The Arudha Chapter of BPHS by Madura Krishnamurthi Sastri

The Arudha Chapter of BPHS by Madura Krishnamurthi Sastri

Translated By: Venkat Ramana, India.

Oh! Maitreya! Now I shall explain the Arudhas of all the twelve bhavas and the planets as told by the great sages of yore to know the special results.

Count the number of Signs where Ascendant lord is posited from Ascendant. The Arudha can be arrived at by counting the number of signs from Ascendant lord as he is away from Ascendant.  Similarly, the Arudhas of the remaining bhavas are to be arrived at. Of the 12 Arudhas, Arudha of Ascendant is very important.

Explanation: For a native of Aries ascendant the lord Mars is posited in the 9th Sign Sagittarius. For this native the Arudha will be 9th from Sagittarius i.e., Leo. This is also known as Tanubava Pada or Arudha Lagna. For the same native second house lord Venus if posited in Capricorn, the Arudha of the second house will be Virgo as Venus moved nine signs from the second. Therefore the Arudha of the 2nd house would be 9 houses from Capricorn which is Virgo. Similarly the Arudhas of other bhavas are to be calculated.

Names of the Arudhas

1) Arudha lagna or Tanu Bhava Pada    2) Arudha of 2nd or Kosha Pada

3) Arudha of 3rd or Vikrama Pada          3) Arudha of 4th or Matru Pada

5) Arudha of 5th or Putra Pada                6) Arudha of 6th or Shatru Pada

7) Arudha of 7th or Jamitra Pada            8) Arudha of 8th or Aayu Pada

9) Arudha of 9th or Bhagya Pada           10) Arudha of 10th or Rajya Pada

11) Arudha of 11th or Labha Pada             12) Arudha of 12th or Upapada.

In Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, the Jaimini Sutra “Yaava deeshaa Shrayampada Mrukshannaam” indicates 12 Arudhas from ArudhaLagna(A1) To Upapada (A-12) are to be calculated.

 But in “Gautama Samhita” also known as “Arudha Padadyayi” only 8 padas are mentioned.   


Arudha of the ascendant is also known as (as told by Yavanas)

Knowledge 2) EAST (Purva) 3) Destiny 4) Arudha 5) Cause(nimitta)  6) Bhava            7) Appearance/Form 8)Place/Region/Country 9) Arudha 10) Condiment

 Arudha-2 is also known as

Kosha(Treasury/Bank) 2) Dhana (Money) 3) Vastra (Cloth) 4)Padartha(Article)                  5)Vittam(Money) 6)Dravyam(Money/wealth) 7)Auspiciousness/good fortunes(Sowbhagya) 8) Mruda (Soft/Tender) 9) Vaakyam (sentence/speech)            10) Kutumbha (family)

Garden/Forest 2)Wall 3)Growth 4)Happiness/Recreation 5)House of god 6)Strength/power 7)Water 8)Vehicle  9)Throne  10)Power of Wealth are the different names of Arudh-4 (Arudha -4 is also known as Simhasana(Throne)Arudha)

Arudha of the 5th house is also called as,

Tantra(Trick, Strategy) 2) Mantra(incantation, a magical formula) 3)Might/Force                  4) Illusion/Deception (Maaya) 5)Difference 6) Idol/Form 7)Sandhi(Compromise/reconciliation)  8) Budhi(Intellect) 9) Mantri(Minister)  10)Suta(Child)  11) Purva Punya (Past benevolent deeds) 12) Knowledge of Past, Present and Future.

NOTE: The Sutra for Jamitra (Seventh) Pada/Arudha was not available.

  1) Riches 2) Affluence 3) Bhagya(Luck) 4) Dharma(Justice/righteousness)                       5)Magnanimous/Generous 6)Sukruta(GoodDeeds) 7)Guru (Teacher) 8)Nishta(Devotion/Discipline)  9)Kanishta(Youngest) 10) Tapa (Penance) are the names of Arudha – 9.

1)King 2) Power 3) War/Battle 4) Kingdom 5) Enjoyment 6) Affluence 7)Chastity  8) Intellect  9)Recognition 10) Knowledge 11)Name and Fame are the names of the Arudha`10  which is also known as RaajyaArudha(A~10).

1) Upapada 2) Skill/Genius 3) Final 4) Edge, Neighborhood 5) Fag End of Life/Death  6)Last Pada/Arudha 7) Immediate Proximity are the names given to Arudha -12

 In Uttarakaalamrita, Kalidasaa has mentioned eight padas only.

From the above shloka, it is clear that the Arudhas for 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th 10th and 12th houses (as per Uttarakaalamrita) are to be calculated. It has been specially mentioned that the Arudha of 12th house is known as Upapada and the Arudha of 7th is known as Daara Pada.

The Sloka ‘Yaavadeesha Shrayam Pada Mrukshanna’ of the Sage Parashara and Sage Jaimini mention that the Arudhas of all the 12 houses (bhavas) are to be calculated. But Gautama Samhita and Kalidasaa in ‘Uttarakaalamrita’ have taken only eight arudhas. The rationale in taking only eight arudhas by Gautama Samhita and Kalidasa in Uttarakaalamrita appears that, for establishing the Yogas like Dhana(Wealth),Bhagya(Luck),RaajyaPrapti(Gain of kingdom), Keerti(Fame), Sarwabowma(King), Rajavandya(Appreciation from King), RajaSambanda(HAVING GOOD RELATIONSHIP WITH KING), in the natal charts the above eight Arudhas are sufficient and other Arudhas of 3rd, 6th, 8th and 11th bhavas need not be seen for the Yogas (DHANA, BHAGYA etc) mentioned ibid. These (3rd, 6th, 8th and 11th) Arudhas can be used to know the general good and bad effects of respective houses.

The author could lay hands only on the Gautama Samhita for predicting the Dhana(Wealth),Bhagya(Luck),RaajyaPrapti(Gain of kingdom), Keerti(Fame), Sarwabowma(King), Rajavandya(Praise from

King), RajaSambanda (HAVINGGOOD RELATIONSHIP WITH KING) Yoga results from Arudhas. Uttarakaalamrita has dealt very briefly on these Yogas. The other classics ‘Jatakaparijata’, ‘Phaladeepika’ and ‘Sarvartha Chintamani’ have neither dealt nor discussed about the Arudhas. 

Special rules (Exceptions) in Calculation of Arudha

Own house*, Seventh house cannot become Arudha of a house. If Own House happens to be the Arudha instead of Own House the 10th House should be considered as the Arudha of the house. Similarly, if the 7th house happens to be Arudha the Fourth house 

(NOTE)*:    Here own house means the Rashi/Sign for which Arudha is being calculated. For Example when Arudha for Scorpio is being calculated then this sign (Scorpio) is treated as Own House and not Aries though owned by Mars.

If Lagna/Ascendant Lord is in the Fourth from Lagna in the normal course fourth from the Fourth House i.e. 7th becomes the Arudha. But when we apply the above Exception as 7th cannot become the Arudha, 4th it self becomes the Arudha. Further, if Ascendant Lord is posited in the 7th house then 10th house becomes the   Arudha (Exception to the general rule).  Similar procedure is to be followed for other Bhavas.

EXPLANATIONJaimini Sutras (Rules) viz., ‘Yaavadeesha Shrayam Pada Mrukshana’, ‘Swasthe Darah’ and ‘Sutasthe Janma’ are supporting the above exception.

In ‘KaTaPaYa’ numeric the word Swasthe gets numerical values~4 and the word Darah (Da ~8 and Ra ~2. If these are written in reverse order it becomes 28. This number when divided by 12 gives a reminder ~4) also gets a value ~4. Therefore, when bhava/Sign Lord is in 4th from itself then 4th becomes the Arudha. For Aries Ascendant if Mars is in fourth house Cancer according to the normal calculation fourth from Cancer viz, Libra will become the Arudha. But as per the exception explained above Cancer itself becomes Arudha. Similarly, the second lord Venus from Aries Ascendant is in Leo (fourth from Taurus) Leo becomes the Arudha of the 2nd house. Same rules should be applied for other Bhavas also.

The next Sutra (Rule) “Sutasthe Janma” the word ‘Suta’ gets numerical value ~7 (Su~7 and Ta~6. If written in reverse order it becomes 67 and when divided by 12 reminder is 7). The word ‘Janma’ gets a numerical value~10 (JA~8 and Ma~5. when written in reverse order it becomes 58. If divided by 12 the reminder would be 10). Therefore, if Ascendant lord is in the 7th house then 10th becomes Arudha. Similarly other bhavas are also to be calculated.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When Ascendant lord in the 10th house (10th from 10th house) 7th becomes the Arudha and Ascendant lord is in Ascendant then Ascendant itself becomes Arudha. In these two cases the above Exception i.e., own house, Seventh house cannot become Arudha of a house, is not applicable.

There is a difference of opinion among the scholars on calculation of Arudha which are dealt hereunder for the convenience of the readers.

  • BPHS (printed at Mumbai with commentary by GANESHADATTA)

When Ascendant lord is either in Ascendant or 7th house Ascendant becomes Arudha.  No exceptions are given for this rule in the book/treatise.

Jaimini Sutras (commentary by NEELAKANTHA)

As per NEELAKANTHA the word ‘Darah’ in the Sutra (Rule) “Swasthe Darah” indicates only the Seventh (Kalatra) house. He suggests that when Ascendant lord is in Fourth House 7th house becomes Arudha.  The Rule “Sutasthe Janma” if Ascendant lord is in 7th House Ascendant becomes Arudha.

NEELAKANTHA has mentioned the above Rules (Sutras) only as examples and has not given any basis for his interpretation and also not shown any supporting arguments for the same. Further, the opinion is given without applying the ‘Ka Ta Pa Ya’ numeric values.

3) DURGA PRASAD DWIVEDI   in his book “Jaimini Padyamrutodahrutam” has agreed with the exceptions as shown by the author (Shri Madura Shastriji). He had also clarified that the explanation given by Neelakantha is not agreeable.

  • BALAKRISHNANANDA SWAMY has stated that, from 2nd house matters pertaining to Spouse, 11th house elder brother, from the Planet in the 2nd house matters pertaining to Spouse, 5th house birth of Child (Son) and from 7th house Birth of either of the Spouse should be considered.

Author’s Note:  The above explanation is not suitable to the      context.

5)  AYODHYANATHA in his commentary on Jaimini Sutras states when             Ascendant Lord is in 4th House, 4th House becomes Arudha and if Ascendant Lord   is in 7th House then 10th House becomes Arudha.                    

  • SHRI SOMANATHA in his treatise on Jaimini, “KALPALATHA” opines that if Ascendant Lord in own house 4th house is the Arudha and when in 7th house then 10th house becomes Arudha.
  • In JYOTHISHA RATHNAMALA, SHRI KRISHNA MISHRA (father of Somanatha) explains that if Ascendant is an Odd Sign then the calculation of Arudha should be done from the Ascendant and if the Ascendant is an even Sign then the strength of the Ascendant and its Frontal Rashi/Sign has to be considered and Arudha should be calculated from the stronger of the two Signs (Ascendant or 7th house).

FRONTAL RASHIS:  For the even Signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces Frontal Rashis are Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius respectively. For example Native of Capricorn Arudha~1 has to be calculated either from Capricorn or Leo whichever is stronger.

After calculating the Arudha~1 as above the placement of Planets to be decided either Clockwise or Anti-clockwise from A~1 depending on the signs being Odd or Even. This is explained in the following Para.

Explanation:  a) For a Native of Libra Ascendant if Venus is posited in Gemini (9th House) along with Mercury 9th from Gemini (Aquarius) becomes the A~1. In such a situation we can say that Venus and Mercury are located in 5th house from the A~1 (counting Clockwise).

b) For a Native of Taurus Ascendant if Venus and Mercury located in Gemini (2nd sign) the 2nd from Gemini (Cancer) becomes the A~1. In this case if we say Mercury and Venus are in 12th from A~1 it is wrong. Since Cancer is an Even Sign the placement of the Planets is to be counted Anti-Clockwise. Therefore, it is right to say that Mercury and Venus are in the 2nd from A~1. There will be a lot of difference in the results announced considering the planets in the 12th house rather than in the 2nd house from A~1 (Mercury and Venus in this case).

Some Scholars have opined that the Arudha has to be calculated either from the Ascendant or its Lord   whichever is stronger. If this argument is accepted, for Scorpio Mars and Ketu and for Aquarius Saturn and Rahu are considered as the Lords. Here, even if Ketu is stronger than Mars and Rahu is stronger than Saturn, Arudha should be calculated only from Mars or Saturn as the case may be and not from Rahu or Ketu. The strength of Rahu and Ketu should be considered only for calculating the Dasha (Directions) periods.

While discussing the exceptions for calculation of Arudha, Krishna Mishra states that if Ascendant Lord is in Ascendant, 4th House and if he is in 7th House, 10th House becomes Arudha. Further, if Ascendant Lord is either in 4th or 10th House then 7th House Author’s Note:  It is felt that Shri Somanatha has applied the analogy as followed by Krishna Mishra for the exceptions to calculation of Arudhas. This requires further thought by the Scholars.

  • During the year 1626 (Shalivahana Saka) “Shri Gottumukkala Raghava Bhatta” in his book “JATAKA SARA SANGRAHA” considered the rules a) “Swasthe Darah” and b) “Sutasthe Janma” only for calculations of Dasha Periods. He states that if a Sign/Rashi Lord is in Own House the Dasha period of that sign will be for 12 years and in an event the Sign Lord is in 7th House then the Dasha Period of that sign would be of 10 years.
  • Shri Aakumalla Narasimhasuri another Scholar, in his treatise “JAIMINI SUTRARDHA PRAKASIKA”, who supported the view of Raghava Batta states that when Ascendant Lord is in Ascendant then Ascendant becomes Arudha and give 12 years of Dasha Period and when Ascendant Lord in 7th House Dasha period would be 10 years. He further states if Ascendant Lord is in 10th house then 7th House becomes the Arudha.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: After going through various commentaries on the subject it is felt that the view adopted by the author (Shri Madura Shastriji) appears to be in conformity with the views expressed in BPHS on Jaimini Sutras.  Further, Neelakantha and various other scholars in their commentaries mentioned that Ascendant and 7th House becomes Arudha on Two Occasions. For Example when Ascendant Lord is in Ascendant or in 7th House Ascendant becomes Arudha. When the Ascendant Lord in 4th or 10th House, 7th House becomes Arudha.

Krishna Mishra and Somanatha opined that when Ascendant Lord is in Ascendant, 4thHouse, 7th House or 10th House then the 4th, 7th, 10th or 7th becomes Arudha respectively.  In their view Ascendant does not become Arudha and 7th House becomes Arudha on two occasions.

When ‘Ka Ta Pa Ya’ Nuemerics are applied to the Sutras ‘Swasthe Darah’ and ‘Sutasthe Janma’ if Ascendant Lord in 4th house then 4th House is the Arudha and if Ascendant lord in 7th House, 10th House becomes the Arudha.  Further, when Ascendant Lord is in Ascendant or 10th House then Ascendant or 7th house becomes Arudha. In this method all the four houses 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th are getting the status of Arudha. BPHS is also supporting this view of the Author (Shri Madura shastriji) and therefore this is adopted as the standard.

Special Note:  In Jyothisha Shastra (Astrology) and Aagama Shastra (traditional view) when there is a difference of opinion among the scholars the opinion accepted by majority of them should be followed.     


As many of the Scholars are in agreement with the authors’ view on the exceptions in calculation of Arudha he (the author) in his concluding remarks on this point has reiterated his views, which are given here in a tabular form for easy understanding.    




Ascendant  Lord

Own house


Ascendant lord

Fourth House

Fourth house

Ascendant lord

7th House

Tenth House

Ascendant Lord

10th House

Seventh House

The same is applicable for all the Bhavas.


Count the number of Sings/Rashis a planet is away from its Rashi/Sign. From that Sign count the same number of signs to calculate Arudha of a Planet.  For Calculating the Arudhas of the Signs Scorpio and Aquarius* (these two signs are owned by two planets viz., Mars, Ketu and Saturn, Rahu respectively)  and the Signs where one planet owns two Signs the stronger of the two signs is to be considered for counting.

(Explanation)*:  Arudha has to be calculated from the Planet which is stronger. According to Krishna Mishra even if Rahu or Ketu are stronger Arudha should not be calculated with reference to them.

“Balakrishnananda Swamy” in his work on Jaimini says that since The Sun and the Moon own one Sign in the Zodiac they get only one Arudha. But the other planets own two Signs in the Zodiac and hence get two Arudhas.  This view gets negated from the Sloka “SABALAVADHI” (BPHS) which means for the planets who own two Signs of the Zodiac Arudha has to be calculated from the Sign which is stronger.

As the strength of the Signs is to be known for calculating Arudha for the planets, the method for weighing the strength of Signs is given hereunder. The method being explained is given by Somanatha in his treatise on Jaimini Sutras in II Chapter 3rdVerse. The following are the methods given for finding the strength of the Signs as well as the Planets.


  1. The Sign with a Planet in it is powerful than the Sign which has no Planet.
  2. In case Two Signs have got Planets, the Sign which has more Planets is stronger.
  3. When equal number of Planets are located in both the Signs then the Sign which has got an exalted planet is powerful.
  4. When the strength of the Signs is equal even after the Step (c) then the Natural strength of the Signs should be considered.

(Natural strength of Signs):

Common (Dual), Fixed and Moveable Signs are powerful in the descending order.

Common > Fixed > Moveable

Note:  Only in the case of Taurus and Libra (which are owned by Venus) there is a possibility of getting each of them one exalted Planet (Moon gets exalted in Taurus and Libra is the exaltation Sign of Saturn).  For other Signs which are owned by Mars, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn one of the Signs owned by them can get an exalted Planet viz., Aries, Pisces, Virgo and Capricorn respectively. However, this (two signs getting exalted planets)  is possible while calculating the Dasha periods as the strength of 1st House and 7th House or 1st House and 4th House or  1st House and 5th House or 1st House and 3rd House or 1st House and 11th House, should be considered for computing different Dasha periods.


  1. When two planets are compared in strength a planet conjoined with another Planet is powerful than the Planet which is not conjoined with any Planet.
  2. When both the planets are conjoined with planets the Planet which has more number of planets with it is powerful.
  3. When strength of planet arrived as above is equal then the planet which is conjoined with an exalted planet is powerful.
  4. Even after the above consideration the strength of planets is equal then the Natural strength of the Signs in which the planets located is to be considered.
  5. The planet which is in the exaltation is more powerful than the other.

The other sources of the Strength for Signs come from the aspect of its own Lord, Jupiter or Mercury.

For planets the aspect of Jupiter, Mercury gives strength.

A planet is strengthened depending on its placement in Moveable, Fixed and Common Signs (natural strength of signs).  Further, a planet is considered strong if placed in Kendra (Square) from the Karaka.

Find out the strength of Signs for calculating the Arudha for the planets (who own two Signs in the Zodiac), from the above method.

Note: Most of the Scholars are in agreement with the above detailed procedure for computing the strength of the Signs. Some Scholars considered the following steps to find the strength of Signs.

  1. The Strength a Sign gets when a Masculine Sign has a Female Planet and a Feminine Sign has a Male Planet in it is known as Exchange strength. (Translators’ Note: Here it is not mentioned which sign should be considered as stronger in such an event)
  2. When a Sign is conjoined with its lord, Jupiter or Mercury it is considered as stronger.
  3. Considering the strength of the Sign Lord is the third strength.
  4. When a sing is in Kendra (Square) to the Karaka it is considered most powerful than the Sign which is in Panapara [succeedent (2, 5, 8, 11)] or Apoklima [cadent (3, 6, 9, 12)].

Shri Krishna Mishra says that after deciding the strength of Signs as above, for the purpose of predicting death, the Sign which is least powerful has to be considered as powerful.

In his book “JAIMINI SUTRA PRAKASIKA”, Shri Akumalla Narasimha suri, has given the following steps to compute the strength of Signs.

  1. Planets which are conjoined with Planets are powerful. The Sign which has a Planet in it is stronger than the Sign which has no Planet.
  2. Planet/Sign which is conjoined with more Planets is powerful than the Planet/Sign conjoined with less number of Planets.
  3. If the strength of the Signs is equal from (2) above the Sign with own, Friendly, Trinal or Exalted Planet in it is more powerful.
  4. If the strength of Signs is equal after the step (3) Natural strength of Sign is to be considered.

The Planets Saturn-Mars-Mercury –Jupiter-Venus-Moon-Sun are powerful in the ascending order. Sun is the most powerful planet of all and Saturn is the least powerful.

Note: when the Signs do not have Planets in them the strength of the Sign Lords is to be considered.

Oh! Great Brahmin! Now I shall explain the results from the Arudha of Ascendant.

For a Native, if there are Planets in the 11th House from Arudha or if 11th from Arudha is aspected by Planets, he will be wealthy and happy in life. When for a native, benefic Planets occupy or aspect 11th House from Arudha the earnings would be from benefic means, person of morality, good conduct, devoted to god. When the planets occupy or aspect 11th house are malefic the earnings would from questionable means.

When the 11th from A~1 is either occupied or aspected by the Planets which are exalted, Friendly, Own house the native will have income from many sources and be always happy.

If all the Planets aspect 11th from A~1 the person will be king or equivalent to king. When none of the planets aspect 12th from Arudha in the above combination there will be uninterrupted supply of money.

If the 11th from Arudha contains many planets or has the aspect of many planets, Argala* (obstruction) of many planets is on this house, Argala of benefic planets or Exalted planets is formed, Ascendant or the 9th house has benefic planets and aspecting the 11th house the native will be very lucky and gifted. When more than one of the combinations mentioned above are available in a chart there should be no planet aspecting the 12th from Arudha. The above combinations are powerful in the ascending order.

Translator’s Note*:  It is felt that the concept of Argala is required to be explained here which is relevant to understand the combinations given above.  Argala means an obstruction. The special feature of Jaimini System is, either from a Sign or Planet, when Planets are posited in the 4th, 2nd or 11th house would influence this Sign or planet in giving its results. Further, planet(s) placed at an equal distance from a sign or planet, counted anti clockwise will counteract the influence by the Argala (obstruction) causing planets. For example, a planet is placed in the 4th from a Sign say Aries. This planet causes Argala (obstruction) to Aries. Now from Aries count 4 houses in anticlockwise direction and if a planet is located there then this planet will counteract the results of the planet which is placed 4th from Aries. Therefore, for planets placed in 4th, 2nd or 11th house from a Sign or planet the planets placed in 10th, 12th or 3rd would counteract their results. When the planets causing obstruction (Argala) are benefic and there are no planets which are counteracting their influence, the planets causing Argala will enhance the results of the Sign or planet to which they are causing Argala.


If 12th from A~1 has benefic/malefic planets or aspected by the planets the person will spend all his money.  If benefic planets are posited or aspect 12th house the expenditure will be for good things, otherwise it will be for evil reasons. When there is a combined influence of benefic and malefic planets the expenditure will be for mixed reasons (benefic and evil).

If 12th from A~1 has Sun, Venus and Rahu and this combination is aspected by Moon there will be excessive expenditure because of the King (government).

If 12th from Arudha has Sun and Rahu the wealth of the native will be forcibly taken away by the King (government). When Venus is posited in 12th from Arudha the native voluntarily part his wealth to the king (government), if moon aspects Venus this will be certain.

If Mercury is placed in the 12th from A~1 and benefic planets aspect, the expenditure will be for relatives. When malefic planets aspect, expenditure will be due to disputes with relatives.

If Jupiter is posited in 12th from Arudha the native will spend his money for good causes or charity on his own volition.

If 12th house from Arudha contains Mars and Saturn and aspected by other planets the native will spend for his siblings. *

*Author’s note: It is my experience that this combination sometimes not working. But when Saturn is ahead of Mars then this rule is working.

Special note: the combination given above for the 12th from Arudha can be made applicable to the 11th from Arudha also. For example, in case of Mars and Saturn in the 12th from A~1, there will be expenditure for the siblings. Similarly, if this combination is in 11th from A~1 the native will be benefited from the siblings. 

The results of 11th and 12th houses from Arudha as explained by Krishna Mishra are given here under.

  • If the A~1 or Kendra (square) from A~1, have benefic planets they confer good results to the native. If Rahu is posited in trines or 12th from A~1 it will reduce the effect of Benefic Yogas (combinations) in the chart (nativity).
  • If the Arudha of Ascendant is a malefic Sign and aspected by a benefic planet it will not yield good results when compared to a benefic Sign aspected by a benefic planet.
  • When the Arudha of the Ascendant contains debilitated Venus or Moon they act as evil in fructification of the benefic yoga results, if any, available in the chart. If there are exalted Jupiter, Full Moon, Venus or Mercury in the A~1 they make a person equivalent to king. This combination is powerful in the descending* order.

*Jupiter>Full Moon>Venus>Mercury.

4)  When 11th house from A~1 has Moon, Jupiter and Rahu the native will acquire a treasure.  If Venus and Moon are posited in the 11th the native will be benefited from King (Government). The persons who are honored by the king (government) have such combination. If either Venus or Moon is debilitated then this combination would not yield any result.

 5) When 11th from Arudha has Mercury and Saturn and aspected by Rahu the native will be benefited by Temple, dilapidated house. If Mars or Ketu or Moon occupy 11th from Arudha the native will be benefited by Land, wells, water respectively.

  6) If 11th from Arudha is a Sign owned by Mars and Sun is posited in it the native will be benefited from his siblings. If owned by Jupiter and Sun is posited in it he will be benefited from children. If owned by Mercury and Sun is posited in it the native will be benefited from the relatives.

7)  If owned by Moon or Saturn and Sun is posited in it the native be benefited by his sheer hard work. If, owned by Sun and Sun is posited in it the native will be benefited from King (government). In all these combinations if Sun is conjoined with malefic planets or debilitated the income will be through evil deeds. If Sun is with benefic planets or exalted the incomes will be through benefic/good deeds.

8)  When Moon is conjoined with strong Planets and posited in a Sign he will give the results of the Sign Lord. When debilitated or conjoined with Sun he will cause expenditure. If moon* is posited in the 11th from A~1 and conjoined with any planet he will give the results of the planet with which it is conjoined. If not conjoined with any planet then it would give the result of the Sign Lord (*This sentence is at variance with the previous statement. Needs further clarification from author).

9) When strong Mars is posited in 11th from A~1 and conjoined with malefic planets he would give very less wealth. The 11th house from Arudha of each bhava has to be judged and results are to be announced for the respective relatives of the native.

10) When the 11th from Arudha is connected with (either by aspect or position) Venus, Jupiter, Sun, Moon , Mercury or Rahu/Ketu  the native will be benefited from King (government), Son, Father, Spouse, relatives, theft/robbery respectively.

11) If 11th from A~1 has Moon and Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu, Mars and Saturn or Saturn and Ketu native will earn from evil/base means.

12) If 11th from A~1 contains debilitated benefic planets or Rahu is posited in benefic Sign or Ketu is posited in malefic Signs the native would be benefited from a foreigner.

13) When Mercury is posited in 11th from Arudha and debilitated or exalted or conjoined with malefic planets the native will be benefited from foreigners.  Jupiter if placed in 11th from Arudha and debilitated or own navamsha or Drekkana the native will get income from foreigner.

14) When Mars is placed in 11th from A~1 and conjoined with Rahu or Sun or any debilitated Planet the native will be benefited from an out caste person. Mercury also behaves like moon when conjoined with any planet.

15) When Mercury is posited in own Sign which is 11th from Arudha and conjoined with Jupiter and not connected with any other planet the native will be benefited from education. If the 11th from Arudha is the Sign of Mars and Jupiter is posited in it, similar result has to be announced.

16) If the 11th from Arudha is a Sign owned by Venus and Jupiter is posited in it the native will be benefited by woman, if 11th is owned by Sun or Moon benefit from King (government), if owned by Mercury benefit through education, if owned by Saturn and Jupiter  is posited in it the native will be servant.

17) If 11th from Arudha is a sign owned by Mars and Venus is located in it native will be benefited from business, if owned by Mercury through agriculture, if owned by Saturn from treasure, if owned by Moon or Sun benefit from King (government).

18) If 11th from Arudha is a Sign of Mars and Saturn is posited in it the native would earn through evil/objectionable means. If owned by Venus benefit from King (government), if owned by Mercury and Saturn is posited in it benefited from temple, if owned by Sun or Moon and Saturn is posited in it benefited by agriculture.

19) The 11th from Arudha is owned by Jupiter and Saturn is posited in it the native will steal the wealth/money of Brahmins. If Saturn is posited in own house Capricorn (which is 11th from A~1) the native will steal/misappropriate the wealth of servants. If Saturn posited in Scorpio (which is 11th from A~1) he would steal the wealth of Guru (teacher). If Saturn is posited in Aquarius (which is 11th from Arudha) the native would live on the wealth of foreigners.

20) If Strong Rahu is in the 11th from Arudha or conjoined with Venus or Moon the native would be equivalent to king.

Explanation: If 11th from Arudha is occupied by Rahu and conjoined with Venus or Moon and this combination is not connected (either by aspect or conjunction) with any other planets it gives excellent benefic results.

21) It is certain that if Rahu/Ketu is posited in benefic Signs they confer wealth by objectionable means and if they are posited in the Malefic Signs they confer wealth by benefic/acceptable means.

22) If benefic planets are in Kendra (square) from the A~1, will give good results. If Malefic Planets are posited in these places they give malefic results. When a planet is aspecting 12th from A~1, even if it is strong/benefic it will not give good/benefic results.

23) When strong planets are located in the Kendra (square) or 8th from Arudha or aspect the 12th from Arudha the native will be a pauper. If the planets involved are Moon or Venus or Rahu the effect is more.

24) When debilitated, malefic planets are posited in the 3rd or 6th from Arudha they are good for wealth.

25) The results of the above combinations are to be announced with reference to Natal Ascendant, Arudha and from Atma karaka (the planet which is in the advanced degree of a Sign when compared to all other planets in the chart). When the results are similar from any of the two places it should be considered as the final result. If results from all the three are different then the result indicated from the Arudha of the Ascendant is to be announced.


If Rahu/Ketu is posited in the 7th house from A~1 the native would suffer from disease of the stomach or he will have danger from fire.

If the 7th from Arudha has Ketu in it and connected with malefic planets (either by aspect or conjunction) the native would be courageous, has grey hair and looks older.

If 7th from Arudha has Jupiter, Venus and Moon (all the three or two or any one) the native would be wealthy.

When the 7th from Arudha contains either an exalted benefic/malefic planet the native would be wealthy and praiseworthy. 

The above combinations which are discussed with reference to the 7th from the Arudha are to be made applicable to the 2nd from Arudha also.

When the 2nd from Arudha is occupied by an exalted benefic/malefic planet or strong Moon, Jupiter or Venus the native would be wealthy.

Note: while delineating the above combinations some scholars have advocated that the results are to be announced from 7th house and some have stated that the results are to be announced from 2nd from Arudha.

[Comment: {Jataka Rajiya} General rule is that the planets which are aspecting the Ascendant will be able to deliver results. The planets in Moveable Signs aspect the Fixed Sign, the planets in the Fixed Sign aspect the planets in the Moveable signs and the planets posited in the Common (dual) Sign the other common signs. The planets in the common sign are more powerful than the planets in the fixed signs and the planets in the fixed signs are powerful than the planets in the moveable signs. Planets which are strong and conjoined with other planets and  stronger than the Ascendant and planets which are exalted, Mercury, Moon, Jupiter and Venus are in 2nd, 4th and 11th house the native would be wealthy.

For any ascendant (or Arudha of ascendant) one benefic planet must be located in the 2nd house. If exalted planet is there it is auspicious. When mercury, Jupiter or Venus is posited in the 2nd house they confer more and more benefic results in the ascending order. In the 4th house, of all the planets, if Jupiter is posited it gives the most benefic results. Similarly, when the planets in the 2nd and 4th houses are stronger than ascendant it considered as most auspicious (combination of Moon and Jupiter and Moon and Venus is good).  For example, for Scorpio Ascendant in the 2nd house (Sagittarius) if Jupiter is located, though it does not aspect the ascendant it gives great wealth. For Aquarius ascendant Venus in Pisces causes ‘Maha Raja yoga’ and If Jupiter is posited it is auspicious. For Aries ascendant Venus in second house (Taurus) may not be very good.

Fourth house is equivalent to ascendant in strength. If 4th house is a moveable Sign it is ineffective. If it happens to be a fixed sign it is considered possing medium strength. If the 4th house is a common sign it is of full strength].

The results which are indicated by the above combinations are applicable with reference to Karakamsha Lagna [the sign which is occupied by the Atma Karaka in the Navamsha (D~9) chart]. This can only be done when it is not connected with the Bhadaka planet. Further, the results announced with reference to the combinations from Karakamsha Lagna can also be made applicable to the Arudha Lagna provided it is not connected with the Bhadaka planet.

When there is a benefic planet in the 2nd from Arudha of Ascendant the native becomes Leader of the nation. If Venus is there native will be Omniscient, Poet, expert in debate.

When the A~1 and A~7 are in mutual Kendra (square) or Trines (Konas) or if they contain strong planets in them the native will be wealthy, very popular. If A~1 and A~7 are in mutual 6/8/ 12* position the native will be very poor.

*{Note} Shri Durga Prasad Dwivedi has mentioned that A~1 and A~7 will not be in mutual 6/8 /12 positions. While calculating Arudha of A~1 and A~7 for odd and even Signs, A~1 (calculated with the help of general rules) will be 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 or 11 Signs from Ascendant. A~1 cannot come in the 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 Signs from the Ascendant. If the exceptions for calculation of Arudhas (as explained above) are taken in to consideration 4th or 10th house also can become A~1.  In such event the A~1 will be in 1, 3,4,5,7,9,10 or 11 from the Ascendant and there is a chance of A~1 and A~7 being in mutual 6/8/ 12 position.

Example: Calculation of A~1 (without taking into consideration the exceptions).

Location of Asc. Lord




2nd house

3rd house

3rd house

5th house

4th house

7th house *

5th house

9th house

6th house

11th house

7th house


8th house

3rd house

9th house

5th house

10th house

7th house

11th house

9th house

12th house

11th house

Note: From the above table it could be seen that the 2, 4,6,8,10,12 signs from the Ascendant could not become A~1.

* When exceptions are used for calculating he Arudha (as explained earlier) 4th and 10th signs from Ascendant can become the A~1. This will happen in case when Ascendant Lord is in 4th house then 4th itself becomes A~1 and when Ascendant Lord is in 7th house then 10th house becomes the A~1.

Similarly, when the 7th house lord located in various signs:

Location of Seventh Lord



7th house

2nd house

9th house

3rd house

11th house

4th house


5th house

3rd house

6th house

5th house

7th house

7th house

8th house

9th house

9th house

11th house

10th house

5th house

11th house

9th house

12th house

5th house

It is mentioned that for calculating the Arudha for 7th house exceptions are not applicable, therefore 4th and 10th cannot become A~7*. When exceptions are not applied A~1 and A~7 cannot be in mutual 6/8/12 positions.  This position (mutual 6/8 /12) is possible only when exceptions are applied for calculating the A~1.

 [*This sentence appears to be contradictory to the exceptions for the calculation of the Arudha explained earlier. Needs clarification from the author]

When there is one strong planet in A~1 or 7th house or Kendra (square) or Kona (trines) or Upachaya* (3, 11) Signs then the compatibility between wife and husband will be good.

Here, Upachaya (growth), only 3rd and 11th Signs are considered as 10th house is covered in Kendra and as blemish attributed to the 6th house and hence this house is discarded. (Normally Upachaya signs are 3,6,10 and 11 from Ascendant)

When A~7 is in Kendra (square) or Kona (Trine) from A~1 there would be mutual friendship between the wife and husband. If in 6/8 /12 there will be enemity between the wife and husband. The same rules are to be applied to find out the relationship between A~1 and A~5 (Author: this opinion is not there in the Jaimini sutras but this view is supported by Vriddha Aphorisms).

If A~1 and A~7 are in mutual Kendra (square) or Kona (Trine) or 3/11 then the native would become King.

The above rules are to be made applicable to A~1 and A~2 and the results are to be announced*.

*There is a difference of opinion in this regard. Parashara indicates that the results are to be announced from the A~1 and A~2 in a natives’ Arudha chart. Vridha Karika mentions it as Jataka Dwaya (two horoscopes).

‘Somantha Mishra’ has given the following in the introductory chapter of his book.

 Results of the Bhavas are to be considered from Ascendant, Karaka, Drekkana (D~III) and Amsha (A~1). From Ascendant 12 bhavas to be considered. From Karaka the Planets are Bhavas. In the Drekkana chart the place (sign) in which the Ascendant Lord is posited is the Ascendant of the Drekkana and the place where the 2nd lord is there is the 2nd house of Drekkana chart and so on. Amsha means Arudha chart and in this chart the placement of planets is to be considered. The results are to be announced after taking in to account the various points as above.

For male horoscopes Arudha has to be calculated clockwise (zodiacal) and for female horoscopes in anti clockwise (anti – zodiacal) direction. The A~1, as calculated above has moon and Venus in the second house the native will be affluent/wealthy. If 4th house (from A~1) is a moveable sign it is ineffective. If fixed, will be of medium strength. If common sign, it is of full strength. Similarly, when A~1 has the aspect of benefic planet, who is also exalted, it gives good result even if Ascendant has no such aspect. In result it can be conclusively said that when A~1 is not connected with any exalted planet (either by aspect or position) and is connected with malefic planet it causes poverty. Aspect of benefic planet or exalted planet casues auspicious result. Similar results are to be announced from Ascendant also.

For any nativity, if ascendant, A~1, 4th and 5th bhavas are not favourable it is certain that the native will not be conferred kingship or authority.

For a nativity, the Yogas (combinations) of wealth and kingship are to be decided (most importantly) with reference A~1. In Parashara system the combination of Kendra (square) and Kona (trianl) Lords is considered most auspicious. But, when compared to this combination the ones which are explained above from the Arudha chart are conferring multiple/abundant auspicious results. This is mentioned out of the experience of the author. These are to be studied by the scholars.

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