Longevity Research For A New Theory of Pam Block 3rd Part

Longevity Research For A New Theory of Pam Block 3rd Part

Article by Basilioli Sandro ( Vediko )

Introduction  By Basilioli Sandro  ( Vediko )               

3 Step Pam Vediko Theory ( Part 3 )

Here I am presenting the last article of the series, I hope the readers after reading it will understand it and test it. I am not going to illustrate the different tables once again , I will illustrate with many horoscopes especially twins horoscopes . For the tables you can get articles 1,2,and 3 for help, remember ,don’t be afraid if you test it with your own horoscope and your longevity is not long, you must understand very well the theory first. You can for confidence use the vimshottary dasha and Iranganti Rangacharya with Shamunbhai Shah method like I also do to go very close, I will give examples of Adolf Hitler, J. F .Kennedy and Swami Vivekanand. Right now I have improvised from Pravin Jagad base method a different way to find longevity and I call it , ( Vital Energy ) it has less yoga from the original method, still testing it with good results and hope one day to share with the readers.

Note: I use Lahiri Ayamansa.


Example : 1                                                               Albert Einstein

Longevity Research For A New Theory of Pam Block 3rd Part 1

Albert Einstein lived up to 76 years.   PAM 1 =  L-M-L = From 69Y to 100Y.  PAM 2 = From 70Y to 94Y .

Now looking at Pam 2,  and to arrive at  Pam 3 , I will have two longevity,  the 1st will be the max longevity, and the 2nd will be the min longevity if there is any reductions in the horoscope.


Moon: in 6th but not active debilitated.

Mars :Owner of 6th in 8th not active failed by Saturn.

PLANET           YEARS           MONTHS          DAYS          YOGA 
L.L. Mercury        60                       0                        0               In 10th house
Sun                         6                         0                        0              Conju with L.L.
Venus                     10                      0                        0               Owner of 8th house change lagna  
Saturn                     0                        0                        0               Failed by Mars in Capricorn
TOTAL                    76                       0                        0               MAX LONGEVITY                    


Example :2                                                            Galileo Galilei

Longevity Research For A New Theory of Pam Block 3rd Part 2

Galileo Galilei  lived up to 78years . Pam 1 : L-L-M = From 69Y to 100YPam 2 : From 63y to 86y

Reduction: Mercury : Owner of 12th in 8th .

Planet              Years           Months          Days        Yoga
L.L. Moon            0                       11                     0               See rule of reduction
Ind. Saturn           60                      0                      0              in Lagna
Jubiter                   6                        7                      0              in conj. With Sat
Moon                     10                      0                      0              in aries + interpolated  
Venus                     0                        1                     0              interpolated with L.L.
Mars                       1                        4                     0              interpolated with L.L.    
TOTAL                    78                     12                    0              MAX Longevity
Less Mercury         17                     0                     0              Full minor rate  
TOTAL                    61                      12                      0              Min Longevity

In this case I have reduce the longevity by ( Full  minor rate) because it is very close to 63 years of Pam 2. So the Pam 3 has reduce the longevity by  6 years more.  Final Pam is From 67y to 78 y months, in Iranganti  Rangacharya method it gives me 76y, 77y or 78y years in the Vimshottary Dasha 61 to 78 comes in the dasha ofJubiter. Pam 3 comes in this period , Jubiter is conj with Sat owner of 7th ( MARACA) AND 8TH ( Death) and Jubiter is owner of 6th (disease ) aspecting the 7th ( Maraca) it indicate the right period so look and then decide. This is how I find someone right longevity instead my theory is a fast way for rough age.

Example : 3                                                                     Indira Gandhi

Longevity Research For A New Theory of Pam Block 3rd Part 3

Indira Gandhi lived up to 66years.  Pam 1 : S-L-L = From 62y to 93y. Pam 2 = From 62y to 83y.


Moon: in Capricorn = 10 years.

Planet              Years               Months                 Days               Yoga
L.L. Moon              3                             6                            0                    Prop. See rule of reduction
Moon                     3                             6                            0                    Additional For interpolation
Saturn                   60                           0                            0                     In Lagna
TOTAL                   67                           0                            0                     Max Longevity
Less Moon           10                            0                           0                     In Capricorn
TOTAL                   57                            0                           0                     Min Longevity

Here 57 years is close to 62 of Pam 2 so the Pam 3 is : From 57y to 67 y. It has reduce the longevity by 9 years from Pam 2 .

Example : 4                                                        Denis Grosby a twin case

Longevity Research For A New Theory of Pam Block 3rd Part 4

Denis Grosby is the sun of Bill Grosby the famous American actor. He lived up to age 56 years.

In twin cases you have to be very careful at the micro Pam 1 . It is more sensible than the KP Astrology system. The sublord of the ascendant in KP can change sometimes after 4 minutes , in this theory the formula can change even in less minutes or seconds. So please  look at ones longevity after his 20th birthday to be sure that he could have at least a medium life and not before, because an Astrologer looks at ones lifespan to be sure to predict a possible marriage or a possibility to have childrens ecc.ecc not to impress someone .

Pam 1 : C-M-MFrom 33 YTO 67 Y . Pam 2 : From 50y to 66y

Reductions: (1) Me : Owner of 12th in 12th ( Active),   (2) Sat : Owner of 8th in 8th( NOT ACTIVE ).

Planets           Years              Months            Days          Yoga
L.L. Moon           45                      8                      0              Proportionate in Lagna
INDSat               0                        0                      0              Failed by Mars
Moon                  20                      0                      0              In Lagna + In Cancer
TOTAL                 65                      8                       0             Max Longevity                                               
Less     Me           8                        6                       0             Half minor rate          
TOTAL                 56                       2                       0             Min Longevity    RIGHT  LIFESPAN

Note: You have to play with the yoga reductions , because the idée is to go the more possibly close to the Pam 2 indications, not so far from 66 years and not so far from 50 years. Sometimes I use the Nodes years ( Twin brother case) in this case not active.

Twin Brother:                                                                  Phillip, Grosby 

Longevity Research For A New Theory of Pam Block 3rd Part 5

Phillip, Grosby  lived up to 69 years. Pam 1 :C-M-L = From 60y to 91y. Pam 2 : From 58y to 78y. 

Planets           Years              Months            Days          Yoga
L.L. Moon           45                      8                      0              Proportionate in Lagna
INDSat               0                        0                      0              Failed by Mars
Ketu                     3                        6                       0            In Lagna with L.L. (half minor rate)   
Moon                  20                       0                       0             In Lagna + In Cancer                       
TOTAL                 69                      4                       0             Max Longevity     Right Longevity
Less     Me           8                        6                       0             Half minor rate          
TOTAL                 60                      8                       0             Min Longevity   

In this case of about two minutes of different  the lifespan changes. I think this is the only way ( Micro Methods) to see different in twins births .

Here is an interesting case of two twin brothers where some Yoga for longevity are not active in the first case and active in the second case.

EXAMPLE : 5                                                              BUNTION, KENNETH

Longevity Research For A New Theory of Pam Block 3rd Part 6

Kenneth lived up to 27 years. Pam 1 : From 12 to 32 years. Pam 2 : From 21 to 33 years

REDUCTIONS:                                                                                                                                                               Moon : Owner of 6th comes in 6th and in cancer = 15 years

Mercury: Owner of 8th in 6th = 17 years.

Planet                Years                Months             Days               Yoga 
L.L. Sat                   60                       0                        0                   in 4th
Ind. Sat                    0                        0                       0                   Failed by Mars
Total                       60                      0                        0                   Looking at Pam 2
Less Mercury         17                     0                         0                  Owner of 8th in 6th
TOTAL                     43                      0                        0                  Max Longevity
Less Moon             15                      0                         0                 Owner of 6th comes in 6th + in cancer
TOTAL                     28                      0                          0                Min Longevity        

TWIN BROTHER ( Still Alive)

Longevity Research For A New Theory of Pam Block 3rd Part 7

In 2010 still alive age 66y. Pam 1 : From 62 to 93 years. Pam 2 : From 61 to 85 years.

Planet                Years                Months             Days               Yoga  
L.L. Sat                 60                         0                       0                   In 4th
Ind. Sat                0                           0                       0                   Failed by Mars
Moon                  10                          0                       0                  Interpolated + comes in 7th (joint-sign)
Venus                  0                            0                       0                  Interpolated with L.L.
Mercury              8                            6                       0                 Owner of 8th comes in 7th (joint-sign)
TOTAL                 78                          6                        0                Max Longevity ?
Less  Me             17                          0                       0                 Owner of 8th comes in 6th
Total                    61                         6                        0                Min Longevity  ( Looking at Pam 2)

Note(1): In this case Yoga of Moon and Mercury is active to give years looking at Pam 2.

Note (2): Here Yoga of Moon for reduction is not active.

I have other cases of twin births that work well but for space in not included.

EXAMPLE : 6                                                                   ADOLF HITLER

Longevity Research For A New Theory of Pam Block 3rd Part 8

Lived up to 56 years. Pam 1: From 40 to 82 years. Pam 2: From 38 to 65 years.

Here I want to show  three  different method combine together and how they work.

(1):  Shamunbhai Shah Method in his book gives for Hitler = 60 years.

(2):  Iranganti Rangacharya Method it gives me about = 55years.

Planet                Years                Months             Days               Yoga   
L.L. Venus            60                        0                       0                    L.L. in 4th (joint-sign)
Less                       10                        0                       0                    Rule 6/8
TOTAL                   50                       0                         0         
Mars                       0                        0                         0                   Owner of 2nd in 7th
Sun                         3                         0                         0                    See Rule 6/8
Sun                         3                         0                         0                   Exalted
Saturn                    0                        0                         0                   Failed by Mars
Total                       56                      0                         0                    Max Longevity  

Note  (1) :There is no reduction Yoga.

Note (2) : Using these three method you can predict  longevity from 50 to 60 years.

EXAMPLE : 7                                                               J. F. KENNEDY

Longevity Research For A New Theory of Pam Block 3rd Part 9

Lived up to 46 years. Pam 1: M-M-L  From 40 to 82 years. Pam 2:   From 46 to 73 years.

(1) :  Shamunbhai Shah Method gives me = 50 years

(2):   Iranganti Rangacharya gives me = 46 years

PLANETS                YEARS                MONTHS                    DAYS                 YOGA
L.L. MERCURY          60                           0                               0                     L.L. IN 8TH
LESS       MARS          7                             0                               0                    OWNER OF 8TH IN 8TH
TOTAL                        53                            0                               0                   MAX LONGEVITY
SATURN                     0                             0                                0                    IN 11TH 
LESS    MOON           5                              0                               0                     IN 12TH
TOTAL                       48                             0                               0                    MIN LONGEVITY

Note: You can see once again using these three method you can get similar results. In this case you could predict  that  J.F. Kennedy  lifespan was from 46 to 50 years easily.

EXAMPLE : 8                                                          SWAMI VIVEKANAND

Longevity Research For A New Theory of Pam Block 3rd Part 10

Lived up to 39 years. Pam 1 : S-M-M From 33 to 67 years. Pam 2: From 39 to 55 years.

 (1) :  Shamunbhai Shah Method Gives me  40 years

 (2):   Iranganti Rangacharya gives  39 years

PLANET                YEARS                 MONTHS                   DAYS              YOGA
L.L. JUBITER            21                           4                               0                  PROPORTIONATE
SATURN                   14                           4                               0                  PROPORTIONATE
MOON                       1                            3                              20                PROPORTIONATE
SUN                            2                            6                               0                  PROPORTIONATE
TOTAL                       39                           5                              20                MAX LONGEVITY       

Note:  In  Swami Vivekanand  case all methods give same longevity.

I hope that readers can use this method and test it , Pam 2 or Extra Pam how I call it, gives you an idée of the lifespan of a human being . Pam 3 is given by Pravin Jagad method playing with the Yoga reductions and of course, you can combine with Dasha System  and if you like with Shamunbhai Shah and Iranganti Rangacharya to great astrologers methods to go closer with less error.

Note: I have given a name to this theory i call it :  ( 3 STEP VEDIKO PAM THEORY ).

Longevity Research For A New Theory of Pam Block 3rd Part 11

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