Copy Editor: Yenbeeyes, India
[In our concerted efforts to bring forth unrevealed secrets of predictive astrology we are encouraging our team members to submit write ups to us, even if they happen to appear to be seemingly contrary to the currently accepted norms and meanings. This article is an effort in that direction, as it not only exposes the unequal division of the nadi amshas but possibly the correct meaning of the trimshamsas as used in nadis, though different from Varahamihir or in the current translations of BPHS. We fully believe that this will lead to increased use of Trimshamshas as the one before propounded in the BPHS has a very limited use especially in this current social context. Please note that the unequal nadiamshas as well as the sixteen divisions have a bearing on the 60 year Samvastar cycle in which the natal and mundane predictions can vary. This ofcourse is under investigation and would be progressively presented. – SA Editor]At any epoc, horoscope is the projected map of our solar system spread over a matrix of 12 houses with 7 physical planets and two virtual planets (Nodes). It is the bird’s eye view. For close study of the matrix, we need magnified view of some special aspects called vargas. The rashi chart is the mother chart and 15 sub chart as prescribed by the Sage Prsshar have the magnifying powers of 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 27, 30, 40,45, 60.
To understand the concept, comparison can be made between watching a cricket match at stadium and one at T.V. At stadium with naked eyes we can only see miniature stature of players but can never know split second run out of player and also subtle swing of ball in the air. With help of close ups videos we can see, split second actions at T.V.
Rasi chart also can be compared with Balance sheet (of native’s life) in its briefest format. It is supported by large number of schedules giving threadbare details of each entry on assets & liability sides of Balance Sheet. Divisional charts are schedules to the mother chart (Rashi Chart). Sometimes attractive looking Balance Sheet turns out to be defunct on deep study, while ordinary looking Balance Sheet is full of hidden Reserves. The Divisional charts clear the haze.
Degree-wise range & significance of each Sub-chart is as under: –

Sage Prashar has made 4 groups of these Vargas. First of which is SHADVARGA meant for measuring power and strength of planets and houses without which reliable predictions cannot be given. Shadvarga is basis of Shadbala (six tools of energy measure of planets) used to select the method of age calculation of each native. We find the selective strength of Lagna, the Sun & the Moon to be used in longevity assessments – Amsha Ayu, Pinda Ayu or Naisargik Ayu.
It is unfortunate that accurate casting of Hora and Trishansha have been lost in the antiquity. Any valid chart should have (i) 12 houses (ii) lagna (iii) and all planets. Any deviation is against the basic teaching of Sage Prashar. In any Sub chart a planet can occupy only one sign which may be its Exaltation sign, Moolatrikona sign, Own sign or Kendra sign from Lagna Aroodha. These placements are called shubha vargas.
The Rishi postulates that any planet can get placement in any of the 16 charts. These placements can be Shubha varga or otherwise. If it gets Shubha vargas in all charts of 4 groups of 16 charts it obtains special status. If in Shada varga group a planet obtains 6 out of 6 shubha vargas, status name is KUNDAL, in groups of 7 charts (Sapta varga) 7 shubha varga out of 7 gets the name of MUKAT, in Dasha varga (group of 1- charts) 10 out of 10 shubh varga gets the name of SHREEDHAM, in Shodasha varga (group of 16 charts) 16 out of 16 shubha varga gets name of SHREEVALABHA. Hence is it very logical to say that all planets participate in all 16 charts.
In the modern times Format of HORA & TRISHANSHA are against the perception of Shri Prashar and are of corrupt format. In the corrupt format Hora do not have 12 houses where Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capri, Aqua and Pisces have no chance of becoming Lagan or represent a house while in Trishansha 5 planets participate in 5 unit division of 30 degree. If the casting of these charts is faulty, the Shadbala is incorrect hence the predictions based on that Shadbala are faulty.
Late Dr. B.V.Raman knew about this corruption in 1960s. For reasons best known to him he did not raise this issue but made a passing reference in his London lecture of 26th Sep. 1970, quoted hereinafter at page 8. Late Shri A.D.Pathak raised this issue vide his 2 articles published in Times of Astrology (Delhi) January and February 1995 issues and blamed Shri Varaha mihir for inserting fake Trishansha in the text influenced by Tajak Astrology. He lamented that Mihir’s stature in his times was so high and dominant that nobody dared challenge him rather later writers followed him blindly and meekly.
Shri Varahamihir was court astrologer of King Vikramaditya of Ujjain. He lived about 2065 years earlier. The corrupt format of Trishansha divided 30° bhava into 5 parts. For odd rashis 5°, 5°, 8°, 7°, 5° belongs to Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury & Venus. For even rashis segments are 5°, 7°, 8°, 5°, 5° belongs to Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars. The Sun and the Moon are totally ignored. Varaha Trishansha deals with sexual violability committed by the female natives, while Prashar’s Trishansha deals with positive and negative traits of a native as per Trishansha of the planet in which he is born. Shri Pathak analysed trishansha results prescribed by Shri Varaha and found that out of 25 Trishansha results 13 belonged to females as violators of chastity as if all males are beyond doubt. It is better that Varaha’s Trishansha be called तृषांश – a barometer of female’s sex pleasures.
The pure format of D-30 (Trishansha) can be found in pre-Varaha literature. In support we present Verse No. 5750-51 book III of Chandra Kala Nadi which was written about 200 to 300 years before Varaha:-
त्रिंशद् भागात्मकं लग्नं होरा तस्यार्धमुच्यते
राशित्रिभागो द्रक्काणं नवांशो नवमांशकः
द्वादशो द्वादशांशः त्रिंशांश त्रिदशदंशकः
Rashi of 30°, Hora is half of Rashi, Drekkan is 1/3rd, Navansha is 1/9th, Dwadashansha is 1/12th and Trishansha is 1/30th part of Rashi.
With extensive research over 15 years, we have developed a Trishansha chart depicting each part of 1 degree (30 ÷ 30 = 1°) with following characteristics:-
i) A rashi is divided into 30 parts of one degree each.
ii) Each degree is represented by a rashi in digits (1 to 12).
iii) If the opening Trishansha under dual Rashi like Meena, Mithun, Kanya and Dhanus is x sign their next rashi being moveable whose opening Trishansha shall be x – 2 sign thereafter follows fixed sign whose opening trishansha will be x + 2 sign.
iv) Opening D-30 signs scheme is as under:-

(digits 1, 2, 3……. Represent Mesha, vrishab etc.)
v) Opening D-30 of Meena + Mithun = 9 + 4 = 13 is same for Kanya + Dhanu. This arithmetic applies to Mesha + Katak = Thula + Makar; Vrishab + Simha = Vrischak + Kumbh
vi) Under Meena Rashi D-30 opens with Dhanu followed by Makar, Meena, Mesha etc. till all 30 degrees are posted with signs in regularity. Under Mesha Rashi D-30 opens with Tula followed by Vrischak, Dhanu etc till all 30 degrees are posted with signs in regularity.
Trishansha chart on next page is easy to understand and follow. For verification of our chart we need
i) Pre Varaha literature
ii) Such granthas should contain birth parameters – Lagan Rashi of 30 degrees, Drekkan limiting the lagan to zone of 10 degrees, Navansha narrowing it to 3°:20’ and Trishansha pinning it down to single degree accuracy or Texts dealing with 150 nadis within specific Lagan.
iii) Alphabetical list of nadis (annexure No. 1)
iv) Longitudes of each nadi under moveable, fixed and dual Lagans (annexure No.2). These annexures had been published under our earlier article “Mystery about number & longitude of each nadi”
Chandra Kala Nadi is one such granthas in our possession which meets the above criteria. We have found 19 to 20 Verses from this text which confirm the validity of the said Trishansha chart. We have arranged laganas in groups of moveable, fixed and dual.

Mesha Lagan
(1) Verse No. 1548, Book No I (Chandra Kala Nadi)
समांशे मेषलग्ने तु पूर्व भागे
वैश्यजन्मा सुखी नित्यम् कुजत्रिशांश जातकः
Sama nadi is at serial No. 7 under moveable sign.; it has longitude of 1°:15’;01 to 1°:20’. Birth is under 2nd degree of Mesha lagan. Referring Trishansha chart under column Mesha against 2° we find digit 8 (Vrishchak) belongs to Mars.
(2) Verse No. 2208 & 2211, Book No. I (C.K.Nadi)
मगलांशे मेषलग्ने युग्मांशके स्थितेसति – 2208
मगलांशे पूर्वभागे गुरु त्रिशांशके तथा – 2211
Mangla Nadi serial No. 91 (Shri C.S.Patel list) under moveable sign it has longitude of 17°:46’:41” to 18°:00. The birth was under 18th degree of Mesha Lagan. As per Trishansha chart under Mesh column against 18 degree we find digit 12 (Meena) which belongs to Jupiter.
(3) Verse No. 2678 & 2679 (Book I (C.K.Nadi)
मेष लग्ने चम्पकांशे वृषांशे तु प्रजायते – 2678
चम्पकांशे पूर्वभागे गुरु त्रिशांशके तथा – 2679
Champaka nadi, serial No. 27, under moveable sign; it has longitude of 5°:20’:01 to 5°:30. The birth was under 6th degree of Mesha Lagan. Under Mesha column against 6° entry is digit 12 (Meena) belongs to Trishansha of Jupiter.
Katak Lagan
(4) Verse No. 1795 & 1789 (C.K.Nadi Book I)
चम्पकांशे पूर्वभागे कर्कटे तु प्रजायते
शुक्रत्रिशांशके जातस्तृतीय भवतिध्रुवम् – 1789
Under item No (iii) Nadi is same & Lagan at 6 degrees under column katak against 6 degree entry is digit 7 (Tula) belonging to Venus.
(5) Verse No. 2913 (C.K.Nadi Book II) Katak Lagan – Pankajansha
मीनांशे कटकलग्ने कुजत्रिशांशके तथा
रूपवान् सुभगो दक्षः प्रसन्नमुखनेत्रवान्
नाटयसंगीतरसिको गन्धमाल्याम्बरप्रियः
Pankaj nadi is at serial No. 149, under moveable Lagan; its longitude is 29°:20 to 29°:30’. The birth under 30th degree of Katak with Meena Navansha. Under column Katak against 30° we find digit 7 (Tula) belonging to Venus whereas our test says it is Mars Trishansha. This cannot be true. There appears to be printing mistake because line no. 2 & 3 contain characteristics of Venus not of Mars. Only Venus Trishansha can be addicted to dance, music, fancy scents and decorative and precious clothes.
“Shadavarga Varga Prakash” a book compiled by Shri Mukand Balabh printed by Motilal Banarsi Dass, Varanasi gives trishansha phala of Mars as (page 70)
मूर्ख कुमूर्त कुशलो मलिनो विरूप क्रूर खलार्थ रहित परदार गामी
पापश्च वृद्धहृदयो रिधनोल्पबुद्धि त्रिशांशके क्षितिसुतस्य भवेत् प्रसूत
For Venus trishansha it says (page 71)
बहुतर गुणपूर्ण सुन्दरश्चारुदृष्टि युवतिजन विलासी सर्वशास्त्रेषु मितः
द्विजवर गुरुभक्तो दानशील कृपालुर्दनुजगण गुरो स्यात मानव त्रिशांशके
(6) Verse No. 2926 (C.K.Nadi Book II)
It is just repeat of Verse No. 2913
Makar Lagan
(7) Verse No. 1338 (C.K.Nadi Book I)
कान्तांशे मकरे शुक्रत्रिशांशके तथा
Kanta nadi is at serial No. 32. Under moveable sign its longitude is 6°:15:01 to 6°:30’. The birth was under 7th degree of Makar lagan. Under Makar column against 7° we find digit 7 (Tula) ruled by Venus.
(8) Verse No. 2719 (C.K.Nadi Book I)
त्रैलोक्यांशे पूर्वभागे लग्ने च मकरे तथा
बुद्धत्रिशांशके जातस्तृतीयोऽसि प्रक्रीतितः
Trailokya nadi is at serial No. 74 (of C.S.Patel list) and at 75 (of C.G.Rajan list). Under moveable sign its longitude is 14°:30’; 01 to 14°:40’ & 14°:40:01 to 15°:00 respectively both falling under 15th degree. Under column Makar of Trishansha against 15° we find digit 3 (Mithun) belonging to Mercury.
Vrishabha Lagan (Fixed Sign)
(9) Page 65 Astrological Magazine – January 1982
Shri N.Sundara Rajan, B.A., M.A., F.A. in an article DHRUVA NADI AND AYANANSHA quoted the following reading of Dhruva Nadi of Satyacharya as under:
“It means as follows – in the year Prajapata in the month of katak (July) on 18th day in the bright half of the Moon on Wednesday on the night of eleventh lunar day in the 4th quarter of Jyeshta nakshatra, in yoga of Mahindra and Bhadrakya karan, in Trishansha of Mars & Hora of Mars (!!!) in satvik vela birth takes place after 51 Nadi and quarter (from sunrise) equal to 21 nadis and 7th vinadi after sunset. Birth takes place in Taurus Lagan Virgo navansha……”
Life readings tallies with a native born at night of 31.7.1811 at 2:27 a.m. at Madras, Wednesday. He works out the Niryan position of Lagan at 59°:04:54 and ayanansha at 2°:13:41. Hence sayan Lagan 56°:51’:13, Taurus Lagan at 26°51’:13”, Kanya Navansha covers 26°:41 to 30°:00 of Lagan. Hora covers 16° to 30°. Trishansha is stated to be Mars. The exact degree of birth 1s 27° under column Taurus (Vrishaba) against 27° we find digit 1 (Mesha) governed by mars. In the same article Shri N.S.Rajan praises Dhruva Nadi of Satyacharya and Sukra Nadi as excellent among nadis. An astounding reference is Hora of Mars while all modern texts talk about Surya Hora and Chandra Hora, how it is Satyacharya (who lived about eleven centuries before Christ as per late C.S.Patel in his book Nadi astrology at page 39) grants Hora to Mars. We have, argued earlier about distortion of Hora Chart.
(10) Page 889 Astrological Magazine Dec. 1977
Late Dr. B.V.Raman, modern doyen of Astrology in his lecture on 26th Sep. 1970 at Astrological Lodge-LONDON whose extract as second part was published in 1977 declared that Trishansha is 1/30 division of Rashi and gave many examples to bring home the point. He quoted an extract from Sukra Nadi as:-
“If the Lagan is Taurus and censor point (Nadi is Kumari Nadi), the native born in the first part shall be third issue to his parents. He will be born in a big town on the banks of a river in the house of his father, situate in a street running north south and house facing the EAST. The delivery shall be easy.
If the birth is in second part, it will be in a small place in a relative’s house in a street running East West and house facing south. He will be 4th issue to his parents, his elder brother having died. In either case Trishansha shall be of Venus.
Kumari Nadi is at serial No. 105. For fixed lagan longitude of nadi is 8°:53’:21” to 9°:00, The birth was under 9th degree of Vrishabha. Against 9° under column Vrishabha, the digit entry is 7 (Tula) ruled by Venus.
Dr. Raman made some wonderful comments on Nadi granthas. He classified Nadis into 3 groups. (A) Those make predictions on Dwadashansha (B) Those give prediction on (1/30) Trishansha (C) those which predict on Nadi (1/150). Dwadashansha indicates very general pattern of future, Trishansha indicates more specific pattern of future while Nadiansha gives exact pattern of future. Dr. Raman avoiding naming of individual or group who defiled our shastras was bold enough to praise trishansha as complete predictive system about traits of native slightly less to Nadi system. He never concurred with 5 unit division of Trishansha and everything attached to such division. It is likely the interpretation sections on sub charts under BPHS were eliminated from text by interested parties.
Format of post Varaha trishansha and prediction based on them should be discarded. Any Lagan getting Shubha trishansha gives the native noble and handsome face, mind and adorable qualities and not sexual in discipline. We reproduce here the qualities of native born in Trailokya Nadi in Budha Trishansha (Ver. No. 2719 Book II) & Verse No. 2725 – 31.
“He will be good looking, intelligent, eloquent, be endowed with charming face and eyes, be fortunate, religious, be fond of Superior ascetics and will worship Gods and Brahmins. He will eat limited food, talk within limits, sleep for limited hours. He will conquer his senses, skillful in knowing others’ thoughts, be fond of ornaments, be evil person to evils, unkind to unkind people. He will be skilful in law and philosophy etc.etc.” The text is strewn with such instances of benefic trishansha.
Vrishchak Lagan
(11) Verse No. 1939 (C.K.Nadi Book I)
गदांशे वृश्चिके लग्ने गुरुत्रिंशांशकालगे
विप्रकाले प्रजातः रक्तवर्णशुभाकृति
Gadaa Nadi is at serial No. 86 under fixed Lagan; its longitude is 12°:51;”24” to 13°:00. Lagan at 13th degree of Vrishcak under column Vrishchak against 13°, we find 12 (Meena) belonging to Jupiter.
(12) Verse No. 2349 (C.K.Nadi Bk I)
सुधांशे वृश्चिके लग्ने बुद्धत्रिशांशके तथा
Sudha Nadi is at serial No. 72. Under fixed Lagan its longitude is 15°:33”:21” to 15°:45 falling under 16th degree. Under column Vrishchak against 16° we find digit 3 (Mithun) belonging to Mercury.
Dhanu Lagan (Dual Sign)
(13) Verse No. 2657 & 2652 (C.K.Nadi Book III)
चम्पकांशे पूर्वभागे शनित्रिशांशके जातस्य – 2657
चम्पकांशे धनुर्लग्ने चोतरांशे प्रजायते
विप्रजन्मा सुखी नित्यं पंचमऽयम प्रकीर्तितः – 2652
Champaka nadi is at serial No. 27. Under dual sign its longitude is 20°:30’:01” to 20°:37’:20 i.e. 21st degree. Under column Dhanu of trishansha chart against 21° we find digit 11 (kumbha) governed by Saturn.
Meena Lagan
(14) Verse No. 2405, 06, 2413 (C.K.Nadi Book I)
Verse No. 2413 is repetition of VN 2406.
वसुधांशे पूर्वभागे मीनलग्ने प्रजायते – 2405
वसुधांशे पूर्वभागे गुरुत्रिशांश जातके – 2406
Vasudha is at serial No I. Under dual sign its longitude is 15°:01’ to 15°:20’ i.e. 16th degree. Under column Meena of trishansha chart against 16th degree we get 12 (Meena) owned by Jupiter.
(15) Verse No. 2787 & 88 (C.K.Nadi Book II)
सुप्रभांशे झषे लग्ने गुरुत्रिशांश संस्थिते – 2787
रूपवान् सुभगो दक्षः प्रसन्न मुखनेत्रवान्
नाटय संगीत रसिको गन्धमाल्याम्बरप्रियः
द्वात्रिंशात् परं भाग्यं चत्वारिशे विशेषतः
Suprabha Nadi is at serial No. 78. Under dual lagan its longitude is 0°:40’:01” to 0°:45’:00 i.e. first degree. Under column Meena against first degree we find digit 9 (Dhanu) owned by Jupiter.
We have proved the validity of New Trishansha with the help of Nadi longitudes under 7 laganas – Mesha, Vrishabha, Katak, Vrishchak, Dhanu and Meena for which material could be churned out of Chandrakala nadi. We regret we do not have Dhruva Nadi of Satyacharya or Sukranadi in our possession for research and verification of Trishansha under remaining 5 laganas. We request scholars to help dig out real Trishansha.
Much work needs to be done for HORA CHART as well. Dhana yoga, Shri yogas available in Mother chart should be got confirmed in a Hora Chart whose present format is useless and illogical. Hora Chart, first Deputy of Mother Chart (Rashi Chart) amongst 15 sub charts should have been developed as a tool of measurement of economic power of a native. Presently only ruins are available of a grand edifice.
Annexure I

Annexure II

(-) Underline under serial number indicate mismatch of names suggested by both researchers
Extract from षड् वर्गफलप्रकाशः (ShadVarga Prakashah)
शनेर्द्वाददशांशे शनिफलम्
सूर्यांशके स्वे दिनपस्य पुत्रो नरं प्रसूते स्थिरबुद्धियुक्तम्।
व्रतोपवासान्वितमिष्टमित्रं कुलप्रधानं सततं कुशीलम्॥
अर्कांशपेऽङ्गे पितृतुल्यभाग्यस्त्रिकस्थिते नात्मसुखं न पित्रोः।
लाभस्थिते तातधनं सुगुप्तं नीचास्तपापारिखलेष्वभद्रम्॥ ६७॥
स्याद् द्वादशांशादशुभाः शुभावा जायाधिपः क्रूरयुतेक्षिते वा।
भार्याशुभैः पुत्रयुता तथैका स्त्रीदुःखमेवाप्यपरैर्नरस्य॥६८॥
गृहस्थाद् द्वादशे भागे मित्रोच्चसमवस्थिताः।
बहुस्त्रीष्वधिकारी स्यान्नानाऋद्धिसमन्वितः॥६९॥
अथ लग्नगतराशिवशेन प्रत्येकत्रिंशांशफलानि
त्रिंशांशे धरणीसुतस्य चपलः काठिन्यवाक् क्रूरधीः।
मन्दस्याटनतत्परो मलिनधीर्जीवांशके वित्तवान्॥१॥
सौम्यांशे गुरुदेवभक्ति निरतः साधुप्रियो वन्धुमान्।
कामी कान्तवपुःसुखी च भृगुजः स्त्रिंशांशके जायते॥२॥
अथ ग्रन्थान्तरात् पृथक् पृथक् फलानि
तत्रादौ कुजस्य राशेः
मूर्खः कुमूर्त कुशलो मलिनो विरूपः क्रूरःखलोर्थरहितः परदारगामी।
पापश्च वृद्धहृदयोरिधनोल्पबुद्धिः त्रिंशांशके क्षितिसुतस्य भवेत्प्रसूत॥३॥
त्रिंशांशके भूमीसुतस्य लग्ने करोति मर्त्यं व्यसनाभिभूतम्।
व्ययेन हीनं बहुवैरियुक्तं प्रपूजितं भूपतिना सदैव॥४॥
विद्यासुखार्थरहिताः पिशुनाः कुरूपाः
स्त्रीभीर्जिताः सकलहाः परीपूर्णलुब्धाः।
प्रेष्याः कुकर्मनिरताः मलिना कृतध्नाः
स्त्रिंशांशकेऽकेऽर्कतनयस्य नरा भवन्ति॥५॥
त्रिंशल्लवः सूर्यसुतस्य लग्ने करोति मर्त्यं परदेशरक्तम्।
क्षुद्रं श्रमार्तं बहुरोगयुक्तं स्त्रीणामभिष्टं प्रणतारिपक्षम्॥६॥
स्तेजस्विनः कृतविदः स्वपराधनाढ्याः।
दीर्घायुषो बहुसुताः शिथिलार्थवन्त-
स्त्रिशांशके सुरगुरोः पुरुषा भवन्ति॥७॥
त्रिंशांशके देवगुरोर्विलग्ने नरं सुवाते बहुशास्त्र रक्तम्।
क्षुद्रं श्रमार्त्तं बहुरोगयुक्तम् सत्यात्मकं देवगुरुप्रसक्तम्॥८॥
स्तेजस्विनः कृतविदः स्वपराधनाढ्याः।
स्त्रिंशांशके शशिसुतस्य भवन्ति पुंसः॥९॥
त्रिंशांशकः सोमसुतस्य लग्ने नर प्रसूते गुणिनं समृद्धम्।
सद्धर्मयुक्तं गुरुबन्धुमान्यं विद्यान्वितं धर्मपरं कृतज्ञम्॥१०॥
बहुतरगुणपूर्णः सुन्दरश्चारुदृष्टि-
र्युवतिजनविलासी सर्वशास्त्रेष्वभिज्ञः।
द्विजवरगुरुभक्तो दानशीलः कृपालु-
र्दनुजगणगुरो स्यान्मानवस्त्रिंशकांशे॥११॥
About Author: Jagdish Raj Ratra is B.Com (hons) L.L.B Fellow (F.I.I) worked in Insurance Sector (LIC Of India) for 38 years. He has been dedicated to serious study in astrology since last few decades. He retired in Feb 1996, has special interest in Jaimini Astrology. He Researches on
a) Why there are 150 nadis in a sign and what is the span of each nadi
b) What is their importance and its contribution in natives age span?