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In this article, several actual employment events are presented and analysed. Based on this analysis, the common and consistently applicable set of simple conditions that emerge, right down to the date of beginning, are extracted and presented. The only ‘role players’ considered are: (i) for dashas: planets related to 6L (sixth lord) or 10L from Lagna and (ii) for transits the 10L from Lagna, ‘two buttons of destiny’ Jupiter and Saturn (Sri. K.N. Rao), Saturn as karaka, Sun and Moon. Only D-1 and D-10 charts are used.
Data of 20 individuals and a total of 34 events of ‘starting a new job’ are analysed. The individuals are from different disciplines, including IT, science, engineering, law, administration, linguistics, etc. It should be noted that starting a new job involves two events: (i) receiving a firm offer and (ii) actually joining the organisation. The conditions given here may relate to the occurrence of one or both of the events.
It is to be noted that, typically, there can be a time gap between receiving a job offer and beginning a new job, due to such reasons as notice/relieving period, obtaining a Visa/work permit, finding a good day to begin, etc. This gap is more so in the case of campus recruitment of fresh graduates, or in the case of lecturers, who after selection may not begin until later when the semester begins. This typically affects the condition with regard to fast moving planets, in this case related to transit condition #4 stated below. In respect of the transit condition of the Moon, it should be remembered that the exact date as per the stated condition could be an unsuitable day due to holiday etc., in which case beginning the new job occurs on the next immediate suitable day.
Conditions Validated/Established
Dasha Conditions
The mahadasha lord (MDL), antar-dasha lord (ADL) and pratyantar-dasha lord (PDL) should be ‘related’ to the 10H/L or 6H/L of the D-1 or D-10 taken independently; secondary relationship with the Lagna of the D-10 is welcome.
Observation from the data: In some cases, one of the dasha lords is in debilitation in transit.
Note: Relationship could be by PACE (Placement, Aspect, Conjunction, Exchange), or by sign lord (dispositor) or nakshatra lord of Dasha Lord. The more direct the relationship is with the concerned house or lord of D-1/D-10, the better/smoother.
Transit Conditions
During the dasha sub-period as established above, the first four of the following conditions are satisfied simultaneously at the time of receiving the offer/joining. The fifth condition does not always occur simultaneously with the first or fourth condition.
- Transit 10L of D-1 ‘connects’ to (i) 10H/L of D-1 / D-10 or (ii) Lagna of D-10.
Observation from the data: 10L is not debilitated either in transit chart or in transit’s corresponding D-10 chart. Hence, this also should be treated as a condition. However, Moon as 10L can be an exception as it moves through signs in 1-2 days.
- Transit Saturn ‘connects’ to:
- 10H/L of D-1 / D-10 or
- Lagna/Lagna Lord (L/LL) of D-1/D-10; connection in D-10 is very much more common occurrence.
Note: In case of connection to 10L/LL, they should aspect the transit Saturn.
- Transit Jupiter ‘connects’ to:
- 10H/L of D-1 / D-10 or
- Lagna/LL of D-1/D-10; connection in D-10 is very much more common occurrence.
Note: In case of connection to 10L/LL, they should aspect the transit Jupiter.
- Transit Sun is aspected by or conjunct Saturn in D-1 / D-10 (Use for predicting the 30-day period).
- Transit Moon ‘connects’ to 10H/L or Lagna of D-1 / D-10 on the date of beginning the new job.
Note: For retrograde planets, the aspect from the previous house is also considered.
Can it be stated that (i) all periods satisfying the above conditions shall result in obtaining a job? Or (ii) any period not satisfying these conditions shall be excluded for getting a job?(Of course, under two general assumptions: (i) the person does reasonably well in required qualifying tests/interviews and (ii) the general employment scenario is not going through a recession/weakness in the sector under consideration).
The answer cannot be in the affirmative, as there could be certain other ‘exclusion’ conditions in astrology. The data analysed here did not contain enough facts on eligible periods wherein serious attempts were made that did not result in success. Three instances in regard to the converse (ii) above are mentioned in the respective case studies.
It can only be said that periods satisfying these conditions are very high probability periods for receiving an offer/beginning a job.
Change of Job (COJ) Conditions
COJ is defined as leaving the current job after finding another job, which typically means there is minimum possible gap before beginning the next job.
In the events considered for analysis, 12 out of 34 events are COJ events. The same dasha period and transit chart generated for the date of beginning is used. The additional common conditions found in these cases are:
- Antar-dasha Lord in transit ‘connects’ to 12H/L in D-1 or D-10.
- 10L in transit ‘connects’ to 12H/L in D-1 or D-10; the charts (the house and house lords) are considered independently.
Case studies
Case 1: Vin

Vin on 11-4-2005 (First job) Event 1 | Vin on 2-5-2007 (Change of job) Event 2 |
Dasha Rah (with 10L)-Rah– Mar (10L) 14-3-2005 to 10-5-2005; Transit 10L Mars aspected by 10L in D-1 and conjunct 10L in D-10; Sat aspected by LL of D-1; Jup conjunct LL of D-1; Sun aspected by Sat in D-1; Sun was ‘connected’ since Mar 15; Moon aspects Lagna of D-10. | Dasha Rah (with 10L)-Jup (6L in D10)-Mar (10L); 5-4-2007 to 24-5-2007; Offer was received in PDL of Moon; Transit 10L aspected by 10L in D-1; Sat is conjunct natal 10L; Jup in 10H of D-1 and aspects 10H of D-10; Sun is aspected by Sat in D-10; In mid Jan Sun was in Sag aspected by Sat of D-10; Moon in Lagna of D-10 and aspected by 10L of D-1. |
Note: Could not get an employment offer from mid-April 2011 to Dec 2011 in spite of trying hard. The person has a PG degree in engineering from an international university along with five years of work experience.
By applying the conditions stated, it will be seen that Rahu-Mercury-Sun (as PDL) is ineligible; certain periods of transit of 10L Mars (in debilitation) and Sun are ineligible; put together, these result in ineligible period of 16-5-2011 to 30-10-11. Though Rahu-Mercury-Venus would appear a favourable period as Venus is aspected by 10L Mars, there was no success. It may be useful to additionally note that (i) Venus is badhakadhipathi, placed in badhaka sthana in D-1, and is dispositor of badhaka lord in D-10 and (ii) the ADL Mercury has no direct relationship with 10H/L. It is in the nakshatra lord exchange with 10L Mars.
Case 2: Ses

Ses on 16-8-1993 Event 3 | Ses on 1-6-1995 (Change of Job) Event 4 | Ses on 22-11-2004 (Change of Job) Event 5 |
Dasha: Rah (with 6L in D10)-Ven (with 10L of D10)-Rah (with LL/6L in D10); 31-3-1993 to 12-9-1993; Transits 10L Jup aspects 10H in D-1; Sat aspects 10H of D-1 in retrograde and 10H of D-10; Jup aspects 10H in D-1 and aspected by LL of D-10; Sun aspected by Sat in D-1; Sun was connected since July 17; Moon aspected by 10L of D1. | Dasha: Rah (with 6L in D10)-Sun (10L of D10)-Rah 6-5-1995 to 23-6-1995; Transits 10L aspects 10H in D-1; Sat aspects 10H of D-10; Jup aspects 10H and is conjunct 10L in D-1; Sun conjunct Sat in D-1 and D10; Sun was ‘connected’ since May 15; Moon aspected by LL of D-10; COJ 10L Jup aspects 12H of D-1. | Dasha: Jup (10L)-Mer (asp by 6L, in Lagna in D10)-Rah (with LL/6L in D10) 21-7-2004 to 23-11-2004; Transits 10L aspects 10H in D-1 (and is in 10H in D-10); Sat aspected by 10L of D-1; Jup aspects 10H in D-1 and aspected by LL of D-10; Sun aspected by Sat in D-1 and D-10; Sun was ‘connected’ since Nov 15; Moon in 10H; COJ ADL Mer aspects 12H of D-1; 10L Jup aspects 12H of D-1. |
Ses on 14-3-2005 (COJ) Event 6 |
Dasha: Jup (10L)-Mer (asp by 6L, in Lagna in D10)-Sat (asp by 10L); 13-3-2005 to 21-7-2005 Transits 10L aspects 10H in D-1; Sat aspects 10H of D-1 and D-10; Jup aspects 10H in D-1 and aspected by LL of D-10; Sun aspected by Sat in D-1; Sun was connected since Feb 13; Moon aspected by 10L of D-10. | COJ (event 6) ADL Mer had connected to 12L Ven in D-1; 10L Jup aspects 12H of D-1. |
Case 3: Vis

Vis on 1-1-1972 Event 7 | Vis: 27-1-1973 (COJ) Event 8 | Vis on 12-5-1995 (COJ) Event 9 |
Dasha Mar (asp by 10L)-Ven (6L in D1, asp by 10L of D10;)-Rah (dispositor in 10H; asp by 10L and 6L in D10) 6-12-1971 to 8-2-1972 Transits 10L Sat aspects 10H in D-1; Sat aspects 10H and aspected by 10L of D-1; Jup aspects 10H of D-10; Sun was aspected by Sat in D10 at the time of offer in Dec; Sun was ‘connected’ to Sat from Nov 16 to Dec 15; Moon in Lagna of D10; | Dasha Mar (asp by 10L)-Moon–Moon (Dispositor asp by 10L, asp by 10L and 6L in D10); 10-1-1973 to 28-1-1973 Transits 10L aspects 10H and aspected by 10L in D-1 ; Sat aspects 10H and aspected by 10L in D-1; Jup was in Sag till 25-1-1973 (26th is a holiday) aspected by 10L of D10 and aspecting Lagna of D-10; Sun aspected by Sat of D-10 when offer was received (up to Dec 15); Moon aspected by 10L of D1 and D10; COJ ADL Moon was with 12L in D-1; 10L Sat is aspected by 12L Mars in D-1; | Dasha Jup (in 10H)-Sat (10L)-Moon (Dispositor asp by 10L, asp by 10L and 6L in D10); 14-3-1995 to 29-5-1995 Transits 10L is in 10H and aspected by 10L in D-1; Sat is in 10H and aspected by 10L in D-1; Jup aspects 10 HHH of D-10 and 10H of D-1 in retrograde; Sun moved to Taurus on May 15th connecting to Sat in D-1 and Sat in D-10; (12th was a Friday followed by weekend holidays); Moon aspected by 10L of D-10 in retrograde; COJ ADL Sat aspects 12H of D-1; 10L Sat aspects 12H of D-1; 10L Jup of D-10 aspects 12H of D-10; |
Note: Did not get a job from May 1971 to Dec 1971; Ketu is ineligible as ADL and hence excludes up to 5-7-1971; from July 10th to Aug. 15th, and from Oct. 24 to Dec. 2, 10L Saturn was in its debilitation sign in D-10. The person had an engineering degree with excellent academic record.
Case 4: Chd

Chd on 14-9-1987 Event 10 | Chd on 13-5-1995 Event 11 | Chd on 30-8-2001 Event 12 |
Dasha Jup (aspects 10H in D-1, in 10H in D-10) – Jup – Jup 16-7-1987 to 30-10-1987 Transits 10L Mer was in Leo from 19-8-1987 to 4-9-1987, the time of receiving the offer; it would be conjunct 10L in D-1 and 10L in D-10; Sat aspected by LL of D-10 Sat in retrograde; Jup aspected by LL of D-10 in retrograde; Sun is aspected by Sat in D-1; Moon from Ari was aspecting 10H of D-10 on 12-9-1987, a Saturday. | Dasha Jup (aspects 10H in D-1, in 10H in D-10) – Ketu (dispositor is 10L in D-10) – Mer (10L in D-1, conjunct 10L in D-10) 8-4-1995 to 27-5-1995 Transits 10L Mer was in Ari from 15-4-1995 to 28-4-1995 aspecting 10H of D-10 (time of offer); Sat aspected by 10L of D-1 and 10L of D-10; Jup aspected by 10L of D-10 in retrograde; Sun aspected by Sat in D-1; Moon in 10H of D-10; COJ ADL Ketu aspected by 12L in D-10; 10L Ven aspected by 12L Jup in D-10. | Dasha Jup (aspects 10H in D-1, in 10H in D-10) – Rah (dispositor in 10H in D-1) – Jup 1-7-2001 to 28-10-2001 Transits 10L Mer was in Leo from 11-8-2001 to 27-8-2001 conjunct 10L of D-1 and D-10; Sat aspected by LL of D-10; Jup in 10H of D-1; Sun aspected by Sat in D-1; Moon in Lagna of D-10; COJ ADL Rahu asp by 12L Jup in D-10; 10L Ven conjunct 12L of D-1; 10L of D-10 aspected by 12L Jup. |
Chd on 24-8-2005 (Change of job) Event 13 | ||
Dasha Sat (6L; in nakshatra of 10L)-Sat-Mars (in 6H in D10, aspects Lagna of D10); 9-7-2005 to 12-9-2005; Transits 10L Mer aspects Lagna of D-10; was in 10H till 24-6-2005 (time of receiving offer) Sat aspects Lagna of D-10 ( and D-1); Jup aspects Lagna and aspected by LL of D-10; Sun aspected by Sat in D-1 and by Sat in D-10 in retrograde; Sun was connected since Aug 17; one month earlier also, if retrograde Sat is considered; Moon aspects 10H of D10; COJ ADL Sat conjunct 12L of D-1; 10L Mer conjunct 12L Sun in D-1. |
Case 5: Rvc

Rvc on 2-6-1986 (First job) Event 14 | Rvc on 8-8-1995 (Change of job) Event 15 |
Dasha Ven (6L)-Sat (10L in 10H)-Rahu (conjunct 6L, aspects 10H) 12-2-1986 to 7-8-1986; Transit 10L Sat aspects 10H of D-10 in retrograde; Sat aspects 10H of D-10 in retrograde; Jup in 10H; Sun conjunct Sat in D-10; Sun was connected since May 15; Moon connects to Lagna and 10L of D-10; | Dasha Sun (6L of D10, 10L of D10 aspects)-Mer (aspected by 10L)-Sat (10L in 10H); 17-4-1995 to 3-9-1995; Transit 10L connects to Lagna, 10H and 10L of D-10; Sat connects to Lagna, 10H and is aspected by 10L of D-10; Jup aspects Lagna of D-10; Sun aspected by Sat in D-10; Sun was connected since July 17; Moon in 10H of D-10; COJ ADL Mer aspects 12H of D-10; 10L Jup aspected by 12L Sat in D-10. |
Case 6: Gan

Gan on 7-4-2004 Event 16 | Gan on 6-8-2007 Event 17 |
Dasha Jup (Aspected by 10L in D-1, 10L of D-10) – Ven (6L of D-1, conjunct 10L in D-1, aspected by 10L in retrograde in D-10 ) – Mars (Dispositor in 10H in D-1, conjunct 10L in D-10 ) 16-3-2004 to 12-5-2004 Transits 10L Mer aspects 10H in retrograde in D-1; 10L Jup of D-10 aspects 10H; Sat aspects Lagna of D-10; is conjunct 10L Mer in D-1; Jup aspects 10H and is aspected in retrograde by 10L of D-10; Sun was being aspected by Sat in D-1 from 15-2-2004 to 13-3-2004 (time of offer); Moon is aspected by 10L of D-10 in retrograde. | Dasha Jup (Aspected by 10L in D-1, 10L of D-10) – Moon (in 10H in D-1) – Sat (in 6H in D-1, with 6L in D-10) 11-6-2007 to 30-8-2007 Transits 10L Mer aspected by 10L of D-10; Mer was with 10L of D-1 from 25-5-2007 to 1-8-2007 (time of offer); Sat is aspected by 10L of D-10 in retrograde; was in Cancer till 15-7-2007 aspected by 10L of D-10 (time of offer); Jup aspected by 10L of D-10; aspects Lagna of D-10; Sat of D-1 aspects Sun; in D-10, Sat is conjunct Sun. Moon was in Lagna of D-10 on 5-8-2007, a Sunday. COJ ADL Moon aspected by 12L in D-10; 10L Mer conjunct 12L Mars in D-1. |
Case 7: Jsh

Jsh on 9-8-1974 Event 18 | Jsh on 2-1-2001 Event 19 |
Dasha Ven (with 10L, in 10H in D10)-Mer (in 10H with 10L in D10)-Jup (asp 10H in D1; 10L in 10H in D10); 22-5-1974 to 11-10-1974 Transit 10L Mars aspects 10H in D-1; Sat in Lagna of D-10; Jup aspected by 10L of D-1 and aspects Lagna of D-10; Sun aspected by Sat in D-10; Sun was connected since July 17; Moon in 10H of D-10 with 10L; aspected by 10L of D-1. | Dasha Rah (asp by 10L in D1)-Rah–Ket (with 10L in D1) 17-12-2000 to 11-2-2001 Transit 10L Mars was aspecting 10H/L and LL of D-10 two weeks back; also was conjunct LL of D-1; Sat aspects 10H of D-1 and Lagna of D-10 in retrograde; Jup aspects 10H of D-1; Sun aspected by Sat in D-10; Sun was connected since Dec 16; would have connected to Sat in D-1 one month earlier also; Moon in 10H of D10 with 10L; aspected by 10L of D-1. |
Case 8: Dip

Dip on 14-9-2009 Event 20 | Dip on 14-6-2011 Event 21 |
Dasha Jup (dispositor in 10H; conjunct 6L in D10)-Mer (10L)-Ven (10L in D10); 8-8-2009 to 23-12-2009 Transits 10L Mer is in 10H of D-1; Sat in 10H of D-1; Jup aspects 10H and aspected by LL Of D-1; in Lagna with LL of D-10; Sun conjunct Sat in D-1; Sun was ‘connected’ since Aug 17; Moon conjunct 10L of D-10; | Dasha Jup (dispositor in 10H; conjunct 6L in D10) – Ket (in 4-10 axis in D-1, aspected by retrograde 10L Ven in D-10)– Ket 27-5-2011 to 16-6-2011 Transits 10L Mer conjunct 10L of D-10; Sat in 10H of D-1; Jup aspects 10H of D-10; Sun aspected by Sat in D-1; Moon conjunct 10L of D-1; |
Note: Was not successful in getting a job during most of 2009, 2010 and until the second half of 2011. The job obtained in September 2009 did not last for more than a month. It will be seen that this was the period of Mercury as ADL (February 2009 to May 2011). Mercury as 7L is badhaka lord and is conjunct Mars, the badhaka lord of D-10. Further, Mercury is at 0 degrees in the D-1. The native has a PhD in biotechnology and is very talented in many fields. Employment was subsequently obtained and the native now has a happy and stable job.
Case 9: San

San on 11-10-1999 Event 22 | San 1-6-2011 (COJ) Event 23 |
Dasha Sat (in 10H in D-1; aspected by 10L in D-10)-Sat-Ven (in 10H in D-1; aspected by 10L in D-10) 4-9-1999 to 4-3-2000; Transit 10L Moon in Lagna of D-1 (As Moon is 10L, would have connected to 10H of D-1 or Lagna of D-10 since 5-10-1999); Sat aspects Lagna of D-1; Jup in retrograde aspects 10H of D-1 and D-10; Sun aspected by Sat in D-1; Sun was ‘connected’ since Sept 18; Moon in Lagna of D-1; | Dasha Sat ((in 10H in D-1; aspected by 10L in D-10) – Mars (10L of D-10, aspected by 10L in D-1) – Jup (6L in D-1, aspected by 6L and aspects 6H in D-10) 27-4-2011 to 22-6-2011 Transits 10L Moon aspects 10H and aspected by 10L in D-10; Sat aspects 10H of D-10 and Lagna of D-10 in retrograde; Jup aspects Lagna of D-1; Sun was aspected by Sat from 15-4-2011 to 15-5-2011 (time of offer); Moon aspects 10H and aspected by 10L in D-10; COJ ADL Mars was in Pisces until 3-5-2011 aspecting 12H of D-1, the period of offer (the other conditions will also be valid); 10L being Moon would have connected to 12H/L. |
Case 10: Kir

Kir on 21-5-1998 Event 24 (First job) |
Dasha Mar (in 10H)-Moon (dispositor in 10H, aspected by 6L of D10)-Mer (dispositor is 10L also, dispositor with 10L in 6H in D10) 2-5-1998 to 1-6-1998; Transits 10L Ven in Lagna of D-10; Sat aspected by 10L of D-10; Jup aspects Lagna and aspected by 10L of D-1; aspected by 10L of D-10; Sun conjunct Sat in D-10; Sun was ‘connected’ since May 15; Moon in Lagna of D-10. |
Case 11: VsD

VsD on 15-10-2007, Monday (First job) Event 25
Jup (10L of D-10)-Jup-Ven (in 10H in D-1 and D-10)
1-7-2007 to 10-11-2007;
10L Moon aspected by 10L in D-1 and was in Lagna of D-1 on 13/14-7-2007;
Sat aspected by 10L of D-10;
Jup aspects 10H of D-1 and D-10;
Sun conjunct Sat in D-1;
Moon was in Lagna of D-1 and aspected by 10L of D-10 on 13/14-10-2007, a Sunday.
Case 12: Msh

Msh on 26-6-1984: Sydney, Australia; Event 26
Moon-Rahu-Moon (Both are in 10H; Moon is LL Of D-10)
22-6-1984 to 9-8-1984
10L Jup aspecting 10H of D-10 and in retrograde 10H in D-1;
Sat aspects Lagna and 10H of D-10;
Jup aspects 10H of D-10 and Lagna of D-10 in retrograde;
Sun aspected by Sat in D-1; Sun was connected since June 15;
Moon in 10H of D-10 till 6:30 AM (Sydney Longitude).
Case 13: Prk

Prk on 10-12-1970 (First job) Event 27
Mar (aspect by 10L, asp 10H in D1; 10L of D10)-Ven (Asp by 10L of D10)-Rah (asp by 10L of D10, asp 10H in D10, dispositor asp by 10L in D1);
22-10-1970 to 24-12-1970;
10L Jup asp Lagna in D-10 and with 10L of D-10;
Sat aspected by 10L of D-10 in D-10;
Jup with 10L and aspects Lagna in D-10;
Sun aspected by Sat in D-1 and conjunct Sat in D-10; Sun was connected since Nov 17;
Moon aspected by 10L of D-10.
Case 14: Ram

Ram on 1-7-1999 (Change of job) Event 28
Ven (asp by 10L)-Jup (10L)-Sat (asp 10H)
23-5-1999 to 27-10-1999
10L Jup with 10L of D-1 and with 10L of D-10;
Sat with 10L of D-1;
Jup with 10L of D-1 and with 10L of D-10;
Sun with Sat in D-1; Sun was connected to Sat since June 16; would have been aspected by Sat of D-10 one month earlier;
Moon aspects Lagna of D-10.
Case 15: Viy

Viy on 3-10-2010 (First job) Event 29
Rah (in 6H, has 5th asp on 10H of D1)-Ven (asp 10H in D10)-Ven;
6-4-2010 to 9-10-2010
10L Moon in 10H;
Sat aspects Lagna of D10 and aspected by 10L of D-10;
Jup aspects 10H of D1 and in Lagna of D-10;
Sun at the time of offer (in Leo) aspected by Sat in D-1 and D-10; Sun in Leo from Aug 17 to Sept 16;
Moon in 10H of D1.
Case 16: Kav

Kav on 1-6-2007 (First job) Event 30
Sun (10L)-Rah (asp by 6L, in Nak of 10L)-Sat (in D10 asp 10H, asp by 6L);
30-4-2007 to 22-6-2007;
10L Sun aspected 10H of D-10 till May 14 (the time of offer);
Sat aspects Lagna of D-10;
Jup in Lagna of D-1 with LL;
Sun at the time of offer connects to Sat in D-1 and D-10; Sun was connected to Sat from Apr 15 to May 14 in Ari;
Moon in Lagna of D-1.
Case 17: Jsw

Jsw on 2-11-1981 (First job) Event 31
Sun (asp by 10L of D10)-Sat (10L of D10; in 10H of D1)-Rahu (in 10H of D1; dispositor is 10L in D10)
27-10-1981 to 17-12-1981;
10L Mars aspects 10H in D-1;
Sat aspects 10H of D-1;
Jup aspects Lagna of D-10;
Sun at the time of offer connected to Sat in D-10; Sun was connected to Sat from Sept 16 to Oct 17 in Virgo;
Moon just moved out of 10H in D-1 on Nov 1 which is a holiday in some states.
Case 18: Sha

Sha on 16-1-2012 Event 32
Mars (10L)-Jup (aspects Lagna of D-10)-Ven (with 10L in D-1, in 10H in D-10)
(27-11-2011 to 21-1-2012)
10L Mars aspects 10H;
Sat in Lagna of D-10;
Jup aspects Lagna of D-10 and aspected by 10L of D-1;
Sat aspected Sun when offer was obtained (on 10-1-2012);
Moon is with 10L of D-1
Case 19: ViP

ViP on 6-10-2008 (COJ) Event 33
Ket (in 10H) – Jup (aspects 10H of D-1 in retro) – Mer (6L in D-1, in 6H in D-10)
3-9-2008 to 21-10-2008
10L Ven in 10H of D-1; in D-10, 10L Sat aspects 10H;
Sat aspects 10H in both D-1 and D-10;
Jup conjunct 10L of D-10;
Sun aspected by Sat in both D-1 and D-10;
Moon conjunct 10L of D-10;
ADL Jup in transit is in 12H of D-1 and aspects 12H of D-10;
10L Ven is aspected by 12L Jup in retrograde.
Case 20: Sav

Sav on 1-9-1992 (first job) Event 34
Ven (asp by 10L of D-10) – Jup (10L of D-10) – Sat (conjunct 10L of D-10)
(14-7-1992 to 15-12-1992)
10L Sun in 10H of D-1; 10L Jup of D-10 aspects 10H in D-10;
Sat aspects Lagna of D-10;
Jup aspected by 10L of D-10;
Sun in Gemini was aspected by Sat in D-10 from June 14 to July 15, 1992; the offer was received during this condition; (other conditions of dasha and transit will also me met prior to 15th July 1992)
Moon aspected by 10L of D-10.
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