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Thandava Malai’ was compiled by a scholar ‘Shri. Thandava Bhoopathy’, who was a prime disciple of Shri. Appavu
Aiyar, a renowned astrologer. Shri.Appavu Aiyar was a disciple of Shri. Govinda Dheekshita, thus goes the Guru Parampara. The worthy disciple has compiled his master’s teachings in verses and named the book by his name. This book is rich in content and lucid in style. The verses resemble some verses of Brihat Parasara Hora as well as Udu Daya Pradeepika. The author Shri. Thandava Bhoopathy was a Sakthi Upasaka. His son Shri. Kacchhalai Murthy was also a famous personality. Nothing could be ascertained regarding the period of the text. Roughly, considering the style of the verse, this text might not been written earlier than 17th century.
“The effects of the Dasa Lord can be fully felt without fail during its major period in the sub-periods of
- the planets, which are establishing relationship with the Dasa Lord; or
- the planets, which are of similar nature as that of the Dasa Lord.”
Thandavarayar has already established in the preceding verse No.27, that the swa-bhukthis (own periods) won’t confer their natural results unless otherwise some extraordinary yogas involved with the Dasa Lord.
Among the subsequent bhukthis also, which bhukthis are qualified to confer the results of the Dasa Lord? To answer this question, the author has compiled this verse.
The author has prescribed two parameters for the bhukthi-lords viz., (i) relationship; and (ii) nature, in order to assess whether they are capable to confer the results of the Dasa Lord or not.
- By ‘relationship’, he mentions the association / combination, mutual aspect, interchange, etc. between the dasa Lord and bhukthi Lord.
- By ‘nature’, the author prefers to test the functional nature of the planet only, irrespective of its natural (naisargika) status. In the verse 3 supra itself, the author has categorized the functional beneficence or malfeasance of planets in five categories viz. Trines (1,5,9), Trishadis (3,6,11), Angles (4,7,10), Dhana-Vyayesh (2,12) and Randhresh (8).
Therefore, on two counts, the bhukthi Lords will exhibit the results of the Dasa Lord, firstly while establishing relationship and secondly coming under the similar category of planetary nature.
To elicit further, suppose we consider the period of a benefic Dasa Lord (Lord of a Trine as well as an Angle), the benevolent results can be felt during the bhukthis of
- the planets that are establishing relationship, by association / combination / mutual aspect / interchange with the Dasa Lord.
- the Trinal or Angular lords.
“During the sub-periods of the planets, who are not establishing any relationship (with the Dasa Lord), they (Bhukthi Lords) will confer results according to their own nature and strength. You should foretell results only after weighing these things with due care, as if, a person walking on the edge of a razor.”
In the earlier verse, the results of Bhukthi Lords who are related with the Dasa Lord or of similar nature, were discussed. When the Bhukthi Lord is neither related with the Dasa Lord nor of similar nature, how the results should be? Thus Thandavarayar has compiled this verse.
When the Bhukthi Lord is neither related with the Dasa Lord nor of similar nature, then the results could be felt with reference to their functional nature and according to their bhala (strength) in the horoscope. Here, the originality of the Bhukthi Lord could be felt during its sub-period.
Naturally, this implies that the Dasa Lords have no role to play during the sub-periods of unrelated Bhukthi Lords. But, this is not correct. Because, the Bhukthi Lords are either promoting or preventing the results denoted by the Dasa Lord. As a result, always mixed results could be felt during the sub-periods of unrelated Bhukthi Lords. Therefore, in this case, the results should be arrived at by the joint merit of both the planets, concerned.
As the planets discussed here, are unrelated and from different compartments/categories, the results during their mutual periods and sub-periods, are invariably of mixed nature. The author has insisted the astrologers to take due care to assess their comparative strengths so as to decide the predominant nature of results, either beneficence or malfeasance. Thandavarayar, has made emphasis on ‘due care’, by quoting the example ‘as if walking on the edge of the razor’.
In the Trinal Lord’s main period and the sub-period of the Angular Lord or vice-versa, auspicious results can be expected, if they are mutually related. Even if they are unrelated, inauspicious results couldn’t be expected, provided the trinal Lord will not be associated with the malefics (3rd, 6th and 11th)”
In an earlier verse (No.12 supra), Thandavarayar has hailed the relationship between angular lords with trinal lords. This view was supported by almost all the classical texts in unison. Because, angles are known as Vishnusthanas and trines as Lakshmisthanas.
When the Dasa Lord and Bhukthi Lord are coming under these two categories (trinal-angular or angular-trinal) and if they are related, then it signifies fructification of a perfect Raja Yoga. Therefore, the results should certainly be auspicious.
Further, the author has stated that these two lords won’t confer any inauspicious results, even if they are unrelated. This is a significant departure from the tenets enunciated in the preceding verses 29 and 30 for an unrelated planet. Because, in the absence of any relationship between the Dasa Lord and Bhukthi Lord, the Bhukthi Lord supposed to exhibit its effect according to its functional nature. In other words, there won’t be any effective Raja Yoga in operation. Then, the logic behind the author’s statement “Even if they are unrelated inauspicious results couldn’t be expected” is questionable. Logical solution to this point is on the following two perspectives:
- Verse 16 supra runs as, the dasas of both (Kendra and Kona Lords) are yoga dasas and the dasas of the planets posited therein also be yoga dasa.” Therefore, with reference to this, both of them are qualified for conferring auspiciousness.
- As per the previous verse (No.29) for any unrelated planet results should be arrived at by the joint merit of both the planets. It implies that, both of them being meritorious, results are auspicious.
Readers may think about the need for writing this much lengthy justification for conferring auspicious results to unrelated trinal-angular Lords. Even the famous Laghu Parasari Shloka IV(32) quotes as follows (of course according to one version):
“. . . . The Lord of the Angle in his Dasa and Antar of the Lord of Trine, vice-versa, both give evil effects when there is no mutual relationship between the two.”
This explanation contradicts the earlier shloka No.II(18) of the same text which runs as
- . . . . even in the Dasas of benefics having no relation with the Lords of the Angles and Trines (as Yoga karaka planets) Raja Yoga is generally caused”
In light of the above, Thandavarayar’s present verse is undoubtedly a significant departure from unwarranted interpretation of Shloka IV (32) of Laghu Parasari.
Auspicious results during Maraka Dasa
“During the sub-periods of a Maraka planet, if a Raja Yoga is in operation, then the yoga results are increasingly felt in the subsequent sub-periods (even of malefics) also.”
The meaning mentioned above is the actual translation of the original verse.
However, according to my limited knowledge, this is against the established tenets of astrology. As we said earlier, the text Thandavamalai closely follows Laghu Parasari and Brihat Parasara Hora. This verse seems to be the translation of mis-spelt version of Shloka IV(33) of Laghu Parasari, which runs as
“Aarambho Raja Yogasya Bhavedh Maraka Bhukthishu
Prathayanthi Thamaarabhya Kramasa Papa Bhukthaya”
Actually, the correct version should be
“Aarambho Raja Yogasya Padhedh Karaka Bhukthishu
Prathayanthi Thamaaraptha Kramasa Papa Bhukthaya”
I prefer to revise the meaning of the verse according to the corrected version, as below:
“During the Dasa of Raja Yoga Karakas, Raja Yoga Phal will be felt from the very inception of the Dasa, i.e. from the sub-period of Dasa Nath himself and continue to flow even in the sub-periods of malefics (3rd, 6th and 11th lords) also.”
In verse 26 supra, Thandavarayar has already stated that the Dasanath, whoever may be, will not confer fruits according to his own nature during his own Bhukthi (Swabhukthi).
But, current verse is an exception to the earlier one. That is why, in commentary of verse no.26 itself, it has been commented that the swabhukthi will not give effects of the Dasa Lord unless otherwise some special yogas are caused by the planet concerned.
According to this verse, Raja Yoga Phal continues to flow in the subsequent sub-periods (inclusive of malefics) also.
“In the main period of Yoga-Karaka planet, Raja Yoga Phal is certain in the sub-periods of benefics, irrespective of the fact whether the benefics are related with the Yoga-Karaka or not. But, due consideration should be given to the strength of the planets involved”
In the main period of a related benefic, the Yoga-Karaka promotes
auspicious results during its sub-period”
In the verses 32 and 33, Thandavarayar has explained the results of Benefic Bhukthis of Yoga-Karaka Dasa and Yoga-Karaka Bhukthi of Benefic Dasas, respectively.
When a Yoga-Karaka planet establishes relationship with a benefic, then there exists a manipulation of an extra-ordinary Raja Yoga. Therefore, irrespective of their other blemishes, if any, the Yoga-Karaka bestows powerful Raja Yoga results during the sub-period of the related benefic in its main period on the native.
Even in the absence of any relationship with a benefic, the Yoga-Karaka planet can confer Raja Yoga results during the sub-periods of the benefics in its main period. But, the quantum of beneficence in this case will certainly be inferior than that of the above (related-benefic).
Here, it should be observed that Thandavarayar has not mentioned Raja Yoga results during the sub-periods of Yoga-Karakas in the main period of any benefic, whether related or unrelated to Yoga-Karaka. Actually, during the sub-periods of Yoga-Karakas in the main period of any benefic, auspicious results will be felt, but not Raja Yoga results.
”The intrigue difference between these two lies on the fact that “the Bhukthi Lord is the ultimate authority to fructify an event, but his role is limited within the ambit of the results denoted by Dasa Lord.” Therefore, when the Dasa Lord by being a Yoga Karaka is representing Raja Yoga results, the benefic Bhukthi Lords can promote those Raja Yoga results. But, when the Dasa Lord is a mere benefic and the Bhukthi Lord is a Yoga-Karaka, the results are not Raja Yoga but merely auspicious. These can be summarized as below:
Dasa Lord | Bhukthi Lord | Condition | Results |
Yoga-Karaka | Benefic | Unrelated | Rajayoga |
Yoga-Karaka | Benefic | Related | Powerful Rajayoga |
Benefic | Yoga-Karaka | Related | Very Auspicious |
Benefic | Yoga-Karaka | Unrelated | Auspicious |
Thandavarayar, here also has preferred to weigh the strengths of planets to assess the intensity of auspiciousness / Raja Yoga on the native.
Rahu and Ketu are empowered to confer good results during their main and sub-periods, provided they are not related with any other planet and deposited either in Trine or in Angle”
As established earlier, in the absence of any mass, shape or substance, Rahu and Ketu are supposed to confer results according to the lords of their disposition and association. When they are deposited either in Trine or in Angle, that too without associating with any planet, they elevate themselves as the sole representative of that house (i.e. auspicious Trine or Angle).
Here, kind attention of readers may be invited to verse No.16 supra, which runs as “The dasas of both (Kendra and Kona Lords) are yoga dasas and the dasas of the planets posited therein also be Yoga dasas”.
By combining the above two perspectives we can easily infer that the Nodal planets in Trine or Angle without any association are perfect Yoga Karakas. Therefore, during the main and sub-periods of the Rahu and Ketu, auspicious results can be anticipated. Here, it is to be noted that both the nodes can never be in trines simultaneously.
he main period of malefic planets will be predicted as
- Bad in the sub-period of unrelated benefics;
- Mixed in the sub-period of related benefics; and
- Worst in the sub-period of unrelated Yoga-karakas”
As stated earlier, “the Bhukthi Lord is the ultimate authority to fructify an event, but his role is limited within the ambit of the results denoted by Dasa Lord.” Therefore, during the main period of malefic planets, invariably negative karmas in the form of unfavorable results are about to manifest. When the sub-periods are of malefic, the Bhukthi Lords execute the evil results stored in congruence with the Dasa Lord. In the benefic Bhukthis, the results will be mixed in nature.The entire relationship may be synthesized under the two
sets of parameters, viz. Planetary Status (Yoga-Karaka, Benefic, Malefic and Maraka) and Relationship (Related and Unrelated), of which some of them are listed below:
Planetary Status of | \ |
| |
Condition |
| Results | ||
Dasa Lord | Bhukthi Lord |
| ||
| ||
Yoga-Karaka | Benefic | Related |
| Powerful Rajayoga |
Yoga-Karaka | Benefic | Unrelated |
| Rajayoga |
Benefic | Yoga-Karaka | Related |
| Very Auspicious |
Benefic | Yoga-Karaka | Unrelated |
| Auspicious |
Malefic | Yoga-Karaka | Related | / | Mixed |
| Unrelated * |
Yoga-Karaka | Malefic | Related | / | Mixed |
| Unrelated |
Benefic | Benefic | Related |
| Very Auspicious |
Benefic | Benefic | Unrelated |
| Auspicious |
Planetary Status of | Condition |
| Results | |
Dasa Lord | Bhukthi Lord |
| ||
| ||
Malefic | Malefic | Related |
| Worst |
Malefic | Malefic | Unrelated |
| Bad |
Benefic | Malefic | Related | / | Inauspicious |
| Unrelated |
Malefic | Benefic | Related | / | Inauspicious |
| Unrelated |
Though, ‘worst’ results are specified in the original verse, for the sub-period of unrelated Yoga-Karaka in the main period of a malefic, ‘mixed’ results are mentioned here, purely by logical inference.
Yoga Phal and Maraka Dasa
“During the main period of Maraka planets, maraka phal will not occur during the sub-period of related benefics. But, they prove their blemishes during the sub-periods of unrelated malefics”
The Lords of 2nd and 7th are Marakas (Death Inflictors / Killers) for any chart. The author has compiled this verse also as an extension of the already established
principle as below:
“The Bhukthi Lord is the ultimate authority to fructify an event, but his role is limited within the ambit of the results denoted by Dasa Lord.”
Therefore, the Dasa Lord, being a Maraka, sways the death inflicting nature in store upon the native, during its main period. In the sub-periods of benefics, the death like dangers could not be fructified, more specifically, when benefics are related with Dasa Lord. In the sub-periods of malefics, as the Dasa Lord can easily satisfy his evil intentions, the maraka-phal could not be averted. In the following table, Maraka Dasas for each ascendant and the probable death inflicting sub-periods are tabulated.
| Marakas (Dasas) | Death | inflicting | Sub- | |||
Ascendant |
| periods | during | the | |
| 2nd Lord | 7th Lord | ||||||||||
| Maraka Dasas |
| ||||||||
| |
Aries |
| Venus (7) | Venus (2) | Mercury (3,6) |
| ||||||
Taurus |
| Mercury | (5) | Mars (12) | Moon (3), Jupiter (8,11) | |||||||
Gemini | Moon | Jupiter(10) | Sun (3), Mars (6,11) |
| ||||||||
Cancer |
| Sun | Saturn (8) | Mercury (3,12) |
| ||||||
Leo | Mercury (11) | Saturn (6) | Mercury (2,11) |
| |||||||
Virgo |
| Venus | (9) | Jupiter (4) | Moon (11), Mars (3,8) | |||||||
Libra | Mars (7) | Mars (2) | Jupiter (3,6), Sun (11) | |||||||||
Scorpion |
| Jupiter | (5) | Venus(12) | Mercury (8,11) |
| |||||
Sagittarius | Saturn (3) | Mercury(10) | Saturn | (2,3), | Venus | |||||||
| (6,11), Moon (8) when | |||
| not in Cancer |
| |
Capricorn |
| Saturn | (1) | Moon | Jupiter | (3,12), | Sun | (8) | ||||
| when not in Leo |
| ||
Aquarius |
| Jupiter (11) | Sun | Moon (6), Jupiter (2,11) | ||||||||
Pisces |
| Mars | (9) | Mercury (4) | Venus | (3,8), | Sun | (6), | ||||
| Saturn (11,12) |
| |
Other-house lordships are shown in brackets
By nature 2nd Lord is neutral, but become benefic by the other-house ownership. Therefore, the planets striked-through are not of evil nature.
According to this verse, during the main period of Maraka planets, maraka phal will not occur during the sub-period of related benefics. But, this is an exception to the earlier verse no.28, wherein it has been stated that the effects of the Dasa Lord can be fully felt without fail during its major period in the sub-periods of the planets, which are establishing relationship with the Dasa Lord.
Results of Saturn and Venus
“In the world surrounded by water, during the Sub-period of Venus in the Main-period of Saturn or vice-versa, the results (auspicious or inauspicious) are enhanced, as the Dasa Lord and Bhukthi Lord are mutually supportive with each other”
In astrology, Venus and Saturn are known as Ati-mitra (Close friends) to each other. The very arrangement of Rasi Mandal (Zodiac) itself is facilitating the two planets such a congruent relationship. That is, for Venus-ascending signs Saturn becomes either 9th-cum-10th Lord or 4th-cum-5th Lord. Similarly, for Saturn-ascending signs Venus becomes either 5th-cum-10th Lord or 4th-cum-9th Lord.
It is a well established principle that any planet which owns both Angle as well as Trine is a Yoga-Karaka, par excellence. Therefore, Venus and Saturn are mutually Yoga-Karakas, by nature. Hence, these two planets are enhancing the results more.
On this context, it is interesting to point out some shlokas of Kalidasa mentioned in Uttara Kalamrita 6(28) to 6(31) as below in spite of the fact, the subject has to be researched thoroughly:
“When Venus and Saturn . . . . . . . .are strong and equally powerful to cause Yoga, they will, in their mutual Dasas and Bhukthis make the man concerned a beggar seeking alms and the powerless being, even though he born a king or a Kubera. If, however, one of the two be strong and the other weak, the stronger one will cause the Yoga. Should both of them be weak and be so mutually placed that one occupies the 12th, 8th or 6th from the other happens to own such places; or be associated with the lords of these houses, they tend to be auspicious and grant wealth and happiness to the man concerned. When one of them is the lord of an auspicious Bhava and the other of an unfavorable one, even then, both of them will produce good results. Should they both be malefics they will prove extremely favourable to the native.”
Characteristics of Planets
“As (per the astro-principles) explained earlier, I now will consolidate and narrate the characteristics of planets for each sign in the order”
In the earlier verses, Thandavarayar has already propounded the general astro-rules in order to decide the nature of planets. They may be reproduced as below:
Bhavas | Verse | Effect |
| No. |
1,5,9 (Trines) | 3 | Good |
3,6,11(Trishadis) | 3 | Bad |
4,7,10 (Angles) | 4,5 | Malefics are good |
| Benefics are evil |
2,12 (Dhana Vyayesh) | 6 | Neutral – Conditional |
| w.r.t. disposition, |
| association, etc. |
8 (Randhresh) | 7 | Bad – Except as Lagna |
| Lord i.e. for Aries and |
| Libra |
According to that, the author is about to consolidate and narrate the characteristics of all the planets for all the twelve signs. This description follows on the lines of Madhya Parasari as well as Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra Chapter 36.
The entire observation regarding the characteristics of planets will be consolidated in a tabular form and be presented later.
Benefics and Malefics for Aries Sign
“Saturn, Mercury and Venus are absolute malefics; Jupiter and Sun are benefics; Jupiter will become malefic if he conjoins with Saturn”
“The Lord of Marakasthana, Venus will not do Maraka; The planets, Saturn and so on (i.e. Saturn and Mercury) will do maraka; You have to foretell like this to the Aries ascending natives.”
In the verses 39 to 40, Thandavarayar has explained the planetary characteristics for Aries ascending natives. According to these, Saturn becomes a malefic as he owns 11th house; Mercury becomes a malefic as he owns 3rd and 6th houses; Venus becomes a malefic as he owns 2nd and 7th houses.
Actually, 2nd house is of neutral in nature. But, Venus a natural benefic as an angular lord (7th) becomes a malefic. Combining these two, i.e. because of co-ownership of 7th, Venus becomes a malefic.
Jupiter, being 9th and 12th Lord is benefic; as 12th is neutral and 9th a trine. But, if Jupiter conjoins with Saturn, who is a malefic by being 11th Lord, Jupiter looses all its beneficence. This is in tune with verse no.20 supra which runs as “The Dharma-Karmathipas will not confer their yoga results to the individual, if they are simultaneously owning 8th or 11th houses also”
Regarding marakaphal, Venus is an absolute Maraka as he owns both 2nd and 7th houses. But, here Thandavarayar has stated that Venus won’t kill. Probably, he might have gone by the saying “Dwaimaraka Na Marakah“1. But, this view was not endorsed by Brihat Parasara Hora, Jataka Chandrika, etc. The results may be consummated as below for Aries Ascendant:

- Dwimaraka Na Maraka” is a saying for denoting the dual marakatwa (killership) viz. 2nd and 7th Lordships (both are marana karakas for any ascendant). This is applicable for Aries and Libra Ascendants, as they are having Venus and Mars respectively as 2nd and 7th Lords (Dwimaraka).
Benefics and Malefics for Taurus Sign
“Jupiter, Venus and Moon are malefics; Saturn and Sun are benefics; Saturn alone is a Raja Yoga Karaka”
“The planets Jupiter, and so on (Jupiter, Venus and Moon) will do maraka; You foretell like this to the Taurus ascending natives in the world.”
In the verses 41 & 42, Thandavarayar has explained the planetary characteristics for Taurus ascending natives. According to these, Jupiter becomes a malefic as he owns 8th and 11th houses; Venus becomes a malefic as he owns 6th house; Moon becomes a malefic as he owns 3rd house.
By owning 9th and 10th houses, Saturn becomes a benefic; Sun is a benefic, as he being a natural malefic owns an angle house. Saturn qualifies himself as a first rate Yoga Karaka, since he possesses 9th, a trinal house and 10th, an angular house.
Here, categorizing Venus as a malefic is not correct. Because, being a Lagna Lord, he is a best benefic for Taurus natives. Further, these verses are silent on the nature of Mars and Mercury. Mars may also be considered as benefic for Taurus natives, because he owns 7th and 12th houses. Since, 12th is neutral in nature and 7th an angular one, the ownership of Mars on these, confers the status of a benefic. But, due consideration should be given to the houses of Moolatrikona. Here, Moolatrikona falls on 12th i.e. at Aries. Therefore, he is of neutral nature.
Mercury is the Lord of 2nd and 5th. Second house is neutral in nature and being 5th Lord, Mercury qualifies himself as benefic.
The results may be consummated as below for Taurus Ascendant:

Benefics and Malefics for Gemini Sign
“Mars, Jupiter and Sun are malefics; Venus is the only benefic; If Saturn conjoins with Jupiter, then derive results as told for Aries natives”
“The karaka (Moon) is not capable to kill the native; Mars, Jupiter and Sun are the marakas; Foretell this to the Gemini ascending natives.”
In the verses 43 to 44, Thandavarayar has explained the planetary characteristics for Gemini ascending natives. According to these, Mars becomes a malefic as he owns 6th and 11th houses; Sun becomes a malefic as he owns 3 rd house. Jupiter becomes a malefic as he owns 7th and 10th houses; Actually, Jupiter a natural benefic by being owner of two angular houses viz. 7th and 10th, suffers Kendrathipathya Dosha.
When Saturn conjoins Jupiter, then there exists Dharma Karmathipa Yoga akin to that of Aries Ascendants. In both the cases, the Dharma Karmathipa Yoga is defunct.
Jupiter, a natural benefic, being 7th and 10th Lord is subject to the blemish of Kendrathipathya Dosha. Further, Saturn is the Lord of 8th and 9th. Therefore, regarding the sangama of Jupiter and Saturn, the results of Aries were retold here, which is in tune with verse no.20 supra which runs as “The Dharma-Karmathipas will not confer their yoga results to the individual, if they are simultaneously owning 8th or 11th houses also”
Regarding, Maraka phal, Thandavarayar has stated that the Moon will not kill the native. Actually, the word utilized by the author is ‘Karak’, which denotes here the second Lord, Moon. But, some authors interpreted this as ‘Ayush Karaka’, Saturn and not that of Moon. However, in view of the controversy, it is preferred to go by Brihat Parasara Hora, which supports that Moon as a Non-Killer for Gemini natives.
Mars, Jupiter and Sun are marakas by being malefics for Gemini natives. Further, the marak status to Jupiter should be emphasized as the verse 8 supra runs
“As angular Lords (by sign), the Jupiter and Venus are dominant killers, if they occupy 12th (Vyaya) to the 8th (Ayushthana) i.e. 7th house” Of course, Mercury, another benefic also, the 1st and 4th Lord for Gemini natives. However, his beneficence should not be underestimated as Mercury is the Lagna Lord, a yogakaraka par excellent. But, the present verse is silent upon it. The results may be consummated as below for Gemini Ascendant:

Benefics and Malefics for Cancer Sign
Sun will not kill; Venus, Mercury and Saturn are Marakas; You foretell like this to the Cancer ascending natives.”
In the verses 45 & 46, Thandavarayar has explained the planetary characteristics for Cancer ascending natives. According to these, Venus becomes a malefic as he owns 4th and 11th houses; Mercury becomes a malefic as he owns 3rd and 12th houses
Jupiter is the owner of 6th and 9th houses. Jupiter here is declared as benefic in spite of his 6th Lordship. Is it correct? Thandavarayar might have assigned such a status considering its own nature (i.e. Atmaswabhava), which is very congenial with luminaries. Of course, this is supported by Brihat Parasara Hora.
By owning 5th and 10th houses, Mars becomes a benefic; Mars qualifies himself as a first-rate yoga-karaka for Cancer Ascendants. In this regard, attention of readers is invited to verse no.10, which runs as “Mars as Lord of 10th and 5th is a best yogakaraka (for Cancer Ascendant). . . . .”
While explaining Marakaphal, the author has stated that Sun will not kill the Cancer natives. In this regard, it may be stated that Thandavarayar has extended the principle laid down for Moon to Sun also, as both of them are luminaries. Venus, Mercury and Saturn are Marakas. Saturn is the owner of 7th and 8th houses also. Therefore, he is the chief maraka.
The results may be consummated as below for Cancer Ascendant:
“Venus and Son of Moon (i.e. Mercury) are absolute malefics; Jupiter and Mars are benefics; Mars is capable of conferring best Raja Yoga”

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