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Typed and Proof-read by Swathi Venkata Lakshmi . K
We shall take up the Jaimini’s exposition of Karaka theory in this lesson. In Jaimini, Karakas are of two kinds: 1.Variable Karakas, 2. Fixed Karakas . Variable Karakas are Atma, Amatya, Bhratu, Matru, Putra,Jnati,Dara. It means the Karakas vary from horoscope to horoscope. In Parasari, the Sun is the Atmakaraka for all. But in Jaimini, if the Sun is the Atmakaraka in one horoscope, Mars may be the Atmakaraka in another horoscope. Hence we have to determine the Atmakaraka and other Karakas in each horoscope. These seven Karakas are , therefore , called the variable Karakas.
Determination of Variable Karakas
Find out the longitudes of the seven planets – the Sun, the Moon , Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. The planet who attains the highest degrees becomes Atmakaraka. The remaining Karakas follow in the decreasing order of degrees. Hence the decreasing order of the seven Karakas is
Let us find out the seven Karakas in Example 1.

There is an alternative called Ashtanavama by using which the seven Karakas may be determined from the 8 planets, if necessary. This means the inclusion of Rahu for determining the seven Karakas. When is this done? We get the answer from a Vriddhakarika. When two planets among the seven attain equal number of degrees, one Karaka may be omitted. In such a case Rahu’s intrusion is unavoidable. If three planets attain the same number of degrees, the relevant fixed Karaka intrudes. Only four variable Karakas are likely to be omitted. Hence Jaimini mentions four fixed Karakas to fill the gap of the four variable Karakas. There are no fixed Karakas in the place of Atma and Amatya. The fixed Karakas are Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. Rahu is not eligible to become Atmakaraka. So, the gaps cannot be filled in either by any fixed Karaka or by Rahu if Atma and Amatya Karakas attain equal number of degrees.
Then, the one that has greater natural strength becomes Atmakaraka while the other become Amatya. The readers should once again remember that the variable Karakas are only seven in number and the seven variable Karakas should be determined among the seven planets or eight planets.
Example II : Birth Data as Above
Example II shows the 7 variable Karakas among the 8 planets.
Rasi : Mars = 2s27° – Atma, Rahu = 2s 6° (30°-6°=24°) – Amatya; Venus = 2s17° – Bhratru; Saturn = 7s 12° – Matru; Sun = 1s 6° – Putra; Mercury = 1s6° — ; Jupiter=11s3° -Jnati ; and Moon = 9s2° – Dara.
Here, the Sun and Mercury attain equal number of degrees. So one Karaka should be omitted. To avoid such an omission of one Karaka from among the seven, Rahu is included. Rahu attains 6 ° in the sign which means he has enjoyed 24° already. So in the order of degrees, Rahu comes next to Mars. Rahu comes in the place of Amatya and thus seven variable Karakas are determined among the 8 planets including Rahu. Care should be taken to see that Rahu will not occupy the place of Atma. In case of his getting the highest degree, he can be excluded and a fixed Karaka allowed to fill the gap.
Example III : Atma and Amatya with equal number of degrees.
Rasi: Venus = 2s 27°;Mars = 1s 27°;Satrun = 7s12°;Mercury = 1s 8°;Sun 1s6°;Jupiter=1s3°; and the Moon=9s2°;
Venus and Mars attain the highest equal number of degrees. No inclusion of Rahu is necessary nor can any fixed Karaka fill the gap. Between Mars and Venus, Venus has of more natural strength than Mars. Hence Venus becomes Atmakaraka while Mars becomes Amatyakaraka.
Omission of Antyakaraka
If Atma, Amatya and Bhratru Karakas attain equal number of degrees, no Karaka will be omitted by including Rahu. If any three Karakas other than Amatyakaraka attain equal number of degrees, Dara Karaka will be dropped. If 4 Karakas attain equal number of dgrees, Jnati and Dara Karakas will be omitted. If five Karakas attain equal number of degrees, Putra, Jnati and Dara Karakas will be omitted. If 6 or 7 Karakas attain equal number of degrees, Matru, Putra ,Jnati and Dara Karakas will be omitted.
Example IV
Rasi Venus = 2s27° – Atma; Mars =2s27° – Amatya ; Saturn =7s27° — ; Mercury = 1s8° =Bhratru; Sun = 1s6° – Matru; Jupiter =11s 3° – Putra; Moon=9s2° -Jnati; and Rahu=2s28°(2°)- Dara.
Here, between Mars and Venus, Venus is stronger by nature and hence Venus becomes Atmakaraka while Mars becomes Amatya Karaka. Saturn is dropped. By including Rahu all the seven variable Karakas are obtained.
Example V
Rasi Mars = 2s27° – Atma; Venus =2s16° – Amatya ; Mercury = 1s 16° – ;Saturn = 7s16°- ; Sun=1s6°. Bhratru; Jupiter = 11s3° – Matru; Moon = 9s 2° – Putra; and Rahu = 2s28°(2°) – Jnati.
In this example, Darakaraka is omitted. Hence Venus, the fixed Karaka for wife, should be taken into account.
Example VI
Rasi Mars = 2s 17° – Atma; Sun =2s16° – Amatya ; Mercury = 1s 16° ;Saturn = 7s16°–;Venus = 2s16°–; Jupiter = 11s3° – Bhratru; Moon = 9s 2° – Matru; and Rahu = 2s28°(2°) – Putra.
The Sun, Mercury, Satrun and Venus obtain equal number of degrees. So Jnati and Dara Karakas are omitted.
Omission of Agrima Karaka
If Atma – Amatya, Bhratru – Matru and Putra – Jnati Karaka pairs each attain equal number of degrees. Matru Karaka will be omitted. If Amatya-Bhratru, Matru-Putra and Jnati-Dara Karaka pairs each attain equal number of degrees, Bhratru and Putra Karakas will be omitted. If Atma-Amatya and Bhratru-Matru Karaka pairs each attain equal number of degrees. Matru Karaka will be omitted. If Matru-Putra and Jnati-Dara Karaka pairs each attain equal number of degrees, Putra Karaka will be omitted.
Example VII
Rasi Venus = 2s 27° – Atma; Mars =2s27° – Amatya ; Mercury = 1s 16° – ;Sun = 1s6°-Bhratru; Mercury = 1s16°–; Jupiter = 11s6° – Putra; Saturn = 7s 6° -; Moon – 9s2° — Jnati; and Rahu = 2s28°(2°) – Dara.
Example VIII
Rasi Mars = 2s 27° – Atma; Venus =2s16° – Amatya ; Mercury = 1s 16° -;Sun = 1s6°-Matru; Saturn = 7s6°-; Jupiter = 11s3° – Jnati; Moon = 9s 3° – ; and Rahu = 2s28°(2°) – Dara.
In Example VII Matrukaraka is omitted. In Example VIII Bhratru and Putra Karakas are omitted.
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