Wednesday , February 19 2025
Lessons in Jaimini Astrology - 9 by Iranganti Rangacharya

Lessons in Jaimini Astrology – 9 by Iranganti Rangacharya

Published in “The Astrological Magazine”, June 1992

Typed and proofread by Ravi Gollapalli, Hyderabad, India

Fourth House From Karakamsa

1. If the Moon occupies the 4th house from Karakamsa, the native becomes a sailor.
2. The Moon in the 4th house from Karakamsa aspected by Venus, makes the native a prosperous navigator. The same result is caused by the Moon in Sagittarius aspected by Venus.
3. If the Moon alone occupies the 4th house from Karakamsa and is aspected by the Sun and Rahu, the native dies by snake-bite. But the aspect of a benefic planet can avert the danger of death by snake-bite. By the association of benefics alone in the above, the native becomes the curer of snake-bite or a dealer of antidotes.

4. If the Moon alone occupies the 4th house from Karakamsa and is aspected by the Sun and Rahu, the native dies by snake-bite. But the aspect of a benefic planet can avert the danger of death by snake-bite. By the association of benefics alone in the above, the native becomes the curer of snake-bite or a dealer of antidotes.

5. If the 4th house from Karakamsa is occupied by the Moon alone aspected by Mars and unaspected by any other planet, his house burns away or he sets fire to other’s houses. If benefics also aspect, the house will be half-burnt.

6. If benefics along with Venus aspect the above, the danger of fire accident will be averted.

7. If the 4th house of Karakamsa is occupied by the Moon and aspected by Mars and Jupiter, the house adjacent to the native’s house, may catch fire but not the native’s house.

8. If the 4th house from Karakamsa is occupied by Gulika, unaspected by benefics, he administers poison to others. But if Gulika is in the 4th house from Karakamasa aspected by malefics, he dies of by swallowing poison.

Determination of Gulika

Divide the diurnal duration by 8. There will be 8 parts. The lord of the week day owns the 1st part. Next the lords of the weekdays own respectively the next six parts in the order of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. The 8th part will have no lord. The part owned by Saturn will contain Gulika at the end. Suppose the weekday of birth is Tuesday. Then the lords of the 7 parts are Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Sun and Moon. Hence Gulika resides in the 5th part of the day ruled by Saturn. For a night birth, divide the nocturnal duration by 8. The 1st part will be owned by the 5th weekday lord from the weekday of birth and subsequent parts will be owned by in the order of the weekday lords. The table below gives the positions of Gulika for both day and night births.

Since Gulika resides in the end of the part owned by Saturn, the longitudes of Gulika can be calculated according to the latitude of the place of birth.

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