Wednesday , February 19 2025
Narpatijaycharya by Sri Narpati Translated by Alok Jagawat Chapter 1 (1)

The Mystic Red Book by Rabinder Nath Bhandari

In English this rare work is called the ‘Red Book’ & in Urdu/Hindi it is called Lal Kitab. In my opinion, it is tough to explain Lal Kitab in few words, because this book provides vast information regarding readings and interpretation of effects of Past Karmas {deeds} on any individual, which are first of all recorded in heavens, represented through nine { 9 nidhi} planets by their placement in twelve houses {12 sidhi} of a horoscope, whose influence is recorded in human brain first in 42 houses {42 years of age of planets Rahu}, thereafter through thoughts created in human brain, these effects are transferred through nervous system in the shapes of different palm lines and mounts of various planets {which form a base for enacting a horoscope based on reading palm lines and mounts} and all these readings in this system are also to be correlated with the total outlook {body in total} of self, house of native {from which house horoscope is enacted and plays a vital role in selecting Lal Kitab remedies}, plants, trees , animals and birds, relatives, friends, colors of clothing’s, eating habits and personal behavior while giving a reading based on Lal Kitab.

In fact Lal Kitab, which was published in five different editions is the presentation

All were originally written in Urdu language, with total Punjabi touch in its style, and where, Pandit Ji felt necessary, he used Farsi or Arabic language, and even phrases in Punjabi to convey meanings emphatically.

of a new system of prediction, which we may quote as Lal Kitab System Of Prediction, through which, the author Pandit Rup Chand Joshi {1898 – 1982} tried and succeeded to get rid of tough/long mathematical calculations and linked planetary readings with Samdurik Shashtra {palmistry} and through Ilm Kayafa {estimations} related knowledge about influences of our surroundings.

Why Is It Called The Red Book – Lal Kitab?

It is clearly mentioned in Aagaz {preface} of Lal Kitab, that color of this book binding must be in red, which is supposed to be non-shining, and all other colors of it’s binding will give negative effects {manhoos asar dene wale hongey}. Reason for selecting this color is self explanatory and becomes very much clear while reading colors and influences of all nine planets in this book, and there is only one planet, i.e. mangal nek {mars positive}, whose color is blood red, {color of life}, and in presence of mangal nek, no other planet in negative state prevails and all effects and results come always positive and no malefic combination can render it’s negative influence in it’s presence. Where as, while we think about any color of another planet, every planet can be affected in adverse way by aspects or by malefic combinations or by their placements or links with inimical planets. Thus keeping this view in mind, red color, which is supposed to be non – shining, is selected for binding of this book and name to this book {Lal Kitab } given accordingly.

Time Period When All Five Editions Of Lal Kitab Were Published

Lal Kitab was written and published from 1939 to 1952 in five total different editions. All these were published under the name of Pt. Girdhari Lal Sharma along with his photograph, but actual writer of these books was Pandit Rup Chand Joshi Ji, resident of village Farwala  {Distt. Jalandhar} near Phillaur (Punjab state), from where busses follow a route toward Noor Mehal. Pandit Rup Chand Joshi Ji was in service in Defense Accounts and retired as Asst. Accounts Officer, which becomes very much clear to the visitor even today, to the native village of Pandit ji, where a beautiful, big name plate is still present on top of the main gate of Baithak {A Room, where Pandit Ji attended to visitors and used to give predictions to them}. As, most of the practitioners of Lal Kitab are writing name of Pandit Ji with wrong spellings i.e. Pandit Roop Chand Joshi, but in the original name plate, spellings are Rup Chand Joshi (see below original name plate).

Name plate

I visited personally Farwala (Distt. Jalandhar) village and contacted some old persons from that village, who were very much pleased to talk about Pandit Ji, and all gave due respect to “Him”. One of his neighbors, Sh. Kundan Lal, whose shop and residence is just opposite to Baithak, told me that all knowledge, which is reflected in all these five editions of Lal Kitab is entirely due to “His” hard work, intelligence and interest in this field of Jyotish and whatever is said, is true and what so ever “He” predicted to his visitors, came true and that was his own original work and all this knowledge was acquired by “Him” during his service time.

First edition of Lal Kitab was published in 1939 titled as Samudrik Ki Lal Kitab, in which, it is very much clear from title page of this book, where it is written {hatheli ki lakeeron se teva (tipra) janam kundli bnane aur zindgi ke poorey halaa,t dekhne ke liye, Samudrik Ki Lal Kitab {how to enact a horoscope based on readings from hand lines of a person}. This book contains information in 383 pages regarding palmistry mainly, showing relationship of 9 planets and 12 houses of horoscope on palm of a person and their influences on his life and also on his relatives.

Second Edition of Lal Kitab was published in 1940 and was titled as Samudrik Ke Lal Kitab Ke Armaan {285 pages}, in which all required information, which was not included in First Edition of Lal Kitab, was incorporated and this is the book, in which Ilm Kyafa {estimations} was included and it was clearly mentioned in ‘Sarsri Note’ in the beginning of this book that all ‘Armaans’ of this book are to be read in conjunction with all ‘Farmaans’ of 1939 edition, to reach up to the depth of this subject. This book also contained some remedies in a precise manner, which were also quoted in other editions too.

Third edition of Lal Kitab was published in 1941 and was titled as Samudrik Ki Lal Kitab Teesra Hissa {428 pages} and is a pocket sized edition. This book is written mostly in poetry and this is a summary reference book and Pandit Ji used to call this book as Gutka {Pocket Book}. In this book, one thing of great importance regarding remedies of adverse influence of planets is quoted on page no 410 {line number 12 to 15}, where to perform remedies according to planetary position in horoscope of subject or correct planetary influences according to House Horoscope {Makaan Kundli}.

Fourth Edition of Lal Kitab was published in 1942 and was titled as ‘Samudrik Ki Lal Kitab’ tarmeem shuda {379 pages} is written in a very much compact way, in which detailed information is incorporated in quite an interesting manner regarding all twelve houses, nine planets, samudrik shastra, Ilm Kyafa, additionally remedies are also explained in a very nice way and more stress is paid on Grammer Of Lal Kitab and how to judge negative or positive influence of planets and their placements by looking at individuals such as When Face Is Long,  Jupiter Is Found Influencing Sixth House, When Face Is Broad, Instead Of Jupiter, Ketu`s Influence Is More On Sixth House And In The Same Way From Eyebrows Of A Person, Quality Of Saturn Can Be Judged, From Ears – Ketu, From Tip Of Nose – Mercury And All Other Planets Can Be Noticed In The Same Manner, but all this information is lying scattered in different Farmaans of Lal Kitab, which reader is supposed to collect with his labor and reading it with deep interest.

This is the only edition, in which, Pandit Ji said  “Mazmoon Go Deemag Par Bhari Asar Hone Se Thakaega Magar Mehnat Se Lal Ktab Ke Zariye Nikala Hua Natija Ya Farmaan Ek Karamad Cheej Hogi” – which means ‘the astrologer who uses all these calculations will get mentally tired but with the labor he does of Lal Kitab the result he will get will be miraculous’. Which shows, how deep was the interest of Pandit Ji in this system of prediction, and these words are reflecting that the writer himself realized the impact and depth of information included in these books, who also felt exhausted with the overloading of brain force while reading and writing all this information for the benefits of humanity.

I visited personally Farwala (Distt. Jalandhar) village and contacted some old persons from that village, who were very much pleased to talk about Pandit Ji, and all gave due respect to “Him”. One of his neighbors, Sh. Kundan Lal, whose shop and residence is just opposite to Baithak, told me that all knowledge, which is reflected in all these five editions of Lal Kitab is entirely due to “His” hard work, intelligence and interest in this field of Jyotish and whatever is said, is true and what so ever “He” predicted to his visitors, came true and that was his own original work and all this knowledge was acquired by “Him” during his service time.

First edition of Lal Kitab was published in 1939 titled as Samudrik Ki Lal Kitab, in which, it is very much clear from title page of this book, where it is written {hatheli ki lakeeron se teva (tipra) janam kundli bnane aur zindgi ke poorey halaa,t dekhne ke liye, Samudrik Ki Lal Kitab {how to enact a horoscope based on readings from hand lines of a person}. This book contains information in 383 pages regarding palmistry mainly, showing relationship of 9 planets and 12 houses of horoscope on palm of a person and their influences on his life and also on his relatives.

Second Edition of Lal Kitab was published in 1940 and was titled as Samudrik Ke Lal Kitab Ke Armaan {285 pages}, in which all required information, which was not included in First Edition of Lal Kitab, was incorporated and this is the book, in which Ilm Kyafa {estimations} was included and it was clearly mentioned in ‘Sarsri Note’ in the beginning of this book that all ‘Armaans’ of this book are to be read in conjunction with all ‘Farmaans’ of 1939 edition, to reach up to the depth of this subject. This book also contained some remedies in a precise manner, which were also quoted in other editions too.

Third edition of Lal Kitab was published in 1941 and was titled as Samudrik Ki Lal Kitab Teesra Hissa {428 pages} and is a pocket sized edition. This book is written mostly in poetry and this is a summary reference book and Pandit Ji used to call this book as Gutka {Pocket Book}. In this book, one thing of great importance regarding remedies of adverse influence of planets is quoted on page no 410 {line number 12 to 15}, where to perform remedies according to planetary position in horoscope of subject or correct planetary influences according to House Horoscope {Makaan Kundli}.

Fourth Edition of Lal Kitab was published in 1942 and was titled as ‘Samudrik Ki Lal Kitab’ tarmeem shuda {379 pages} is written in a very much compact way, in which detailed information is incorporated in quite an interesting manner regarding all twelve houses, nine planets, samudrik shastra, Ilm Kyafa, additionally remedies are also explained in a very nice way and more stress is paid on Grammer Of Lal Kitab and how to judge negative or positive influence of planets and their placements by looking at individuals such as When Face Is Long,  Jupiter Is Found Influencing Sixth House, When Face Is Broad, Instead Of Jupiter, Ketu`s Influence Is More On Sixth House And In The Same Way From Eyebrows Of A Person, Quality Of Saturn Can Be Judged, From Ears – Ketu, From Tip Of Nose – Mercury And All Other Planets Can Be Noticed In The Same Manner, but all this information is lying scattered in different Farmaans of Lal Kitab, which reader is supposed to collect with his labor and reading it with deep interest.

This is the only edition, in which, Pandit Ji said  “Mazmoon Go Deemag Par Bhari Asar Hone Se Thakaega Magar Mehnat Se Lal Ktab Ke Zariye Nikala Hua Natija Ya Farmaan Ek Karamad Cheej Hogi” – which means ‘the astrologer who uses all these calculations will get mentally tired but with the labor he does of Lal Kitab the result he will get will be miraculous’. Which shows, how deep was the interest of Pandit Ji in this system of prediction, and these words are reflecting that the writer himself realized the impact and depth of information included in these books, who also felt exhausted with the overloading of brain force while reading and writing all this information for the benefits of humanity.

I visited personally Farwala (Distt. Jalandhar) village and contacted some old persons from that village, who were very much pleased to talk about Pandit Ji, and all gave due respect to “Him”. One of his neighbors, Sh. Kundan Lal, whose shop and residence is just opposite to Baithak, told me that all knowledge, which is reflected in all these five editions of Lal Kitab is entirely due to “His” hard work, intelligence and interest in this field of Jyotish and whatever is said, is true and what so ever “He” predicted to his visitors, came true and that was his own original work and all this knowledge was acquired by “Him” during his service time.

First edition of Lal Kitab was published in 1939 titled as Samudrik Ki Lal Kitab, in which, it is very much clear from title page of this book, where it is written {hatheli ki lakeeron se teva (tipra) janam kundli bnane aur zindgi ke poorey halaa,t dekhne ke liye, Samudrik Ki Lal Kitab {how to enact a horoscope based on readings from hand lines of a person}. This book contains information in 383 pages regarding palmistry mainly, showing relationship of 9 planets and 12 houses of horoscope on palm of a person and their influences on his life and also on his relatives.

Second Edition of Lal Kitab was published in 1940 and was titled as Samudrik Ke Lal Kitab Ke Armaan {285 pages}, in which all required information, which was not included in First Edition of Lal Kitab, was incorporated and this is the book, in which Ilm Kyafa {estimations} was included and it was clearly mentioned in ‘Sarsri Note’ in the beginning of this book that all ‘Armaans’ of this book are to be read in conjunction with all ‘Farmaans’ of 1939 edition, to reach up to the depth of this subject. This book also contained some remedies in a precise manner, which were also quoted in other editions too.

Third edition of Lal Kitab was published in 1941 and was titled as Samudrik Ki Lal Kitab Teesra Hissa {428 pages} and is a pocket sized edition. This book is written mostly in poetry and this is a summary reference book and Pandit Ji used to call this book as Gutka {Pocket Book}. In this book, one thing of great importance regarding remedies of adverse influence of planets is quoted on page no 410 {line number 12 to 15}, where to perform remedies according to planetary position in horoscope of subject or correct planetary influences according to House Horoscope {Makaan Kundli}.

Fourth Edition of Lal Kitab was published in 1942 and was titled as ‘Samudrik Ki Lal Kitab’ tarmeem shuda {379 pages} is written in a very much compact way, in which detailed information is incorporated in quite an interesting manner regarding all twelve houses, nine planets, samudrik shastra, Ilm Kyafa, additionally remedies are also explained in a very nice way and more stress is paid on Grammer Of Lal Kitab and how to judge negative or positive influence of planets and their placements by looking at individuals such as When Face Is Long,  Jupiter Is Found Influencing Sixth House, When Face Is Broad, Instead Of Jupiter, Ketu`s Influence Is More On Sixth House And In The Same Way From Eyebrows Of A Person, Quality Of Saturn Can Be Judged, From Ears – Ketu, From Tip Of Nose – Mercury And All Other Planets Can Be Noticed In The Same Manner, but all this information is lying scattered in different Farmaans of Lal Kitab, which reader is supposed to collect with his labor and reading it with deep interest.

This is the only edition, in which, Pandit Ji said  “Mazmoon Go Deemag Par Bhari Asar Hone Se Thakaega Magar Mehnat Se Lal Ktab Ke Zariye Nikala Hua Natija Ya Farmaan Ek Karamad Cheej Hogi” – which means ‘the astrologer who uses all these calculations will get mentally tired but with the labor he does of Lal Kitab the result he will get will be miraculous’. Which shows, how deep was the interest of Pandit Ji in this system of prediction, and these words are reflecting that the writer himself realized the impact and depth of information included in these books, who also felt exhausted with the overloading of brain force while reading and writing all this information for the benefits of humanity.

Fifth Edition of Lal Kitab was published in 1952 and was titled as Jyotish Ki Lal Kitab and on title page it was written in English language first time that “{Astrology Based on Palmistry}” and there were 1180 pages in total up to last page of drustiyan {correction memo} and this edition was the most detailed version and more stress was paid on Grammar Of Lal Kitab, Varsh Phal Calculations, all planets were discussed to make it clear to its reader regarding Nek {Good} or Bad {Adverse} condition of every planet with very nicely incorporated information regarding various remedies, which are to be performed to ward or get rid of adverse influence of any planet. Relation of different planets with residential house, types of person of various planets, effects of animals, birds, plants, donations, colors of writing pen with ink used there in are very nicely explained. One more interesting chapter in this book is Pitri-Rin, which deals with influence of  bad deeds / sins of the ancestors of native on the native, which generally create obstacles for the prosperity of the person and how to get rid of all these is mentioned very elaborately.

All the above five editions of Lal Kitab are written in a proper sequence, if any person reads all these five books in their proper order (order of their publication) repeatedly, he is blessed with very deep knowledge and will be in a position to interpret horoscope made by our traditional system, by reading palm and will be in a position to trace placement of all planets in different houses, can give predictions only by looking at any person by ascertaining position and condition of planets as per guidelines given in all these five editions.

Basis Of Judgment accordingly to Lal Kitab is very accurate because:

  1. We can read horoscope made according to old traditional system by giving ascendant as no 1 and then complete horoscope according to Lal Kitab.
  2. By casting a horoscope of One’s Own Home – Makaan Kundli, based on observations of placement of different items and their location by linking all these with 9 planets and 12 houses.
  3. By looking at the face and observing personal behavior, a horoscope according to the brain of that person – Deemag Kundli (Brain Horoscope).
  4. By having a detailed look at the hand of a person; planets can be placed in 12 different houses of a horoscope – Samudrik Ki Bunyad Se Banayee Hooyee Janam Patri.

All these charts are given below for reader’s reference.

vedic system & lal kitab horoscop

Pls note that in the Vedic system Saturn and Ketu are placed in the first house in Virgo Sign and this gets converted into the Red Book Horoscope by just changing the sign of Virgo to No 1 as the first house, there are houses in Lal Kitab.

chart 1

    Remedies According To Lal Kitab

bimari kaa bgair dwai bhi ilaaj hai, mager mout ka koyee charraa  nahin, yeh dunyavi hisaab kitab hai, koyee dava- e- khudai nahin – which means that ill health can be cured without the help of medicine, but death can`t be averted, so these all are the worldly calculations, not a verdict from almighty.

As prediction base of Lal Kitab is very strong because of its judgment based on multidirectional observations, accuracy level is very high; in the same manner its remedial measures for curing ill effects of planets on human beings are also having a very strong base. Affecting planets are classified into two types of planetary placements such as

  1. Greh Phal – Planet Result (remedies for these planets are not done directly, because of their permanent influence – so in these cases, remedies are performed by taking help of other planets or of one out of two planets, representatives of their artificial {masnooyee} form and
  2.  Rashi Phall – Sign Result, for which direct remedies can be performed. Main stress is paid on personal behavior of any person, color of clothes, eating habits, bad immoral activities, his temperaments, relations with his family members and surrounding fellow beings, his residing place, timing of marriage etc, timing for construction of house, main gate direction of house where a person is residing, type of charity and donations which a person is supposed to perform, color of fountain pen which he is using and all these remedies are very strongly effective in getting rid of bad influences and clear all paths of progress of the native. As all these remedies are very easy to be performed only by changing some routine habits, personal behavior, and their cost is very much low, because these are meant for help of humanity, not for benefits of self.

 In my 28 years of experience in Indian Astrology, Lal Kitab, Palmistry, I have observed and found that every remedy works very well and very quickly. There are a number of very quick remedies for protection of baby child since from the day of pregnancy till birth, for happy married life and relations, for success in any one’s career, for getting rid of illness, for foreign travel, to prevent loss of money and control of extravagant expenses, remedies for getting relief of ill affects of any ones residential house according to types of houses and so many other aspects of life of a human being.

There is no one specific remedy as people think for any specific work, selection of any remedy varies from person to person for any given field and so their effectiveness varies. In all of it’s remedies, a special care is paid to get benefits only by small changes in our daily routine life, which are totally logically based, e.g. as any one person, whose Moon is placed in first house, he should avoid use of ‘Glass Tumbler’ for taking milk or water and instead of this, use of silver tumbler is advised because of the basic reason of moon and mercury planets inimical behavior and at the same time, there is a special foot note at the base of that page, in which it is advised not to use Ganga Sagar Of Silver (Ganga Sagar is a silver tea pot with side pipe to pour tea into cup – now why not to use this since silver represents planet moon and a round hollow pipe represents planet mercury, which will give adverse results due to an artificial combination of moon and mercury.)

In the same manner, there are a great number of remedies which are very easy to perform and effect oriented, but these remedies should be performed under the guidance of any person who is blessed with this knowledge to get their optimum results in minimum time period.

The Writer Of Lal Kitab

Pandit Rup Chand Joshi the author of the Red Book was born in village Farwala on 18th Jan, 1898 and was very much intelligent in his studies; he lost his mother in childhood and was a self made man. Pandit Ji was a man of discipline and very much punctual in his daily routine and acquired all this knowledge during service time in Himachal Pardes, but it is said that some spiritual power helped Pandit Ji in compiling such a great work for benefits of people who are unable to do the rigorous routine of Vedic rituals. This work was published and printed in five different editions under the name of Pandit Girdhari Lal Sharma, cousin brother of Pandit Ji. Pandit Ji always helped humanity by studying and interpreting horoscopes & hands at his native village Farwala at His house in a Baithak, in front of which on top of main gate A Beautiful Name Plate (image of which is been attached above), is also present now and people of that village still have due regard and respect for Pandit Ji in their hearts and remember his good work done for the suffering people of that area. Although Pandit Ji left this world on 24th Dec, 1982, but he is still alive in hearts of people.

All these five books are basically an Aashirwad (blessings) for followers of the system of Lal Kitab and blessings for the eternally suffering humanity as in the last page of every edition of Lal Kitab is written a word  Blessings (Aashirwad).

 I bow my head with respect on the feet of such a great person, a holy spirit, who in fact cared for humanity from core of His heart and request all persons linked with this system to be very sincere towards this system and try to explore this system with best of their efforts and expand their knowledge bank for the help of humanity as our respected Pandit Ji did.

 In my 28 years of experience of Lal Kitab, I have realized the spiritual message emanating out of this book which is not to condemn and criticize other scholars of Astrology, but be like the SUN, who never sets, it is we people, who say, SUN has set in, but then SUN is away from us, giving it`s light somewhere else in another part of world, and always a donor, not a taker, with punctuality and discipline in life. Imbibing this quality of the Sun is the spiritual message from Lal Kitab which I have been trying to follow in my life and with folded hands I request the young ones to do the same.

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