Russian Airlines Upcoming Crash by Constantine Semenov

Russian Airlines Upcoming Crash by Constantine Semenov

Russian Airlines: Upcoming Crash


Constantine Semenov

When I was finishing this article an incident happened in Khartoum, Sudan – A Sudanese Airbus carrying 214 people veered off the runway in a thunderstorm and burst into flames on 10th June, killing dozens unable to escape the inferno. Officials said more than 100 people fled the plane before it was engulfed by towering orange flames. This is in a way not a coincidence! It is real energy of upper channel, which moves the events! And mystics use this energy to in predictions to reflect to the current events.

When will happen the next air crash on Russian Airlines?   

Are there any specific characteristics or specific arrangement of the planets for plane crashes in Russia or of the Russian Airlines to occur? Yes, there is! I can confidently write about this, since I had predicted not only tragedy on September 11 in the USA but also disaster space shuttle “Columbia” in 2003.

Basic configurations that cause plane crashes in Russia are:

‘The opposition of Mars with Saturn and Jupiter, the conjunction of Mars with Saturn and the most important is its conjunction with Jupiter.’

Jupiter and Mars in association create dominant influence because in Horoscope of birth of Russian aviation these two planets are related to the house of death – 8! When A.F. Mozhayski, avia constructor made the first Russian Monoplane in 1884 and patented it Mars

was retrograde and in conjunction with Jupiter in Leo! So probably, it started as a very distractive program. 

Six incidents of the plan crash occurred during Jupiter and Mars conjunction, three during their opposition and three more during the opposition of Mars and Saturn! Certainly, most significant from them are separated with the aspect of the conjunction of Jupiter and Mars. This aspect is more destructive than the aspect of the opposition of Mars with Saturn and Jupiter. Plane crash as a rule precedes the retrograde (reverse) motion of Mars in the opposition with Jupiter, which includes destructive vibrations.

As statistics shows, there are no exceptions. Glance at the statistics of plane crashes since 1963.

On August 21, 1963 Aeroflot, Tu124 in Leningrad fell into Neva River in Saint Petersburg,

Chart 1

Characteristic – opposition of Mars and Jupiter. In December 1962 the turn of Mars in the opposition with Saturn.

 On July 7, 1980 – Aeroflot Tu-154[b] broke with the takeoff at the airport of Alma – Ata. All 166 passengers including the crew members perished.

Characteristic – connection of Saturn, Mars and Jupiter in the Virgo. Moreover, all these planets were in the simultaneous retrograde motion in this sign at the beginning of year.

On November 16, 1981. Aeroflot, Tu-154[B]  – with the landing at Norilsk broke, all 99 people perished.

Characteristic – conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.  Winter of 1980 had conjunctions of Mars, Saturn and Jupiter in Virgo.  Through the cycle of the Mars, when Mars returned plane crash occurred.

Chart 4

On October 11, 1984 Aeroflot, flight 3352, Tu-154, broke with the takeoff at the airport of Omsk. Characteristic – conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in the Capricorn. Retrograde motion of Mars in the conjunction with Saturn in the Scorpio in first half of 1984.

On December 23, 1984 – Aeroflot, flight 3519, T[u]-154, with the landing broke in the airport of Krasnoyarsk. 110 men aboard perished.



Chart 6

Characteristic – Mars in Pisces caused plane crash in the year. 

On March 23, 1994. Aeroflot, flight 593, Airbus Of A310, broke in the Siberian taiga. All 75 passengers including crewmembers perished.

Chart 7

Characteristic – Conjunction of Mars and Saturn. At the end of the year 1992 Mars was in opposition with Saturn.

On April 5, 1996. Krasnoyarsk airlines Il-76, Petropavlovsk – [Kamchatskiy], perished all 20 people.

Characteristic – connection of Saturn and Mars. At the end of the year 1994 Mars was in Virgo in opposition with Saturn.

On July 3, 2001.  Vladivostok Avia, Tu 154, broke while landing at the airport of Irkutsk, perished all 145 people aboard.

Characteristic – Jupiter in conjunction with Saturn and in the opposition with the Mars.  In May 1999 the turn of Mar was in opposition to Jupiter.

On October 4, 2001. Airline Siberia, flight 1812, Tu-154, was  hit by the Ukrainian rocket above the Black sea. All 66 passengers and 12 crew members perished.

Characteristic – opposition of Mar and Jupiter. May 2001 had the opposition of retrograde Mar with Jupiter.

On July 1, 2002.  Bashkir air lines, flight 2937, TU – 154, 57 passengers and 14 crew members perished in the collision with the cargo Boeing 757 of   DHL above the Borden Lake in Germany.

Chart 9

Characteristic – conjunction of Mar and Jupiter. May 2001 had the opposition of retrograde Mar and Jupiter.

On July 28, 2002 silt – 86 Pulkovo, broke in the environs of Moscow.

Characteristic – conjunction of Mars and Jupiter.  Note on July 28 Jupiter is at 29Cn but it doesn’t matter as these two planets are in real orb of conjunction in the border of Cancer and Leo.

 On August 24 2004. Airline Siberia, flight 1047, Tu-154, explosion aboard, all 38 passengers even 8 crew members perished, in the Rostovskaya province. The second board during the same day, Volga – avia express, flight 1303, Tu-134 explosion aboard above Tula region, 34 passengers including 9 crew members perished.

Chart 10

Characteristic – connection of Mars and Jupiter in the Virgo. October 2003 the turn of Mars in opposition with Jupiter.

On July 9 2006.  S7 Airlines, flight 778, Airbus A310, broke while landing at the airport of Irkutsk.   203 people were aboard, of them 128 perished.

Turn of Mars means Mars moves back or retrograde or when it moves direct after turning!

Chart 11

Characteristic – connection of Mar and Saturn. December 2005 the turn of Mars in opposition with Jupiter

 On August 22, 2006. Pullover Airlines, flight 612, Tu-154, crashed near Donetsk, all 170 people perished. Paired plane crash.

Characteristic – Mars in the Virgo. In December 2005 the turn of Mars was in opposition with Jupiter.

Paired plane crash is the result of a large quantity of negative energy in the short period of time.

In the year 2007 and first half of 2008 almost two years, there were no large air crashes  on Russian airlines. When will happen next? The plane crash in Russia or the aircraft of Russian airlines is completely possible in the sequence during the period of negative interactions of Mars with Saturn and Jupiter. The opposition of Jupiter and retrograde Mars was in the middle of winter 2008. This, as you understand made the destructive program of interaction and destruction. Air crash can occur in this summer, most characteristic period from the point of view not only of statistics, but also astrology. In July, beginning August 2008 there will be a conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the sign of Virgo, which completely can lead to a plane crash, with the large number of human victims. What are the characteristics it would influence? By the position of Mars in the sign of Virgo it will influence the events very destructively.

Chart 13

In fact, in August 2004, this was the same characteristics for the two Russian aircrafts to suffer the plane crash, when the conjunction of the Jupiter and the Mars were in sign

Virgin.  Moreover, Mars was in the Virgo in August 2006, when the last plane crash of Pulkovo air lines was near  Donetsk city, Ukraine.

The second nearest period of plane crashes will be period from February to March 2009, during this period Mars and Jupiter will be in conjunction in the sign Aquarius – Russia is under the influence of this conjunction.

We will attentively observe that the council of astrologers flies less during these periods during which the destructive processes on the air transport would be more active.   

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