Sthira Dasa Exposition by Iranganti Rangacharya

Sthira Dasa Exposition by Iranganti Rangacharya

Typed & Proof Read By
Swathi Venkata Lakshmi . K

STHIRA DASA has been dealt by Dr.B.V.Raman in his studies in Jaimini Astrology. It is based on the method of the popular commentator, Neelakanta, who, we understand evinced more scholarship than practicable exposition throughout his commentary of the 1st and 2nd Adhyayas of the Jaimini Sutras. In this article I would like to attempt a practicable exposition of Sthira Dasa which may differ a little in perceiving Brahma in the nativities . The readers may try both the methods and find good results, since Sthira Dasa is one of the most valid and authentic Ayurdasas though not applicable in all the nativities except where Brahma is present. I am convinced of both the methods to be used if necessary to increase the chances of Brahma’s presence in the nativities though Neelakanta’s method does not sound logical in the rejection of Saturn’s eligibility for Brahmahood despite his eligibility for being Rudra and Maheswara.

Reckoning of Sthira Dasa

ब्रह्मादिरेषा २-३-४
brahmādireṣā 2-3-4

Sthira Dasa begins from the sign occupied by Brahma. The Dasa signs run in the direct order from the sign occupied by Brahma, whether it be odd or even.

Dasa Periods:

शशि (55/12 = 7) नन्द (80/12 =8) पावकः (141/12 =9) क्रमादब्दः स्थिर दशायां २-३-३
śaśi nanda pāvakaḥ kramādabdaḥ sthira daśāyāṁ 2-3-3

The cardinal (Chara), fixed (Sthira) and dual (Dwiswabhava) signs respectively carry 7,8,9 years. It means as follows:

• Mesha, Kataka, Thula and Makara get 7 years each.
• Vrishabha,Simha,Vrischika and Kumbha get 8 years each.
• Mithuna,Kanya,Dhanus and Meena get 9 years each.

This means that the Dasa periods are constant, unlike those of Chara,Trikona Dasas etc.

Brahma Graha:

The Neelakanta method of finding out Brahma Graha may be fairly understood in Studies in Jaimini Astrology, pages 43 and 44 . I give below a more practicable method of finding out Brahma Graha.

प्रभु भाव वैरीश प्राणि पितृलाभ प्राण्यनुचरो विषमस्थो ब्रह्मा
prabhu bhāva vairīśa prāṇi pitṛlābha prāṇyanucaro viṣamastho brahmā

Prabhu(42/12=6) Bhava (44/12=8) Vairee(24/12=12).

Pitru labha prani is the middle part of the entire sutra, with nine letters on both sides and acts a lamp on a threshold (Dehali deepika nyaya). From the sutra the following steps may be understood: –

Step 1: Find out the lords of the 6th,the 8th and the 12th houses of Janma Lagna or its 7th house whichever is stronger.

Step 2: How to know whether Janma Lagna or its 7th house is stronger.

(a) The one which is occupied by a planet is stronger than that which is vacant.
(b) The one which is occupied by more number of planets is stronger than that which is occupied by less.
(c) If both are occupied by equal number of planets, judge the strength of the planets according as exaltation etc.
(d) If both are unoccupied by the planets, judge the strength of Lagna lord and 7th lord by exaltation etc.
(e) If both are equally strong, the planet , which has covered more degrees, is stronger than the one which has less degrees.
(f) If the degrees are equals , judge by the praativesika strength which means thus: An odd sign is stronger if its lord is in an even sign than the odd sign whose lord is in an odd sign . An even sign is stronger if its lord is in an odd sign than an even sign whose lord is in an even sign .
(g) If praativesika strength is equal, judge by the natural strength of the planet. The Sun is strongest and Saturn is the weakest. The increasing order of strength is – Saturn, Mars, Mercury ,Jupiter , Venus , Moon and Sun.

Step 3: Ascertain the strongest of the 6th,the 8th and the 12th lords of Janma Lagna or its 7th house which ever is stronger. (a) Judge their strengths by exaltation etc. (b) If equally strong, judge by the degrees they possess. The planet getting the highest degrees is the strongest. (c) If by degrees they are equal in strength, ascertain by their natural strength, as mentioned above.

Step 4: Find out the placement of the strongest lord (the 6th or the 8th or the 12th ) so ascertained. If he is reckoned from Janma Lagna, and if he occupies Janma Lagna or the 3rd or the 5th, he becomes Brahma. If he is reckoned from the 7th house, and if he occupies the 7th or the 9th or the 11th ,he becomes Brahma. According to Neelakanta, Mesha, Mithuna, Simha,Thula,Dhanus,Kumbha are referred to as Vishamastha(odd).

Timing of Fatality by Sthira Dasa:

For timing of fatality, death inflicting Dasa signs in Sthira Dasa should be ascertained. Apropos, it is first necessary to decide the term of life ,whether short, middle or long in the chart. If the term of life is short, judge the first four Dasa sings from the sign occupied by Brahma. If the term of life is middle, judge the 5th,6th,7th and 8th Dasa sings. If the term of life is long, judge the 9th,10th ,11th and 12th Dasa signs. Make use of the following principles to make out the probable death – inflicting Dasa or Bhukti signs, according to the term of life ascertained in the horoscopic chart :

1. Dasa sign aspected by a malefic.
2. Dasa sign occupied by a malefic.
3. Dasa sign whose 5th and 9th signs are occupied by malefics.
4. Paka and Bhoga Dasa sings occupied by malefics.
5. Dasa sign and its lord connected with one to two malefic whether by aspect or by association.
6. Dasa sign aspected by the waning Moon.
7. Dasa sign and its lord aspected by the waning Moon or by Venus.
8. Dasa sign aspected by Rahu, Ketu on one side and Mars and Saturn on the other side.
9. Dasa sign aspected by Rahu, Ketu and Saturn and occupied or aspected by Mars
10. Dasa sign whose 8th sign is occupied by the Moon.
11. Brahma, if associated with Saturn, Rahu , Ketu , the strongest of the lords of the 6th,8th and 12th houses of Brahma will be the death-inflicting planet. It means the sign occupied by him will be death-inflicting (Sutra: Brahmani Sanau Patayorvatatah).
12. If Brahma is associated with more than two planets the 12th sign of Atmakaraka becomes death- inflicting (Sutra: Bahunam yoge Swajateeyah Jateeya(169/12=12).
13. If Brahma is associated with Rah or Ketu, the 10th Dasa sign closes the life(Sutra: Rahy Yoge Viparteetam -6214/12=10).

14. Brahma being the 8th lord of Atmakaraka, in the 8th house becomes death-inflicting (Sutra: Brahma Swabhavesa Bhavasthah)

The readers may refer to the sutras 30,31,32,33,34 in the 1st pada of the 2nd Adhyaya for a proper understanding of these principles.


Chart 1: Born 20-04-1872 (Birth Ghatikas=36-45)


The Birth Ascendant being Vrischika, the 7th house is stronger than Janma Lagna because Venus, the lord of the 7thhouse is exalted, while Lagna lord, Mars , is in his Moola trikona house. The 6th,8th and 12th lords from the 7th house are respectively Venus, Jupiter and Mars. Jupiter is the strongest, because he is exalted and secures the highest degrees in the three. Jupiter is in the 3rd odd sign reckoned from the 7th house and hence Jupiter becomes Brahma. Sthira Dasa begins from Kataka occupied by Brahma and the Dasa signs are Kataka=7 ,Simha=8, Kanya=9 ,Thula=7,Vrischika=8,Dhanus=9,Makara=7,Kumbha=8,Meena=9. The native died  at the age of 63 in 1935 in the end of Kumbha sign. Kumbha is aspected by three malefics, Sun, Mars, Mercury . The 8th of Kumbha is occupied by the Moon (Principles 1 & 10).

 Chart 2 : Born 5101909 at 11.15p.m.

 Janma Lagna Mithuna is stronger than its 7th house, because Janma Lagna is occupied by the Moon, while the 7th  house is vacant. The lords of the 6th,8th and 12th houses of Janma Lagna are respectively Mars, Saturn and Venus. Of these three, Venus is the strongest because he is placed in his Moolatrikona. Venus is in the 5th odd sign, Thula, reckoned from Janma Lagna and hence Venus becomes Brahma. According to Neelakanta also Venus becomes Brahma, since he is placed in Thula, an odd sign.


Sthira Dasa begins from Thula occupied by Brahma and the Dasa signs are Thula=7,Vrischika=8,Dhanus=9,Makara=7,Kumbha=8,Meena=9,Mesha=7,Vrishabha=8,Mithuna=9,Kataka=7. The native died on 11-4-1985 in Kataka Dasa sign. The 5th and 9th of Kataka are occupied by the malefics viz. Ketu and Mars-Saturn. Kataka is aspected by Ketu and its lord, the Moon , is aspected by Mars and Saturn. Kataka is aspected by Ketu and its lord, the Moon, is aspected by Mars and Saturn. Kataka is aspected by Rahu and Ketu (Principles 1,3,5).

Chart 3: Born 30111911 (Birth Ghatikas=5030).

Copy Editor’s Note : This chart is as per the chart given in original article. We couldn’t regenerate this with JHora.

The Janma Lagna is Scorpio. The 7th house is stronger than Janma Lagna, since the 7th is occupied by two planets , Mars and Rahu while Janma Lagna is occupied by one planet Ketu. The 6th,8th and 12th lords from the 7th house are Venus, Jupiter and Mars respectively . Jupiter is the strongest of the three. He is placed in the 11thhouse and hence he becomes Brahma. Sthira Dasa begins from Kanya occupied by Brahma. The Dasa signs are Kanya=9, Thula=7, Vrischika=8, Dhanus=9, Makara=7, Kumbha=8, Meena=9, Mesha=7 , Vrishabha=8. The native died in 1981 at the age of 70 in Vrishabha Dasa sign. Vrishabha is occupied by Mars and Rahu and aspected by Sun and Mercury. Pakadasa sign is Vrishabha occupied by malefics, Mars and Rahu and Bhoga Dasa sign, Makara , is occupied by malefics, Sun and Mercury .(Principles 1,2,4).


Chart 4: Born 2091933 at 9 a.m.


Janma Lagna Thula is stronger than its 7th house , because Thula is occupied by two planets while the 7th house is vacant. The 6th,8th ,12th lords from Janma Lagna are respectively Jupiter, Venus and Mercury. Venus only is in Janma Lagna, while Jupiter and Mercury being on the other side, 12th, are not considered. Venus becomes Brahma. According to Neelakanta, Venus also becomes Brahma because of placement in Thula, an odd sign. Sthira Dasa begins from Thula and the Dasa signs are Thula=7, Vrischika=8,Dhanus=9,Makara=7,Kumbha=8, Meena=9,Mesha=7,Vrishabha=8.

The female native of Chart 4 died on 30- 11 – 1989 in Vrishabha Dasa sign . The 5th and 9th of Vrishabha are occupied by malefics. Vrishabha is aspected by the malefics Mars and Saturn. Vrishabha Dasa is aspected by Mars and Saturn, while Venus, the Dasa sign lord, is associated with Mars (Principles- 1,3,5). Death happened in Vrishabha – Vrishabha.

 Chart 5: Indira Gandhi Born 19111917 at 11.12 p.m.

Janma Lagna is Kataka occupied by Saturn, while its 7th house is occupied by the Moon. Saturn is placed in his inimical house, while the Moon occupies his neutral house. Hence the 7th house is stronger than Janma Lagna. The 6th,8th and 12th lords from the 7th house are  respectively Mercury, the Sun and Jupiter. Jupiter is in the 5th odd sign from the 7th house of Janma Lagna. Hence Jupiter becomes Brahma. According to Neelakanta, Brahma is absent since Jupiter occupies Vrishabha, an even sign. Sthira Dasa begins from Vrishabha occupied by Brahma and Dasa signs are Vrishabha=8, Mithuna=9, Kataka=7, Simha=8, Kanya=9, Thula=7, Vrischika=8, Dhanus=9, Makara=7.

Mrs. Gandhi was assassinated on 31-10-1984 in Makara Dasa sign. Makara is aspected by three malefics, Mars, Sun and Mercury (Principle 1). Makara and its lord, Saturn are connected by the aspects of Sun, Mercury and Mars(Principle 5). Actually her death happened in Makara- Mesha, since Mesha is aspected by three malefics, Mars, Sun and Mercury.

Chart 6: Pandit Nehru : Born 14111889 at 11:03 p.m.

Janma Lagna is Kataka. The 6th,8th and 12th lords from Janma Lagna are Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury are Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury respectively. Jupiter is the strongest of the three and is placed in the 6th  sign from Janma Lagna, which is Dhanus , an odd sign. According to Neelakanta, Jupiter becomes Brahma. Sthira Dasa begins from Dhanus occupied by Brahma and the Dasa signs are   Dhanus=9, Makara=7, Kumbha=8, Meena=9, Mesha=7, Vrishabha=8, Mithuna=9, Kataka=7, Simha=8, Kanya=9 . Nehru died on 27-5-1964 in Kanya-Dhanus . Kanya is occupied by Mars and aspected by Rahu and Ketu(Principles 1,2) Kanya is the 10th sign from Brahma. (Principle 13). Dhanus is occupied by Brahma (Jupiter) and Ketu and aspected by Mars and Rahu(Principles 1,2).

Chart 7 : Born 1281952 and died 2561988.

Janma Lagna is Mithuna . Both Janma Lagna and its 7th house are vacant Mercury, the lord of Janma Lagna , occupies Kataka, an inimical sign. Jupiter , the 7th lord , occupies Mesha, a friendly sign.  Hence the 7th house is strong than Janma Lagna. The 6th,8th and 12th lords from the 7th house are respectively Venus, Moon, Mars. Hence the Moon becomes Brahma, since he occupies Mesha, the 11th sign. Sthira Dasa begins from Mesha and the Dasa signs are Mesha=7,Vrishabha=8,Mithuna=9,Kataka=7,Simha=8. Death  happened in Simha Dasa according to the Principles 5,8. The native died on 25-6-1988 in Simha-Meena. Meena is aspected by Saturn.

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