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Copy Editor: Bhaskaran Natesan, India
Chart 1
We start the translations of the Saptarishis Nadi wherein for Each Ascendant there are nearly 1000 pages equalling 12000 pages in all. Though this is a herculean task & require a lot many contributors who would translate from tamil language to english language but Shri Yenbeeyes & Shri Bhaskaran Natesan have done the auspicious act of initiating the work. We request all tamil speaking scholars to come forward and help us in this herculean task. Normally we spend time reading analysis or a reading of a stalwart astrologer but when you get a reading from a Rishi as given in Saptarishis Nadi then astrologers should not miss it and use this space to read & understand their reading and try to decipher what technique they might have used to give such stunning predictions that we astrologers of today cannot give. We bow to Lord Ganapati & request the Saptarishis to guide us in this task so that our errors are minimum & the context is not lost.
Note: The Chapter is in a Poetical form and is a conversation between Goddess Parvati, Consort of Lord Shiva and Athri Maharishi. Maharishi Athri replies to the queries raised by Goddess Parvati on various position of planets in the chart at the time of birth.
- Kindly tell me the results for a Gemini Ascendant with Jupiter in Aquarius,
Saturn in Virgo, Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius, Moon and Rahu in
Taurus, Sun and Ketu in Scorpio, Mars in Libra.

- When Parvati asked, Athri Maharishi replied. Chart belongs to a man. His house is in a street running north south and the main door of the house is facing west. In the North of the house, there is a temple for Devi and Shiva. In the west, there will be a lot of rows of grove. There will be a big river too.
- In the south, a Mariamman temple is there. In addition to that, one more Mari Amman Temple and a temple for Thirumal (Another name of Lord Vishnu) are in a dilapidated condition. At such an ordinary place the native was born. Oh! Mother of Lord Subramanya! We further describe, please listen.
Differential Views On Direction Of Temple:
N.Bhaskaran: Please Note the beginning phrase of the second line. “Chinthaiyai Akkini “Agni direction in Kala Chakra/Dik Chakra/Vaastu is South Eastern Direction. We are further supported in this deduction as the first line of the verse also mentions the direction of the Mari amman temple to be in south.
Yenbeeyes: In my humble opinion, it is not proper to take the word “chinthaiyai Akkini” as denoting the direction. The entire line gives the qualities of the 2 deities referred viz. Mari Amman and Thirumal or Vishnu. Mari Amman and fire are related to each other very much. I attaching in Appendix a paragraph which will throw light on the reason why the word “agni” meaning fire has been put here. “Chintaiyai” means to keep in mind. Same way for the Vishnu the quality is described as “sirappila” meaning the elegant, beautiful. Further in the chapters so far gone through me, the directions are given directly by the rishi – like south east, south west etc.
- After carefully studying the position of planets, we are telling about the native’s yogas (luck, fortune), his parent’s, children and wife’s yogas, native’s previous birth and his rebirth. Oh! Mother! our graceful words will never fail due to the Grace of Mother.
- We will tell the character of the native’s father. He will be black like Thirumal (Vishnu). No fraud or deception in his mind; has beautiful head and face; has lean body; Dear to his relatives; A man who gives to Needy people always, and charitable. He conducts himself in the path of dharma. He is an agriculturist.
- He will construct a beautiful house. He will have good character, which will be praised by others. Dear to his wife; A compassionate person; Avoids speaking words that hurt others; will have dual character; will have bilious nature of body. We further narrate-Please listen.
Publishers Notes: 4th lord of house Mer is with Venus a planet of beauty and comfort, hence the rishi could have said a beautiful house, though Saturn’s position in 4H is confusing for such a statement.
Yenbeeyes Views: The conjunction of 4th lord Me and 5th lord Ve in a Kendra (7th house, Sa- Lord of Kona (9th house) placed in a Kendra (4th house) is the reason for a beautiful house. No doubt – Ve indicates beauty and Sa indicates ugliness. But Sa’s ownership as well as placement should be playing an important role here. Normally there are 3 conditions for owning a beautiful house:
- Lord of 9th house should occupy a Kendra
- Lord of 4th house should be in exaltation or friendly house or conjoined with Ve or Mo.
- 4th house is occupied by a planet in exaltation.
Out of this first 2 conditions are fulfilled here. Hence this might be the reason for the rishi to satate that he will own a beautiful house.
- No unanimity with siblings; will be lucky through his mother; the native’s father had 2 wives. When Rishi was telling like this, Parvati interrupted at that time. ‘You said that the native’s had two mothers-to which mother?’
- The native’s father will take birth, I am narrating, please listen mother! Native’s father’s elder mother had no male progeny. She had only two female children; then the elder mother (first wife) will die even when the female children are in suckling stage. The native’s father will be born to the second mother – we said like that- Mother.
- Five children of the native’s father will not survive whereas 2 brothers and 3 sisters will survive. The ones surviving will have long life. The native will be born as the seventh child to such people of character. Oh Parvati! Please listen.
- We will tell about the native’s color and character, please listen. He will have black color, lean body, a learned man; no evil thoughts in mind. Will be looking like a poor man. Has no bad habits. A little hot-tempered.
- The native of the chart will be doing agriculture. He will be good to many people. Will be capable of speaking sweetly. Will have lots of cattle, sheep, goats and oxen. Will have no desire on the wealth of others. Will be capable of succeeding in the work taken by him. Knows many tricks. Belongs to ‘Sithini’ tribe.
Notes By Copy Editor: In my opinion, the “Sithini” is not a tribe. Samudrika Lakshana Shastra defines Sithini type of people. Though this type casting is normally applied to Women, the Rishi has applied to a man in this instance, which needs much more thinking on this.
Yenbeeyes: Since the word “Jaathi’’ has been used in the verse, I took it as the caste or tribe.
- Eats little; has the fortune of offspring; has interest in wealth; has a rudra rekha (line) in his hand; is skilled in speech. Will do a little charitable work, has love for his relations, is interested in insignificant things.
- We will now tell about the native’s siblings. They are ten in number. Only one male and female sibling will have long life; others will die; will not stay; Sister will be elder to the native and brother will be younger to him.
- We will tell about the sister’s news. She will be devoted to God. Her words will become reality to an unparalleled extent. She will live comfortably. She has no poverty. She will live with her husband. We will tell about her offspring – Please listen-Mother!
- We understand that she will have two male and two female children. We will tell about the younger brother of the native. Short-tempered man; learned person; can walk very fast; will be doing small business, will have secrets.
Publishers Notes: 3L of younger brother Sun is in the 6H aspected by Rahu who is a secretive planet hence the Rishi could have said that he will have secrets, as to the reason Rishi says short tempered is Sun is with Ketu (short temper) in the sign of Scorpio which is the debilitated sign of Moon (mind) and in the 6H of fights. As for walking being fast, 12th from this place would represent younger brothers legs and here Mars is placed would make the natives younger brother walk faster, he being learned can be deduced with Jupiter (learned/wise) in the 4th from 3L of younger brother Sun and also aspecting the 3H of brothers.
- In the beginning period, he will have calamity. However, the same will recede due to the grace of Lord Subramanya. He will be a man of probity. He has the skill of talking by juggling the words. We will tell about the defect-less house of children. One male child and two female children will be there and they will have long life.
Translators Notes: Rishi is talking about his younger brother only and not the native. Only from verse 17 onwards he talks about the native.
- We will tell about the timing of marriage of the native. In the native’s twenty first year, from the north-east direction from his residence, from the native’s father’s side relationship, he will get his wife. He will have only one wife. First, we will tell about the progeny; Please listen.
Publishers Notes: If we presume that the Rishi has is now talking about the native then if we use Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi (refer to previous volume 3), the 21st year of the native would be the 9th house (12+9=24) of marriage and also here Jupiter the karaka of religious function is placed and Jupiter in Kalachakra is Isana Kona of North East Direction hence we can only presume that the Rishi might have used this logic though finding out directions of events there is no single repeatable methodology that gives consistent results. The other way of Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi as explained in Vol 3 is to take Naisargik Kundali (natural zodiac) and over there 21st year will be Sagitarius where natural karaka of marriage Ven and 2nd & 7th lord of marriage (as per natural zodiac) Ven is placed hence marriage in 21st year.
- When we look at the house of children, the native will have eight children. However, out of them, two male children and three female children making a five will be with long life. Others will not live enough to drink ,mother’s milk.. Oh! Mother of the elephant headed God! Listen further.
- We will tell about the characteristics of the native’s mother. She will have a black body like that of Mahavishnu. She will have a wavering mind. A guileless woman, very patient woman, without brothers and sisters, will work hard in the world, not capable of using unwanted words.
Publishers Notes: 3rd house from 4H of mother is heavily afflicted hence no siblings to mother. 3rd house from Moon (Mother) is heavily afflicted by Jupiter & Saturn. 6th from Jupiter gets spoilt.
- She will not have an attractive face. Will be loving her husband. Will be a good woman to her relatives. We will tell about the siblings of the native. It will be great. Will not have many brothers. One brother who will also live in a foreign country.
Publishers Notes: 3L of sibling in the 6H along the Rahu Ketu axis can give a sibling abroad.
- He was also born after the native. Along with the younger brother of the native, his uncle (i.e. native’s father’s younger brother) will go to foreign country and return back – we said. Which planetary positions made you say like that?
- 4th Lord Mercury and 5th Lord Venus are conjoined is the reason for that. …. We will tell about the previous birth.
Translators Note: This verse the 3rd line is absent and hence does not give a complete meaning.
- We will tell about the previous birth of the native’s father. Born in a small village near sea in a hunter’s caste, had his livelihood by hunting in the world. Was proud with wife and children.
- After death, as a rebirth, in this birth, we said, he became the father of the native. When the rishi, learned in vedas, said like that, Parvati asked – You said that the native’s father in his previous birth was born in the not so elegant hunter community. What is the reason for that?
- In his previous birth, he used to bring honey to the three eyed Shiva and also thought of Mari Amman and did Puja, hence was born like that.
- Translators Note: The word used here is ‘Mathu’ – I have taken it to mean honey. However, it has another meaning also – Toddy – a kind of local intoxicating liquor just like wine).
We continue to tell about the father of the native’s rebirth.
- He will be born in the same village in the farmers community. We will tell about mother’s birth details. She will be born in a oil monger community in a small village east of Thirukkadaiyur (A place that even now exists in Tamil Nadu). Along with children, (continued in next verse)
- while living in comfort, some evil deeds happened. In the house where she lived, a bird had given birth in a nest to younger ones. Without even thinking that it is a sin to destroy the nest, she destroyed the nest.
- While destroying the nest all the young ones died. The mother bird, which had gone out, returned and saw that none of its young ones were available and gave a curse. The mother bird gave a curse that (there) she will have no siblings and children. Born to her will be under curse. That curse reached her.
- In her last days she was affected by a sallow kind of jaundice and died. Lord Brahma again created her and hence she was born in this birth. Oh Mother! The curse of previous birth caught hold of her in this birth.
- Siblings will get blemish or defects. Children also will get defects or blemish. We will tell about the re-birth of the native’s mother. To the west of Kancheepuram, in Saiva community she will be reborn. Oh! The worshipper of Shiva! Mother! Please listen.
- We will tell about the native’s previous birth. Having taken birth in Kancheepuram, in a family known for penance (Brahmin), and living without education, we will tell about a curse the native was subjected to. Please listen, Oh Mother!
- At the time of daily religious observances, the native used to eat the food cooked without offering them to God. Because of that, he had a curse. During his last days, his body was subjected to diseases and then he died. We said that again he was created by Brahma and took birth now.
- In the previous birth, he was born in a Brahmin family. However, in this birth what is the reason of his birth in a business community; the native according to Brahmin customs, having been born in a Brahmin family, he ate the cooked food without offering it to God was the reason.
- Thus, he was born in this community. We will tell about his rebirth. He will be born in a business community in a village to the east of the country called Virinchi. Oh! Concert of Shiva who has Ganga and Moon on the head! Oh Parvati! Listen further.
- We will tell about the last days of the father of the native. When the native is of 28 years, in the month of Krittika, father will pass away. There will be danger to the native’s mother at his 36th age during the month of poushya (After Sun’s ingress into Makara)
Publishers Notes: Our esteemed translator’s & copy editors notes differ on the month of event due to different calendar systems – Month of Karthika in luni solar Calendar, or Jyeshta Maasa in solar calendar – The word used is ‘thel’ meaning Scorpio which falls between Nov, 15 to Dec. 15. Shri Yenbeeyes says that ‘the month is mentioned in the verse as “makara”. Makara in Souramana is between January and February. In Tamil we call this month as ‘Thai’ which marks the beginning of Pongal and the entry of Sun into Capricorn sign. In Chandramana this is called as ‘Pushya’ or ‘Poushya’ This period is between December and January in the Purnimant and between January and February in Amavasyanth. Since the specific word used ‘makara’, I am of the opinion that the rishi refers to Souramana month. There is no such word in Chandramana.
Publisher: Now see 28th year, as per BCP (Bhrighu chakra Paddathi), this will be 28-24=4th house, here 9th lord of father Saturn is sitting in the 8th (death) from its house, Saturn is 8L of death too and Saturn itself is dukha karaka (sorrow significator) aspected by Rahu from 12h of death. Rishi says that in the 36th year death of mother will happen, 36 year as per BCP is 12H of Exit where Moon (Mother) with Rahu trine to Saturn (8L) aspected by Mars the 6L of disease & 3L of death from Mothers house aspects the moon so death in 36th year can be presumed.
- When Athri maharishi was narrating like this, Parvati started asking. You told that the native’s mother had a brother. You said that he would also go to a foreign country by travelling in a ship. When he will go?
- We will tell. Please listen, Mother! He will return after his tenth age. He will be getting all comforts and his expenses will also be very high. Oh remover of sufferings! Oh Parvati! Please listen.
- We will tell about the death of the native. In his 60th age, in the month of Dhanur (between Dec, 15 to Jan 15), during dwidiya thithi in the waning half, he will die on account of Tuberculosis. Oh! Mother, worshipped by great elderly persons doing penance! Further, listen.
- The native will take rebirth in Kancheepuram in the same community. We tell about his general fortunes. He will be a respectable family man. He will increase his fertile land, house. Will live to the praise of relatives. Oh Mother Superior! Further, listen.
- Fortunes will increase after the 20th age of the native like that of the waxing moon. Will amass wealth to a large extent. Will become famous. Lakshmi will reside. Will construct a beautiful house. Will be without any debts in the earth. Will have a happy mind and disposition.
Publishers Notes: Atri Rishi says Fortune ‘After’ 20th year which means 21st year onwards, now 21st year is 9H as per BCP method and here fortune karaka Jupiter is sitting acting as the activator of the year of fortune. At times one can see that Jupiters natural age is 16 but if it is not activated by the BCP rotation the result takes time till the circle of house focus comes to where Jupiter is, this methodology can be seen true in the above case as per the above verse.
- His sons will live better than him. At the time birth, the native will have 4 years, 6 months and 10 days in Mars Mahadasa as remaining period. We will tell the general results.
- Will construct a beautiful house. However, expenses will become more. Native will get disease and will be cured. The possessed lands will be fertile. Relatives will also get fortunes. Oh! Mother of elephant headed God! we are continuing.
- In Mars Mahadasa, addition of brothers will be there. Bad disease will come. Uncle (Father’s brother) will get married. So, we said that, in this dasa the results will be equal. Oh! Sister of Lord Kanna (Lord Krishna)! We will tell the rest separately
Translators Notes: Here in chart 1 & chart 3 the text end abruptly and it seems the manuscript is incomplete.
A write up about Mari Amman:
Mari Amman is a form of female deity mainly worshipped widely among Tamil villagers across South India and Sri Lanka. Of late the deity has been worshipped in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia too. She is regarded as having the powers to remove diseases like small-pox, chicken-pox.
In Tamil, ‘Maari’ literally means rain. The Goddess who is instrumental in inflicting and at the same time, in her mercy, cooling the fevered brows of her devotees is ‘Seethala Maariamman’. ‘Seethalam’ in Sanskrit literally means ‘the cold one’. Seethala Devi is known for absorbing the heat surrounding Her and emanating the coolness, as part of protecting her devotees.
However the origin of this worship is obscure and no authentic mythological story is found. All that is available are oral tradition concerning her origin.
Story as prevalent in my native village and surroundings:
Renuka Devi was the wife of Rishi Jamadhagni. She is supposed to be a very chaste woman. On account of her chastity, she used to mould an earthen pot out of the mud in the river bed daily due to her ‘Tapo bal’ and bring water from the river for her husband’s puja daily. One day when she was in the river bed, some Gandharva was passing by whose reflection she saw in the river. She was for a second enchanted by this beauty and her mind began to waver for a fraction of a second. On account of this she lost her chastity and could not mould the pot as before. She returned to the Ashram and narrated what happened to the Rishi.
Jamadhagni is famous for his anger and he immediately wanted to punish her. He called his first 3 sons and ordered them to cut her head off. But they refused. But his last son, Parasurama, who takes his father’s words as God’s words, obeyed his father’s orders and beheaded his mother with his axe weapon. Jamadhakni was pleased and wanted to grant his son Parasurama boon. Parasuram requested that his mother should be brought back to life. Jamadhagni, though not happy at the request, was compelled to grant the wish of Parasuram to maintain his word.
Sage Jamadhagni by sprinkling the water from his ‘kamandalam’ on Renuka Devi’s body, attached the severed head. On sprinkling the water on the head and torso, Renuka devi came back to life. However, Jamadhakni said that she no longer can live in the Ashram as she was the incarnation of Goddess Parvati, henceforth called as Mari Amma by order of Lord Shiva.
Renuka Devi, or rather Mari Amma, was starting to leave the ashram when from a distance an army of brigands approached Jamadhakni asking for drinking water. The rishi was now in deep meditation (dhyana) and could not hear the tumult. The warlord of the brigands turned wild and told his followers to cut off the head of the Rishi, which they did. Since Jamadhakni died in a sacred place surrounded by ashrams, his body could not be kept for long and, accordingly, a funeral pyre was built and his body was cremated.
Renuka Devi, on seeing her husband’s body being burnt, returned and leaped upon the funeral pyre, as a last mark of respect for her Rishi husband. Indra from heaven ordered Varuna, the rain god, to drench the fire with sudden heavy rain so that the fire would be extinguished. But in the meantime, Renuka Devi had been severely burned and her dress was also burnt partly.
Then, badly burned but still alive, Renuka Devi managed to walk to a nearby village where, on seeing her familiar face, the villagers made her lay on a long plantain leaf coated with castor oil and applied turmeric powder and neem leaves. One woman touched Renuka Devi and, finding her feverish, ordered that she should be given tender coconut water and butter milk. Then Renuka Devi went to the next village inhabited by washer men who, upon seeing Renuka Devi’s burnt sari, offered her a pure white sari and a red sari that is normally worn by Mari Amma.
On descending from Mount Kailasa, Lord Shiva appeared before Renuka Devi and pronounced her as none other than Uma Devi, Parameswari or Jagadeeswari. Ever since then, Renuka Devi has been called Mari Amman and other names according to local traditions. Because of her association with burning fever, Goddess Mari Amman is respected as omnipotent in every village, guarding people from severe fevers like small pox and chicken pox.
Other stories:
There is a story circulating in high caste circles about an untouchable boy impersonating as a high Brahmin suitor to a Brahmin Girl and marrying her. The deceit is discovered when the girl goes to her in-law’s house. The language and meat eating tendencies of the mother-in-law reveals their identity as untouchables. The Brahmin bride goes into a remorse mode and commits self-immolation by killing herself in fire in order to remove the pollution of marrying an untouchable. That Brahmin girl is defined as Mari Amman, equated to Shakthi, and allowed to be the goddess of untouchables. Devotees practice fire-walking rituals in such temples to satisfy the goddess.
There are other stories also about which I am not giving details here as it would become a lengthy one.
Form of deity:
Sri Maariamman’s graceful and comforting form is fourhanded with the sword and damaru (udukkai as it is known in Tamil) on the right hands and paasa – the rope of bondage – and fire on the left hands. A five-hooded cobra canopies Her, Her eyes dispelling Her grace all around. This is the normal form found in almost all Mariamman temples. Though slight variations are seen in other temples.
During Maiamman festivals in every temple there will be a fire-walking ceremony called as ‘Thimithi’ in Tamil. Even in Singapore Mariamman temple this ritual is performed. Lot of information on this festival can be had from the Internet.
Because of the closeness of Mariamman with the ‘Agni’ or fire (as deduced from the stories above) and also because she is holding a fire in a pot in her hand, she is mentioned as ‘Agni Mari’ in the 3rd verse of Saptarishi Nadi – Chap. 1. Since learned Mr. Baskaran was taking as a direction, I am quoting all these references.
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