- The Lord of the sign occupied by the Moon aspecting Moon and Janma Lagna, called Yogada.
- A planet aspecting Janma Lagna in Rasi chart and Navamsa Lagna in Navamsa chart, called Yogada.
A planet aspecting Janma Lagna in Rasi chart and Drekkana Lagna in Drekkana chart. - A planet aspecting Janma Lagna in Rasi chart, Navamsa Lagna in Navamsa chart and Drekkana Lagna in Drekkana chart.
Navamsa Reckoning:
The readers are aware of the method of reckoning Navamsa, according to the traditional principles in Parasari. Some commentators advocate the principles of reckoning which is as follows:
For Aries, Leo, Sagittarius the count should be direct from Aries.
For Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn the count should be reverse from Capricorn.
For Gemini, Libra, Aquarius the count should be direct from Libra.
For Cancer, Vrischika, Pisces the count should be reverse from Cancer.
Illustration : Born on 21-5-19
Janma Lagna-Scorpio 80 with Saturn 120 : Sagittarius-Ketu 60, Capricorn-Moon 30, Pisces-Jupiter- 40, Taurus-Sun 70 and Mercury 80, Gemini-Mars 270, Venus 180 and Rahu 60. See Rasi and Navamsa charts.
Use both the methods of reckoning Navamsa and accept whichever is applicable for finding out the aspecting planets etc. But for Drekkana reckoning, use Jaimini principles as authenticated by Vriddhas. This is called Parivritti Traya Drekkana. The table given below is ready reckoner for Drekkana.

In the Rasi chart, the Moon in Capricorn aspects Navamsa Lagna, Taurus in the Navamsa chart. Hence the Moon becomes Yogada (aspecting planet-5) But no Subhargala Yoga forms by any category of Argala. But Saturn becomes Yogada (A-P-4). The 5th sign from Saturn is occupied by Jupiter, forming Subhargala Yoga by secondary Argala sign (3rd category).
Assessment of Subhargala Potential:
Assess the Subhargala potential by the six orders of the aspecting planet, the 1st being the lowest, and the 6th being the highest.
Assess the Subhargala potential by the merits and demerits of the aspecting planets.
Exaltation or own house position of the aspecting planet.
Association of the Moon with aspecting planet.
Aspect or association of the exalted planets with the aspecting planet.
The Subhargala potential falls if Rahu is associated with the aspecting planet. Rahu destroys the Subhargala Yoga like droplet of poison in a pot of milk.
The Subhargala potential decreases much by association of Ketu with the aspecting planet.
The Subhargala potential decreases if the aspecting planet is debilitated.
Rahu in the 5th or 9th or 8th or 12th from the aspecting planet reduces Subhargala potential.
In the next lesson, I shall deal with how Argala Rajyogas are constituted by the formation of Subhargala Yoga connected with Yogada by the 1st and the 3rd category of Argala signs
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